View Full Version : Late afternoon....

May 30th, 2002, 08:49:34 AM
Sasha hadnt been there long. In fact, it was only the afternoon of his first full day. He'd had training in the morning, and throughout the early afternoon. When it was over, he'd gone back to his room, exhausted, and finally found the few hours of sleep that had managed to evade him the night before.

When he awoke, it was later in the afternoon. He stood groggily from the bed and walked over to the doorway. He opened it, unconsciously beckoning company of some sort. It wasnt that he was lonely, or perhaps he was, though he never would have admitted such a thing to anyone.

His violet eyes scanned the bare surroundings and he shook his head,a wry expression of amusement in his features. It wouldnt take him long to get used to things. He was quite used to having very little, as he was the child of a single mother.

He walked over to the window and looked out, wondering what the late afternoon or evening might bring.

(if anyone feels like joining...)

Live Wire
May 30th, 2002, 02:37:32 PM
*LW was climbing down the side of the palace when she noticed sasha looking out of his window. She rapped on the window and waved at his astonished face*

(okay I know it sounds silly but Im serious)

May 30th, 2002, 02:51:26 PM
(*laughs* No problem....Im all for silly stuff.... :) )

He was astonished, certainly. He hadnt quite expected to see anyone climbing the walls outside of his room. The expression was visible on his face for a brief moment before he made an effort to collect himself.

Although his expression was somewhat guarded, he lifted the window and opened it to the visitor. A slight smile of amusement sought its way to his lips.

He hadnt met this woman before, but the general feeling he got from her carried no imminent sense of danger. In fact, she had appeared almost friendly as she'd waved to him.

His violet eyes were curious as he looked to her.

He opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it, thinking for once, about his words before they escaped.

After a short moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"Good afternoon." He stated quietly.

Live Wire
May 30th, 2002, 02:57:41 PM
*Taking advantage of the now open windo LW climbed carefully into the room. *

Good afternoon. It's rather difficult to carry on a conversation when one is hanging on a wall. Im Sith Mistress Live Wire. I hope I didn't give you too much of a fright. We've had a rash of people climbing up and down our palace walls this past year and I thought I'd see what the fascination was all about.

May 30th, 2002, 03:18:05 PM
He watched her as she climbed in through the window. She did it with ease and grace. He stood back a bit to give her room.

With her introduction, he bowed his head slightly, his gaze focusing on the floor rather than her.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mistress." He replied, his voice still quiet, though not timid. When his eyes lifted to meet hers again, it was done with respect. His mother had raised him, and she had worked hard to give him the little she had been able to give him. His respect for women ran thickly through his blood.

"Have you discovered the fascination with climbing the walls?" He asked in response to her explanation of what she had been doing climbing the castle as she had.

His brown hair was somewhat tousled, having just woken only minutes ago. It was perhaps a bit too long for military standards, curling up just the bit at the ends in an unruly sort of way. His head was cocked slightly to the side, a curious expression on his face as he waited upon her answer.

Live Wire
May 30th, 2002, 03:34:39 PM
*LW was windblown from crawling all over the outside of the palace and she quickly gathered up all the loose strands of her long black hair and twisted them back into place.*

Unfortunately no I haven't. But it is quite a workout. But enough about my odd exercising habits. How are you enjoying TSO?

May 30th, 2002, 03:48:29 PM
He chuckled as she admitted to not understanding the fascinatio with wal climbing. He'd half wondered what the others had found so intriguing, but had kept those thoughts to himself.

"I imagine it would be quite a workout." He replied, his violet eyes carrying amusement. For the first time since entering the palace, he felt a sense of relaxation. Perhaps she had brought the aura with her.

He weighed his words carefully before responding to her question of how he had been enjoying himself. He was an eighteen year old kid, and the last thing he was likely to admit was the fact that he hadnt slept the night before because he'd been excited and nervous. And he was a bit too proud, perhaps, to admit that he was exhausted from his training in the morning.

(*laughs* and since it hasnt actually been rp'd yet, I cant exactly elaborate.. ;) )

"I'm enjoying it." He finally answered. It wasnt a lie. He hadnt expected things to be perfect right off. He hadnt expected to learn everything in one day, and he hadnt expected he'd have an easy time of things. All in all, things were going as well as could be expected, and that was something to take joy in.

