View Full Version : Chase Starwalker..your journey begins here!

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 1st, 2002, 08:13:54 PM
::A few days ago, the Jedi Master recieved a message on her datapad from a Jedi Hopeful. The writer made a humble request for Leia to take him on as her new padawan. Seeing that Leia's fiance Obiwan2 Kenobi was to continue training her padawan, Anakin Skywalker. This left the Jedi Master with just one padawan named: Lance Stormstrider. Taking in consideration the time she likes to devote to her padawans. She knew she was able to take only one more. Leia sent a message back to Chase...accepting his personal request ::

::The Jedi Master now waits in a training room she specified for Chase to meet her in::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 2nd, 2002, 11:06:34 AM
The young man had been late. The Jedi acedemy was so big, it was easy to get lost in, he hoped his new master, Leia, would understand. He had alot to think about during his walk to the acedemy, his past, his family. They would be proud.

Walking through the door, he layed eyes on his new master for the first time. She was stunning. He didn't know that Jedi could be so beautiful. They locked eyes.

Standing around 6' feet tall, a young man with wild hair, no more than 20 years of age, had a familiar presence about him to Leia. She could sense him through the force already. He was unusually strong in the force, it intrigued her.

He extended his hand.

"My name is Chase Starwalker. Nice to finally meet you."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 2nd, 2002, 09:01:45 PM
::The Jedi Master gave a small smile, as she extended her hand to meet Chase's, giving a brief yet polite shake.::

Good Afternoon...Chase Starwalker. It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person.

::Leia gestured to a seat opposite of hers to Chase::

Please, take a seat. I would like to get to know a little bit more about you since I will be training you.

::As Chase sat down across from Leia. The Jedi Master was leaning on her right hand while observing him for a moment::

I don't know why. But I have this feeling, I know you from some place. That might seem quite odd, because we have only meet for the first time to either one of us' knowledge. Hmmmm....all I know about you is the message you sent me and that was quite brief. I really don't know much about your background. Please tell me a lilttle bit about yourself.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:17:47 AM
Though he did not say it at the time, Chase felt something too. She was familiar in a way. But more than anything, she was beuatiful. He leaned in towards her, his blue eyes met with hers.

"Well...." Chase started off.

"I am from Tatooine. A small sub-section there near the outskirts of Mos Eisely."

Chase leaned back, and seemed more relaxed.

"Theres not much there really, moisture farms and shops. My mother works for a ship supplier on the far end of city. I hope to someday make enough money, so she wont have to work anymore. I have a younger brother,...he's 3. They are the most important things in my life. Thats all there is really..." Chase's voice trailed off.

"And what about you?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:53:09 PM
::For a moment, Leia felt slightly uncomfortable with Chase's deep stare at her. It was quite unusual for her to feel that way, but she soon relaxed more when he sat back in his chair. The Jedi Master listened intently to Chase as she rested her chin on her right hand.::

Well, you can say I know quite a few things about Tatooine. You are correct though, there is not too much around there. Although,
You must miss your family dearly.

As far as me..what would you like to know Chase? I will answer any questions I can as best as I can. It is best we have an open and honest relationship, as a master and padawan should.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 4th, 2002, 09:36:01 AM
"Of course master..."

Chase said it for the first time...Master. It was with pride in his voice. He was grateful to have such a powerful Jedi as his own Master.

"How do you know of Tatooine?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 4th, 2002, 09:05:38 PM

well...you see my brother was brought up on a moisture farm as a child. Although, I did not. We were seperated when we were young.

My first personal experience on Tatooine, was an encounter with the Hutts. Not a pleasant one I might add, and the same holds true for many of my other visits to that planet. As you know, the Hutts monopolize that planet, pretty much. The Sith are known to visit that planet as well as many other low lives and scoundrels from this galaxy. That is quite unfortunate for the other inhibitants and moisture farmers. Such as it is on other planets as well.

::The Jedi Master tilted her head slightly::

I am not sure if that's what you were expecting to hear from me. Sorry to say, not too many pleasant memories there for myself.

Tell me...have you been to other planets besides Tatooine?

Chase Starwalker
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:23:10 PM
"Besides Tatooine? ...A few. Only nearby systems. I used to travel on space freighters, on different errands."

Chase gazed deep into Leia's eyes. His young eyes had almost a haunting look to them.

"So tell me more about this Acedemy, Master."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:46:50 PM
::Leia was just about to answer Chase's question about the Academy when...once again, she can see something about him in his eyes as he mentioned freighter errands. The Jedi Master was intrigued enough to question him on that comment::

::Raising a slight eyebrow at Chase::

I will be more than happy to tell you about the Academy in just a moment, but you have me quite curious about something. Please tell me more about these freight errands, as you put it.

::The Jedi Master leaned slightly back in her chair waiting for Chase's response::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 6th, 2002, 10:47:40 PM
Chase's eyes turned downward. He shifted in his seating position, as if uncomfortable.


Chase's voice ran soft.

"Me and some other kids from the section would steal from neighboring planets....food, clothes...anything really. I was the best at it, I astounded people with my skill. How I would steal things without ever being noticed...I know now that it was the force that gave me such reflexes....but back then it was a way of life, not one I am proud of...we were poor."

Chase raised his head back up toward the beuatiful jedi master.

