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Arya Ravenwing
May 30th, 2002, 01:38:27 AM
by Lifehouse

you could be right
and I'll be real
honesty won't be a pain
that you will have to feel

'cause I don't need your approval to find my worth
I've been trapped inside of my own mind
afraid to open my eyes cause of what I'd find
and I don't want to live like this anymore

there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
'cause this feeling
that has no meaning

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
there it goes

does it scare you that I can be something different than you
would it make you feel more comfortable if I wasn't
you can't control me
and you can't take away from me who I am

there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
'cause this feeling
that has no meaning

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back

you can't change me
you can't break me

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back

have you ever felt
like your only comfort was your cage
you're not alone
I have felt the same as you
have you ever felt
like your secrets give you away
you're not alone
I have been there, too

everyone is looking
and everyone is laughing
but I think everyone feels the same
everybody wants to feel okay
everybody wants to
everybody wants to feel

there goes my pain
there goes my chains
did you see them falling
'cause this feeling
that has no meaning

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back

'cause I don't want it
I don't want it

you can't change me
you can't break me

there goes the world
off of my shoulders
there goes the world
off of my back
there it goes

The black haired woman stared at the console for a full minute, and then rubbed her eyes wearily. Ukio. She checked the coordinates, and they all lined up on the planet. Again.

With an exaggerated sigh, she flopped into her chair, and kicked her feet up on the unused co-pilot seat. Ukio? Why there, of all the vastly more interesting places in the galaxy?

Ukio! It was an underpopulated, backwater planet. The nerf to man ratio was something ridiculous, like 4 to 1. Ukio. Where the men are men, and the nerfs are nervous. A wry smile creased her face, and Arya started the navicomp computing the hyperjump.

There was cargo to be shipped out of there, and she had managed to land the job. Of course, exactly what it was she was picking up was not specified.

She'd rather not know, anyway. It would be placed inside, magnetically sealed into the cargohold, and that would be that.

Arya almost dozed off, but the beep of the navicomp jerked her back to awareness. She plugged the jump into the terminal, and turned her head a the sound of servos behind her.

"Mistress Arya, are we -"

"Threepio, haven't I told you to stay out of the cockpit?"

"Yes, and on many occasions, but I merely wanted to find -"

"Then, stay out!" She laughed at the golden protocol droid, and watched it shuffle-step out of the cockpit. "And we're going to Ukio. Some nerfherders need our assisance."

Marcus Telcontar
May 30th, 2002, 08:14:02 AM
OOC : Time placement is three motnhs after Stone Cold in Love with you and two weeks after Xazor Leo Dawnstrider's wedding


It was nighttime on Arcan IV. On a balcony above one of the main roads of the Capital, a man stood looking out over the dirty and grimy place that had become his sort of home. Well, home for the Jedi and home for the NRSF, two organisations he had connections to.

Used to, he corrected himself. No longer the famous General, no longer the even more famed Turbogeek, instead just apparently a poor traveller down on his luck, an antique weapon at his side, scruffy, downbeaten and untidy. You would nt know that the mind behind that lined and weatherbeaten face, the beard and the deep and powerful stare was one of the keenest. Nor would you know he was infact likely to be the most powerful Jedi of the generation, a Master long lived and well versed in lore, skilled in martial arts and sword fighting, a being whom had been in the Dark Side for a span longer than the average human lived, to become a Jedi for the last decade. Even when the worked against the Jedi Order, he had still kept his studies going and was now the equal to any in knowledge of the Force and beyond almost all in it's use.

Sometimes, it was a curse. But at other times as was the case now, he felt blessed by the God he called on. Tonight, he was counting his blessings that exceeded the gifts of the Force he had been granted. Tonight, his wife, Helenias slept in his bed. A wife whom he thought had died years ago, but barely three months ago discovered lived. And two weeks ago, had been reunited with. Now, tey spent the last two weeks with every moment together. They had much to catch up on and they were doing their best to make it as fast as possible.

A rather sly grin came on Marcus' face. Yes, the last two weeks had been memorable.


The voice came from inside the room, soft and melodic. He turned slightly, to see the bareset shaow of a tall woman, dark haired with matching eyes, whom he knew by the drape of fabric silloette was wearing her favoured green dress.

"Yes Helenias?"

She came outside, passing through the curtain to join Marcus on the balcony - Helenias Q'Dunn, Jedi Knight. His wife. His love. "I was wondering where you had gotten to. Are you thinking?"