"Being the new guy is never easy the first few days." He added with a slight shrug. These words were as close as he was likely to come to admitting the truth - that he felt quite alone, and had questioned himself more times than he could count.

He wanted to ask her more about herself, how long she had been here, how she had come to join the order, but he didnt want to overstep bounds. His eyes flickered once more to the floor, and then back to her in an almost shy manner. His thoughts could have been easily read from him, for he had much to learn in the ways of shielding them from others.

Live Wire
May 30th, 2002, 04:36:52 PM
*LW found that she was intrigued with this new young man. His personality was different from the vast majority of the other apprentices that TSO took in. Many came with an overwhelming sense of arrogance or with an independance they had to learn to curb. This young man seemed to be adapting quite well to the ways of TSO.*

Good. I'm glad you're not having too difficult a transition into life here. Some find it hard to adapt.

*LW could sense that the young man wasn't telling everything but she didn't want to pry. The apprentices had to open up to the masters on thier own. Eventually they would come to trust them. *

Well remember if you have any problems all of the senior members are here and happy to help. We all have an open door policy.

*She decided to try and take the oportunity to draw him out since he didn't seem to uneasy in her presence.*

So do you have any questions or concerns?

May 30th, 2002, 05:04:41 PM
He considered her suggestion that she and the other senior members had an open door policy. He hoped, certainly, that her words were true, and eventually, perhaps, he would learn to believe the things she said without question, but his perspective, being only eighteen and quite new to the order, was still slightly skewed.

He trusted - more, he wanted to trust, for without someone to trust, his life certainly would be quite lonely, but it would take time. As did most things worth waiting for.

When she asked of his questions or concerns, he looked towards the window, catching the last few rays of sun as they continued to set over the horizen, and then he looked back to her.

"I've researched as much as is possible about the order, and I probably have more questions than you have time." He replied quite honestly.

"But the one thing I want to know is...is rather personal I suppose." He paused for a moment. If her expression had eltered, or he had felt resistance, he wouldnt have continued. But finding nothing of that nature, he continued.

(if thats ok to assume that from ya..)

"What is it you value most about being a member of the Order?" He asked. His question was earnest, for he truly did wish to know.

Live Wire
Jun 1st, 2002, 02:43:24 AM
Well thats a complicated question. I guess theres a lot of things that I love about being here at TSO. BUt if I had to chose one I would say its the family relationship we have here. The order was founded through some difficult situations and all of us here really bonded with one another.

*LW thought for a moment. There were so many things that made this place special that it was hard to pick something. But that above all else was probably an honest answer.*

Is that what you meant?

Jun 2nd, 2002, 01:05:36 PM
He nodded.

"Yes," He replied, "That was what I wanted to know." And it was exactrly the kind of thing he wanted to hear. His mother had been his only family growing up, and with her gone, he'd certainly felt a rather large hole existed in his life. A family in the TSO would be a welcome addition to his life. He looked to Mistress LW for a moment, debating on whether or not to ask his next question.

In the end, he decided to speak, for she seemed to be a rather patient woman, and he didnt know when he would have another opportunity.

"Is it ok to ask what brought you here?" He questioned. His violet eyes watched her curiously, wary of any change in her expresison that might indicate displeasure with the question he'd asked.

Live Wire
Jun 3rd, 2002, 02:43:45 PM
Well specifically Lady Vader brought me here.

*LW smiled at the young man. She sensed he was searching for a place to belong to and was eager to find a home. So many qualities she herself had as a young sith were in him. *

I was like you, looking for acceptance, somewhere I could call home. I tried the jedi but I was very unhappy with them and I ran across Lady Vader who saw my force potential and my bitterness against the jedi. She brought me here and this was the first time I felt like I was home.

*she paused to check out his reaction to everything she was telling him. She wasn't trying to tell him what she felt he wanted to hear but it seemed like he responded well to what she had to say.*

Honestly I didn't know this place existed till LV brought me here.

Jun 3rd, 2002, 02:57:08 PM
He listened carefully to her words, leaning back against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest in a relaxed stance as she spoke.

There was something about her that was very casual, and it relaxed him. Even more so, her words rang very close to home with him. He did want to belong somewhere. He did want acceptance, and he did want a place he could call home again, for the home he had known, without his mother, was no longer a place he considered home.

