View Full Version : Nightmare's Junction (Challenge to Lord Gue)

Crystal StarRider
Jun 3rd, 2002, 03:44:05 PM
Crystal StarRider, a blood relation to Aura StarRider, against the wishes of the Council elders of the Noble Warriors of Light, embarked on a quest to locate her missing cousin, Aura. Aura's interminable truancy from the academy, coerced Crystal into a perilous obligation to search for her close family friend. Unfortunately, her decision to leave, countered the Council's declaration on mandating her presence at the academy for the training of perspective Knights. They decreed Aura was engrossed in trials, that would aid in her ascention to Jedi Master. No interference would be tolerated.

Crystal apperceived her cousin was embroiled in a dangerously mounting tribulation, in opposition to a wielding antagonist determined to conclude her existence. Unbeknownst to Crystal, Aura was Sith Master Jedah Lynch's target. Her cousin, no doubt, could not survive an encounter with the puissantly reputed Sith.

With an elongated sigh, Crystal navigated what appeared to be ancient Sith ruins, once utilized as a battle field between Aura StarRider, and a Dark Lord of the Sith Empire. She could feel Aura fought admirably for her life, what could have been months ago. The broken wall that once stood as a monument to their peccant cause, was in a dire state of putrefaction. The young Knight ambled on, till she spun to a side, detecting an intruder harboring a dark bearing. Her hands then swiftly migrated to the two saber hilts sequestered at her belt, as she patiently awaited the confrontation with an undaunted carriage.

Lord Gue
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:39:00 AM
The aura felt distinctly familiar, though, somehow it was different. He had followed it across the ruins. and could feel it growing stronger the deeper he traveled. The stones and ruble ment nothing to him, ancient sith were just that, long dead due to their own foolishness.

He had just rounded a corner when he saw her go by, quite the beauty, but she was clearly a jedi as well. She continued on as though she hadnt sensed his prescence. Deciding to follow her deeper into the mess and discover her true intentions of being here he moved to follow. The second he moved his foot she spun on a heel and faced him directly. As the very little light entering the room was coming from behind him she could no doubt not see his face. He opened his stance as he saw her reach to her sides, a classic jedi defense position.
"What do you want from here?"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 5th, 2002, 12:09:50 PM
Pondering on the dark stanger's inquest, Crystal obliged him with a reply. Her hands eased away from the twin hilts. The Jedi Knight sensed no aggression as of yet emanating from the rancorous presence.

"I seek my cousin, Aura StarRider. Perhaps you have met her in your travels. I am not looking for a confrontation with the likes of you. I shall be on my way, just locating her whereabouts."

Spam Police
Jun 5th, 2002, 12:27:48 PM
"You seem awful gruff for a jedi, perhaps a bit too much for your own good. Yes, I have met your cousin, and if memories serves she cried like a baby. Perhaps youd like to know why"
He began walking down the mound of rocks towards her, with an agrevatingly slow pace to boot. She quickly went back to her defense position, but he still kept coming closer.
"Whats the matter? Scared I might hurt you? Is that it, little girl?"

OOC: Woops, wrong account, its Gue though, dont woory

Crystal StarRider
Jun 5th, 2002, 01:28:05 PM
"On the contrary, I have found the approaching deportment of a likely adversary, often ensues with a heated battle. Unlike you darkside warriors, a Jedi does not feed on violence. As for Aura, I highly doubt she is capable of crying. I grew up with her at the academy. Her emotions were always held in check, even in the facade of a Rancor, she once had the unfortunate experience to behold."

She sighed, expecting he would not back down, as her hands again navigated to her twin hilts.

OOC: wondered what was going on. ;)

Lord Gue
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:00:40 PM
"Always so quick to explain yourselves, silly jedi. Violence you say? Chaos is the universes most powerful force, chaos begets change and all of this galaxys most powerful and good innovations came from these changes. Change quite frequently creates violence itself, and thus a force for good becomes evil itself. As you can see, Evil begets good begets evil. Without you, there is no me...."
He stoped a him length away from her, looking her over one last time. It was a large galaxy and odds were he wouldnt see her again after this day. One way, or another. He held an open stance even still, the offensive stance always the best defense. Power to power was always the best way, never to hold back against it but to force at it.
"Perhaps that is why your cousin weeped so much, perhaps it was for all those years. Trust me, I could hurt you worse than any puny Rancor could even try to do..."

Crystal StarRider
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:52:17 PM
Maintaining her composure as she hearkened to his twisted diction, Crystal felt a twinge of anger engulf her conscious when he again spoke of Aura as being disturbed in their past altercation. Guarding her impassivity with a seasoned edge, she donated a repartee.