"What would I be thinking about, except to look out over Arcan? It is a beautiful night tonight my love. Rare that one like this happens in this place"

The woman came next to him, placing one arm around his waist. He responded likewise. "It's not like home"

"No.... no it's not. Do you miss Arda?"

"I do. I would love to see the trees and valleys of Imladris again. I have not been there in many years"

He looked out over Arcan again. "I have not been to Arnor for a long reckoning m'lady. Too long. I know not of the sands and heat of home now. All I have is the artificial gravity and heaters to remind me of where I was birthed"

"We must go back soon - my real father would want to meet with you Elessar. It makes me sad you have not so far"

"As it does me. Soon, I promise, we will go. But... what you spoke of last night. Do you still want me to go?"

She nodded. "Much as I want you to stay with me, it has to be done. I fear for Xazor and I would not want hurt to come to her. Now she has come back from her honeymoon, it is time for her to be settled and for her to sort out her past, least it destroys her. Your the one who shares the Life Bond, so you must be the one who helps her"

Marcus nodded. "I agree. She is a good Jedi and she would be a sore loss if she continues to allow her anger to possess her." He turned to look into the eyes of Helenias. "She reminds me of another Jedi"

She smiled. "Yes, she does. Dont let what happened to him, happen to her. She is dear to me Marcus and I almost see her as a daughter. I dont want to lose her either. You must go, even for a short while - and go with my blessing"

"Thank you. That means much to hear you say that. I will arrange it tomorrow. But for now..."

Helenias laughed, her laugh clear like a rung crystal bell. "Oh? Have you a one track mind?"

"No. Two track...."

He moved slightly and with great deliberation, kissed Helenias on the lips.

Xazor Elessar
May 30th, 2002, 08:39:35 PM
It was a beautiful night on Arcan IV. The air was warm and collected around Xazor's body like a blanket. This night she was dressed differently than usual...an elegant white halter dress clung to her body and flowed in the breeze as she walked slowly. Her hair in Garou Warrior braids gently swayed with each step, and the gold coins woven into them clanged together softly. Quiet words were exchanged between she and another figure that was walking close to her. Their hands joined together and their fingertips dancing upon the others.

"It is good to be home my love..."

The words were melodiac and soft in Shade's ears. He sqeezed her hand and they stopped at a man made fountain in the square. The moon's reflection was clearly visible...as was that of the inseperable lovers. Xazor stepped in front of Shade and a smile played upon her lips.

"You're not speaking much...is something wrong?"

She questioned him gently. The young Knight shook his head and looked deeply into her eyes. He leaned over and kissed her so sweetly, and the young woman returned to act.

"Just thinking....about how you'd get so mad at me if I did this!"

He bent over and scooped a bunch of water in his hand, then swept it at his wife. Xazor turned around to avoid a "head on collision" with the liquid, but she was too late. Breathing in deeply, she spun around and faced him, her eyes as large as Republic Credits...and her mouth gaping open.

"Ohhhh....you...you'll get it noww.....Shh..Shade. I don't tttt...take things like thhh...that without...."

She was shaking from the chill of the water and couldn't finish, so Shade had to be creative and finish the sentance for himself.

"You don't take things like that without...punishment....right?"

She could clearly see where this was going. Closing her eyes for a moment, the Knight moved the molecules around her...faster and faster until they created enough heat to dry her clothes. Pushing a few loose coined braids from her face, she looked up at her beloved.

"You know...I have been thinking a lot lately, about everything. What if I wouldn't have left the Sith? Would I have found you? I can see now how the Force works things.....I am supposed to be here and I shouldn't be worrying about the darkness anymore...."

Sighing to herself, she sat down on the edge of the fountain's pool. Looking into the water, she could see her reflection against the moons...and then that of her husband right beside her. He sat down and took her hand in his own and kissed it gently.

"Just forget about it...let's just sit here and be quiet. Let nothing bother you...relax for all will be well. I love you..."

Xazor smiled to herself and rested her head against his shoulder. It felt so good to hear him say those words...and know that he meant them. She couldn't help but think of the glorious reunion of Marcus and Helenias...how she was so happy for them. These last few weeks had been so wonderful, one could not describe it with words. Closing her eyes once again, she listened to his heart beat in time with her own. Unbeknownst to her, Marcus and Helenias were in the room just above the square and had been standing on the balcony. Of course, the young woman was not bothered by others seeing how in love Xazor and Shade were...it was something beautiful...something the galaxy needed more of, especially amongst the darkness....