He smiled slightly when she mentioned not knowing this place had existed. He wouldnt have either, except that he'd overheard it mentioned in one of the bars, and on that tiny piece of information, he'd done everything he could to learn about them - and find them.

He had arrived on the planet using the last of the money he and his mother had saved. He hadnt really considerered what he would do if he wasnt accepted. In his mind, there had been no other option.

"Did she train you?" He asked. He was curious about his training, and what to expect, for so far, it had been on his own while he awaited Dark Lord Dyzm.

Live Wire
Jun 6th, 2002, 03:45:19 PM
Yes, Lady Vader was assigned to me as my Mistress. She taught me how to utilize all of my emotion and not to deny myself access to the true power that the force holds for all of us fortunate enough to be able to touch it. I learned a lot under her guidence and she's went from being mentor to friend and now she's my sister. Many times when we get a lot of people coming to us and asking to be trained that part of it gets left behind. The Master and the apprentice should share a bond unlike any other. So even if an apprentice leaves as mine did some time ago we still feel a link with them. Its a special relationship.

*She realized she had started rambling on. However this was a very personal subject to her and one she held very close to her heart. TSO was the most important thing in her life along with her daughter. They were the only two things in the world she could never bear the thought of losing. She hoped that this young man would come to understand her words through his own experiences here. It was one thing to hear the words of others but to actually feel what was possible here in your heart was an overwhelming experience that only a select few even got a chance to feel.*

I hope that answers your question. Im afraid I got a little sidetracked there. I tend to ramble on about such things.

Jun 7th, 2002, 07:44:01 AM
Though he had little experience with using the force, by nature of having the ability, he could feel the emotions that emanated from her as she spoke of her bond with LV and her own apprentice. He smiled slightly. He would be lucky, he thought, if his master were as understanding and kind as this woman appeared to be.

"I could only hope to be so lucky as to share a bond like that with my master." He stated quietly.

"I have yet to meet him, but I will be honored by his presence when he has the time to train me." He added.

"Do you...do you know anything of my master, Lord Dyzm?" He asked. His question was almost tentative. It wasnt that he was weak, or scared, it was more that he was well aware that he was surrounded in the castle by those who were much more experienced and powerful than he, and he was smart enough to know when he should be respectful.

Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:27:51 PM
Dyzm has been a collegue for a long time. Hes recently come back to the order after some time off....there was some internal conflicts that we had to resolve awhile back. But when he came back to us we welcomed him and I consider him a friend.

*LW looked at the new one thoughtfully. He should not be burdened with the tempestuous history of TSO just yet. He needed time to adjust and make this place his home. The history would be imparted to him soon enough and appropriately by his master.*

Have you seen much of TSO? If you'd like I'd be happy to show you around a bit. There's much to see here and as we walk I can answer any more questions you may have.

Jun 12th, 2002, 02:46:42 PM
He wondered what the internal conflicts were, but knew that if she felt he should know about them, she would have told him. Eventually, he supposed, he would learn. He was still new, and had their trust to earn before such information was given to him.

As she offered to show him around, his expression brightened. He really hadnt seen much of the place, and he knew, she would be a much better guide than he would be trying to find things on his own.

"I'd like that." He replied. As they headed for the door, he closed it behind him, but didnt bother to lock it. He had nothing of importance that he'd left behind. The few things he cared about, his blaster and a ring that his mother used to wear, he kept with him at all times.

"Where do most of the members go to relax...when they have time?" He asked as she led him through the castle.

Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2002, 03:07:02 PM
*LW expertly led him through the twisting corridors of the palace. It was easy for a new person to get lost in the palace but in time he would get used to it as they all did. LW didn't even think about how to get where she was going she just went.*

Well that depends on who they are really. We're all vastly different and have different interests. The gardens are pretty popular. Some prefer battling against bots in one of the training rooms. I know a couple of sith who like to head out to lake Porelli for a swim every now and then. For myself Im often found in the gardens or in my studio. I have an art gallery and studio that I like to retreat into from time to time.

*She led him down one of the turbolifts into the main hall of TSO. Its high celings were ornately laid and the pillars in the circular hall made it seem that much more grand. walking out into the mazelike gardens she took in the smell of the air; it was a beautiful day*

Where do your interests lie young one?

Jun 12th, 2002, 03:27:41 PM
The corridors twisted and turned and he half wondered how long it would take him to find his room once again after the tour. But those thoughts were forgotten as she lead him on. The castle was quite a sight, and she was certainly taking him through an interesting tour.

