View Full Version : Eclipses of Power: Truth & Illusions

Eve Siren
May 31st, 2002, 05:52:45 PM
Eve walked out of the crowded place, to find herself submerged by silence. It was a big difference, but she got used to it. Walking slowly out of the place she just sang in, filled with a huge audience, her gaze fell to the ground so she wouldn't be recongnize as Dark Angel. She became once more, Eve Siren, Sith Knight of TSE.

"Hey ! Are you Da--"

Eve pulled the guy aside and put her hand around his neck, lifting him up. She looked at him angrily through her black teinted sunglasses, then tilted her head to the side, letting him fall to the ground. He ran towards a sort of motorcycle. She pulled out two guns that were solidly attached to her thighs and shot down his wheels. All that to say ...

"Nope, you made a mistake, punk."

Slayn Cloak
Jun 11th, 2002, 04:29:33 PM
It had been yet another day, one that like the rest gave no feeling to this wretch, this stolen life. Little did he even realize on these matters, for he himself was in bliss. He was blessed with not knowing, or for that matter being able to care. This young man, if this body could be called that, felt no emotion; He had only logic and orders.
However, it wasn’t long at all before life was forced into that body; It was in the beginning , he was shown attention, he felt for the first time bashful; Though he had no knowledge of what this was. Not very long after this he learned and understood honor, what it was to revere someone, and to be respected. Next came Envy, and still no knowledge or real care for an understanding. Instead it lead to a strange affliction.
This cursed being known as Slayn Cloak wasn’t birthed at all, or given time to grow; He was created and told all he needed to have power. The rest was to be understood by him and interpreted the same.
Eve Sirren was the first to challenge this behavior, she was the first also to inspire it. Slayn had become obsessed and yet didn’t know what that was. He knew she was capable of changing him, and he urged her to, with no avail.

Eve Siren
Jun 11th, 2002, 06:52:22 PM
"Damn bitch !" The 'punk' yelled.

"I love you too." She mumbled, putting her two steel guns back.

She sighed, then looked around for any other suspects, and shrugged. Why should she care anyway ? She rotated her neck, making a slight bone cracking sound and continued her way down the alley, filled with rats and other alien pests. She stopped suddendly, feeling an familiar presence near her. It took her a long minute to spot out who it was. She crossed her arms, after pulling back her black sunglasses up on her head, pulling her dark hair back.

"Come out, Cloak."

OOC- Took you a long time to spot this one out. :rolleyes

Slayn Cloak
Jun 13th, 2002, 03:49:13 PM
To look upon her filled the young Cloak with feelings, ones of course that he didn’t recognize; Perhaps that is the very thing that drove him in these encounters. Not completely understanding ones self can drive a body in a great many directions, all tugging at the same spot. This drive had interested the keeper of shadow for some time now, at that moment she called out to him.

What’s this? She speaks my name, no... not my name, my surname...
His mind began to race and Eve’s facial expressions seemed to grow weary, as if in anticipation.
She speaks only to the shadow, awaiting a monster perhaps?
At present Slayn stepped out from a veiled corner, it was like stepping between world; His secret shadow, the darkness that sustained him, called him father, and this light that surrounded her.
He appeared, to Eve it seemed the shadow held him as he passed out of it, as water would a body that exits it. He watched her for a moment, the expressions changed and grew to mirror annoyance.

” Yes Eve, it is I, Slayn Cloak ”

He wouldn’t speak to her in the common tongue, if for no better reason then that this manner let him touch her mind. It was calming, and his words matched, they seemed enchanting though more than fairly simple in meaning.

Eve Siren
Jun 13th, 2002, 04:07:50 PM
"I realized. What do you want now ? Another dance ?"

Eve's face also showed a slight annoyance. But then again, she always showed the same expression towards Slayn. She closed her eyes and scoffed, waiting for him to answer.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:20:42 PM
Eve could be so monovalent, in any situation, and at every attempt Slayn could make at friendship. It was almost useless, but this drive pushed him. He replied softly in a way that Eve would scarcely recall, he spoke in the common speech; As he once did before his power was fathomed; His words would carry now through her ears, not her mind They were eloquent and not threatening, or benevolent. No malice where born by his tone, just empathy. It was in such a way as a child that had desire, that was set on contempt; But Slayn knew nothing of these feelings, only his drive and resolute.

“ I seek an audience with the lady, I wish to feel her voice and share her hand for a moment.”