May 30th, 2002, 09:46:52 PM
This was most distressing. 3PO hated space travel, from ever since he could remember...and that was getting further and further back.

Mistress Arya had taken some pains working on his circuitry after rescuing him from that awful mech shop on Xa Fel. The protocol droid seated himself for the jump to hyperspace, fastening the restraints around his body.

The chance that what Mistress Arya was about to do something unwise were high. Threepio had spent time in the company of smugglers before, and they were always getting into scrapes. Why, Han Solo once knocked the dish off the top of the Milleninum Falcon...or was that Master Lando?

The droid felt the pull of the ship against his body, and sighed, if droids could indeed sigh. It seemed his circuits were not in the best of conditions yet. Perhaps on Ukio Mistress Arya would take him got be repaired.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 05:25:49 PM

As much as the evening before had been nice, the early morning was terrible. A storm had passed over the city in the early hours, sending torrents of water flooding through the streets, lightning flashes lighting up the sky and the boom of thunder rattling windows. Anyone who was sane or no reason to be outside, stayed within shelter as the wind also kicked around pools of water, driving the rain hard into everything. The odd patrolling speeder hummed past view, the patrols that kept the city safer than what it once had been a visible notifier of the NRSF, the elite army of the Republic. In the area, the sign that announced Yogurt’s Bar and Grill, the Jedi’s meeting place was also a reminder of the other occupants of Arcan. With such a high Jedi presence and a armed force that equalled or exceeded any seen for generations, criminals tended to keep a low profile, or just avoid the place altogether. Which mae the majority of law abiding citizens quite happy to support the interlopers that the NRSF and the Jedi were.

On this vile and still dark morning, two Jedi climbed out of a speeder that had been parked outside of a warehouse near the Jedi’s base, which itself was close to the Bar and Grill. They both ran for the entrance door, getting inside as fast as possible. Once inside, they both dropped the hood to their cloaks – one of them was a strikingly beautiful dark haired woman in a deep green dress, the other was male – who really could only be described as scruffy and untidy. He was in stained and patched clothing, a marked contrast to the well presented woman. He also had a sword at his hip, a travelling sling with a backpack that had a bow and arrow set in it. He looked more like a throwback to a time long, long gone – or a primitive planet. A marked contrast to his companion or the other Jedi.

They both walked quietly through a corridor, until the got to the main storage room – which, after the lights were turned on, they could both see was enormous, big enough that it even the fighter / freighter inside was dwarfed. A space faring craft, it was much like an atmospheric fighter but scaled up, two towering tail fins, swooped back main wings that were almost in a delta formation, two canards forward. Twin exhaust nozzles and under the wings, a whole group of missiles and other ordinance. It was painted a deep, deep black, the light that did shine on it seeming to be eaten up. Under the forward control viewers, there was a freshly painted picture of a leaping and snarling cat.

The man paused, looking over the craft. “Just as you said. Well looked after in storage” he said in a strange language that seemed to be more musical than spoken.

“It was a droid mainly. A very well built one” shr replied in the same language.

“A droid? You know my feelings on them”

“I know, but when it was thought you were dead, I did not have the heart to come in here myself. So I acquired an astro droid to do it for me”

“I hope it hasn’t done anything” he said, testiness evident in his voice.

“It has not, my love. I have been most happy with it – here it comes now”

A small dome headed droid noticed the newcomer’s arrival, disengaged from it’s terminal, before turning and rolling over to where the two beings stood. It beeped and whistled what was clearly a hello, the man raising an eyebrow at what was clearly un-droid like behaviour. “I could have sworn it greeted us. A rather odd little unit”

She smiled, before squatting down in front of the droid. “He was saying hello to me. I’m his owner – I bought him not long ago”

“Him? Helenias, since when did we ascribe gender to a droid?”

She touched the side of the droid, the little device seeming to beep with happiness. “Since we have one this good. Marcus, some mechanicals are worthwhile”

“I have little faith in that Helenias. Not even the droid Tohmahawk is to my satisfaction and that is the best droid I have seen. I understand why, but I would never have permitted any mechanical near my ship if I had the choice”

The droid seemed to give a mournful hoot. “It’s okay Artoo, he didn’t mean it” Helenias consoled.


“It’s an R2 series droid Marcus. Some of them are very good”

Marcus Q’Dunn, Jedi Master, begun to get curious about the little droid, walking around it, then also squatting beside it. He seemed to look for something, before raising a eyebrow at Helenias Q’Dunn, Jedi Knight and his wife. “Your kidding me”

“No. I told you some droids are well put together”

He stood up. “Where in the name of the Force did you find it?

