View Full Version : It's been a while

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2002, 09:53:21 AM
After a long time of not showing up around the Order, aside from in the Academy, Dasquian had stepped momentarily out of his training reigime to visit Yog's. Much to his amusement, the bar looked the same as he had remembered it before - it was as if he'd never left it, the same people sitting at the same tables, with the same drinks in their hands.

A slight laugh left his lips as he approached the bar, ordering a tumbler of some exotic fruit juice. Turning then, he leant back against the bar and glanced around for a familiar face.

imported_Natia Telcontar
May 31st, 2002, 10:15:18 AM
*Natia had earlier that day come to the B&G for a bit of relaxation from her training and also to give her ankles a rest since they have been bothering her for several days now. She had seen Dasquian around in the B&G and the Academy numerous times before but has never approached him. He has seemed like a nice person to her from a distance so today she decides to meet him in person. Grabbing her crutches that are leaning against the table, she stands up and with the assistance of her crutches, she hobbles her way over to the bar where Dasquian is standing*

Greetings Dasquian. You may not know me, but my name is Natia. I believe your a friend of my Mother, Xazor.

*Natia takes a deep breath to keep herself under control as she starts to talk with Dasquian, hoping he doesn't notice the deep breath, she continues with asking*

Would you like some company for awhile??

Dasquian Belargic
May 31st, 2002, 10:17:36 AM
As a small girl approaches him, he sets his drink down on the bar behind him and offers a warm smile in greeting.

"Ah, hello Natia. I don't believe I have had the pleasure of making your aqquaitance ... it is good to meet you,"

The Jedi bowed softly. Xazor's daughter? How interesting.

"If you would like to join me for a little while I would welcome the company, certainly," he said with a smile.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 1st, 2002, 02:22:49 PM
*Natia, who is just 7 years old, smiles back to Dasquian. She then carefully sits down on one of the stools along the bar and leans her crutches against it. She then looks up at Dasquian with her ice blue eyes and asks*

How long have you known my Mother??

*Natia is not trying to hide the fact that she is still trying to learn info about her Mother. She figures she might be able to learn more about her if she asks her Mother's friends about how they met and things along that line. She then quickly adds on*

But if you don't want to tell you, you don't have to.

*Natia bites her lower lip slightly as she keeps looking as Dasquian, worried that she asked something she had no right to ask*

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 2nd, 2002, 02:19:38 AM
"Oh, since I came here we have been good friends," he said returning the smile.

He reclined, relaxing against the bar as he watched Natia.

"I imagine that is at least a couple of months ... I am suprised that in that time I have not become aqquainted with you."

Kelt Simoson
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:35:02 PM
The new Padawan named Kelt walked in. His first time at the bar they named "Master Yoghurt's Bar & Grill" the place was choka'-block with people from all around the galaxy.

Some really strange ones that Kelt seemed to steer clear of and some with tentacles and long snouts and big teeth...also which Kelt kept away from, his long white hood from his robes covering the best part of his face kept him un recognized.

Kelt saw someone that looked actually rather gentle and kind....and human!...so he made his way towards the blonde man Kelts rather large smile showing a array of clean white teeth.

' Hello..my name is Kelt...Kelt Simoson i trust you two are Jedi...i sense it' Kelt said pulling back the large drooping hood so it laid on his shoulders.

Wicket W. Warrick Jr.
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:32:21 PM
Wicket the mistvous Ewok was esase droping on the hole conversaion

Hi me Wicket. I over heard my masters name Xazor. Do all of you know her or just you two

Points twords the two who have been having the conversation

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 3rd, 2002, 05:18:20 AM
Dasquian glanced up to the man who had just approach and gave a nod in greeting.

"What you sense is correct, I am indeed a Jedi."

He smiled, "Dasquian Belargic, good to meet you."

At this point a ewok appeared, at which Dasquian grinned.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:49:43 AM
*Natia smiles at Dasquian*

I'm not surprised that we have not met. If it is possible for a child to master the art of hiding, then I have done that. I can be in full sight of ppl, but they never see me because I wish not to be seen. Only those that know me would be able to see me in those times.