"You have been misguided, dark one. The Jedi stand for justice, and all morality stemming from an unselfish compassion. Chaos is the equivalent of anarchy, disorder, and turmoil. These replicas of mayhem, I am aware your kind craves with a passion. Violence does promote change, but what you speak of is a one sided conception. Change can become the transformation to all that is honorably just, incorrupt, and untainted from those of the Darkside, whom seek to alter the worlds as their personal infernal realms."

She sensed his invading intent, as her hands grasped the hilts by her belt.

"While we do not condone violence, the Jedi are always open to alternate methods of amending worlds plagued with subjugation and annihilation, to help thwart the baneful atrocities exerted by Dark advocates. Unfortunately violence is the last resort we are subjected with to maintain civil order in the galaxy. If you cast the first stone, I am well within my rights to defend myself. If your demise is the aftermath of our impending skirmish, then it is I who must bear the brunt of my stained soul, as had a multifold of Jedi in the facade of aggressors from past battles. Since there will always be two sides of the Force, I specualte the warriors of the Light and Darkside, will forever seek to render their opposing conscripts incapacitated, standing by their own beliefs and honed cultivation."

Lord Gue
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:51:33 PM
"My, how articulate we are, perhaps you shouldnt take so much time examining whats wrong with the darkside and more with whats right. I can think with my heart, I can feel with my body, I am sin. You are just boring."

He bent over, picking up a rock and twisting it around in his hand, dust rolling off it as he did.

"Im quite sure though, given the opprotunity, someone out there could change that."

He looked up at her and gave her a small grin

"...but thats not TODAY!"

[I]He threw the rock straight at her face, a small trail of dust behind it. She immediatly wiped out bother her sabers, twisting to the side and vaporizing the rock with the as an automatic response. In the meantime Michael had dashed straight behnd her back and leaped off the wall to land right in front of her. He grabed her saber hands and head butted her in the face...

Crystal StarRider
Jun 6th, 2002, 01:21:43 PM
Twisting to her left a bit, Michael managed to graze her cheek area, which was followed with a potent jab into his gut with her right knee. She then called on the Lightside, and Force pushed him back a meter to gain a release.

Twirling her blades she deactivated them, as they were seemingly ingested by their metallic havens, reclipping the hilts to her belt.

"I see you draw no weapons. Then I shall proceed without their aid as well."

Appropriating a defensive stance, Crystal readied herself.

Lord Gue
Jun 6th, 2002, 02:24:06 PM
"Then you are a fool, they were your only advantage"

[I]He punched out with his left arm, which she took the bait and dodged her head right, leaning her body weight in that direction. He kicked out with his right foot striking her in the back of her right knee, sending her tumbling to the side, He brought a hard right rook up into her ribs cage. He then attepted crack her skull open with a blow with his other hand, but she quickly regained her fotting and leaped back away from the blow.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 8th, 2002, 06:25:01 AM
Sighing at his audacious remark, she delivered a retort. First calling upon the Force to numb the bruised ribs at her side.

"Underestimating your enemy is a fatal flaw. I see you leave me no choice in the matter."

With a feigned right cross after approaching her adversary, Crystal twisted speedily to her right for a round house kick, the solid buffet greeting his right temple with her right foot, which knocked him back dazed. She then proceeded with a cogent side kick to his left rib area after rushing his west side.

Lord Gue
Jun 8th, 2002, 03:49:27 PM
Her foot struck him squarly in the rib cage, but instead of dealing with the pain he pushed it aside and grabed her leg. Pulling it back toward him he rushed out with his elbow striking her just under the jaw. He then extended his arm out and proceded to pouned her face into the wall.
"True, but you should never over estimate yourself either"
[I]Hebrought his leg up to her gut, giving her a swift blow to the stomache..

Crystal StarRider
Jun 9th, 2002, 05:28:39 AM
Bent over from the vicious blow to her midsection, her face exhibited trails of garnet streams like a spoiled painting. The attacks only doubled her resolve to deal with the adament Dark soldier. Using the advantage of her bowed carriage, Crystal lowered to sweep his supporting leg after the kick to her gut, which knocked Michael to the ground, his back meeting with a crashing thud.

The Jedi Knight then rose up from her crouched form in great haste, aided by honed reflexes, driving her right foot towards his sternum, a crushing connection if left unchecked. Her left leg stood over his prone form, her foot planted by his right side to render an evasive roll ineffective, as his left side was pinned up against the wall he pounded her face in seconds earlier.

"Overestimation of oneself is not an acquired trait of a Jedi Knight. We analyze our enemies, and act on vulnerable areas."