This would no doubt render some form of shock upon the Sith knight, but Slayn was perhaps prepared...

Eve Siren
Jun 14th, 2002, 12:16:43 PM
Eve remained silent at his words, at first. Her irritated look getting even more irritated. Somehow, Slayn's oddness surpassed anything or anyone she had met before. She stepped back slowly.

"What's going on in that little head of yours, Cloak ?"

Slayn Cloak
Jun 14th, 2002, 03:17:03 PM
“Not everything is as complicated as you’re accustomed too Eve, I have no motive or I’ll intentions...”

His tone changed somewhat, becoming shorter but delivered with more haste.

“ Is that all you have learnt in your trials, subterfuge?”

Perhaps the young Cloak used his words normally to his will, and even relied on foolery to gain what he needed; This however was unprompted and not planned. It was not at all his usual manner of goings on. Everything before this had to be precis, the moments and words; He had come to have fool knowledge and ability in creating subterfuge...

Eve Siren
Jun 14th, 2002, 05:36:03 PM
"No ... But something's up. Something is always up with you. What do you want ? I don't have all night."

Eve then dug her hands into her jacket's pockets, exhaling angrily, mumbling a few curse words under her breath along after putting her orange lens glasses back on her nose.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 14th, 2002, 06:27:07 PM
Slayn wasn’t quite sure how to react, her words seemed harsh, but not rejecting; His mind flighted with thoughts and raced with feelings he had never known, or felt. It was to hard to sort them all out, it seemed unlogical to him even to try.
At present he noticed his right hand begin to tremble, it was not at all common and maid him uneasy. He placed it casually behind his back, and clasped it with his left hand; He was sure Eve noticed it.

“Pleas, a moment come...”

He motioned for her to follow but was unsure what she would do, he continued as he turned around, and moved his hand from back to front.

Eve Siren
Jun 15th, 2002, 08:13:42 AM
A dagger slipped down her leather jacket's sleeve and into her hand silently as he turned around. She was curious, but she didn't trust him. She followed him slowly, step by step.

"Where are we heading ?"

Slayn Cloak
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:45:56 PM
Slayn lifted a brow to Eve, he turned his head and spoke again. “ There is no reason for weaponry dear lady... “ His words hadn’t changed in tone or delivery as more steps where taken they continued this dialog. “ I wish for your trust, and friendship , I want you to accompany me to the western hemisphere of this planet; I believe you will enjoy it. You have my word Eve, no harm will become you.”

Eve Siren
Jun 20th, 2002, 05:07:00 PM
"Then why do I still feel like stabbing you in the back, Cloak ?" Eve murmured under her breath, but loud enough for Slayn to hear.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 21st, 2002, 05:57:29 AM
A mask of alertness, seemed to have been placed on the Cloak’s face. He looked to Eve once more and composed himself. He spoke again, this time slower and a little dumbfounded: “ I can’t change your emotions, Eve. I can only earn your trust, that is if you allow it. “
The pair came now just out of the city, Eve seemed to grow more cautious, and Slayn more anxious. Slayn tapped on some kind of relay that was part of his suit, it lay on his foram. A very small vessel flew down from some secret place; there was hardly enough room for the two of them, Slayn offered Eve a hand in entering.

Eve Siren
Jun 22nd, 2002, 12:25:55 PM
"You're such a gentleman, Cloak ... Too bad I'm not a lady." Eve said, pushing his hand away with a swift slap.

Somehow, right about now, she wanted to walk away. She had better things to do, but something kept her back. Probably something to satisfy her feline curiosity.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 30th, 2002, 11:11:11 AM
Slayn was surprised by the slap, he almost reacted, but had the resolute to stop himself. His mind was at work again, the thoughts of timing and these incipient feelings he had recently been plagued with.
She is so insistent on pushing me away, yet she comes... why? she's not stone as she thinks, nor some great reckoning foe, she is pliable, and soft... I can feel it.

The pair took their seats and where off to a southern peninsula of this continent. It would be quiet there and desolate, nothing really but animals and plant life.

Eve Siren
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:50:39 AM
Taking her seat, Eve asked herself why she was doing this again. Waste of time and energy on a man that brought out the worse of herself. She sighed, with an annoyed look and turned her gaze away. Wherever he was taking her, no matter how bad it is, she had enough to make him kiss her transgenic ass.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 1st, 2002, 12:46:08 PM
After what seemed like no time, the duo arived and landed atop an ancient state house; It could very well contain great relics of the planets history, but in fact was simply shelter.