He had heard about the gardens - and been warned, in fact, to stay out of them at night. Battling bots wasnt exactly his idea of a stress free relaxing time, but he couldnt help but grin at the fact that there were others who would.

As she mentioned the lake, he looked curious. He hadnt heard of the lake, and certainly, it was a place he wanted to go. His home planet had been rather boring and desolate, and everything on Corellia was fascinating to him.

As they entered the mazelike gardens, his senses were assaulted with the fragrant scent of flowers and fresh air.

When she asked him where his interests lied, it took him a moment. He liked to write in a journal that he kept, but it wasnt something he liked telling anyone. Mostly because his guy friends back home would have teased him about it if they had known.

He shrugged.

"I like to write." He admitted carefully. "And to travel, I think." He added.

"I havent really seen much of the galaxy besides my home planet, and maybe a few others."

He laughed slightly.

"I dont know, I like just hanging out with firends, having a drink or two, playing cards..." He added, for this was what he had alays done with his friends back home.

He looked to her for a moment.

"The art in your gallery...did you paint it?" He asked.

Live Wire
Jun 12th, 2002, 03:50:05 PM
LW led Sasha into the gardens as they passed the main entrance there was a shuffling noise behind him and sasha turned to see the entrance had been hedged over.

"Thats why we recommend that the new apprentices avoid this area of the gardens until they are familiar with how to get out.

I've painted some things. Im just an amature and I dont think my works are all that good. I do however enjoy collecting the works of others.

Writing is a good way to relax. I've found that keeping somewhat of a record of TSO's history is a good way to use that particular skill. As far as travelling you'll get plenty of that here. You are welcome to come along with me as I spend a lot of time off planet. If you wish I can mention that to your master."

As they continued walking through the gardens the hedges continued to shift around them. LW smiled as the apprentice watched. She walked on finally reaching the other side where the hedges moved to reveal a small path heading into the wooded area on the outskirts.

"The lake is this way if you'd like to see it."

Jun 13th, 2002, 07:39:19 AM
The shuffling hedge was something quite new to him. A slight smile of amusement crossed his features. It would be interesting, he thought, to spend time down here mastering their movements, if it was possible. They were a sort of puzzle, it seemed, and he was intrigued by them.

But he took note of her warning - it was not suggested he come here until he was familiar with them. On quieter days, perhaps, he would come back and study them until he understood them.

"I would like that." He replied when she suggested speaking with his master about his desire to travel. He knew, of course, he had much training to do before he should be taking time off to fly around the galaxy, and he was willing to put in the time and work to do both.

He was very motivated and determined, this eighteen year old kid. He wanted to succeed.

As they continued walking, the hedges shifted once again, and he couldnt help but to turn and look, a grin on his face.

I will figure you out... he promised silently to them.

And then they came to a small path that led to the lake. He nodded, his eyes widening just a bit.

"If you have time." He replied, aware that she likely had better things to do than showing him around.

"I really do want to see it..." He added a bit shyly. He wouldnt admit it, not right off, but he had never actually seen a lake before other than in pictures. and he had spent hours staring at those pictures he had seen. His home planet had not had lakes. It was a rather desolate planet, and water had come from wells, or had been imported. And he had come from his home planet directly to Corellia.

Live Wire
Jun 13th, 2002, 10:50:06 AM
"Time is something I have plenty of at the moment so you better take advantage of it while you have me around."

The woods surrounding the palace on correllia were thick and the path had to be maintained otherwise it would be overgrown in a very short time. The sunlight was diffused through the leaves casting cool shadows down on the path they were walking on.

She smiled as the young apprentice took in all of his surroundings. There were many things to see at TSO and LW took some of them for granted as she was used to being here. But every time someone looked upon TSO for the first time she appreciated the beauty and wonder of the place so much more.

After some distance the trees parted and the distinctive smell of water was in the air. As they passed the last tree they came into a clearing where lake porelli's calm waters reflected the sun. LW had mixed feelings about the spot as many things had happened here over recent history but it was beautiful.

"Well there it is. What do you think?"

Jun 14th, 2002, 07:43:13 AM
They had been traveling through a dense passageway, and as they came the clearing, light shone down upon them, and the lake. He stepped forward, silent for a moment as he took it in.