Lord Gue
Jun 9th, 2002, 06:54:56 AM
"That may be true, but you can only estimate what you can persieve..."
Using brute force he grabed her fott, twisting it sharply, to a degree where she would either turn with it or have it snaped at the ankle. He then moved his arm up to her calf, forcing down on it making her fall face first into the stone floor, she reached out and broke her fall. He rolled over her grabing her legs and entwining them around his arm, holding them back whilst pining her down under his frame.
"...and you can never know you enemys true strengths"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 10th, 2002, 03:25:45 PM
Dealing with the strain on her appendages and her present immobilization, in heightened desperation, Crystal conjured up an illusion. A charging womprat seemingly galloped towards Lord Gue, narrowing the distance between them. She focused intently on the Lightside of the Force, as the image appeared quite genuine. Michael then twisted Crystal to the side, using her as a shield against the incoming beast. The image then flickered, as he caught sight of the diminishing apparition. Using the distraction, she elbowed his stomach from behind her, then back handed his face with her right hand in a clenched fist. The defense was enough to free one leg. Driving her liberated heel into his knee joint, she twisted further from his grasp. It was a painful strike which could ensue in a dislocation.

Lord Gue
Jun 10th, 2002, 03:34:58 PM
He felt his knee cap slide down in the blow, the pain was immesurable as he tried to move his leg. He used each wave of pain as a source of power, pain bears strength as it were. Using his good leg he bore over her again, fliping her face to face with him. Her body still sprawled out on the ground as she fought against him.
He drew on the force for strength, manipulating it as a physical force to push her entire body down, to keep her pressed tightly against the ruins floor as he used his own strength to hold her even more. He pressed his hurt leg out, snapping it back a few times until he got that horrifying crack out of it that signaled his cap was back in place. Turning back to face her he backhanded her with as much ferocity as she had him.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:14:43 PM
Taking the punishing blow to her face, a trickle of blood descended down to her sculpted chin. Crystal freed one arm as she brought it to her belt to unclip a hilt. Activating the neon blue core, the Jedi Knight elevated the blade inches behind the base of his neck. Emotionless eyes like crystal pools, glared through him rather than at him.

"Get off me, or I will be forced to injure you."

Lord Gue
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:25:42 PM
He grinned, leaning his neck against the cold metal of the saber
"Then go ahead and do it"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 10th, 2002, 10:07:23 PM
Deactivating her saber, he called her bluff. But she cracked him in the back of the head anyway with the metallic hilt. With her adversary now dazed, she fought to break free of him, slamming the hilt to the side of his cranium as well, attempting to slide from under him.

Lord Gue
Jun 10th, 2002, 10:13:14 PM
He colapsed for a second, the blow hanging over him as he regained his balance, the second blow only served to force him off center and off to the right. She managed to writhe out from under him as he got his head on straight. By the time he was all together she was on two feet looking down at him while he shook his head, still on hands and knees.
"Smooth, real smooth Crystal..."

Crystal StarRider
Jun 10th, 2002, 10:35:48 PM
"You may find I am full of surprises," she retorted with a smile.

Crystal readied herself for a full assault.

Lord Gue
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:30:09 PM
"You really are much to happy to be fighting, maybe your not as pure as you may think, after all, we are all creatures of sin. "
With that he promptly stood, wiping the dirt off his clothing while keeping an eye on her.
"Why is it you came here again?"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 11th, 2002, 06:03:16 AM
"Your perceptions betray you. I fight if I must. There is no 'happiness' that drives me in battle, only to conclude the plight. I am on a trail to search for my cousin. It has come to my attention she had fought several Sith in this area. I was hoping to at least get on the right track to her present location. I sense she is in great peril."

Lord Gue
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:51:33 PM
"Then to continue on your path your going to have to kill me, for I will not let you pass"
[I]Griting his teeth he opened his stance once more, blocking her path and more than willing to take her down if the need be. The real fight would begin now

Crystal StarRider
Jun 11th, 2002, 06:08:12 PM
Crystal surmised a second battle would be unavoidable. She suspected he would utilize weapons now.

"Then the Force shall decide the aftermath."

Lord Gue
Jun 12th, 2002, 11:57:05 PM
"So it shall"
[I]He charged straight at her, then doing something quite unexpected, leaped forewards striking her directly in the gut with his knee. Grabing her head with both hands he pulled it back slaming her face into his forhead crushing her gentle features under his blows.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 13th, 2002, 04:40:55 PM
Crystal bowed her head slightly which saved her features from disfigurement, nevertheless, it was a brutal blow, leaving her dazed and heavily bruised. Calling on the Jedi Force technique, 'remain conscious,' she avoided passing out, and retained her focus. The Jedi Knight then drove the hilt against his throat and activated the neon core, the plasma lance barely missing a muscular arm grasping her head.

"Release me. This is no game. Whether or not you choose to avoid employing weaponry is your preference, however, I will use this if need be."

Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2002, 04:52:42 PM
He grabed her hand sharply, pulling it away from his throat. She not being strong enough to stop him. He brought her arm down against his knee, snaping the saber from her hand as it clanked againt the ground. With his other hand he lifted her up straight then higher, as her legs dangled, barely scraping against the floor as he pressed her by the neck against the wall.
"Dont you threaten me in any way unless you plan on going through with it. Now, prove you mean what you say or die"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:10:42 PM
Sensing the danger, as any quick movement could snap her neck like a twig, Crystal unclipped her second hilt at the left side of her belt. Activating the emerald energy beam with a snap-hiss, she slashed his right forearm with a mere flick of her wrist. It was just a graze, but a painful wound. As he dropped her to the ground, he stepped back from her, dark energy surging through his veins rapidly increasing his animosity at an incredulous rate.

The young Knight felt it was time to conclude the meeting, since mere words were only amplifying his rage. Moving the blade across her torso, in a back handed sweep, the jade lance was closing the distance horizontally towards his left flank, her eyes centering on her adversary with a cold indifference.

Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:14:51 PM
[I]He quickly reached out and grabed the blade by its hilt, twisting it around in his hand to point back at her. He leaped through the air lunging down on her, the blade aimed straight between her eyes. His rage at the boiling point.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:23:22 PM
Rolling to the left to escape his lunging thrust, her right shoulder met the tip, nicking Crystal in the shoulder, as sizzling flesh was cauterized by her own saber beam. Calling the other hilt to her left hand, Crystal ignited the blue neon core, and rose to her feet, facing the abomination before her.

"You are strong, but the Lightside shall prevail."

Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:28:25 PM
[I]A low gutteral growl issued from his throat, his only response to her comment. He stood from his crouched position and spun wildly on his heel, adding more strength to his blow as her own saber struck against her. The sparks flew as each saber struck against one another. He twisted it down quickly to blow at her legs, but she quickly blocked it. He punched her in the face rather quickly, catching her off guard and forcing her to stumble back a step.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:48:53 PM
Her bruised cheek was swelling, but there was no time to heal as of yet. Rushing Lord Gue, Crystal feigned a right jab with her saber to his left pectoral muscle, as he swung to offset her trajectory, she spun with the momentum 120 degrees clockwise for a blind backwards stab to his mid-section.

Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:53:10 PM
[I]He leaped backwards, throwing his hips back as the saber tore against his skin. Blood trickled down his hip as the wound bleed. He twisted to the side, kicking her squarely in the stomache, throwing her back a few steps. Looking at her with hate glowing in his eyes, he showed her the true resolve of a sith. He brought her saber up to his wound, his skin sizzling under the intense heat. The wound burned itself shut as he glared at her, unwincing, uncaring...

Crystal StarRider
Jun 13th, 2002, 06:04:03 PM
Taking a knee, as it was a powerful kick, Crystal spit up blood, feeling he did some damage. She stayed down while he tended to his wound, buying some time to recuperate. His vile nature was exhibiting its damnable presence.

Lord Gue
Jun 13th, 2002, 06:34:04 PM
[I]He quickly rushed her again, kicking her hard againt the side of the head, a blow that would have knocked out any normal person, her head bounced against the ground as he wheeled back and gave her gut a hard kick in the ribs.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 14th, 2002, 05:33:11 AM
Her internal damages exacted their toll on Crystal. Her reflexes were slow, strength diminishing, yet she still secured the only means that may salvage her life. Her neon blue lightsaber danced before her torso as she propped herself up against the stone wall, wielding it against her aggressor should he commence a consecutive attack. Her breathing was labored, a cracked rib punctured her right lung. The undaunted Jedi Knight viewed the Sith Lord's actions, towered by his dismal facade.

Lord Gue
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:33:34 AM
He stood before her, towering over her huddled form. He deactivated her saber and tossed it to the other wall, shattering it against it. He looked down at her pitiful mass.
"Ill give you one chance to live, come with me, I will show you how rightous the darkside can be"
[I]He reached down with his hand, prepared to strike again if the need be..

Crystal StarRider
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:49:21 AM
Controlling the pain took an ample amount of energy, but the Lightside afforded her the tenacity needed to foil his objective. Crystal swiped out at his outstretched hand as he withdrew it just in time, his face contorted in furor at her blatant defiance. While rising to a stance, she called on her emerald saber, the cold metallic hilt molding to her left palm, clutched firmly in an unyielding grip. Since he did not throw it with Force induced power, the crystal and components remained intact. She then activated the energy beam and rushed Lord Gue.

With her emerald saber, she stabbed forward toward his larnyx, and with the right neon blade, she dispatched a blinding aggregating attack toward his lower left oblique, arcing it up with the intention of ripping across his torso. All the while Crystal was stepping in closer, to impede an evasive maneuver.

The stakes were high; the fact he wished to convert her to the Darkside coerced the Knight to take drastic measures in quelling this corrupt partisan of the Dark realm.. .

Lord Gue
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:10:12 PM
The burns cut deeply into his chest and throat, not major wounds they most likely would scar him for a very long time, and they sure as hey hurt like heck. He didnt move on her advance though, he kept his feet planted firmly against the floor
"Yes..yes, young one, strike me down, kill me and begin your route to the darkside...."