Slayn removed himself from the ship and began to speak to Eve again in the common speech.

" I am not used to this verbal form of expression, it has always seemed so vulgar to me. In speaking this way, I promise to maintain leave from your mind. I have brought you hear so that, perhaps the two of us, could forget about our preoccupations, and hopefully be as friends, for whatever amount of time you permit me to be near you. You may leave at any whim, but I emplore you, lose yourself here... be free of your servitude."

Eve Siren
Jul 15th, 2002, 07:15:54 PM
"You know, Cloak, I'm not mean, evil and bitchy because I'm a Sith. I'm a Sith because I'm mean, evil and bitchy. I am myself with you."

Eve felt a little more comfortable that the man stopped wandering through her mind, but she still felt a bit strange.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:32:44 PM
"You do realize your emotions betray you? I don't mean to make you this way..."

Slayn turned away from the Sith knight; Standing with his back against the sun, he noticed a flower in his shadow. It was dyeing, withered and brown. He closed his eyes and pulled the life from this plant. The tenebrious matter flowed out of the plant as it gave into itself and withered away. He forced the matter into the same shape- A Black flower who's petals were as satin and dark as ink. The stem was firm and resembled ebony; Slayn turned and bowed to Eve presenting her with this gift.

"Please, if you will have it; I offer this precious creature to compliment your beauty, the very thing that inspired it..."

Eve Siren
Jul 18th, 2002, 02:36:06 PM
Eve's brows arched, half confused, half surprised. She stayed silent for a moment, then exhaled. Her glare softened as she took the black flower.

" ... Thank you." She said, still codly, but with a little more softeness to her tone.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 22nd, 2002, 08:18:34 AM
Slayn felt something new from her, it was praise- It was similar to something he had once felt from her; The first time they met, she was sincere, this was reminiscent of that.

The Dark Jedi rose from his formal position and bowed to Eve before turning to the house. He began to walk to it, and explain this place to Eve.

" This is where I come to escape everything, very few people know about this place, and even less that I reside here time to time. Your welcome to do as you please, there are servants, a garden, and a wonderful view just behind the manor. If you need anything at all, simply ask. If you require something of me, or wish to see me, just speak my name. You will find that accommodations have been prepared for you inside. "

Slayn continued his way inside, passing the porch, with its many steps and pillars. Once his silhouette passed over the threshold; Eve found herself all alone, save for the servants that where ordered to for fill her needs.

Eve Siren
Jul 25th, 2002, 07:40:34 AM
The servants awaited a word from her, but she felt odd. She wasn't used to all this 'luxury', even less to servants. With a nervous motion of her hand, she sent them back to their tasks, telling them not to mind her.

Then she looked up to the manor, it seemed normal ... She didn't feel like exploring. There was a garden, he mentioned. That could be interesting. But the most biggest thought wandering in her head was if the famous, Jeseth Cloak, used to reside here. She had never met the man, but heard a lot about him. It would satisfy her curiosity to find anything about him; but that would be for later.

Now, she didn't want the Cloak son to have any suspicious thought of her, so she stepped faster towards the garden.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:26:39 PM
Slayn was in a large room on the first floor of the manor. It was most likely once used for matters of state, or gatherings of some other kind. He was seated in a large arm chair facing a window, that overlooked the bay. It looked cold outside, and he could find no comfort in the apple green waves crashing down on the rock beach. The many decorations in the room had lost meaning to him as well, antiquities of all kinds; the only thing in fact that had been placed there by Slayn was a portret of his father, Jeseth. Truth be told, Slayn had created that picture from an archive file he found at TSE, it really wasn't the greatest likeness. It was an older picture of him, he seamed less distant and noble. Slayn began to muse himself with the thought of Eve. Slayn was very well adept to her aura, she was in the garden, and seemed weary. The young Cloak sighed as he spoke her name.

" Eve..."

Eve Siren
Jul 26th, 2002, 12:48:01 PM
Eve turned towards the manor, thinking she had heard her name. It was probably Slayn, but she wondered what was going through his head. Trying to take him off her mind, she began looking at the flowers, walking slowly through the garden. Still, it was hard not to wonder what was in the manor, what Slayn was thinking, what the Cloak dad was doing. After all, she had a little feline blood in her veins.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 26th, 2002, 03:10:07 PM
Slayn rose from his seat and walked out of the room, upon his entry to the hall he was questioned by one of the servants asreial.

