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Mikhayla Tirren
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:17:08 AM
Present day:

GNN News Network: Escaped criminal seen on Coruscant. Please advise, this person is armed, and dangerous, and should not be approached without proper safety measures.

Nycademous grinned maliciously to himself, standing idly by in the shadows of an alley, watching as the population of Coruscant passed him by. As the announcement ended, and the final words spoken, Nycademous stepped out of the shadows slightly, and took in the sight of his old partner, Mikhayla Tirren; his voice resonates, echoed with an eerie sense of a cracked sense of twisted humour, "Nobody wants to play with me."

Mikhayla suddenly paused as a spine-chilling cold coursed through her body. She knew that voice all to well. But how? How had he gotten out of prison? It was fifteen years ago, when Nycademous had been sentenced to live out the rest of his numbered days in the spice mines of Kessel. His crimes so heinous, that many of them couldn't even be mentioned to the public.

Granted, Mikhayla was only seven years of age when Nycademous was put away. But his crimes hit home for Mikhayla. It was her parents, after all, who were among his last victims. She just never knew this little fact. Nycademous had kept up with Mikhayla's whereabouts as she grew up. Her aunt had taken she and her brother in, but when Mik reached the age of about twelve, she ran away with the idea in her head that she would find her older brother who had seemingly vanished into thin air.

The Past
Still young and naive, Mikhayla had fallen in with the wrong crowd. A group of older kids had promised to help her find her brother if she helped them with a few ... tasks. That is when she got her first lessons on being a thief. Now, most would think that being in a gang were a bad thing. Mikhayla didn't. Atleast, back then she didn't. They gave her companionship, filled her head with their lies and deceit where her brother was concerned and fed off of her fears that she'd never find him; or worse! That she'd find his body laying in some dirty resevoir somewhere, disembowled and dismembered almost beyondrecognition.

Of course, when they fed her that, they also fed her their own propogandas. "Now, if you hang with us, we won't let that happen to dear ol' bro. We know where he is and if you pull this job for us, we'll take you to him." And of course, she'd agree. All that came to an end one day, though. It was around a year and a half later from when she first joined up with this gang., during one of their initiations, as they called it. More or less it all boiled down to a fight to the bloody end between two members. Only this time, it was Mikhayla who was fighting for her life.

The fight droned on for around three hours. Mikhayla and her opponent, a boy about two years older than she, were both in pretty bad shape at this point. Mikhayla still chalks her 'victory' up to nothing but sheer blind luck. Drakston, her opponent, had landed one hell of a blow to her left temple, sending her sprawling to the ground in a heavy daze. As she laid there, she knew she was drawing her last heavy breaths before the lights went out for good; when suddenly she felt something slipped into her hand.

Cold and hard this object was. She couldn't make out what it was as the stars filled her vision from being knocked in the head so hard. She still doesn't know how she knew that Drakston was now coming in to lay the final blow that would kill her finally, but she knew. Just an odd feeling that screamed harshly into her head to roll over and jab upwards! Hard! She did. Then suddenly there was a warm, sticky liquid running over her hand and down her arm as a weight landed on top of her. Later, when she could think better and her double, blurred vision returned to normal, would she realize that it was a dagger that had made its way into her hand; the twelve inch serated blade had found its mark and sank smoothly into Drakstons heart.

The other 'members' suddenly dispersed. A bit too quickly for her liking. She never knew Drakston actually. Turns out she had just killed the guy who was 'second in command' of this small faction. The others bolted quickly when Skyler, the leader, stepped out from the shadows and stood over Mikhayla, peering coldly down to her.

After a few words were passed between the two, Mikhayla was granted the right to walk away from the gang ... alive. Once again alone. Actually, she preferred to be alone now after all that. It was about two months later that she joined the Imperial Academy. While sitting in a local cafe, she had heard more of the Imperial propoganda being spread across the galaxy via the holonet news feeds. "Like to travel? Want to see exotic locations? Do you want to help your fellow man? The Imperial Navy needs YOU!...

Ok, so two out of the three questions wasn't so bad. As she continued to watch the commercial, the better it looked. They showed kids, even younger than she, laughing and enjoying themselves in one of the Imperial run schools for the schoolage children. Then the image bled into one of the stormtroopers standing tall and proud on duty, and another of them laughing and having a great time on some far off tropical beach.

Alright, she was sold .... and she joined.

Current day
As she stood frozen, Nycademous' voice once again filled her ears. "Come to me, Mikhayla. We have some .. catching up to do. " [i] Now the past has come back to haunt her.