“Oh, that was the easy part. Buying it from his former owner, that was more difficult. So tell me, do you think the droid would do a good job of maintaining Razor?”

The Jedi Master gave out a laugh as he stood up. “I take what I said back. Mind if I borrow it for a bit? I could do with something this good looking over some repairs at the castle”

Helenias also laughed. “Yes, of course!” She turned her head slightly, then recommenced speaking, this time in Basic. “And I think Xazor is here now too. I asked Artoo to prep the ship so you could both get away quickly”


Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 05:53:44 PM
The morning after a pleasent night with Shade, was terrible. Storms raged outside of their cozy Living Quarters. Putting on her cloak, the Knight pulled her hood tightly over her head and walked over to her husband.

"I must be going, my love...I'll be back in no time at all. I love you..."

She said, kissing him deeply. He more than graciously returned the act and hugged her tightly.

"I'll miss you....and be careful. I love you also, Xazor..."

He called after the woman as she smiled and made her way out into the hall. She had recieved a message from Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn that she was to accompany him on a trip. It sounded rather important, so she had quickly packed a small bag and took off toward Master Yoghurt's Bar and Grill, a meetingplace for the Jedi. She knew he was there, for their Life Bond Link told her so.

Nearly falling into the door of the place, she entered soaking wet...and dropped the hood of her cloak. Her beauty seemed to radiate around her, despite the dampness of her clothing. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior braids which she wore proudly with golden coins woven into them. As she walked toward the back of the bar, the coins clanged together gently with each step she took.

The Knight finally reached a door which was slightly open....and she knew Marcus was there. Knocking on it just to be polite, she spoke softly.

"Master Marcus...it's me, Xazor..."

She tried to peek around the door, but did not wish to intrude in case it was something she was not supposed to know about. He was a rather quiet man, secretive at times. Though she could invade this privacy by seeing through his eyes...she choose not to for he would know if she had. If that was the case, she might as well have gone in through the door. Placing her hands behind her back, the Garou Knight stood waiting patiently with her bag at her feet...

Artoo D2
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:25:22 AM
Little astromech droid made a sad but worried sound. It liked it's present Master a lot, but it didn't like the look of this other new biological. Being of independant processor, Artoo also had feelings. It had been told that was a nonsense for a mechanical, but it did. It felt a little hurt and scared from the male biolgical Mitress Helenias had referred to as Marcus. Nervously, Artoo scanned the area, sensing a newcomer into the warehouse, where it had been for the last month, replainting and repairing the frankly woefully maintained craft. Mistress Helenias seemed to like the job Artoo did, it hoped this biological Marcus would too.

Twittering a bit, it turned it's optical sensor to see a new biological.

Artoo itself had been bought of it's former owner by Mistress Helenias. Why, it didnt understand, but there were many things biologicals did it didnt compute. Much like other droids.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 3rd, 2002, 07:19:57 AM
"Not a bad place actually. Rather a surprise, I was expecting a backwards and inbred sh it hole. Now if you don't mind, cram your datapad up your a@@ and get away from me. Your stench makes me want to puke"

The alien cowered, but still managed to bow and stumble away, fear in it's eyes. It had seen the black clad man with the sunshades rip the arm off it's fellow, just in a fit of rage that the human seemed to be prone to. With it bare hands and without breaking stride. The human seemed to revel in violence and seemed unstable. Not tall, but still handsome and clean faced, he seemed more like an executive than a Dark Jedi. Which in some ways, that was exactly what he wanted. While a few of his closest associates knew his real powers, Darth Turbogeek always it to his advantage to keep himself hidden until the right time to reveal exactly who he was. Oh, there was the fact he shared this name with a dead Jedi Master, but that was of little concern to him. In fact, it was an advantage - all he had to do was introduce himself and beings cringed.

Even more so that he was now able to back up that name as well. Already the clone of an unusually powerful Jedi, the Dark Side flowed through him now, increasing the potential he could use. Tapped into the anger he had, tempered with patience and a deliberate scheming mindd, he knew that his time to directly challenge the Jedi was coming.

Not yet however. He had plans. He was developing a base of operations that he had called on a whim Assasin Incorporated, a body of paid killers that hired themselves out to the highest bidder. And there was Anasta Medical Suppies, the front for a smuggling operation that was growing. Even for a Jedi, he had unusually strong healing gifts, which he was learnign to leverage for his own advantage. Already, one Senator was in his pocket, Turbogeek having healed him of a near incurable disease. Oh, how easy it was to manipulate someone once they owed you their life. Too easy really.