" Lord Cloak, the lady sent us away, she is in the garden. Is all well sir?"

Slayn rarely spoke in the common manner, the servants had gotten used to his mental speech.

" She is to be obeyed as it word my own word, whatever she may ask, you must then acomplish. I'm fine asreial, thank you for your services, I require nothing at present."

" Very well sir..."

Asreial turned around and went about his daily scheduled of running the manor and keeping things up to par. Slayn exited the house through the back, and made way to the menagerie.

Eve Siren
Jul 27th, 2002, 08:36:53 AM
After a little while, Eve got bored. It wasn't hard, she was all alone, in a garden. It was beautiful, but she was a street rat. All of this was another synonym of boredom. She groaned, and called out a servant, asking to see his lord.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 27th, 2002, 09:40:23 PM
Slayn sat in the menagerie, in a large chair, it was dark as onyx and seemed to shift and move in itself. A servant came running in from the south entrance, it was one of the lower ranking house persons; One who wasn't accustomed to the Cloak and his gifts. Upon seeing the large chair, the man grew weary then spoke.

" M'loard, the lady has requested you see her."

" I'm well aware of that casious, remember I can feel what is in your mind. Why are you afraid?"

Slayn knew it was pointless to ask him such a question and got up before he could answer; The chair was completely constructed of the dark matter Slayn had become a master to. It was disbanded as he walked away and into the house. Casious was left speechless as he watched the matter float away, wave over itself until it was no longer tangible, then disperse as smoke. Slayn exited the house in to the garden, he could feel that Eve was close, and thought the garden was large and was built as a maze, it was only second before he appeared in front of her. He spoke in the common speech, once more his voice soft and frail from lack of usage.

" Yes my lady, you called for me?"

Eve Siren
Jul 28th, 2002, 01:35:42 PM
My lady. The words echoed in her mind, and she knew Slayn could feel her feelings about words such as those. She exhaled, taking a moment of silence to calm her thoughts down before looking up to him.

"Why are you abandonning me here ? Actually, why am I even here at all ?"

Slayn Cloak
Jul 29th, 2002, 05:39:29 PM

The young Cloak was lost for words. He had created this garden to relive him of his sorrow. This was also an emotion he didn't know by name.

" You're not abbandoned, I want to speek with you, and see you at all moments. I only feel I shouldn't impose."

Slayn could feel a high level of condusion in her, that would cuase frustration, then anger. Slayn stood in front of her as he had done many times; At present however, this was the first time, he stood there on a lower level than her. He awated a responce and looked away from her at the flowers.

Eve Siren
Jul 30th, 2002, 07:47:59 AM
"Well ... I'm here. So tell me why you brought me here, Cloak." Eve tried not to soften up.

She crossed her arms over her stomach, her gaze was still locked on him, though he wasn't looking back at her.

Slayn Cloak
Jul 31st, 2002, 01:32:43 PM
"You're here becuase a part of you wants to be. I can feel her Eve, inside of you. Why not let her out?"

Eve Siren
Aug 1st, 2002, 09:50:23 AM
"And the other part of me wants to kick your ass. Don't tempt me, Cloak."

Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 02:02:19 PM
" You will do as you must Eve. I had this garden created becuase of you, I thought that something this beautiful could capture the beauty I see before me. I was wrong, unfortunetly the only thing that can mock your beauty is you."

Slayn turned to her again, he watched her expression. He looked upon her, as if for the last time. With a short sigh he stood prepared for whatever was to come...

Eve Siren
Aug 1st, 2002, 04:46:39 PM
" ... Why must you always be so complicated and impossible, Slayn ?" Eve finally muttered, after a while of silence.

She wasn't sure what to respond. Everything in Slayn was always so confusing and hard to understand. She sighed, and crossed her arms in her back, waiting for a long explanation.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 05:11:49 PM
Slayn approached Eve slowly, she wanted something he couldn't give her that way. There was however an other way for her to gain peace of mind. As he got closer he put his arms around her, and placed his head over her shoulder. A tear fell from his eye, it was like the dark energy he controlled, tenebrious and black, it was more transparent, but still carried a black color. It fell to her shoulder and cascaded into the air.

Eve Siren
Aug 1st, 2002, 05:22:10 PM
Eve's light brown eyes blinked as Slayn put his arms around her. She had a reflex of being defensive in these situations, but felt a tear on her leather jacket. Her eyes fell to the ground, almost embarassed but she still returned the embrace slowly.


