View Full Version : Open door policy....(open)

May 31st, 2002, 07:43:05 AM
She'd told him they had an open door policy. Mistress Live Wire, that is. Her words had given him the freedom, or so it seemed to him, to walk through the halls and familiarize himself a bit better with his surroundings.

He stopped every now and then to examine a portrait, or anything else of interest. Compared to the cramped living space he'd shared with his mother for the past 18 years, the castle seemed massive.

He wasnt looking for anyone or anything in particular. It was just that his training was over for the day, and he'd needed an hour or two to clear his head before he went back to working on the uncountable number of things he needed to work on.

As he walked, he took in the feeling that he was being watched. It seemed that there was nowhere on the grounds that he went that he didnt have that feeling. It wasnt an overwhelming sense of his every move being monitored, or paranoia, but more a feeling that should he need it, or call for it, someone would be there. It was almost comforting, in a big brother sort of way.

(I was just bored and thought I'd post. Open to anyone to join...)

Lady Vader
May 31st, 2002, 04:49:40 PM
*LV was walking back to her chambers, when she turned the corner and nearly ran into a young man. She stopped and looked at him, smiling.*

Hello there. I hope you haven't gotten lost.

One must be cautious in these hallways. They're riddled with Sith magic, making the walkways, and pillars seem to move and change.

*She tilted her head.*

But, the magic knows you are of the dark, therefore, you are not lost.

*She extended her hand outward, palm down.*

I am Lady Vader.

Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:41:59 PM
His expression showed his surprise as he nearly collided with her. He'd known who she was even before she'd introduced herself, for he'd been in attendance at the marriage ceremony. He couldnt help but feel a bit nervous around her, for she was quite atttractive, and very much out of his league. He was merely a tempermental eighteen year old kid with much to learn about many things.

As she entended her hand to him,her palm down, he took her hand in his, and sank in reverence for a moment to a knee, before he stood once again.

"Im honored to meet you, my Lady." He responded, his violet eyes looking to the floor before they met hers in a shy rather than timid gesture.

"I'm Sasha." He added as almost an afterthought. Surely she was too busy to care, really, about who he was, other than the fact that he was wandering the halls of the castle.

Normally, he would have waited for her to address him once again before he spoke, out of respect, but he felt the need to justify his presence in the hallways.

"Mistress Live Wire had told me there was an open door policy. I hope I am not out of line being where I am."

Lady Vader
Jun 2nd, 2002, 08:27:26 PM
*LV smiled.*

Not at all, Sasha. We encourage our Sith to get to know the others of the Order. It's how we keep our "family" here closely knitt.

*She turned to walk in the same direction as him, and he took up stride next to her.*

How long have you been with us?

Jun 3rd, 2002, 07:39:40 AM
He knew exactly how long he'd been with them. He probalby could have given her an answer down to the hours or minutes if he'd needed to. Not that the time hadnt passed by quickly, for it had. He handt been counting the hours. It was more that things had passed in such a whirlwind that he'd made an effort to keep track of things.

"About a week now." He replied with a slight shrug of his shoulders as he continued to keep stride alongside Lady Vader.

"The first couple of days I questioned myself." He admitted carefully.

"I wasnt sure if I'd made the right decision, but...." He smiled slightly, his normally quite serious expression breaking briefly.

"Over the past few days Ive stopped questioning my choice."

Now that he'd settled in a bit, he was getting used to his surroundings, and this new lifestyle. And he was more than happy with it.

His violet eyes followed the hallways as they walked, occassionally glancing over at her as they carried on their conversation.

"Is there anything else I should know about the castle, besides the dark magic of the hallways?" He asked, his eyes carrying the mischievious expression that was slowly creeping into the rest of his features.

Lady Vader
Jun 3rd, 2002, 05:41:02 PM

*She pondered the question.*

Even though we do have an open door policy, it's still considered common curtesy to knock if a door is shut.

Also, the dining hall, library, study, and various other rooms are at your disposal. The armory can be viewed, but it is heavly guarded by TSO guards. Those will probably be the only ones you see, as the others are hidden in the palace, even hidden by the Sith magics. As a matter of fact, we have passed about four so far, but I'm betting you haven't seen any.

*She saw confusion wash momentarily over his attentive expression.*

It's alright. In due time you will learn of the magics, and will see them just as clearly as you see me. For now, just move along your normal tasks.

*She fell silent for a moment as they rounded a corner before continuing.*

Also, you may use any of TSO's space craft in the hangar, so long as it is not owned by anyone in particular. For that, you'd have to ask permission.