Now he was here on this supposably dead end planet, to enact the beginnings of a new strategy. Except, this was no back water like he supposed, this was a thriving planet, an agricultual planet that suppled vast amounts of food stuffs to the Republic. Ukio. Where men were men and the nerfs were nervous.

To some extent, to find relative sophisicatrion was excellent. It would make this nice little plan he was bringing forth much more effective. Now, if he could only find some good help, not these damn pathetic aliens..... Whatever. He would make do for now.

Cause the result was goign to be the same in the end.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 5th, 2002, 04:47:30 PM
“Xazor? Come in please” And to Helenias, he switched to Quenya, their native language –

[Help her Marcus. I don’t want to lose her to the Dark Side]

[I don’t either]

[I know] Helenias reached out and touched Marcus gently on the face. [I’ll be looking over you Elessar, as often as I can. I will be with you always]

The Jedi took hold of her soft hand with his own larger and calloused one. [To have someone to watch over me is the supreme gift. It does much for me to know I am not alone]

Helenias smiled, then reached over, kissing her husband. [Go now. I wish to have some parting words with Xazor. You will allow that?]

[Of course, but don’t be long. Fare thee well lady]

[Fare thee well my husband. Tell me one last thing – will you be answering the request Navaria Tarkin made? To present yourself to The Council and be readmitted to the Order? The Jedi need you Marcus, they need your skill, power and knowledge. And I would love to be alongside you for much stronger we can be as two, not separate as one]

[I am thinking of it. I would say that I am likely to do as you would desire. With Alaina now here….. look after her Helenias. She’s a lonely young woman. I think it would do her good for you to give her companionship. I think also my Padawan feels jealous that you have much of my attention. Make her feel at rest with you now about]

[That I will]. Helenias turned away from Marcus, to greet Xazor who was standing at a respectable distance from the two other Jedi. The Master nodded a greeting, then pivoted on a heel, marching over to where his craft [i] Razor lay in wait. He over took the astromech droid, getting to the ramp first. He noted that even under the wings, there had been painting done and the undercarriage gleamed. As he came onboard, the ships proximity detectors, noted the newcomer and ‘recognised’ him. Immediately, the grav plate he was on stepped up to his preferred setting, 2.1 times normal gravity. And the air scrubber also picked up, increasing the warmth. Already he could notice a difference, the normal bearing squeak of the scrubber was gone and there was a freshness that signalled someone or something had set to the hall with cleaning solvents. A little bit perturbed, Marcus checked his sleeping room, to see everything neat and in order.

“Hmm…. Even new sheets. That droid seemed to have thought of everything”

He took of his sling pack, tossing it onto the bed along with his sword, sabre and cloak. Then it was onto the control room up front, an oddly arranged control pit. Two chairs, sitting in front of walls of switches and readout, with a pilot’s chair lower down in a pit, surrounded by control surfaces, some old fashioned, some very, very high tech and one or two devices clearly not of Republic origin. He did his usual leap into the pilot’s chair, noticing that the chair had been reupholstered and that the familiar wear patches on the consoles were gone. Everything was looking quite new. He looked about with some uncertainly, praying the bloody droid had not changed anything on how the ship worked, like he knew some would. Usually, he had a mechanic by the name of Smokey look after Razor in his days of the NRSF, who knew his likings and preferences. Marcus reached over to a new switch bank, then flicked two in rapid order. The other hand depressed a button, moving to a keypad that he entered the computer unlock codes. A beep answered, then another three switches are activated. The circuits came alive, sensors, readout and light sprang to life. He waited a moment for preliminary diags came up (5 seconds faster than normal!) , checked fuel levels, then activated first start-ups. There was a loud clunk as a relay kicked in, more lights activated. After a minute, the general systems went from offline to standby mode. Another two clicks and a tap on a control pad, there was another loud bang, then what sounded like a muted explosion. On the dash, the twin rev counters came to life, along with the fuel pressures, feed rates, thrust and other motor control. The panel lit up, one for atmospheric, the second for sublight, the third Hyperspace. Checking the position of the throttles, he touched the atmospheric pad, then keyed for ignition. A low groaning could be heard, along with the sound of a flame. The rev counters went from 0 to 1, then to 2, then gean to climb quickly as the turbines begun to wind up, turbocompressors beginning to spool. 10 seconds later, the counters sat on 1,500 rpm, the boost bars showing negative boost. Marcus allowed the craft to continue to warm up as he waited for Xazor to get in.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 05:31:10 PM
Xazor smiled and greeted Helenias. Hugging her friend....her mentor, she spoke briefly before stepping away to board the ship.