*Natia smiles again, knowing full well that she has left out a bit of info on that but says nothing more on the subject as a strange man approaches the two of them. She takes a deep breath to keep herself under control and just looks at the guy. When she speaks next, her voice has a slight edge of mistrust and dislike in it*

Yes, I am training to be a Jedi.

*Natia doesn't bother giving her name since she believes that nobody would care about the name of a child, especially her name. She usually only gives it to a person she approaches or if she is specifically asked for it. She then turns to look at the ewok that just appeared and smiles slightly. She has always liked ewoks and just thinks of them as living teddy bears. She then responds to the comment about Xazor*

Xazors my Mother.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 3rd, 2002, 07:12:11 PM
Kelt smiled, his face showing a wide smile full of joy.

'Anyone care for a drink?...or perhaps a bite to eat?.' He said it directly to the blonde man purely cause he talked to him first...but he did mean to offer everyone else also.

His height was only 5'6, so he had to look up to the blonde man several times, the wookie however Kelt only smiled at before turning towards the bar tender.

' Errr...a fruit juice for me and whatever these guys want...'..The tender gave a grunt and looked at the others.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 4th, 2002, 03:08:14 AM
"What a useful trick," Dasquian chimed, patting Natia on the head as he look towards the new arrival.

"Ah, Some rice wouldn't go amiss for me... !"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 4th, 2002, 08:59:38 AM
*Natia's ice blue eyes flash briefly at Kelt, it just being the way she is right now but trying to change. She then gets a thought that she's not welcome here anymore even though she does wish to continue to get to know ppl. Closing her eyes, she takes a couple of deep breaths before she opens them again in order to keep herself under control. Then with a quiet voice, she asks*

May I please get a pop, a cola to be specific??

*Natia shakes her head slightly, hating her mandatory diet slightly but hay, what kid wouldn't hate a diet that they have to be on. Especially a 7 year old child. She then moves one of her hands to her crutches and rests it there for balance as she moves her other hand down to her ankles and rubs them slighty before sitting up straight again, but keeping her hand on her crutches*

Kelt Simoson
Jun 4th, 2002, 11:41:45 PM
The Crusader smiled at the girl for a short while before turning back to the barman and ordering what they wanted...rice a fruit juice for me and a coke, he recited.

' Err a coke, bowel of rice and a fruit juice thanks' Kelt said smiling to the grumpy waiter.

Kelt turned around and stood with his hands in to oposite hands sleeve his white hood resting on his shoulders very proud of his Crusaders uniform. There were only 53 Crusaders in the whole of the Galaxy even to this day...he was a very special man indeed.

Across his back in a sheath of course was his Templar sword.The sword Juran was particularly ornate and depicted crusader scenes and lily work. Every Crusader of the ancient guild that carried such a sword had his name engraved in the blade, it read "Kelt Simoson-Juran" Juran the name of the actual sword. It was a beutifull master piece and un-breakable even when a light saber clashed with it.

' Your food and drink has been ordered....so Dasquian is it?...nice to meet you as i said..my name is Kelt' The Crusader held out his hand to shake the young boys although Kelt was only 19 himself.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2002, 02:11:45 AM
He took the mans hand and shook it firmly. As he did so, he glanced up and down the man's attire.

"You wear the garb of a crusader, a noble profession," Dasquian said with a smile before turning back to Natia.

He could see she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Are you alright, Natia?"

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:57:34 AM
*Natia forces a smile on her face as she looks up at Dasquian. She glances over at Kelt in his Crusader garb, but says nothing, not knowing that there aren't many out there. Then in a not very convincing voice which has a sight touch of pain in it, she says to Dasquian*

Yeah, I'm fine.

*Natia again reaches down to her ankles and rubs them with one hand, muttering a curse in rodian as she does this. After a moment, she straigtens up again and forces another smile on her face*

Why do you ask if I'm alright??

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2002, 01:42:01 AM
He smiled inwardly.

"You just seem a little ... nervous, or anxious I suppose."

He shrugged a little.

"Maybe I'm sensing it wrong."