"But that was then..I was young. I'm grown now."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 7th, 2002, 07:51:49 PM
::Leia placed her right hand on Chase's shoulder to try and reassure him that everything was alright::

Listen Chase...the important thing now is that was the past and you realized who you really are now. The fact that you came to the Academy to commit your life as a Jedi to do good for the Universe, is a very noble and respectable thing you have done. And yes...this shows that what you have done is in the past. Remember....forgiveness is devine and is a good trait to have.

I hope that makes you feel better.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 7th, 2002, 11:05:19 PM
Chase raised his head once again from the feel of Leia's touch. A true relief.

"Yes....it does. And thank you."

Chase seemed to think for a moment before speaking again.

"So tell me about my training, Master. When do we begin?"

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:15:26 PM
::Leia smiled at Chase in a friendly manner::

Eager are we Chase?!

::Giving off a slight giggle::

Shortly my padawan. A few more questions and we may proceed. I would like you to answer these two for me. What is "The Force" and what is your knowledge of it. Also...do you know the "Jedi Code" ? If so, What is it and will you abide by it?

::Feeling like she just gave Chase a pop quiz, she waited for her eager padawan's answers::

Chase Starwalker
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:44:31 PM
"I know I have much to learn of the force. But up untill now, the Force has been my gaurdian angel. Something I feel with me at all times....like a protector."

Chase leaned forward.

"I am not so familiar with the Jedi code. I do know the Jedi serve and protect the innocents of this galaxy, which I respect. But as for the code itself, I have yet to learn."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 9th, 2002, 08:57:52 PM
::Leia picked up a datapad and handed it to Chase::

In there you will find the Jedi Code along with other usual information (OOC: its actually listed at the top of the academy) Basically in short form , it is very much like what you described. So in a way...you already know the Jedi Code.

::The Jedi Master rose from her chair and motioned for Chase to follow her lead.::

I think its about time we take this outside and try some basics.

::Both Master and Padawan proceeded to step out of the Academy and headed to a garden area, where Leia liked to start her classes. On their trip to the garden, Leia asked Chase a question::

Tell me Chase. Can you move an object using the force?

Chase Starwalker
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:29:02 PM
OOC: Yeah I know the code :)


Chase walked behind Leia as they entered the garden area. The sun shown bright in the sky, illuminating the lush garden.

As they stepped into the garden, Chase motioned his hand slightly, a small apple that was lying on the ground rose and glided to his hand. He handed it to her, looked at Leia with soft eyes.

"Yes, it was something I picked up when I was younger. Smaller object are easy, but I have great difficult with larger ones, I can't even move them."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:09:29 PM
::Leia looked at the apple Chase handed her, after he moved it through the Force. A smile crept across the Jedi Master's face, as Chase mentioned he had this skill for some time now. ::

Apparently, you have been force sensitive for some time now and have had some knowledge of your skills. Do not worry about moving larger items with the Force right now, Chase. That all comes with time and practice. I feel you will have no problem in achieving this at all.

::As the two stood in the garden area, Leia turned to Chase. She looked at him and then around the beautiful lush garden area::

I truly do love to train my padawans here. It is so beautiful and peaceful, as you can see.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:21:09 PM
Chase smiled as he took in the surrondings of the garden. It was indeed a bueatiful place. Nothing like the sand ridden planet of Tatooine where he grew up.

He turned as Leia spoke.

"Yes, Master...it is indeed beuatiful."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:51:01 PM
::Once again Leia smiled at Chase::

Sorry sometimes I just get taken in by how beautiful it is out here. Unlike somethings we have seen in through this galaxy. Anyhow...I suppose you are a little eager to begin.

::The Jedi Master paced a lil on the lush green turf::

Hmmm...seems you know how to move things with the force. Can you demonstrate to me if you can throw things with the force. Meaning...a "Force Throw".

::Leia stopped in her tracks and looked at Chase::

I mean, it would seem fitting that if you can move something with the force then I would presume you can throw something with the Force. So you can say I am a bit curious Chase. Can you?

Chase Starwalker
Jun 13th, 2002, 03:04:20 PM
"Yes, Master."

Chase lifted another apple, as it approached his waiting hand, Chase levitated it above his hand, spinning it, before turning his palm to it's backside, throwing it a few feet onto the ground.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 14th, 2002, 07:26:51 AM
::The Jedi Master watched on as she noted how gracefully and easily Chase manipulated the apple::

I must say I am impressed, Chase. Are you sure you really need training? I feel you have more skills than most padawans that enter the academy. Please tell me what skills you already of knowledge of.

Chase Starwalker
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:09:00 AM
"On Tatooine, a Jedi Knight was stationed there for several months. I watched him while in the city, I guess I picked up quite a few things from him, but I lack common knowledge of the living force itself."

Chase turned his face away from Leia and into the sun.

"I know of most the skills....perhaps my mind trick could use a little work." Chase gave a slight laugh at the memories of trying to use it on fellow shop owners when he was younger.

"I guess I have come here to learn that of the living force, I learn well by watching, Master. I have come to learn the ways of the Jedi, not just the force."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 27th, 2002, 06:03:07 PM
OOC: Chase..did you get my PM??? We sort of have discussed what we are going to do next. But...I am not sure where you are at now. Where their any current battles or situations you are in. IF so please fill me in. Thanks