View Full Version : Getting a Drink

Chaos Alexander
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:02:19 PM
::Chaos sat at the bar of GJO. He ordered the strongest thing GJO had to offer. he desided to stop by for lack of anythign else to do. It would be interesting to see if a Jedi woudl talkt o a Sith liek him. Only time could tell.::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:05:42 PM
Xazor stepped up behind Choas and looked at the floor for a moment.


Was all she could say. She was having a bad week and had not spoken with him in a long while...it would be good to talk to him, if he would even acknowledge her.....

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:09:06 PM
Hidden behind the secruity of shadows and numerous alien beings, Navaria sat at the back of the bar, sipping her namana juice.

She knew this one .. this Chaos Alexander. He was a Disciple of Dalethria. The power of the Chaos Talisman was with him.

What was he doing here.... Navaria wondered. With train precision, she heightened her sense of hearing to listen in on his conversation with Xazor. Incase her friend needed help, Navaria wanted to know what was going on.

Needless to say, the Knight was quite surprised in hearing that they were siblings ... at first. Then she remembered that Chaos was a child of Verse... and then it was quite clear how everything else fell into place.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 4th, 2002, 08:04:33 AM
::Chaos smiled.::

"Greetings dear Sister. You seem under the weater. Do tell what has happened. Is there anyoen I need to kill? I would glady do that to return the light to your eyes."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:52:23 PM
Xazor smiled as Chaos spoke. Walking over to the empty stool, she placed her arms around him before sitting down.

"I thank you for your....kindness....dear brother. I have been having a hard time with my emotions lately.....one of my Padawans has been flirting with the darkside....and then one of my best friends was killed by his own brother..."

She said softly. Looking down at the bar top, she signed and met his eyes with her own.

"Darius Van Derveld killed Thanatos...."

A tear fell from her eye as she said the words, and she quickly wiped it away. She then recalled his last words and smiled.

"You're Sith...you kill but there are other ways. I am a Jedi and cannot kill those who deserve to die. It is a hard line to walk when one his just killed a good friend...."

She hoped he would understand. It was a hard time, but she had to keep her chin up to survive....

Chaos Alexander
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:41:29 AM
"The line between the Light Side and Dark Side is thin. A Jedi kills a man to stop a war. He did terrible things, but did he deserve to die? Something as simpel as ants. He get the ants to beleive something if food so that they bite it, That is controling their minds. Is that evil? The line is blurred sometimes. The blood of millions rest on my hands and body. the blood of millions shall be added. That is how I plan to live my life. Some will say I am wrong for it. I don't hink I am. No more than I think you are wrong for living your life. You just have to choose a path and stick to it. Even if it is ahrd. One will always come out stronger."

::Chaos sipped his drink.::

"Just follow your code. I've been having a hard time as well. My aunt has reurned to the SIth Empire. She is my mothers sister. Therefor you have the honor of not being related to her. Me and Vega have went rounds with her verbaly."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:57:59 AM
Xazor listened to his words and smiled as she recalled a situation with ants. Yes...the small annoying creatures that had ruined a perfectly good spar she was having with her father...but it was his fault.

"Indeed...sticking to the Jedi Code is difficult...but it is the only way for me. I can't picture myself being anything but a Jedi. We have both been trained well in what we do...and it is good to know that despite my beliefs...my brother still loves me."

It was truly touching that he was so kind to her, while the other Sith would rather stick a dagger down her throat. She then heard him speak about some relatives of his...she sounded like a bitch.

"I wish I knew my mother...I am just blessed to have our father! So...who exactly am I related to?"

She questioned curiously...yearning to know more about her family. Verse had not spoken much to her about others...but these were not the only questions she wished to ask. Despite her uncertainty, she spoke again.

"And what do you know of the Garou, and Gaia, and Eden?"

She had forgotten that he was not as old as he "was" and she was not sure if he would know of anything she was speaking of...but one could hope.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 6th, 2002, 08:41:08 PM
::Chaos smiled one os his smiles.::

"I know much of all three. I grew up on Eden with Pivo. Father can explainmore about teh Garou. As for family. Pivo had atleast 3 kids. He was a bit of a man whore, so there is a good chance there is more."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:17:09 PM
Xazor laughed to herself when he spoke of Pivo. Indeed...she had met the man once before....but in a terrifying situation.

"Oh yes....Pivo. I have met him before. A man whore you say? I suppose I am related to about half the galaxy then, knowing Father and his ways with women...."

She had to hold in the immense laughter that was building in her chest, but she couldn't. She laughed uncontrollably until a tear rolled down her cheek from the pain in her stomach. Breathing once again...she smiled and thought of what he had said about her questions.

"I hope that father can help me....I have sought out information from others like us, such as Vega. Despite the fact that we are true enemies...he has come around, a little....and is helping me learn some things. The other day I..."

She paused a moment, realizing that she was rambling on and he probably did care...but what she had to tell him was very important.

"The other day I changed...."