"Parting is such sweet sorrow.....until we meet again....."

She said gently, turning then to make her way onto the craft. Marcus had everything up and running, warming to prepare for their journey. The young Knight only hoped that it would continue to sound at least half as good as it did now. She would hate for something to go wrong while they were in route to wherever they were going. He had not told her exactly.....only that it was his home planet. She knew nothing of the place, and was curious to learn more.

"I'm ready...."

She said as she approached the Jedi Master. Indeed, she was ready...but part of her wished to stay back with Shade and Helenias. She would indeed miss them.....but perhaps time away was needed. She had been thinking deeply lately...and it was a good oportunity to reflect and learn some new things. Above all, she hoped to put to rest some of her past....and learn peace and patience. Smiling, she looked out a window and watched Helenias send a warm smile her way. It was comforting to know that someone would miss her besides Shade...it was comforting to know that she had friends.

"I am really looking forward to this....and I thank you for taking me on this journey."

The Garou smiled toothily, showing her happiness about the trip....as she masked the sorrow in her heart. She knew that he would feel it also...due to their Life Bond Link. The Knight moved her eyes to the window once again...hoping to catch a last glimpse of her new home before they parted on their journey......

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 6th, 2002, 04:54:14 PM
From behind him, he could hear Xazor enter the control cabin

“I'm ready...."I am really looking forward to this....and I thank you for taking me on this journey."

Marucs didn’t verbally reply, being concentrating on getting Razor ready. He could see Helenias walk over to a side wall, touch a control that activated the warehouse’s large exit. He fed a touch more power to the motors, the rev’s coming up to 3000 – with a slight bump, the craft began to roll forward. Final tests on the control surfaces showed the craft was fully functional and now with the needles all pointing in the right directions, the computer pinged that all was ready. Swingining the nose about, he made a turn around a pillar that was in the way and in a few more seconds, the nose began to be splattered by rain as Razor passed Helenias and out the warehouse, into the dark and rain filled street. Another turn, this time left, and he eased back the thrusters, coming to a rest, pointing up the street. Now to their side, the door begun to close, leaving the street entirely dark. The rev counter ticked over at 250 rpm, whilst Marcus began to strap in.

“Buckle up. Looks like it’ll be a rough exit with this weather”

He could hear Xazor do so, to his right a door opened, light spilling out into the quiet and deserted street – Helenias was watching them. Marcus waved, mentally wishing an I love you to the woman, before reaching out and activating the repulsor lift… then paused. In all his years flying, one thing he had become known for was anti-social takeoffs and he hadn’t flown in nearly 6 months, not with a ship under his control…. And not Razor

A particular mischievous grin creased his face as he switched on the high intensity low flight lights, seated on the front of the nose. The street was lit up with dazzling light, Marcus doing a mental calculation. The Jedi cracked his knuckles, then placed a hand on the turbine throttles. He was going to get into trouble for this, but right now, he didn’t care. The revs jumped to 5000, Marcus with a foot on the brakes as the revs built. The cabin was beginning to be taken over by the spinning up whine of the engines, the boost gauge reached neutrality. The wheels began to drag as the thrust overcame the brake drag, the craft beginning to slide forward, the whining becoming a faint scream with the rev counter on 20,000. A few lights in the area were coming on and he could sense Helenias realisation what was about to happen… with abrupt suddenness, the throttle was slammed forward and he released the brake. For a moment, the air feeding the turbines stood off, swirled, then was ripped through the atmospherics, to be blasted out the other side as the exhaust tips began to glow. Razor began to move faster… the motors screaming and bellowing as thrust built, the revs topping 100,00 and the boost gauges getting to half. The Jedi reached over and pushed another lever forward.