Hmmm... I don't think there's anything more you should kno-- OH! There is one more thing. You may walk the gardens during the daylight hours as often as you like, but I suggest not entering the gardens at night unless I or Live Wire are present. A dragon resides in the gardens, a good freind of mine, and the garden is his. he doesn't like visitors at night, and I cannot be responsible for his actions if he is disturbed during the evening hours.

But if you feel you must walk about in the fresh air at night, we do have vast balconeys high on the palace and the training grounds which is a simple garden in it's own right. Things do get destroyed during the training hours, but everything is cleaned up at twilite, and it is quite nice to venture out into it during the evening.

*She looked at him again.*

Anything else you may have a question on, Sasha?

Jun 4th, 2002, 07:59:37 AM
He was silent while she pondered the question. There was much to see, and he wasnt in any hurry.

As she began to speak, his violet eyes looked to her. He was mildly aware of something approaching them before he heard the actually noise of the small droid rolling through the hallway. He smiled slightly, pleased with himself for this small accomplishment. He sidestepped it as they walked, nodding in understanding that he was to knock on a closed door. He had figured that much. Doors were often closed for a reason.

He'd been to the dining hall, but he hadnt yet found the library or the study. Those would be next on his list, he decided, for he was sure he'd find answers to many of his questions in books somewhere. It wasnt that he preferred books to people, for that wasnt the case at all, it was more that he didnt want to bother others with questions to which he could find the answers easily if he only looked.

Her mention of the guards he couldnt see had caused a quick loko of confusion to cross his features, and instantly he'd glanced about. He wanted to ask when, how long would it be before he could see and feel these things. How long before it became natural, rather than something he worked so hard to accomplish?

As they rounded the corner, he was surprised by the difference in the lighting. Light poured in from windows high above, and the hallway widened just a bit. It had an almost cavernous feel to it.

It was at this point that she mentioned the dragon in the gardens. He raised an eyebrow, and made a mental note to himself to keep out of the gardens at night. He was restless, and had already been out in the night to walk - but he'd stuck to the training grounds.

When she asked him if he had any other questions, he nodded.

"My master, Lord Dyzm is quite busy, and Ive been studying on my own, trying to learn from things I've read until he has time to work with me. But until then...is there something in particular that I should focus on that might please him? I want him to know that Im taking my training very seriously."

It was his way of admitting that he knew very little about the force, or the magic of the Sith besides the things he had read. And as most know, reading something and then putting it into physical action is often quite altogether different. There were some things that had come naturally to him, but there were other areas in which he'd been struggling. And if those areas were going to be necessary, he was going to work on them until he had perfected them. He did not want to fail. He wouldnt fail.

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2002, 04:14:08 PM
Well, I suppose you can be do some training exercises in the training grounds by yourself. There are several things you can do without the aid of a Master or that of an opponent.

In the library, we have a Sith holocron that can answer any questions you may have. It's located in the center of the library, floating above a marble pedastal. When you enter the library, you will feel like the glowing, palm-sized pyrimid is calling you.

On the training ground you can pratice battle stances. I'm sure you've read about them before. Focusing on your inner energy and using it. You won't always have the Force with you. Sometimes it'll be cut from you, just like Ysalimiri do. At that point you should rely on your strength, strategy, and wittiness.

Also, focusing on basic powers. You don't have to start off big. Just small things. Lift a pebble with your mind. In time, you get used to that and it becomes like second nature. In time you'll be liftinf boulders and uprooting trees with a single thought.

*She stopped her momentum abruptly, making Sahsa come to a screeching hault. She looked at him, not sternly, but definitely with command.*

Above all, do nothing that is beyong your control at your stage in training. Leave that to your Master to guide you. For if you lose control of what power you have, you can potentially destroy yourself.

Jun 5th, 2002, 08:49:58 AM
The library. He definitely had to find the library. He would do that tomorrow. Or perhaps even that evening. He would have preferred going to his master to ask him the many questions he had, but, he knew, he was the apprentice, and he had to wait until his master requested his presence.

He took in every word LV said regarding battle stances and lifting small objects. It seemed that there would be enough for him to work on by himself - until she stopped the things she was telling him and gave him a very commanding look.

He felt himself shrink slightly beneath her gaze as she warned him not to work on anything beyond his control. It seemed, at this point, that everything was beyond his control. There was nothing that he felt 100% comfortable with. There was nothing that he 100% understood.

His frustration with himself and having to wait brought a slight flush to his cheeks. And because he wasnt sure how to control it, the frustration emanated from him, whether he wanted it to or not.

"Yes my Lady." He replied, his tone subdued and carrying the frustration that he felt.