View Full Version : Dusty roads and smoke filled rooms(Open)

Jason Hexx
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:54:08 PM
::A cloud of smoke billowed in the doorway as a dark coated figure walked in, lighting up a cheap cigeratte as he did. He shoved his hands into his pocket and stalked across the room, business had been slow, REAL slow for a while. A protection job here, a mercenary job there. No real excitement for longer than he could recall. He took a seat at the bar and ordered a hard Correlian Whiskey, time to drown his problems::

Jun 1st, 2002, 10:05:24 PM
A Semi-large figure walked into the bar, with grizzled brown hair stretching from his head so a subtle five O clock shadow under his chin.
His Metallic blue body armor shined in the bar light, the colors of dull army and navy blue, highlighted from his chest around his shoulders by a lighter shade, as well as his Shin, boot, knee, and thigh Armor. Typical Army issue boots, going up to his knee in a dark blue complemented this ensemble, topped off by the bandana around his hair. This was Solidus, who had left his weapons at the door as was requested, and he had come for a bit of celebratory drinking. He briskly walked past the many Jedi, taking a seat next to this "Jason Hexx" Person unknowingly.
"Bartender! Corellian Whiskey! And keep it coming! I had a successful night and Desire to spend some hard-fought earnings!" He said, a smile on his face as the bartender handed him the drink, of which he drowned about half before looking towards Jason Hexx.
"Bartender! Give this fellow another Round, on me! He looks like what my last assignment ended up!" Solidus gave a short laugh, looking at this Jason in his coat.

Jason Hexx
Jun 2nd, 2002, 05:10:15 PM
::Hexx gritted his teeth hard and snarled from under his 10 gallon hat::

"Scuse me... care repeating that lil' remark, buddy?"

Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:00:06 PM
He gave a short laugh, taking yet another sip from his whiskey before answering this man.
"I said you look like absolute -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. Been down on your luck, yes? Too few credits in your pocket? Have a drink to drown your sorry ways, dear fellow." Solidus gave another short laugh despite Jason's mad sneer looking at Solidus.
"Look at it this way! At least one of us has jobs! Why, I just finished a particularly wealthy expedition! Those Gungans didn't know what hit them!"

Jason Hexx
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:19:51 PM
::Hexx barely held a laugh::

"GUNGANS?! Shoot, 2 cockroaches and a nerf herder could have taken down Gungans. And here I thought you might actually be someone special."

::Hexx downed his drink::

"Thanks for the whiskey though."

Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:22:29 PM
Solidus squared his jaw, his good mood starting to wane slightly.
"If it was so easy, why is it that YOU weren't hired for it? As for the drink? I try to tip beggars and poor fools, because they know not who they mess with." Solidus Sneered, finishing off his whiskey as he looked at this Hexx.

Jason Hexx
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:25:17 PM
::Hexx stood up and glared at the man::

"Care to take them words outside?"

Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:28:05 PM
Solidus set his glass down, standing up and looking down apon Hexx with a nasty smile.
"If you think you can take me, LITTLE MAN, then by all means." SOlidus made a gesture of moving both his hands, as if to say 'bring it on'. Solidus backed up to the door, just waiting for Hexx to take him on.

Jason Hexx
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:54:34 AM
::Hexx took his cigarette from his mouth and snuffed it out in the bottom of his drink, before looking to the barkeep::

"Keep my seat for me, this won't take long."

::He charged Solidus head on, lunging into a tackle that caught the man in the waist and drove both of them <a href=http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19448>outside</a>::