View Full Version : Go Avalanche

May 31st, 2002, 12:38:01 PM
Man, I can't wait for tonight's Avs - Red Wings game. What a great matchup - two teams who really go at it hard and always end up having great series. I hope Roy and the Avs pull through tonight!!!

Anyone else planning on watching?

May 31st, 2002, 12:43:03 PM
Yes I will watch. I'll be flipping between this and the NBA playoffs. I'd say I think the Wings have the advantage simply based on Home Ice...which in a Game Seven is a monumental advantage.

Never count out Roy though...he's the best "money" goalie in the business.

May 31st, 2002, 12:46:12 PM
Originally posted by CMJ
Never count out Roy though...he's the best "money" goalie in the business.

Yeah - when the pressure's on, he shines.

May 31st, 2002, 12:48:44 PM
I'm a Sabres fan...so part of me is pulling for Hasek to get his ring. He is one of the best goalie's ever IMHO.

The other part of me is rooting against the SOB because he wanted out of town....said he couldn't win here. Hell we ALMOST won in '99!


May 31st, 2002, 01:11:32 PM
Yeah, I'm pumped to see it too, but worried because our team has suffered so many injuries in this series and isn't quite what they usually are.

Is a Colorado resident

May 31st, 2002, 01:12:29 PM
Go Patrick Roy!!! :D

May 31st, 2002, 01:15:06 PM
I've a Patrick Roy fan since 1986 when he stole the cup for the Canadiens. IMO, he is the best goalie ever, and he's able to focus like no one ever has.

Still Stevie Y has always been my favorite player, so I'm pulling for the Wings. The Avanlanche used to be the Quebec Nordiques, who I HATED with a passion. And Patrick Roy is a goddam egotistical sissy, so despite his greatness, I think he's a suck.

May 31st, 2002, 01:43:41 PM
Originally posted by SWFans.Net
Yeah, I'm pumped to see it too, but worried because our team has suffered so many injuries in this series and isn't quite what they usually are.

Is a Colorado resident

Yeah, injuries are working against us. Where in Colorado are you? I live in Colorado Springs.

May 31st, 2002, 01:45:26 PM
I'm in Greeley. East of Fort Collins/Loveland.

May 31st, 2002, 04:16:47 PM
I'm a Patrick Roy fan, so count me in as going for the Avs to win tonight! I've watched every game of the series, and I do not plan on missing this one...

My moviegoing is going to suffer tonight because of sports; I'm not missing live sports events for a movie "directed by Phil Alden Robinson," LOL. It'll still be playing Saturday I betcha ;)

I don't think home "ice" makes ANY difference in this game. Personally I've yet to see how home ice makes any difference in this entire SPORT. There isn't enough cheering to make any difference. Nobody cares. The players on the ice cannot even hear the audience, nor can I when I'm watching it on TV. It's not like basketball where every basket can be cheered and the fans really get into it. There are only a few goals per game and not that much to cheer, so the audience is a non-factor.

May 31st, 2002, 04:25:53 PM
I'm not underestimating them, I'm giving the 2 West teams the respect they deserve. I'm willing to bet the Finals don't go past 5 games. Sure Carolina's run has been astounding, but they have yet to face a team as deep and as talented and experienced as Colorado or Detroit. And don't say New Jersey, because they simply aren't the same team they used to be. I think Detroit will win tonight, and I can almost guarantee that they will outplay Colorado, as they have throughout the whole series. *IF* the Avalanche wins, it's because Patrick Roy the cry baby is going
to win it for them.

And Jon, you could not be more wrong about crowds. Home fans definetly do play a role, and believe me, players DO hear the fans, and rather well. I can guarantee that because I've been on ice level moments after an NHL game for a fan presentation (I got lucky and won) and the fans are deafening. Even when the arena is 50% empty. However, I do agree with you that home ice has not given the home team the edge, and that's fact can be easily explained by the simple fact that almost every team in the league has a new arena that has been built in the past 5 years. In the past, teams would stay in the same rink for decades and learn the subtleties of each ice surface, and the way the boards react, how the puck rebounds off them etc. Now each rink is built to NHL specs and generally all act the same fashion, except sometimes you have temperature differences which affects the ice depending on where you are (Edmonton, and Miami being total opposites). So fans probably play more of a role now than they ever have. It's just that there is so much parity in the game now, that any team can win anywhere on any given night. Besides, there is PLENTY to cheer for in hockey. Sure there are few goals, but a big hit, a nice save, a fight, all of these things can bring crowds to their feet.