This was better than any pictures he had seen. He shook his head and chuckled, thinking of how pathetic his home planet truly had been.

"I think I'd like to move my room down here." He replied, his tone light, and a broad smile coming to his face. He had seemed to stern, so serious until this point. But here, where the things he had imagined as a kid, the things he had dreamt about came true, he couldnt help but release some of the excitement and happiness that he felt.

He looked to Lady Live Wire, and though he tried to contain his grin just a bit, he couldnt help it.

"I dont know what to think." He admitted, his violet eyes carrying the happiness he felt at the moment.

"Do you come down here often?" He asked her, as if he couldnt believe she wouldnt spend every waking hour here if she could.

Live Wire
Jun 14th, 2002, 11:59:40 PM
"I don't come here as often as I used to. When I'm actually on planet Im usually in the palace or looking after my daughter."

It was true, she didn't come here nearly as much as she used to. A lot had transpired around this very lake and for now she prefered not to be out here alone. She did remember the first time she had come out here to the lake, she had been in awe of the beauty as he was now.

While the surroundings seemed calm and serene she could feel the dark side energy present even here as it was throughout the grounds surrounding TSO. It was a pleasent reminder to her that even beauty could be dangerous.

Jun 17th, 2002, 07:13:55 AM
He couldnt understand why the others did not come here more often. Here it was quiet, save for the sounds of nature, and the air was filled with a sense of the darkside. It wasnt a threatening feeling - it was instead almost a warm feeling that enveloped him here. It gave him energy, it seemed, for his heartrate was slightly elevated, and he could feel the power of the darkside beckoning him to let it in. And he welcomed it, smiling at the feeling. This is exactly what I have been searching for , he realized.

And then he turned back to LW.

"You have a daughter?" He questioned as Lady Live Wire mentioned her offspring.

"How old is she?" He asked, his violet eyes curious, for she hadnt seemed to him to be all that old.

Live Wire
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:34:33 PM
She was pleased that Sasha was responding positively to everything she had shown him. It was a good sign.

"Yes I have a daughter." People always seemed surprised that she off all the sith had a daughter. It was true LW had never been the maternal one, but after having her daughter she just fell into the role.

"She's almost three and driving everyone crazy including her parents. You seem surprised by that."

Jun 17th, 2002, 02:58:44 PM
A three year old daughter. He grinned at the fact that she was driving everyone crazy. As she mentioned him seeming surprised, he opened his mouth to respond, then thought better of what he'd been about to say. He had been about to tell her that she didnt seem old enough to have a three year old, but then wondered if perhaps that would be insulting. And the last thing he meant or wanted was to insult her. She had been kind and friendly to him.

He looked to the ground, his cheeks flushing for a moment, before he looked back to her.

"Yes, a little." He replied.

"I guess I just hadnt thought about the fact that members of the order might actually have families of their own." He admitted. Not that he thought everyone was without a family, like he was, he just hadnt really considered that there were other options.

"Is it.....common?" He inquired tentatively.

Live Wire
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:25:03 PM
"I know, what you're thinking. And yes I'm older then I look."

She smiled at him knowningly. LW had heared it before and wasn't offended by his thoughts at all. She didn't look much older then she did when LV had brought her to TSC as a young teenager many years ago. She was by no means old but she had matured in the way she carried herself and her features while young also showed the experience that came with time.

"I don't know if I'd call it common. Its as common as any other lifestyle I suppose. I do think that those of us who lost family or just never had any tend to lean towards having one of our own. Over the years TSO became my family and I sort of fell into my own on accident I guess you could say."

She sat down on the grass under a large tree and motioned for Sasha to sit down as well. This was a good a place as any for them to sit and talk.

"Most people don't think the sith care about such things as family but thats very far from the truth and Im not the only sith here with a child. While life is much different here many things remain the same."

Jun 18th, 2002, 08:08:03 AM
His cheeks flushed a bit deeper as she stated that she knew what he was thinking. But she didnt seem upset with him, in fact she had smiled knowingly at him, and so he relaxed a bit and eventually the flush in his cheeks faded.

When she took a seat on the grass and motioned for him to join her, he did. It was nice there beneath the shade of the tree, and he leaned back against the massive trunk, sighing contentedly for a moment.

As she told him of other sith having children, and the fact that despite the generalizations about the sith, many did in fact care about having families.