Ominous silence suddenly descended unit all hell broke loose. A 50 foot flare of white-yellow flame exploded from the exhaust, the boost gauges slammed into the red zone and the motors hit 200,000 rpm in a blink, The afterburners roared, shattering the quiet and even breaking windows with the hammer fist of noise. G-forces crushed Xazor and Marcus to their seats and a plaintive cry and a crash remind Marcus he had forgotten to get Artoo locked down. No time to worry about that now, the craft ripped along the street, reaching 400kph in 400 meters. The noise came up and with a blast of flame and spray, the craft tore into the sky, levelling off to skim aerials and rooftops as the landing gear retracted. Air control were probably having a fit, but he wasn’t really caring. This was just a joyful blast, a return to something he loved. A control surface twist and he ducked back into the street canyons, ducking a weaving objects as he powered back the engines so he could maintain enough manouverability. A minute later, they burst out over a river which Marcus flicked the craft to flow. At barely 20 fett above the water, blast ripped the water into two huge roostertails behind it. Marcus yet again slammed the throttle forward and lit the afterburners, the watertrails now mixing with flame. The airspeed indicator leaped upwards, from the outside it seemed a glowing barrier was building, a shockwave… they passed under a bridge and the shockwave collapsed, with twin booms as the sound barrier was passed. Marcus pulled back on the control stick, the nose lifting and sending Razor straight up into the sky. The thunder of it’s passage upwards slowly dissipated as it climbed for space.

A minute into the fierce climb, a light came on. With a practiced hand, five switches were toggled. For a second, there was a pause in the acceleration, before it seemingly doubled with the sublights kicking in and the atmos cycling down. The sub lights were a good deal quieter, welcome change fro the furious noise of the turbines, the acceleration began to drop off as the craft reached escape velocity and the grav compensators caught up.

“Woo, now that’s going to get me into trouble” Marcus commented.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 6th, 2002, 09:43:53 PM
Xazor was practically glued to her seat during the whole excursion thus far. It was terribly exciting all at the same time. Smiling, she looked over at him.

"One could only hope....."

The Knight was joking, of course....for she had secretly enjoyed the adventure. Looking out the window, she eyed the light surface of the planet....thinking about how Shade was there by himself now. Her thoughts were interrupted then as she saw a shooting star....it was breathtaking.

"Look! Over there...."

She pointed out the main window in the cockpit, hoping that he had looked in time to see the spectacular sight....it was something the woman had not seen in such a long time.....

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:59:08 AM
Arya stared at the cards in her hands, and tossed them down on the table. 3PO stared at her, optical units unblinking. "Mistress Arya, you have acheived sabacc."

She scowled, "I know that, Threepio." Arya swept all the cards onto the floor angrily, and then pounded her hand on the surface of the table. "Where the frell are they?!"

Threepio, across the table from her on board the Wing of the Raven, regarded her carefully. "Mistress Arya, I do not kn-"

"It was a rhetorical question, Threepio." She sighed. "We've been in port for three days. But no sign of the people who contacted me. I'm frelling sick of this planet."

"If I might point out, Mistress Arya, you have not even seen the planet yet. We have spent the last thirty-six hours inside this ship, and in the docking bay."

Arya looked around for something to throw at the droid, but she'd already tossed everything on the floor. She sighed instead. "Maybe tonight I'll go out and see if I can drum up some other business."

Jun 12th, 2002, 01:44:28 AM
C-3PO sat quietly, watching his new mistress storm about the ship...again. She had quite a temper, and he knew that it was best to let humans and other sentients work out their agressions on their own.

It had taken him many years of observation but he was fairly confident in his ability to read sentients' mood swings. Now, beings like Sullustians were difficult fpr most other species to read, due to a lack of facial mobility on their part. But, like the Twi'Lek, facial expressions weren't everything. Why, take the Wookies for instance. Their vocal inflections were enough to -


The droid looked up, "Yes Mistress?"

"I'm going out. Watch the ship." With that she stalked out of the room, looking like a caged Corellian Sand Panther.

The droid looked around the darkened room, and tapped his fingers on the dejerik table. I hope she doesn't get into trouble.

Artoo D2
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:51:36 AM
Artoo was not happy and the little droid was not scared about letting it's feeling be heard - if ot could make it's electronic voice heard over the noise assault from where it had been tossed to - near the engine room. It tumbled as the craft took an unexpected turn, baning Artoo into a wall. It twittered unhappily... oh why had Mistress Helenias told Artoo to come with this clumsy and rude biological? This was like Solo over again, one of the most uncaring biological Artoo had ever met to mechanicals. Artoo beeped sadly as the droid got knocked around again.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:32:18 AM
9 am.

There had been some fallout from the rather spectaclar takeoff Marcus had made, but so far none was coming back at myself. No one actually knew who had blasted off and no one had gotten a decent track on the ship itself - for some reason, the place it had powered for space was a sensor gap. If I knew Marcus, he had that very gap planted. It was very much like him to provide exit and entry points not within the official ones. With the changes I had noted in him, it was still good to see he had he still had the anti social streak that used to drive me crazy. Probalby would do so again, but I was just for now more glad he was alive and with myself again.