Crystal StarRider
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:14:10 PM
Deactivating the saber hilts, she paused and reflected for a moment, then threw them to the ground.

"No...I will never join you. I am a Jedi, like my parents before me."

Lord Gue
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:17:00 PM
"Was not your cousin of the same blood as you? Was she not also a darkside adept? Yes, I think its in you, even now I can feel the anger begining to rise.."

Crystal StarRider
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:21:30 PM
"Aura had her problems, but she never fell prey to the Darkside. Nor shall I."

Lord Gue
Jun 15th, 2002, 05:25:49 PM
"So you think..."
[I]He grabed her by each shoulder, diging his nails into her skin so deeply that the unmistakable hue of crimson flowed over his fingers as he slamed her face first into the wall behind him, slowly transforming her wonderous beauty into nothing more than a Nal Hutta bar maid.....

Crystal StarRider
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:03:45 AM
Using her hands as a shield, Crystal managed to push against the abrasive wall, which circumvented the scouring of most of her features. She then pushed back and away, raising her feet up off the wall for leverage, and flipped over and behind Lord Gue, as they both spilled to the ground in a twisted heap. Trying to over power him, rotating her body around, Crystal got her left forearm around and under his neck, locked with her right hand, squeezing hard to stem the flow of blood to his brain, then drove the heel of her left foot into his abdomen, as they were side by side.

They both looked like victims of a Rancor herd stampede, but the Force was aiding both combatants, as the Dark and Lightside struggled to be the dominant factor.

Lord Gue
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:25:14 PM
[I]He rolled over onto his back, pinning her between him and the floor. He brought his arm out and proceded to pound her already hurting rib cage with his elbow, smashing it over and over again. He was starting to feel faint at the loss of oxygen, so he proceeded to smash his head back into her nose to entice her even more to move her hands.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 17th, 2002, 08:13:10 AM
Strugging against Lord Gue's abundant weight and consistent merciless pounding at her damaged ribs, Crystal was still immersed in the Force to control the pain, but could not keep it up too much longer, as her strength was dwindling, her breathing heavily labored from the numerous wounds tapping into her energy reserves. She needed to meditate and induce a healing trance, while maintaining her stamina, which proved impervious during a battle.

She relinquished her hold on his neck after the callous head bashing, then drove her right knee between his legs as it met his vulnerable area, which no doubt would compromise his anchored hold on her. Both her fists suddenly jabbed into his temples, hoping to destract him so she could push off her adversary.

Lord Gue
Jun 18th, 2002, 09:42:00 PM
[I]He rolled off of her, half fetal position as he held his manhood with one hand and began to press off the ground with the other, quickly regaining his footing as he shocked by jumping into the air and spining his whole body with a kick, nailing her in the side of the head with his heel as he came down. He landed crouched and leaped at her tackling her falling form as he ramed her into the ground.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 19th, 2002, 06:24:51 AM
The spin kick momentarily knocked her out, submerging her in a tranquil sleep. As Crystal came to, she found herself struggling against him once again, twisting her legs to try to reverse the position he held her in, while nailing him in the nose with her right fist.

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:23:39 AM
The blow didnt even phase him as he lifted her straight back up into the air, slaming her back down against the halls rocky floors. Her will would be broken, or her body before it. Either way it mattered not, for he was the rightous here and his day was now. He droped her as she landed splayed on the ground. Quickly he fell over her, both his legs covering both of hers, pinning them. He grabed her arms by the wrist and leaned forward to place more weight on them. Convinced she was truely pined he continued...
"So you mean to tell me, at this moment, you dont feel the anger welling inside?"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:36:21 AM
"Anger is the seductive lure to the Darkside," she spoke between gritted teeth, staving off her emotions and pain.

Crystal let him hold her down as she lasped into a semi-trance like state, hoping to buy herself some time which would replenish her energy, and concentrate on the healing of her injuries. Lord Gue could sense she altered her state of consciousness, noting her eyes were half closed and glazed over.

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:40:13 AM
He back handed her fiercely, cuasing red streaks to form across her jawline from the blow.
"The next time I see that look in your eye it best be something liken to lust and not some jedi healin trick, you got me?"
She didnt respond imediatly so he lifted uperbody her by the wrists and slamed them back down on the rock floor, her head bounced and he was quite sure her wrists wernt happy about the entire situation either
"Do you got me?!?"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:58:05 AM
Abruptly waking from her trance from a callous hand, she met his cold eyes boring through her soul. Crystal needed more time to gather her strength. Her lung was on the verge of collapsng from the punctured rib, and she was beginning to wheez from the effect.

"Lust is passion, which is against our code."

