View Full Version : A Soul in Torture: The Death of D'Mourning Orb

D'Mourning Orb
Jun 2nd, 2002, 10:18:07 PM
D'Mourning Orb was in the walls. In the other room his mother screamed. He felt the waves of Dai's voice violently tremor within his heart, and silently he prayed for her soul. At the very young age of eight , he was powerless to help her. However, D'Mourning was hopeful God would do his bidding.... But alas, the screams continued.


He sat in the bar, all of thirty-one years old and six months. D'Mourning's coffee rest in his folding hands. His omnificent eyes, glaring over the establishment. It was nine o'clock in the morning, but his biological clock told him it was much later. D'Mourning's mind was completely refreshed. His brow felt light on his forehead. Eyes, opened to the brim of their full capacity. His nostrils flared to invite the drafty morning air, which had escaped through the bar's insulation. The hot, black cup of java touched his thin lips. Indeed, life was good.

D'Mourning Orb
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:34:24 AM

I would like to declare this thread officially closed. An idea to kill D'Mourning Orb's character had been in my mind for a while. It was elaborate, it was built on the sturdy foundation of his Catholic beliefs and fate as we all can only hope to understand it. However, as important to his character as it would be, I just cannot do it. I feel completely embarrassed to even post this, after having announced all over the boards that D'Mourning was soon to be dead (in fact I am going to erase those posts now). But, the bottom line is, I can't kill him. It might sound odd, but it saddened me to think about killing the him. So, D'Mourning will stay very much alive. I apoligize to anyone and everyone who actually had to read this bit of nonesense. I feel that I have not met my obligation to establish what would be good, sound RPing on this board. But, I assure everyone that that will change from here on out. Once again, I apoligize.