Slayn Cloak
Aug 1st, 2002, 05:39:03 PM
Slayn spoke out loud as he so despised, but it didn't seem to matter this time.

" Eve, please just let go; be here with me, forget about everything els."

Slayn turned his head, a dark tear still lingered on his face. He turned his head and looked in to Eve's eyes before bringing his lips upon hers; They met softly with the tenderness of pulp or the petals of some flower.

Eve Siren
Aug 2nd, 2002, 07:18:24 AM
Eve was surprised by his words, and even more surprised once he pressed his lips against hers. In less then two weeks, she got kissed by two Dark Jedis. Which was odd. Was he trying to mess with her head, or was he actually sincere ? She wasn't sure, and deep inside, didn't want to find out. Her hands fell to her sides, as she tried not to return his kiss but only stood there. She felt something being pulled out of her ...

Slayn Cloak
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:40:14 PM
Slayn held Eve in his embrace, her hands fell away, and her kiss was less than he imagined. Her lips where the softest thing he had ever touched, he could feel the darkness gathering around them. It had come out of both of them, but Slayn hadn't commanded it to. At first he thought it strange but didn't care very much deep down. He looked into Eve's eyes. They reflected his, they had sorrow, and confusion in them. He watched the pattern of her Iris and kissed her once more. There was a great pull inside of him, the shadow had encompassed them, there was tenebrious matter covering them, it had seemed to originate from the tears the Cloak had shed.

Eve Siren
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:50:02 PM
The kiss seemed normal, like she had received before. But she still felt something pulling out of her body. A part of her soul being torn apart, as if he was absorbing something from her. Images of her metting with Slayn appeared in her mind, when they met, when she promoted, he was always somewhere near her. After a moment, she gently pushed him away, putting her hand up to her mouth. She felt a sudden headache.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 2nd, 2002, 12:57:43 PM
The dark mater had attached itself to Eve, it seemed now to be only on her. Slayn was confused he hadn't done anything to provoke this, Eve's body was smothered with the tenebrious matter, a huge lump seemed to build over her heart. Slayn was concerned, though she didn't seem to be in pain.

" Eve, I have no... what's happening!"

Slayn tried to pull the matter off of her, banishing it as he had always done once it served his purpose; This time however it was to no avail.

Eve Siren
Aug 3rd, 2002, 09:15:34 AM
Until now, there was no huge pain, but suddendly her body began to shiver uncontrolably. She started breathing heavily as she fell to her knees, her hand griping on her shirt, as her other hand hit the ground several times. She let go gasps and screams of pain. Darkness contoured her body slowly at first before violently making circles around her. Suddendly, a black form seemed to be purging out of her back.

It was just a bizarre black form to start with, then slowly turned into a female figure. The pain was too immense for Eve, even though she was a Sith Knight. She fell on her side, unconscious. But the figure still continued to form. Finally, it was done. The color of her skin, her eyes, all began to construct on the black female figure. It was all finished. The figure opened her light brown eyes and smiled at Slayn. She looked exactly like Eve, but wasn't a clone. The only difference was that she had longer hair and that she wasn't genetically engineered. She was created for Slayn and Slayn only.

Aug 3rd, 2002, 09:47:57 AM
... Slayn ? The voice was much softer than Eve's. Slayn ...

Evelyn smiled. She was floating a feet or two from the ground, wearing a white ensemble. Her long brown hair flowed with the wind gently, as her eyes locked with Slayn's. Everything about Evelyn was much softer and more gentle. Unlike Eve, she knew nothing about fighting, or hatred.

Eve never felt love for Slayn, but somehow, because of him, a part of her was separated and became Evelyn. Evelyn didn't particulary represented Eve's love, it was more like as if, she was a wish that Slayn wanted from Eve. And because of his dark powers, it came true. Evelyn slowly landed on the ground, without even glancing at the unconscious Eve.

Slayn ... Come to me.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 3rd, 2002, 02:17:32 PM
Slayn was surprised he had no idea he was capable of this, he felt so weak. I didn't do this, I tried to stop it, Eve, is she... NO! The mind of the Cloak raced he looked at Evelyn calling his name, she seemed so beautiful, but was it all an illusion, or some kind of hallucination. He shook these thought's out of his head as he called for Asreial, speaking out to his mind, he was sure to arive in seconds. Slayn stepped forward to evelyn, but stopped and looked at Eve.
Slayn spoke in evelyn's mind.