He sat forward a bit, pulling a blade of grass and breaking it to pieces out of a relaxed habit.

"So its not true then, that we are to be discouraged from having emotions for others...?" He asked.

It had been somethinghe had heard in random passing conversations, and while nothing had been said to him about it until now, he had wondered a bit about it.

Not that there was anyone in his life he would have emotions for. Not at the moment, at least. But someday, perhaps. It wasnt the first thing on his list of things to accomplish at the moment - his training, and proving himself to the order were.

Live Wire
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:09:28 PM
She looked at him curiously wondering where he could have heared that the sith were discouraged from having feelings for others.

"No thats not true in the least. We discourage the apprentices from getting involved with their masters. Often times we have masters and apprentices paired up with someone of the opposite sex and its frowned upon them getting involved romantically. And its frowned upon getting involved with someone who can take your focus away from the order, such as jedi/sith relationships which are rare but have happened in the past...."

LW's countenance changed and her voice trailed off. In the past she had never been a model sith, perhaps that was why she had put off taking another apprentice, she knew that she had never set the best example. She always pushed the envelope and while it was her way it wasn't one she wanted others copying. It created an awakward position for her to discourage a path she herself had walked not so long ago.

Jun 18th, 2002, 01:56:34 PM
He laughed lightly. He wasnt all that concerned about a romantic relationship with his master. Not only was he not interested in men, but had his master been of the opposite sex, he would have been smart enough to understand the dangers of such a thing. Or so he hoped.

As far as a relationship with a jedi was concerned....it seemed to him it would be quite a conflict of interest. Certainly, he could love someone with the intentions of a jedi, for they were, for the most part, patient and kind. He couldnt understand why a jedi would ever want to be involved with a Sith, though, for certainly the actions of a sith would be constantly upsetting to someone who refused the lure of the darkside.

He had known it would be impossible, or nearly so to be devoid of emotions, and he was relieved that Lady Live wire had dispelled him of the myth he had heard.

He noticed her countenance change slightly after she spoke of jedi and sith relationships.

"I dont plan on getting involved with a jedi." He stated, a somewhat amused expression on his face.

He leaned back against the tree once again, a thoughtful expression on his face.

"But I dont suppose anyone really plans on who they fall for..." He commented with a bit of a sigh. It wasnt a romantic notion he had, it was more that he was referring to his mother, and the man he knew nothing of who had seduced her.

He caught himself, pushing the thoughts from his head. He refused to acknowledge the unknown man and did this by efusing to dwell on the fact that he'd never known him.

"Is there anything else the order frowns upon?" He asked, wanting to be fully informed.

Live Wire
Jun 18th, 2002, 02:51:23 PM
He was young but he was right, no one really plans who the fall in love with. Emotional ties were a dangerous thing to balance but in time it could be done.

"Well we frown upon disention and intersith fighting. We don't have a lot of strict do's and don'ts at TSO. Personal freedom is something we value but to the point where it doesn't interfere with the good of TSO. The good of the group must always come first in each of our lives. It's the only way we can function."

She was pleased with the apprentice's way of thinking. Youth was what TSO needed and would keep it alive. There was a certain vitality that the new apprentices coming in all seemed to have and it pleased her to see how this one in particular was thinking. He would adjust better then most and he was very eager to please.

Jun 18th, 2002, 03:12:33 PM
The good of the group must always come first in each of our lives. It's the only way we can function. These words he would memorize, and that evening even, he would write them in his journal. They were words that he was to learn to live by, to make a part of him, if he planned ever to be more than just an apprentice to this organization. And he did plan to. He wanted it very badly.

"I'll keep that in mind." He replied quietly. Though keeping it in mind was an understatement. From this point on, he would, as best as he could, live this. But he was only 18, and he would make mistakes here and there along the way.
It was inevitable. His loyalty would never falter, but his soft side would get him into trouble - until someone managed to teach him that having a soft side was dangerous - and likely deadly.

(ooc: *grins* Perhaps she can teach him. )

"Are there any other apprentices here my age?" He asked. Back home, he had spent a lot of time with his friends. Here he had been alone most of the time, and while being alone didnt bother him, he much preferred the company of others.

Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:27:03 PM
"There are a few new apprentices around. I think there's one who's not a whole lot older then you. Other then that I'm not really sure."