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:01:10 AM
"Well dear, with a body like that your code is against the laws of nature, and ya wouldnt want to go against nature would ya?"
[I]He heard her troubled breathing and made sure to slide his body foreward, over her chest a bit more. Making it harder on her every breath

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:09:04 AM
Lacking the fortitude to move him off as her lung collapsed, her breathing labored further as she was on the verge of passing out.

"Nature and the Force are as one," she whispered on the verge of unconsciousnes.

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:12:35 AM
"If that were true then you would not be against such things as Love, Lust, and Passion. These are great things that drive people to even greater acts, and yet you have already linked them to the darkside. Perhaps your not as right as you may think"
[I]He could see that she was suffering, and as her eyes fluttered he grasped her wrists tighter, cuasing her more pain in her swollen wrists, keeping her in the world of the awake..

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:19:51 AM
Coughing up blood, she barely could talk, but needed to correct him.

"Love is different. We embrace it. Lust and passion are possessive in nature," she commented, her voice failing her as she trailed off.

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:22:13 AM
"Wrong! They are all just extensions of one another and by logic to make one of them wrong makes all of them wrong. You dear, in your own way, already embrace the darkness"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:33:55 AM
A surge of light energy repaired her lung as it filled with air. The cessation of activity was the rest she needed to apply herself to the battle at hand. The Jedi Knight was still lingering in a dire state, but with the assistance of the Force she could keep this demon of the dark at bay.

Crystal head butted Lord Gue as he shook his head from the blunt bashing. With Force strength, she rolled him to the side, diving her right knee into his gut, freeing an arm. Calling on her saber hilt, the weapon flew by her command to her right free hand, as she activated the neon blue core.

"Don't make me strike you down. True love is free of lust. Lust and love are contradictions."

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:37:48 AM
He rolled over and side leapt to his feet, twisting to face her once again. He grinned at her words and even more at the sight of her activated saber
"Lust and Love are not contridictions, tell me you do not lust after the one you love, do you not love the one you lust after? As I said before, I challenge you to do so, kill me and begin your transit to the darkside"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:45:40 AM
"Kill no...Incapacitate..yes..."

Crystal rose to her feet brandishing her saber as she charged him; lowering into a lunging thrust, the barbed core directed towards his left lower side.

"I have never loved, but my Master said the one who truly loves, never lusts."

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:50:20 AM
"Then your master is a fool..."
[I]He side flipped over the blade, landing and chopping the hand that held it. Falling back and to the side he scissor kicked at her legs from the laying position. It knocked her forwards as he interlocked his legs together around hers, rolling forwards he bent her legs all the way back. He twisted over, putting his knee into her back for leverage as he grabed both of her hands and pulled them back towards him.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:27:54 PM
The pressure of his hold was excruciatingly painful, which proved to be difficult to extract herself from. Calling the second hilt to her hand which was bound, she ignited the jade core and inverted the hilt, steering its lethal tip toward the arm binding her left arm.

"Release me."

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:26:14 PM
As it turned to face her he pulled her arms back even farther, threatening to pull them from their sockets and snap her back. He pulled farther and farther trying to get her to drop the saber.
"Make me"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 20th, 2002, 01:34:22 PM
With new found energy Crystal rolled over, but he just followed her motion, as they got intertwined further, the hilt held away from her as both struggled to gain the upperhand.

Lord Gue
Jun 20th, 2002, 02:06:21 PM
[I]Her body bent at the middle as he was still locked hin, using her arms and back to stretch her out, pushing her upper body farther into the air while pulling the rest of her back.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:07:13 AM
Two capacious sized boulders suddenly were careening towards both sides of Lord Gue. He needed to release her to avoid the trailing projectiles, or risk getting bombarded. He bound her appendages, but not her stalwart hold on the Force.

Lord Gue
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:57:33 AM
[I]He twisted her to the side, using her as a human shield, but still keeping her in his excruciating grasp. He reached out with the force, grabing the boulder behind him and slaming it into the ground, stopping it in its tracks.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 22nd, 2002, 10:28:44 AM
Crystal slowed the trajectory of the first boulder, while it too dropped harmlessly to the loam. She then inverted the hilt in her hand, as the lance grazed his arm. While he loosened his grip on her, she dislocated her wrists to break free of his grasp. It was a painful exercise she mastered as a Padawan, meant to free oneself of binds. With her hands now free, she snapped her wrists back in place, then twisted her body around and leveled a punch to his throat.

He coughed for air as Crystal managed to break her right leg free and kicked out at his stomach while brandishing her saber at his chest.

"I will say this one more time. . .Release me."

Lord Gue
Jun 22nd, 2002, 07:26:11 PM
"You will say it once more...*Gutteral*...More before you dIE!"
[I]He simply reached forwards grabing her just above the ankles and pulling them forwards and up, she immediatly fell back, knocking the wind out of her and striking her head bluntly against the ground. He reached to his side with force speed and put his hand quickly over her kneck, his one and only weapon vibrating quietly over her, his vibro claws could quickly rip open walls and rocks, to them her neck would be nothing....

