View Full Version : Mid-Morning Patrol (Open)

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2002, 10:15:22 AM
The twin-sun's of Tatooine hung high above in the sky, charming mirages from the time worn dunes. A ray of light became a flare as Dasquian squinted up at the bright blue sky. Under the foot of his calf-high boots he could feel the grains of sand shifting, almost burning through the hide. Evening in the morning the dunes were far too hot, and the heat was not to his liking; thus he made a retreat into a more shaded area.

A cluster of rocks was formed around a former dwelling of the sand people, with some relic bones and the like scattered about. The Jedi sighed softly and sat a top one of the rocks in the circle, glancing from side to side. There was someone on the planet with dark intentions, and yet after a long couple of hours of walking he had still not found them.

Severen Morkonis
May 31st, 2002, 06:40:40 PM
Sieken stepped out of the small domed hut a few hundred feet from where the Jedi walked obscured by the chaos of the market place, his face dripping with crimson blood partnered by a rather large grin.

'Ahhh' He sighed heavily, his face returning back to the normal expressionless feature that he always wore. He noticed a passer by look at him in a strange way.

What are you looking at midget! Sieken said as the old market stall owner scurried off in a fit of panic, sieken stood there for a moment and thought....damn!..the blood!. Sieken quickly wiped the blood of off his face with his sleeve and mixed in with the crowed.

It did not take long to sense something was around. The Sith Knight stopped dead in the middle of the market, a few people bumped into him but he did not move, his head quickly turned towards where the feeling was coming from, his eyebrows raised trying to deciver the force signature...but couldent....

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2002, 02:15:46 AM
He continued to walk on forward, yet suddenly felt panic behind him. Quickly turning on his heel, he saw a group of people gathered around one stall all chattering loudly. Using the Force to enhance his senses, he began to listen in on the conversation ...

"Did you see him? He had blood on his face! Like a wild dog!"

"I hear there are strange folk about."

"Keep your distance from that white-haired one!"

White-haired? Dasquian squinted and look about. Most of the people on this planet were fair haired due to the sun, so it would be easy to pick out the bright white. Within a minute he could see the ivory bobbing above the crowd. Soon the Sith would encounter him, until then he would remain vigilante.