View Full Version : The privilage of a few. (Slayn Cloak)

Nathaniel Nore
May 30th, 2002, 01:26:21 PM
Meanwhile on a rooftop in Coruscant.

The cityscape did not do such a planet justice.

Vile things lurked beneath the coverup of lights and music. Vile things indeed. Nore stepped toward the ledge railing, dressed in his usual garb of black clothing, flowing cape and hood. The building was one of the highest in the cityscape, such a view was unrivaled. His aged eyes took in every aspect of life.

He ground his teeth methodically, hideously brightening his teeth amidst the blue Sith designs that were branded on his sharp features... like a visual commitment to the mandates of the Dark.

Nore felt no gratification at having slaughtered two bothersome security gaurds that tried to stop him from entering the roof area. It was like a seasoned feline easily having its way with two scattering mice. The force did such things to such people. Power. Nore longed for it. He felt the surge inside him. Now there was true power. Power of the darkside.

Upon viewing the cityscape, Nore felt a presence. Interesting. Without even turning, Nore spoke to the man that now stood several yards away watching him:

"A cold night. Wouldn't you agree?"

Slayn Cloak
May 30th, 2002, 01:47:49 PM
What relevance has it, that’s right none. Now what is it that you need, why have you sought me out?

It was in fact cold, but Slayn had long gotten past physical un-comforts. It was cold the first time he was on this planet, and for him never seemed to change. It was never comfortable, every land so un-hospitable and crude. Peasants everywhere some wished to learn, fight and yes even die.

He stood not to far off from the man they call Nore. Slayn was dressed in his usual attire wearing a grey cloak over his battle suite. He was weary that night of so many things, and this man now wished for an audiance.

Nathaniel Nore
May 30th, 2002, 02:06:56 PM
"Indeed." Nore paused to calm his thoughts.

"I have been looking for you Dark Jedi. Your a rather hard man to find these days." Nore's words spoke out with a harsh calmness.

Nore reached out and felt Slayn through the Force. He found him weary and tired. He had been through alot. Nore felt the same way. He knew this Dark Jedi was a formittable opponent. Time to see if his reputation was true.

Without speaking another word, Nore turned from the ledge, as his saber ignited the night air with a hiss. Nore felt the vibrations of the saber engulf his wrist, savoring the comforting feel like the reassuring embrace of a long-lost friend, not that Nathaniel chose to keep the company of friends.

The blue blade came down on Slayn, who barely had time to raise his own weapon. Nore struck down upon him with methodical advances, turning on his heels. With each thrust, twist, flip and parry, Nore felt the essence of the Dark Side overwhelm him.

Slayn Cloak
May 30th, 2002, 04:02:58 PM
Slayn had barely called Eternity to his hand in time to block the strikes, His double saber spun in his hands; The white blades countering every strike of Nathaniel’s blue saber. Slayn had surpassed using only vision and his saber skills had been nearly mastered. He quickly found a gap in Nore’s strikes and pushed forward with his palm out. The force sent the Dark Jedi backward with great force.

Slayn brought Eternity around a quarter turn and held it low to his right. His left foot came forward, the right moved back and he bent his right knee. Slayn now held a strong base and was prepared for a second advance.

Nathaniel Nore
May 31st, 2002, 10:56:53 PM
As Nore fumbled backwards he managed to roll onto his side, twisting his body back to a fighting stance. With the slightest gesture of his eyes, a chunk of concrete roofing tore from it's foundation behind Slayn, in a matter of seconds, it slammed into the back of Slayn's lower cranium with a tremendous crack. The blow sent Slayn to the ground on both hands and knees. Nore rared a kick that connected to the teeth, distorting his facial features for a moment, Slayn was once again sent sprawling on his back.

Nore moved in and with a turn of his wrist, sent the blue blade down upon the lying Dark Jedi.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:59:25 AM
The saber slashed into Slayn’s chest, it cut down from his shoulder to his right side. A Wound appeared five centimeters wide and two deep; Nore noticed that instead of blood spewing forth, out came the darkness he had once seen Slayn wield. The keeper of shadow had sent his own life energy out into this world, it sprang forth taking shape immediately. It was forced into small caltrops, there where over forty all pushed into Nathaniel Nore. They pierced his chest and face, forcing him to recoil; Slayn seemed to be in a catatonic state, for this took much effort and energy.

The caltrops all fell from Nore’s body and returned to a liquid state. It swooned to Slayn’s wound and seeped back into his body. Nathanile now saw plant life sitting near the dark one wither and fall; The same darkness was wooed from these plants and came to Slayn’s aid. The slash Darth Nore had set upon the young Cloak began to shrivel and heal, as the darkness seaped back into Slayn’s body. Slayn then stood and spoke in Nore’s mind.