The more he talked the more she realized that she could relate to what he was looking for. When she looked at him she just wanted to take him under her wing and reassure him that he would be happy here. She had to smile at herself, she really was becoming maternal in her "old age".

"I'm sure that you'll find plenty of things around her to occupy your time as well as people to spend time with."

Jun 19th, 2002, 03:29:02 PM
He smiled at her reassurance to him that he would find things to keep him occupied, and others to spend time with. This smile gave him a very innocent appearance - that of the young kid that he was - alone in the galaxy with the exception of this new Sith family of his.

"I dont doubt there will be plenty to keep me busy." He replied, his mind going to the many things he knew he had yet to master.

"But I will introduce myself to to this other apprentice if I find him." He added. There was a hopeful expression on his face that he could not hide. as much as he tried to tell himself he didnt miss his friends or his mother, he did. But in time, as he got to know the others, those feelings would likely fade. All he needed was a distraction.

He liked speaking with Lady Live Wire. She was very reserved, but wise, it seemed to him, and already, he had much admiration for her.

"Do you have any apprentices...?" He asked. He wanted to know what training was usually like, how quickly he was expected to learn, what he should know going into it - but he didnt yet dare to ask. This seemed to be the easiest way to lead into it without outwardly telling her he was nervous about it.

Live Wire
Jun 19th, 2002, 03:43:15 PM
"I have one apprentice at the moment. Darth Kreig. I've just started with him and I don't know very much about him. It's acutally been awhile since I've taken on an apprentice. But I do enjoy the torture I get to put my apprentice's through."

She laughed remembering her first apprentice, Lady DeVille. So many things had happened since them but she remembered being young and scared taking on someones training just fresh out of her own training. They had fun together and her and LV had taken her under their wings and made her one of their sisters. Those had been good times.

Shaking off those memories she turned her attention back to Sasha. He didn't realize it but his feelings were written all over his face. Ahh, to be young. Over the years LW had become an expert on hiding emotion and it was refreshing to see one so unjaded. But he would learn in time. With time and experience he would learn when to mask his true feelings and embrace the sithly ways. She decided to try to draw him out further.

"You chose your words carefully young one. Believe me when I say I willl not think less of you if you are honest with me."

Jun 20th, 2002, 07:07:04 AM
Torture? Had she just said she enjoyed the torture she put new apprentices through?

He felt his shoulders tighten slightly at the mention of torture. His life thus far had been relatively sheltered, and while he was well aware that torture was common in the galaxy, he wasnt in any rush to go through it himself. He searched for some sort of lightness in her words, something to indicate she was teasing, but her laugh, somehow, just wasnt reasuring.

It made him more concerned about what he was to go through with his training, and these emotions were written across his face.

You chose your words carefully young one. Believe me when I say I willl not think less of you if you are honest with me. So she had known then. Or at least, she had some idea of what he was thinking.

He looked to her for a moment, undecided, and then he sighed, his eyes flickering to the grass, and then back to her. He wsnt going to lie.

"Im nervous about my training." He admitted quietly. He hated the words as they came from his mouth, for they sounded weak to him, and the last thing he wanted was to be weak, or for others to believe that he was.

Live Wire
Jun 22nd, 2002, 01:00:14 AM
"You don't have to be nervous. Training is meant to be an upbuilding experience. I didn't mean literal torture...I just work my apprentice's really hard. The universe is a dangerous place and I want to make sure my apprentices are equipped. Since in sparring they're not up against someone trying to kill them for real I always try to make them feel as if they are in that kind of a situation."

She wasn't sure if her words had provided some relief or just made him worry more.

"Don't worry when you start your training you will see what I mean. The masters are here to help you always remember that. We want to impart to you what we have learned. Remember that and trust that your master has your best interests at heart"

Smiling she patted him on the shoulder. "And remember always be honest about your feelings. Only then can the others truly help you. You need not worry about appearances cause we can always read your true emotions."

Jun 24th, 2002, 07:28:41 AM
He didnt mind working very hard. In fact, he had expected that. And so her words were somewhat of a comfort to him. He relaxed slightly.

He had other questions he wanted to ask, but had been hesitant until she had reminded him that his thoughts were an open book to the members of the order. Until he learned to control them, they were laid out there for everyone to see.

"But what if Im not good enough? What if I just..." He sighed.