"What's the meaning of this, who are you and why did you do this?"

At that moment Asreial came from the east entrance. He was in distress and had made great haste to get here so quickly. Slayn turned to him and made clear his bidding.

" Take the lady, examine her and give aid to her. If necessary use the bacta tank on the upper level."

Asreial watched Evelyn for a second then shook his head and spoke "yes m'lord". A quickly as he appeared he was off with Eve's body, Slayn hopped she was ok, but feared the reaction of this new creature had he given Eve his attention. She was created by the darkness and by that account, she must then be able to make use of it.

Aug 3rd, 2002, 03:26:11 PM
Evelyn seemed hurt by Slayn's questions. Her gentle expression quickly changed into a sad face.

I ... I am Evelyn. I didn't do this .. She looked at Eve's body being taken away. You did it.

Evelyn lifted a hand slowly, and brushed her finger against Slayn's cheek very softly, as if she tried to assure him she wasn't any illusion.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:43:01 AM
Slayn felt strange, he knew full well that he had taken no part in this. Her touch was endearing, and brought a strange sensation upon him. What a marvelous sensation... His mind raced with the thought, following the sensation of her touch, still his mind also thought of Eve. ...Imposter... His eyes searched Evelyn's staring deep inside of them. Finally he spoke inside her mind again, trying to discern her.

"Why are you touching me? How do you know who I am? How is this even possible? I... I don't understand."

Aug 4th, 2002, 07:07:30 AM
Your dark powers. They are responsible. Though they have separated Eve and I ... They have turned me into what you wished Eve would be. They let me feel what you wished Eve would feel. Slayn ... I am completely yours. Only you can make me go away, and back into Eve.

Though he was still confused, Evelyn didn't stop. She made one step closer to him, and finally caressed his cheek with her whole hand gently.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 11:08:10 AM
No, I didn't Command this, why would it have acted on its own.

Slayn almost shuttered at her touch it was unlike anything he had know so far in his life. All he had learned, or dealt with, his power, meditation, and subterfuge. He hadn't had experiences like this and never knew affection. Slayn placed his right arm around Evelyn, his right hand in the small of her back; Pulling her body closer to his. He slid his free hand across her side, and as their bodies touched Slayn spoke.

" What about Eve?"

Slayn locked eyes with Evelyn again, searching her, looking for anything inside of her, but all he could see was himself.

Aug 4th, 2002, 01:46:45 PM
Eve won't remember any of this ... Besides the pain. Now, we can be together without anyone interferring, Slayn ...

Evelyn gently slid her hands up Slayn's arms, stopping at his shoulders as she leaned her forehead, sideways, on his left shoulder. Deep down, Evelyn didn't really care about Eve. They were now two different people, two different lives.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 4th, 2002, 03:24:00 PM
" It's late let me show you to your room, feel free to wonder the house it is old and very large. You'll find the library quite acomodating, that is if you speak ambrleian, or corillian. Ask any of the servants if you need something, it will be there duty to follow it to the entirety of there power."

He turned his cares into an embrace as he held her in his arms...

Aug 5th, 2002, 06:51:00 AM
Very well ... Her voice trailed off.

Evelyn knew his thoughts exactly. She knew he was going to go see Eve ... And it somehow hurted her. Like a sting to the heart. She pulled him in closer for a slight second before letting go. She looked up to him, and kissed the corner of his lips.

I will be in the library.

She turned around to the servant, and he showed her the way to the library. She slowly paced away from Slayn, following the servant. After a moment, in the large manor, she finally arrived to the grand library. She looked at the servant and smiled gently, before telling him he could return to his duties.

She brushed her hands against the old books, then stopped at one. Taking one out, she dusted it off with her palm then went to sit down in a chair. She pulled on her white dress to sit properly before opening the book, and skipping through it.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 7th, 2002, 09:23:34 PM
"... "

What is this... I didn't create that. How can she be? Is she real...

With the questioning of Evelyn's tangibility Slayn's hand rose to tuch the corner of his lips where hers had just pass. He was lost in contemplation and almost didn't realize that he was in the house. He continued up the stairs, he could feel her in the library as he passed the floor. Once he had come to the top floor he mad his way to the medical room, there he found Eve inside a bakta tank, and tyverious, a Moore and the house physician.

" Is she well? "

"It will take some time Sr. she was seriously ijured. What happened to her Sr.?"