Crystal StarRider
Jun 24th, 2002, 07:41:44 AM
Raising her hilt by the arm exercising his unique weapon, Crystal matched his Force speed as a stalemate incured.

"Harm me and you lose an arm."

Lord Gue
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:47:14 PM
"If I lose an arm you lose your head, and that in my eyes is an even trade"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 24th, 2002, 05:36:54 PM
Swallowing hard as her life was in his hands, she weighed the situation. By the time she relieved him of his arm he would surely have made the lethal cut. Crystal thought of the other saber, but again time would have been an issue.

.."If I surrender. . .then what?"..

Using a defeatist attitude to destract him, Crystal pushed his arm away with the power of the Lightside, as his hand retreated from her throat by an unseen hand. Flipping to her feet, she advanced on her adversary, the saber hilt grasped in a powerful double handed grip. She rushed his left flank as the lethal core descended near the aft base of his neck in a blinding emerald green fury.

Lord Gue
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:06:38 AM
[I]As she brought the saber around towards his side he lashed out at her hand, wacking it away with the back of his clawed hand, inflicting nodamage but keeping the saber away from him. He lashed out with his other arm, riping her clothing to shreds as she leaped back away from the strike, he dashed with her retreats as he quickly and consistently lashed out with his claws extended.

Crystal StarRider
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:23:37 AM
Ignoring her shredded apparel, which revealed more flesh than a Jedi would ever dare; Crystal met his consecutive strikes parrying them to her left and right as she went on the defensive, backing away from the metallic claws, maintaining her focus on the Force, quelling any fear and emotion.

Calling her second hilt, the neon blue blade ignited into a plasma core as she barely staved a claw extended for her left side. They were both employing double weapons now, which increased the odds on either side. Parrying his right claw out to her left with her blue blade, she advanced with a stab with her right emerald blade to his sternum, while first batting his left claw far off to his left.

Lord Gue
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:29:26 AM
[I]As his left claw was batted far out to the left he quickly spun around on his heel, batting her right strike with his left hand he swept out and kicked at her right leg as he thrust his arm up, aiming his claw to just under her jaw..

Crystal StarRider
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:47:34 AM
The kick made her buckle at the knees as she was just abraded under the chin. Blood was everywhere; a succulent sight to behold for a Darksider. With a new found respect for his weapons and skills, Crystal planned her next offensive guardedly.

Beckoning the Force, a barrage of rocks were rocketing towards his back, as several bored into him. As he sensed the danger from adjacent sides, Crystal made her move. Lowering in a crouch, she attempted to stab his right lower ribs with her left saber cocked at an angle towards his chest, while she then sailed her right saber upwards in an arching curve, stemming from his left flank.

Lord Gue
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:29:55 AM
[I]He leaped back as his shirt was torn by a stray blade. As she leaned in following through with her strike he leapt into the air, striking her in the back of the head with his heel as he landed on her, reaching out for her thighs he quickly pined her down on her stomache, her sabers unable to reach anything vital...

Crystal StarRider
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:09:57 AM
Struggling against yet another signature Gue wrestling hold, Crystal capitalized on the Force to assist her agility. Rocking forward, she arched her back, locking her ankles around his neck, spilling Lord Gue off her with a side turn. As she held him in a death lock hold, the Jedi Knight could easily break his neck with a mere twist.

.."Cease your attacks or I will be forced to end it now."..

Lord Gue
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:38:38 AM
"I think not"
[I]he brabed her thighs again, this time leting the pure force energies themselves flow through him as force lightning lept from his fingers, shooting into her body as she rocked with spasm after spasm from the shocks of instant pain...

Crystal StarRider
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:17:55 AM
Force lightning; something she had never encountered before, as its stinging rays lit up every nerve in her body. Her screams resounded off the stone walls, with her body jerking in agony from the myriad streams of cobalt pain targeting her broken body.

Each time Crystal brought her saber to bear, he increased his assualt on her, diffusing what was left of her energy sufficiently drained from the many wounds that had been levied onto her. She was weakening; cast adrift on a turbulent sea. The Jedi Knight finally succumbed to the dark abyss of unconsciousness, falling limp to the ground, her sabers clattering away as the blades were eagerly swallowed by their hilts.

Lord Gue
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:22:39 PM
[I]As he sensed her lose consciousness, he undid his belt, grabing her legs he brought them together and tied them together. He tore his shirt off, then grabing her arms he pulled them behind her back and tied them together. Lifting her by the waist he proped her over his shoulder and began walking back towards his ship...