Kelt Simoson
Jun 7th, 2002, 02:15:18 AM
Kelt looked at the Blonde Jedi and was about to say something....

Eh!..heres your food!...5 credits the lot! The grumpy waiter said.

Kelts eyes sprung open like a door in the wind, and then a confused look flooded his face before turning to the small gathering of Jedi.

'Credits?...what these credits he speaks of?...i have gold coins for payment...' Said Kelt a pouch on his belt jingled slightly.

He looked at them both quite confused.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 7th, 2002, 08:01:19 AM
*Natia looks at Dasquian briefly and then the waiter shows up with the food and asks for the payment which Kelt seems to have a slight problem with. She reaches into a pocket and pulls out a small pouch and from it, pulls out 6 credits and hands it to the waiter*

There you go and thank-you for the food.

*Natia then looks back at Dasquian and smiles slightly, knowing that it isn't nervousness or anxiousness that Dasquian is sensing, but being in the habit of not talking about how she is doing, she had naturally passed it off as nothing when asked. Turning to look at Kelt for a moment, she says to him*

Credits is the form of currency which is used around here.

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:04:16 AM
A cloaked and hooded figure walked into the bar and grill. Her face was hidden but any force user around could tell she was a jedi. She glanced around and walked over to Dasquian and Natia.

"Hello young one. How is that kitten of yours." Sia-lan asks Natia. She pulls the hood off of her head showing the face of the young jedi knight, smiling down at Natia. Her absense from the order had been for a few weeks but she had not forgotten about those around here. She turns to the other man that was with them. He seemed to be a new padawan here or one that had arived in her absense.

"My name is Sia-lan Darkheart. I am a jedi knight here." She says, her smile still on her face.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:14:29 AM
Dasquian laughed quietly at Kelt; it seemed the Crusader was as much in the dark about modern times as Dasquian himself had been. Noticing Natia seemed to have disregarded being nervous, he left the subject alone and turned to Sia. Bowing in respect, he smiled.

"Good day, Sia."

Kelt Simoson
Jun 7th, 2002, 09:30:28 AM
' Thank you Ma'am' Kelt said bowing his head once towards the woman who had paid.

Kelt looked sideways at the blonde Jedi who was laughing at him with a wide smile trying to shake off the embarrassment he had just placed upon himself.

' Yes yes!....have a laugh old son!..' Kelt said trying not the laugh himself, raising his glass to Dasquian.

Just then another Jedi appeared, saying hello to both Dasquian and Natia and starting to chat to them, Kelts face swiftly sprang into another smile.

' Now i thought i was short for an Aachim..but i didn't think i was short enough to miss' He said directing his words to Sia with a slight laugh.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:54:55 AM
*Natia smiles up at Sia as she stops beside the table that they are at*

Hello Sia. My kitten is doing rather well right now. She and Kaukauna are getting along just fine since I moved into Mother's room.

*Natia then turns her attention to Kelt and in a quiet voice says*

You have no need to thank me, but it would be appreciated if you didn't make me sound older then I actually am, especially since I am only 7 years old, soon to be 8.

*Natia blinks her ice blue eyes then, kind of a trade mark of her family in her home town where still most of her past is buried from those she is around on an every day basis. She then reaches down to her ankles again and rubs them, while doing this though, she mutters a few choice curse words in Rodian again*

Sia-Lan Darkheart
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:14:47 AM
Sia-lan smiled at the man next to her then knelt down next to Natia.

"So have you given her a name yet? And how is your mother doing anyways?" She asks then sees Natia rubbing her ankles. "Are you alright, young one?" She asks.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:14:17 AM
*Natia smiles at Sia again*

My Mother's doing fine right now. She has been taking very good care of me lately and she's the nicest Mother I ever had and I can say that since I never really had a real Mother. Just my adopted Mother Xazor.

*Natia keeps rubbing her ankles and rather quickly she answers Sia's question*

Yes, I'm fine. There's nothing to worry about.

*Natia's not wanting anybody to know that she is in actuallity in constant pain right now and she has been good at hiding it for the most part. The only give away is her ankle rubbing. She then shifts her weight slightly, as if she is uncomfortable about something*