She whispered so that no one else would hear. It had been a disruption when the feral form of Xazor entered the bar....and she was lucky to be in true form this very night.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 7th, 2002, 04:25:19 PM
::Chaos raised an eyebrow.::

"The first change is triggered by a surge of emotion. If you did change, I would bet it would be in battle. I changed on Eden, but my rage didn't allow me to fully control the form. What is your moon phase? Mine, Father's, and Pivo's our the new moon. It is our peak of power. We are Ragabash. The Questioners of the Ways. I wonder what yours is......"

::Chaos grabbed another drink as a waitress walked by. He took a long a wig and watched the waitress go. He licked his lips then turned back to his sister.::

"It is a strange and wonderful thing. It marks that you are now an adult in the Garou world. You shoudl be proud."


Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:25:00 PM
Xazor listened carefully and nodded when he spoke of changing due to emotion. Indeed...she had changed due to great emotions.

"Yes...it was during battle....I was...I was...angry, but I didn't use my anger to fight, I was very upset, for the one I was facing was a former friend."

She said softly. Looking down at the bar top, she thought over what he had said about moon phases and such things. She had no idea what he was really talking about, but nodded as if she had a partial clue.

"What do you mean, moonphases? I wish I knew what mine was. Wow, you know so much about this, why hasn't father spoken to me about it before? I wish to learn all I can from you....I have even sought out "training" as you might say...to find out who I am in the Garou world. I am not sure if the Council approves...for I am learning from Vega Van Derveld...yes, my worst enemy. You may think that I am absolutely stupid...but he really wants to help me."

She said softly. The Knight smiled when he said that her change meant that she was an adult in the Garou world. By her age, she hoped that someone thought she was an adult. It did make her proud to know this....

Chaos Alexander
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:36:17 PM
"I know tons. All about teh 13 tribes. The Five moon phases. Much indeed...."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:42:07 PM
Xazor laughed to herself as she recalled her meeting with Vega. It was amazing how much more Choas knew about everything.

"I should have taken up lessons about this from you! Vega knows hardly anything compared to what you claim. He told me about three tribes...and some stuff about Gaia....but that was it. He said that he could change to his feral form...but his son could not. He said that when he first did, he couldn't control himself or communicate....how come I was able to? I could speak through the Force and control my Force abilities?"

She questioned, wondering if he would know anything about that.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:56:50 PM
"You can speak Basic if it floats your boat. You just have to get used to speaking with a longer tongue. We DarkSiders get lost in our Rage. I have learned to control it though. It is just how much inner rage you have. I have none. I jsut like killing. No anger, no hatred, just fun. You live a Jedi's life. That helps."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:59:06 PM
Xazor sighed, recalling how close he was to joining the Jedi once again...but then decided against it. He was a good person, but was too stubborn in his ways.

"I guess that helps...but everytime I tried to say anything, or laugh, it came out as a growl! It was a very menacing growl too, so no one knew if I was happy, or angry..."

She laughed to herself and took a sip of her drink that she had grabbed at the same time Chaos did.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:01:49 PM
::Chaos only smiled.::

"It is all in the will power. Besides, have you ever heard a wolf laugh? Strange thing. It really is. You will find out much..."

::Chaos pulled out a datapad. He tossed it to Xazor.::

"This is alot of info in the Garou. Read it and learn well."

OOC: He is a link.....

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:04:22 PM
Xazor took the datapad and glanced down at it. She smiled and her eyes drifted to meet those of Chaos.

"Thank you...I shall read it and not stop until I know what I am. I appreciate this greatly!"

She would have given him a hug then...but she figured that he might think it odd, so she looked down at the bar top instead. Smiling to herself, she took another sip of her drink...glad to know that the answers she sought, laid in her hands.

ooc: Thankies bunches!! :)

Chaos Alexander
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:38:15 PM
::Chaos grabbed another drink. He started drinking it.::

"No problem. It will be good to see how you progress in this."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 01:03:35 PM
Xazor smiled gently and nodded.

"Hopefully I will get very far...I want to be able to change at will, so I can get around places better! I am actually faster when in feral form! It is an amazing feeling...but I was very frightened that I would not be able to change back."

She said softly, finishing her drink, and then grabbing another. The Knight took a look sip of it and then set it back on the table.

Chaos Alexander
Jun 8th, 2002, 10:23:02 PM
"All you need to do is get used to it. Careful though. It is very easy to get lost in your rage in that form. Ever wonder why father never changes? He is afraid of the rage. In becoming a almost fully pasifist, he has cut off a Garou's true power."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 10:32:33 PM
Xazor nodded and sighed slightly.

"I will have to be especially careful....I have been working with Marcus Q'Dunn on my anger....and also with Navaria Tarkin. They have been great mentors to me. I will be cautious not to succumb to it when I change. Perhaps I should speak with father about it...though, I have not seen him recently....."

She said as she took a sip of her drink and set it back on the bar top. All of this was so new to her, and it sounded a bit frightening...to think that she was more susceptable to anger in feral form....