Slayn shook his head as he replied in a course fashioned.

" I'm not sure, she was in my arms and then... will she be well?"

"Yes, it will take just the night before we can take her out of the tank, but she'll be sore for a few days."

"Leave us..."

Slayn put his right hand to the glass, he wondered if Eve could feel his presence. He was very confused about the days events, and it had grown late...

Aug 8th, 2002, 07:29:56 AM
Evelyn's expression sadened at the sight. Slayn had such a passion for Eve ... She even began doubting if she could beat Eve, at this stage. She had gone from the library ever since Slayn entered the medical room. She looked up at Eve in the medbay then back at Slayn. She sighed. She slowly stepped towards the man and wrapped her arms gently over his chest, under his arms. Her forehead leaned against his back and her eyes closed. She remained silent, biting on her lower lip.

Eve Siren
Aug 8th, 2002, 09:59:03 AM
Being genetically engineered, Eve healed faster. But the pain was immense and it'd take longer than she would've thought it would. Right now, all she could do was open her eyes, discovering she was in a bacta tank and see a blurry vision, because of the liquid, of Slayn and another woman. The woman was behind him, so she couldn't see much. She couldn't remember anything either. She lifted her hand and brushed it against the glass tank.


Slayn Cloak
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:18:34 AM
Slayn felt Evelyn's arms around him,he felt comfort in them and almost lost himself, when Eve put her hand against the tank. Slayn let out a sigh and looked back at Evelyn, whose head was in his back and out of his field of vision. He spoke in her mind again as he had done before.

" I'm going to bed, where would you like to sleep?"

Aug 8th, 2002, 10:25:37 AM
Can I stay with you tonight or ... Do you want to be alone ? She replied.

She let go of him, but her hand slowly slipped down his sides, her fingertips brushing against his for a split second, a soft touch ... She then sighed, waiting for an answer.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 8th, 2002, 10:39:18 AM
" You may do as you please, yes I've stated that. Join me if you will then, come, take my hand."

Slayn walked to the largest room on this floor, it was an old chamber, filled with books and leather furnishings. There was a fireplace opposite the bed. The bed was oaken, and in the canopied style. There where satin sheets and matching canopy, black with a silver trim. Slayn stepped behind a partition and changed...

Aug 8th, 2002, 01:54:09 PM
Evelyn looked around before sitting on the edge on the grand bed. She took a long moment doing nothing there also, before taking off her shoes silently, and slipping under the bed sheets. She took the left side, without really thinking about it, and layed on the side, her back facing Slayn.

... Goodnight, Slayn.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:09:56 AM
Slayn took Evelyn in his arms and spoke to her for the first time, in his voice out loud.

" Maybe for the first time, Evelyn... Sweet dreams."

He let her head rest on his chest, it wasn't long at all before he was in a deep sleep.

Eve Siren
Aug 9th, 2002, 06:36:37 AM
Little by little in the night, Eve began healing faster. Now her vision ceased to be blurry and she had more control in her body. She brushed her hand gently across the glass with her left hand before clenching her right fist and punch through the glass. The glas shattered in one shot and the liquid poured out on the floor. She landed on her feet and pulled out the wires and tubes that kept her breathing in the water. She groaned.

"Not only am I wet, but I got kissed by a Dark Jedi ..." She muttered, cursing under her breath.

A bunch of servants came running to her, usually, she'd brush them off gently, but uncontrolably this time, she grabbed one and rammed her knee into him, the others then ran away. She let go of the broken one and looked down at him.

"Where's Slayn ?"

"Umm, uh .. ugh ..."

"WHERE ?!" She yelled.

He pointed out a shaking finger towards the main room and Eve just stood up and walked to it. Arriving, she kicked down the door and looked around in the dark. Having Feline DNA, it was easier for her to adapt to the dark, then she spotted Slayn with another woman in his arms, probably that woman earlier.

"Why, you little ..." She cursed once more before quickly stepping to Slayn's side of the bed.

He looked so peaceful, that little idiot. She turned his head, from the woman and landed a powerful punch on the side of his face, then continuing a few times.

