View Full Version : Wandering in sadness....
Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:34:55 AM
It was evening and a lone figure walked the shadows of the Temple halls. Her blue robes flowed in the breeze she created as she walked...and her Garou Warrior braids swung gently with each step. The coins woven into them clanged together softly until she came to rest at a large window overlooking the gardens below. Placing her elbows on the ledge, the woman everyone knew as Xazor looked out over the sight...with tears in her eyes. This very hour was difficult for the young woman...because one of her newest Padawans was facing the deciscion to follow the path of the Jedi...or the path of the Darkside. He had spit in her face when all she wished to do was help him....and the most painful words that could have been spoken to her...came from his lips. He yelled into her face...her very heart, that she was dead to him. Closing her eyes, the young Knight put her hands up to her face and hid the tears that continued to cascade down her cheeks. She did not want him to leave the Jedi, but most of all....she did not want him to be like she was.
Azhure Darkstone
Jun 2nd, 2002, 06:14:25 AM
::Azhure watched as Xazor came in. Not good at handling emotions she walked up and nodded. She would have asked what was wrong but then an answer might have come up that she could not handle very well so she squeezed Xazors shoulder supportively instead. There was a sadness,a pain, there that hadnt been there before. She said what she thought supportive, considering her practise of supportive emotional response. Hoping it was the right thing to say::
Something is wrong. I hope it is sorted out in a way that takes away the pain
Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:20:10 AM
Xazor looked up at the touch of a friend. It was Azhure...someone she had been there for in a time of emotional distress. Smiling despite her tears, Xazor nodded slightly.
"Thank you my friend...I hope so as well..."
The Knight said softly and then resumed the position of looking out the window as the tears clouded her vision. Her heart ached as she wondered what path he would choose. He was dear to her heart, though they did not know eachother for a very long time...he was still her Padawan, and whatever he decided, affected more than just her emotions...
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:54:47 PM
:: AB was finishing tending to a blooming bush down in the garden, when a feeling of great sadness washed over her. She looked up at those Jedi walking the paths of the garden, but felt none of them had troubling emotions inside them. All were at peace. And yet the feeling remained. Something prompted her to look up at the Temple. There she saw several Jedi walking the vast balconeys. None of them seemed to be troubled. And then her eyes set on a lone woman, looking over the balconey down at the gardens: Xazor. ::
:: Sighing, AB went to the clean shed at the side of the garden to place her tools in, and then wiped her hands on a damp cloth. Leaving the gardening shed, she took the nearest lift to the level Xazor was on. Exiting the lift, she took the shortest route through the hallways to where the balconey was, and stepping onto the balconey, she walked over to stand beside Xazor, looking over the edge to the garden below. ::
:: She was sieltn for a moment, Xazor not having noticed her at all being lost in thought. After a moment or two, AB spoke. ::
The gardens look so small from up here. It looks like it'd be really easy to tend to them. But then when you actually go into the garden, you realize it's a bigger and more difficult task to tend to them.
But that still doesn't mean the task cannot be done.
:: In a way, her spoken words were an anology to what Xazor may have been feeling. While something may seem dispairing, there was always a way out and back to happiness. ::
Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 08:56:23 PM
Xazor looked up, a bit surprised by the presence of another Jedi at her side. Smiling to herself, she wiped the remaining tears away and nodded in agreeance with the wise words the woman spoke.
"Thank you great Jedi Master....your words are taken well. It's just of my Padawans is making a very difficult decision tonight. The path he is following is much like my past...and I don't want him to end up like I did. He told me I was dead to him, and now he is faced with choosing the Darkside or the Light. I...I didn't know what to do so I ran....I knew that if I didn't come here I would loose my temper even more than I already had and something terrible would have I calmed myself and ran away like a coward..."
Tears began to slip from her eyes as she spoke. She trust Master AB, though, and knew she could tell her she told her everything...
Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:07:02 PM
:: AB nodded her head and looked back at the garden below. ::
Ah, and you fear he may choose the Dark Side?
:: She fell silent for a moment before speaking again. ::
Xazor, sometimes life throws nasty surprises our way, and we can do nothing but watch.
I'm sure you taught your Padawan all you could at a level he would understand. But now, he must make his own decision.
You're running from the situation may not have been the proper course of action, but it is what you did, and you cannot continue to regret your actions. In time that will pass.
As to your Padawan, all we can do now is hope he is intelligent and strong in the Light to resist the call of the Dark Side.
Have faith in what you have taught him, and most of all, have faith in the boy. He may end up surprising you.
Have faith in the Light Side of the Force, Xazor. Never lose that.
:: She turned to look at the young woman, and placed a hand on her shoulder. ::
For now, we shall stand vigil, together, to see what becomes of this matter.
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