"Ive got a lot to learn." He admitted, his voice almost ashamed. He wanted so badly to impress his master, to have his master feel he was worthy of his training. He was angered by this, by his lack of knowledge in weapons, or fighting, or skills useful for the sort of life he would be living. Angry with the father he had never known for not being there to teach him these things. Angry with his mother for not having made his father be there.

With this sudden onslaught of emotions, abrubtly, he stood up from where he'd been sitting under the tree with LW and walked over to look out at the lake. He picked up a small rock, and throwing it sidearm, skipped it out over the water. This wasnt uncommon with him, these brooding sessions. It was something that had always set him apart from his friends. He held his anger deep within him, and it was the reason he had come to the Sith Order - for here, they would be able to teach him to use that anger.

Live Wire
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:21:35 PM
She watched him silently as he got up and threw the rock into the lake. His own self doubt was the key to his anger. That was something she'd have to remember and inform his master. He was a complicated young man but at TSO everyone was complicated to some degree.

Getting up she walked over too him and stood next to him. A gentle breeze had picked up as it often did down by the lake and it was blowing her long hair about her face giving her a rather wild appearance.

He knew his shortcomings just as she did and there was no need for her to point that out. Reasuring him that he would be fine would cut of a vital teaching aid so she just said nothing. She stood by him quietly letting his own brooding fuel his determination.

Jun 26th, 2002, 03:33:33 PM
Even in his inexperience, he could feel her presence as she stood beside him by the lakeside. He sighed deeply, then turned to her, the determination visible in his eyes, and the set of his jaw. He could feel the blood that had risen to his cheeks in an angry flush. And then he looked away, out at the water again.

He never spoke of the things that angered him. Somehow, he'd never been able to voice them. He'd wanted to. He'd wanted to yell at his mother about it. He'd wanted to speak with friends about it, thinking that maybe if he did, it wouldnt bother him so much.

That he mentioned anything now was almost uncharacteristic of him.

"I hate him." He stated, his gaze still on the water as he referred to the father he had never, and likely wouldnt ever know. He wasnt sure that she would know what or who he was speaking of, for he hadnt shared much, if any personal information with them thus far. But he wasnt saying it for her. He was saying it for him, because if he didnt, he was sure he would go insane.

Live Wire
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:01:15 AM
"Don't deny your hatred. It's a part of you and there is nothing wrong with it."

She could feel his anger mixed with his pain and it was so familiar to her. Many a time had she seen apprentices come with bitterness and anger at the cards that fate had delt them. At one time she herself was just like them. It helped her understand where they were coming from and she felt for them. Everyone had a different story but the anger was the same. She tenderly put a hand on his shoulder, nothing too overbearing but just a small gesture to show her support.

Jul 1st, 2002, 08:45:54 AM
Her hand on his shoulder after he spoke caused a mixture of emotions. It was a tender gesture, almost motherly in the lightness of it. And for a moment, he was reminded of his mother, and the fact that in dying, she had left him. His shoulders tensed. He felt none of the sadness ohers might have felt, only anger that she was gone.

Don't deny your hatred. It's a part of you and there is nothing wrong with it.

"And what if I hate her, too?" He asked, referring to his mother, the woman who had raised him, sheltered him, protected him for as long as she'd been able to.

Live Wire
Jul 5th, 2002, 08:35:12 PM
LW thought about that for a moment. He was a complicated young man and she was trying to get a feel for his thoughts.

"Well I suppose it depends on why you hate her. Hate comes in many forms and for many different reasons. Some of it is irrational and other is rational. The trick is not to let irrational hatred consume you or control you but you control it. By doing so your hatred can become a tool to let you tap into the potential that you hold inside of you."

Jul 8th, 2002, 01:13:37 PM
He considered her words.

He didnt think his hatred of her was irrational. But he did feel that it was perhaps unfair. She had done her best with him, hadnt she? Could he really fault her for having done what she thought was best, even if it wasnt?

Perhaps it wasnt even hatred, but that he missed her more than he wanted to admit to anyone - to himself. And hating her was easier.

But he nodded in understanding of Live Wires words, for they made sense, and he would have to learn to face his anger and hatred and turn it into a tool.

His violet eyes looked to her.

"I will do that." He promised, to her and to himself.

"I'll learn to turn it into a tool." He seemed to have calmed down a bit, the angry flush in his cheeks subsiding as they spoke.