“Very ambitious, I’m impressed.”

Nathaniel Nore
Jun 2nd, 2002, 06:20:02 PM
Nore felt the sting of pain as the darkness penatrated him. It took him a moment to regain his posture. Glancing back up at the man known as Cloak, he pulled his saber to a front attack position. He spoke to Slayn through the force, entering his mind.

"You as well. Now let's see just what you've got Dark Jedi."

Slayn Cloak
Jun 11th, 2002, 04:04:00 PM
Slayn raised a brow to his Nathaniel’s statement; It was all together queer and unnecessary. This engagement grew tedious, Slayn seemed to grow twice as weary.

“ If I must then I shall fight on your level...”

His words seemed to betray themselves, as if perhaps they would turn on themselves. They were drawn out and monotones, but still carried a point.

He held out his hand and Eternity came to his hand; The saber burst to life in its brilliance just before He set both hands on the double saber.

Nathaniel Nore
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:29:17 AM
"Then you shall lose."

As Cloak rose his saber, Nore's leathery hand outstretched to send Slayn sprawling on his back.

Nore seized the advantage and smoothly tumbled over to his surprised foe. Just as Slayn was getting to his feet, Nore sprang up and released a midair whirl kick that crunched Slayn's jaw. Exerting his leg muscles, Nore placed his left foot flat to the concrete, shifted his stance and placed a turning kick that caught Slayn on his left cheekbone.

Slayn reeled back from the consecutive strikes, but he recuperated enough to sidestep Nore's ensuing back kick by deflecting it with his dipped left forearm.

However, Cloak's position was compromised, as Nore amazingly twisted his hip in time with his leg vault, catching Slayn on the other cheek. Cloak topppled to the ground and Nore pushed himself off of it as quickly as he'd hit it.

He stood over the bruised Cloak, his gloved fist clenched in anger. He was one with the DarkSide.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 14th, 2002, 04:24:35 PM
Slayn was caught off guard, and wasn’t expecting such an attack from Nathaniel. It dealt little damage, but Slayn would play off his advisories assumption. He pulled himself from the pavement slowly, and forced his aura to dwindle; Darth Nore would certainly believe Slayn was in a dire position. He pulled eternity to hand, without using the force.
Keeping his aura low, Slayn called a swoon of dankness from the air and surrounding shrubberies. It came slowly to catch Nathaniel unawares. Eternity cracked to life with a low hiss, the black blade cast an incredible white light. He moved toward clumsily, and brought his saber to Nathaniel’s. They crashed in a brilliant display of light, hues of blue and white seemed to merge; Slayn came back a few steps, eternity spinning brilliantly in a whimsical manner, forced to a halt upon connecting with Darth Nore’s saber.

Nathaniel Nore
Jun 14th, 2002, 10:46:57 PM
The snap-hiss sound was something Nore was all-too-familiar with. The darkness was suddenly penetrated again by an elongated, shimmering white beam. The deep hum haulted as the saber's once again crashed. Nore felt Slayn's dwindeling exsistance, but kept his gaurd.

As Slayn lunged, Nore ejected himself into a backflip, narrowly dodging the hungry swish of Cloak's lightsaber. He yielded his self-control to The Force, allowing it to guide him away from each murderous swing lashed at him.

Slayn Cloak
Jun 21st, 2002, 06:16:36 AM
Slayn was impressed with Darth Nore, to say the least of it. He would make a good ally, but for now must be crushed. Under Slayn’s supervision Eternity was alive and venomous striking at Nathaniel with great speed, but smacked away by his Lightsaber. Slayn had had enough...
He pushed his mind into the living darkness, swoons of the ink pored out to aid him. It came from all manners of life near the pair. Great arms hurled out from behind the Cloak, they grabbed at Darth Nore, but he fought against them, he wouldn’t be defeated. He sent his saber into the darkness, which did no damage, but was none the less valiant. Slayn had set Eternity to sleep at his side, he balled-up his right hand, as if he was crushing the air itself. Nathaniel’s saber hilt burst and the life in it dissipated. The arms then rapped around Nore and held him in air, cutting and bruising him fiercely.
Slayn spoke in Darth Nore’s mind, his words echoed the pain, and concealed a benevolence that need be had. “ Nathaniel Nore, why have you sought me out? You have proven yourself, whatever your intentions be, and you have earned my audience. What is it you would say?”
All pain seemed to vanish from the Dark Jedi, he could speak with complete comfort. Slayn had pushed all knowledge of his wounds away, and out of mind.