"That's for kissing me ... twice !" She yelled, also cursing once more.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 9th, 2002, 08:39:25 AM

Slayn was asleep, but his mind plagued him; His thoughts where of Eve, and this entire dilemma. This world was full and over done, everything exaggerated. It was the dream world, but came to a hastened end as Eve's fist crashed into his face. A great pain was felt, then repeated, and in fact one more introduced itself before Slayn awoke to the cursing of one Eve sirren. His first thought was of joy, for she had obviously healed; He then quickly noted she had been attacking him. Before he could react in a safe manner, Slayn waved his hand viscously at her, Eve was sent into a book shelf a meter back from the bed.

" Calm down Eve, what are you doing?! I'm pleased to se you're well."

Eve Siren
Aug 9th, 2002, 10:29:35 AM
Eve growled under her breath and got back to her feet. The blow was only a meter away, so it didn't hurt that much. She dusted her shoulders and took a deep breath, before unlocking the gun on her right thigh and aiming it at Slayn. She squinted her eyes out of anger and shot him in the thigh and shoulder before he could do anything. Eve wasn't a great Force user, but when it came to weapons, especially guns, she was practically perfect.

She then shot down his window, her gaze always locked on him.

"God, I hate you, Cloak." She muttered to him, before jumping out of the window.

She landed on a few obstacles before reaching the ground safely. Putting her silver steel gun back at its place, anger burning in her eyes and the cat in her soul more alive than ever, she ran away.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 9th, 2002, 12:50:16 PM
Slayn fell to the floor, his wounds didn't bother him so much, but the pain inside himself was more than he could fathom. A horrible grimace took his face, as Asreial burst through the door accompanied by his son Chandler.

"What has happened Sir?"

" The lady has escaped, leave us, and send a scout with a speeder to track her, there isn't a city for kilometers, she'll need the transportation."

"But, Sir, she's right there in bed!?"

" Go... Leave your son."

Asreial turned around and left the room, instructing Chandler to stay. The young boy closed the door and quickly grabbed some bandages. As he approached Slayn he felt dizzy, but oddly at peace. Slayn gripped the peasant's simple mind and weeded through it like some invading disease. The boys life energy was quailed away from his body and into that of the young Cloak. The tenebrious matter that was yield from the boy's life entered Slayns wounds, healing them as it passed. At this point Slayn turned to Evelyn, as the final essence of Chandler entered him, completely dissolving the body; There was now nothing left of Asrieals son...

Aug 9th, 2002, 02:12:47 PM
Being a heavy sleeper, Evelyn just woke up now. Her eyes opened slowly as she realized Slayn wasn't by her sides anymore. She sat up immediately and saw Slayn on the floor. She tilted her head to the side, confused, and slowly ran her fingers through Slayn's hair.

Is everything okay ..? She murmured.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 9th, 2002, 02:25:37 PM
Slayn climbed back into the bed, he was now hurt more than Eve ever had the physical potential to do. He took Evelyn's hand and spoke. " Nothing... she's gone now." Slayn rested his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes.


Aug 24th, 2002, 12:10:57 PM
Evelyn kissed Slayn's forehead gently, before closing her own eyes. After a while, she drifted off to sleep. Before she realized, pictures of Eve invaded her mind. Eve being stabbed to death by a white spiked-haire little boy. Eve being hung high up from a tree. Eve saying goodbye. Eve dying. Eve dead. Suddendly, behind the hung corpse was a black sort of spirit. A female form.

Her eyes were orange, that's all we could see from the darkness. Violently, it charged at Evelyn. All the young woman could do was gasp and feel it possess her. At that moment, Evelyn's eyelids opened as she sat up quickly. A wicked evil grin drew on her lips as she looked on the side to discover Slayn gone.

She growled under her breath, looking around the room, searching for him.

Slayn Cloak
Aug 25th, 2002, 12:14:03 AM
It wasn't long at all before a holo image of Slayn appeared in the center of the room. The Image was crisp, it was Slayn. He spoke to Evelyn from a ship not that far away from the planet- he was headed back to Vjun. His face was nearly a meter tall, it danced of blues and greys as he spoke.

" I've gone to a planet called Vjun, to bast castle. I have provided you with transportation, if you want to be near me, then I suggest you make haste. "

The image was gone with the end of his sentence. Followed by a servant at the door to show her the way.

Aug 25th, 2002, 07:23:33 AM
Evelyn stood from the bed, and got dressed right in front of Slayn's servant. She then turned to him, and walked towards him. When she got near him, she trailed her finger down his cheek, before grabbing his chin then snapped his neck.

She scoffed. "To be near you, darling ? Yeah, right."

She left the room, then just paced her way around to the transportation to Vjun.