Crystal StarRider
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:03:33 AM
Starting to come around, she felt the cogent confinement from the binds, as her eyes slowly opened to regard her captor. Draped over his shoulder like a trophy, Crystal was still in a weakened state in dire need of rest and meditation to replenish her energy, pilfered by his last attack. Her wounds were throbbing as she lacked the power to still the throbbing pangs. She whispered softly with a voice racked with pain.

.."Where are you taking me?"..

Lord Gue
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:38:24 PM
He smiled to himself, no doubt she couldnt see his face. She had such a sweet voice.
"Your gonna be coming with me"
As he walked up the ramp of the shuttle he made for the small bed on the side of the main cargo area he used when he was away from his ship. He layed her down slowly on it. Taking one arm at a time he untied her and pulled each arm up, grabing something that resembled handcuff, but with no locking mechanisim, he wrapped one side around a bed post, and the other locked onto her wrist. He did a similar process to her other arm, and then to her ankles. When he was through he grabed a blanket from the edge of the bed and gently laid it over her.
"Get some rest, you need it"

Crystal StarRider
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:50:10 PM
Astonished he would allow her the rest that would heal her wounds, and renew her vitality, Crystal nodded as her body conformed willingly to the bed, thirsting for the sleep it begged for. Yet she would not merely sleep.. .

Crystal lapsed into a meditative healing trance, which in time, would restore what had been depleted from her conscious being, and mend the wounds invoked by a ruthless enemy. This remedy would enable her a second chance at claiming her freedom. She would deal with the binds when all was completed as planned.

Lord Gue
Jun 27th, 2002, 03:56:44 PM
[I]He sat at the pilots seat, fliping a few switches as the hatch closed behind him. He initiated engine starting sequence as he went down the power up list, slowing getting the crate ready for travel. The anti-grav pods below the shuttle lifted it above the ground as the dual corrilean drives burst to life, carrying them up into the lower atmoshpere. Turning around he set the computer to autodrive and stood.
He stretched his aching bones and grabed a bacta patch, slowly rubing it over his wounds to heal them slowly. He sat on the bunk across from his new passenger, he watched her, just sat there and watched her.

Crystal StarRider
Jul 3rd, 2002, 06:02:48 PM
Unbeknownst to Lord Gue, Crystal had been softening her wrist and ankle bones through the aid of the Force. The harrowing process reaped its rewards, as she slipped gingerly from the binds so no movement would alert the stun mechanism.

The hardening of her bones was just as racking an ordeal, yet all was enacted swiftly and with no lasting residuals. Her centralization was on the altering of her bone structure, so the pain could not be desensitized, yet she summoned the vigor to deal with its after effects. On her feet, the Jedi Knight faced her adversary, while scanning for her weapons as she became her own human detection device.

Lord Gue
Jul 3rd, 2002, 06:28:39 PM
The moment she stood on the floor a man trap was activated, the gravity around her fluctuated rapidly as she became pinned down under the intense pressure holding her to the floor. With a *CLUMP* she came down. The sound cuased Gue to leap to his feet and face it. He couldnt help but luagh...
"My, you are quite the fighter arnt you? Well, little princess, escape isnt an option for you now. Let me just inform you, there are other things which will stop you if you move off that trap. I suggest you get some sleep like I had intended for you"
He kissed his finger at touched her forehead
"Good night princess"

Crystal StarRider
Jul 4th, 2002, 08:43:58 AM
Blatantly ignoring his suggestion, Crystal rocketed up against its heavy gravitational pull like a starship from a launch pad; reminding her of the planet she once trained on to augment her martial arts skills.. Her fusion with the Force was at its zenith by her protracted meditative slumber. Diving from a crouch, Crystal managed to escape the crushing ambush, turbently meeting Lord Gue's frame, the both of them crashing to the floor none too gracefully.

"If these myriad traps you concocted are awaiting my passage, then you shall accompany me in its snaring clutches as well. I will fight till my freedom grants me the liberty to continue on my quest for my cousin. Nothing shall relinquish my drive to rescue her, not even your makeshift toys," she spoke with a confident air, grunting under the strain she was subjected with by the precipitateded circumvention of his first trap.

Lord Gue
Jul 4th, 2002, 11:33:06 AM
"So be it"
While she was still on top of him he quickly reached over, slaping a section of the floor. Suddenly from all around them a galactic cage surronded them as the began to float in its 0 G atmomosphere. Gue surely knew escape from this was impossible, even for him.
"Really, its no bother to me, the ships on autopilot. As soon as we reach the planet, my troopers will free me, and you dear, will be taken into custody..."

Crystal StarRider
Jul 4th, 2002, 05:49:22 PM
"Custody?! Troopers?!..To be interrogated and incarcerated for what crime may I ask?"

Crystal felt quite disconcerted at the altered chain of events. This ingenious contraption may be beyond her years of understanding of its unique makeup. She tediously scanned the perimeter of the bubble they were encased in.