May 31st, 2002, 04:31:59 PM
I guess, but it sure hasn't mattered much here the games I have been watching...

I watched both series' actually, it just didn't seem like that big of a deal. Same can be said of many sports come playoff time, though.

I don't think the crowd makes ANY difference in a home game in baseball, for instance, and I've watched that sport for years. Do I think home FIELD makes a difference? Absolutely! The pitcher knows how his field is built, some players are especially used to playing in a particular field, and often times a team is assembled around a field. Like the Yankees work just perfectly for Yankee Stadium. I also think the fact they are not on the road, i.e. in a hotel room and away from home, makes a significant difference too. I think being home can get them more into their groove, thus the better winning percentages at home.

Home court does not always make a difference, though, or at least not a positive one. *cough* Charlotte Hornets *cough*. Of course, when only a few thousand people (ok like 9,000) show up to your games and nobody really cares about your team, despite the fact you are winning, then that's not a huge morale booster.

Roy is not a cry baby! He frickin' rules! One of the greatest goalies ever.

It's true that the Red Wings have mostly outplayed the Avs, but the experience of their goalie has made the difference and gave the Avs an edge. Now, it is tied. It all comes down to this. :)

May 31st, 2002, 04:45:19 PM
Roy is probably the best goalie ever. Bar none, he's just an unflinching machine when he gets out there, but make no mistake, he is one of the biggest whiners ever to put on a pair of skates. Did you see him try to whine about the MISTAKE he made in game 6? When he just had to show the world that he had the puck in his glove? But oh no Patty wah-wah, you didn't have the puck, did you? Shanahan made you look stupid. I couldn't believe he was about to mouth off about that. He's probably the best the game has ever seen, but he's a showboating, hot-doggin cry baby. Maybe being so good, he's earned the right to whine and gripe, but he's overboard sometimes.

May 31st, 2002, 04:50:42 PM
I personally think he's a great goalie, but man he makes me nervous every time he comes out of the crease to play a puck - for a goalie he sure covers a lot of ice...

May 31st, 2002, 05:31:54 PM
Look I'm a fan and all, but at 3-0, this game is OV-AH.

I'm going to go enjoy the sun and swim a bit. This is just boring and pathetic.

May 31st, 2002, 05:59:46 PM
Like I said...Home Ice advantage.

I agree guys...it doesn't really matter in games 1-6(even players admit that)...but come a Game 7, it's HUGE.

May 31st, 2002, 07:53:04 PM
It wasn't home ice, LOL, it was Patrick Roy sucking it up hardcore. He blew so hard he could have knocked the entire stadium over with his gas. Jesus that was a horrible performance.

Of course, it would have helped if the Avs had a bit of offense too, they really are a lousy offensive team from what I've seen. #1 defensive team during the regular season, but they CANNOT score enough! Or at all... lol.

Oh well, I look forward to and will watch the Stanley Cup games. I don't really have a particular team I am going for, but I would like to see it be close so I will root for the underdog in Carolina. I think the Red Wings will kill them in about 5 or 6 ;)

May 31st, 2002, 07:55:47 PM
Hasek had something to do with the Ave's futility. He is one of the best goalie's around. He's won the Goalie of the Year award at least twice...and even league MVP once(if my memory is correct). He's a sure bet Hall of famer...the only thing he hasn't done is win the Cup. Looks like it may be his year.

May 31st, 2002, 08:09:31 PM
Everyone blew on the Avs tonight. Starting with Roy, who CAN be faulted an at least 3 of the goals. The others, well his defence just hung him out to dry big time. The Red Wings were just too deep, too talented and too poised to lose this one. I hope Carolina was taking notes, this could end up being one of the most one-sided series' ever.

May 31st, 2002, 10:14:33 PM
Mental note to self:
Never say "Go Patrick Roy!" before a big game. It's bad luck!

Jun 2nd, 2002, 06:09:25 PM
Man, what a sucky game... I only watched part of it - got too painful. I think it was a combination of a lot of things - Roy was just not on his game. Unfortunately, the rest of the team didn't really help him out all that much. The Avs really needed some key offense and they just didn't have it.

Win or lose, I didn't expect it to end like that - I was expecting a tight game like the other six, not a total blowout...

I think the whole discounted goal thing was a load of cr@p too... Come on - the game was over at that point, give the Avs a little respectability there... But NOOOO, the Red Wings just have to get their shutout... :mad

Oh well - they still had a good run through the regular season, and there's always next year...