Even if he was gone for a short while again, it was no matter ans I found I could now oversee him once again.

This morning, I was in the acadamy and I just knew it was going to be a hard day. Xazor was one of the main trainers and she had what seemed like a whole school of Padawans. I myself had two, while Marcus seemed to have three. It showed that the lack of Masters was a problem and good rules like the single learner per Master Jedi were circumvented for now. In fact, there were few true Jedi Masters at all.

Still, the return of marcus back into the Jedi had a noticable morale uplift. Many now knew this strange and quietly observant man was the legendary Turbogeek that all knew off. Some had tested his strength - and in this I noted another change. Marcus had become reluctant to show what he was truly capable of, preferring to claim that his powers were limited. To me, he admitted that he had come too close to the dark Side and was now reluctant to use his power to the fullest. He preferred to share his knowledge and wisdom to those who wanted to recieve and there were many eager to do so. He might well be pressured to return to sitting with the Council soon I suspected, although he would only do so reluctantly again.

I shook my head, placing down a case of sparring weapory on the bench in the training room. Musing was not what I was here for today - today, I was giving the combined Padawan group of Marcus, Xazor and myself sparring training.

Use Sejah as your aid - he is well versed in weapory and will be of great aid to you. Kelt knows as well.

I reviewed the noted Marcus had made while I set out weapons and withed for Oriadin, one of my Padawans to arrive and help me set up for the day's training.

Jun 12th, 2002, 10:04:20 AM

Oriadin opened his eyes sleepily as he stretched out in his bed. His room at the Jedi Living Quarters was small but big enough for his needs. It was very tidy and very well laid out. A reflection on Oriadins personality most of the time. He bolted upright all of a sudden and had to be mindfull to stop himself from cursing. He was late in getting up to help his master set up her training today. He had been working overtime recently with his master and studying the Jedi archives. It seemed his lack of sleep was getting the better of him.

He pulled the bed sheets to one side as he dashed out of bed. He tripped in doing so. He quickly got back up and moved towards his Jedi robes to put them on ready to meet with Helenias. As he pulled the robes from its hanger, he knocked over a glass which was stood near the side of a table. Oriadin was very close to losing his temper as he felt this wasnt going to be his day. Instead, he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "Losing your temper and getting angry will solve nothing. Be patient and think about what your doing", he said to himself. He swiftly put on his robes and then his cloak. He exited his quarters and made his way down the lengthy corridor. Eventually he made it outside. The weather was atrocious. The worst hed seen in a long while. He pulled the cloak of his robes over his head and made a dash for the academy.

Soon after, he made it. He door burst open, a quick hello to all that Oriadin knew as he briskly walked through the academy to the room where Helenias stood waiting for him. He finaly arrived at the room. He stood outside for a second gathering his breath as well as composure and trying to dry himself off a little before presenting himself. He didnt particularaly want his master to know he had slept in. More than a little embarrasing! Oriadin calmly pushed the door open and peared in. There stood his master. He entered the room looking very wet and slightly out of breath.

--Sorry im late Master--

Sejah Haversh
Jun 14th, 2002, 12:21:21 PM
8 AM.

A whining alarm clock began screaming its electronic lungs out, and was quickly beaten off the nightstand by a swift paw. It flew to the floor, popping the battery casing open as it landed and spewing the small cylinders out aross the carpet. Sejah needed to remember that he only needed to touch the button, not kill the clock when it went off; he spent a fair amount of money replacing them.

Pulling his paw back, he rubbed his eyes,a dn then sat up, pulling his bedsheets back and then scratchign his lower back. A bad taste was in his mouth because he had forgotten to brush his teeth the night before, and his muscles were a bit sore for all the excercise he had been doing lately. But it wasn't bad enough to keep him from pressing on, and he yawned and stood up, cricking his back and then then adjusting the waistband of his boxers before grabbing a set of clothes for the day and heading to the refresher.

It wasn't quite as comfortign as a real shower, but it got the grime and sweat out of his fur, and made him feel awake in the morning. Taking a brush, he brushed through his fur to keep it from matting, and then got dressed in his usual clothes and headed into the kitchenette, turning on one of the bruners on the small range and pulling out a small frying pan before opening the refrigerator. Half a carton of eggs were left, so he grabbed three and cracked them into the pan, listening to them sizzle on the hot irom as eh dug around for a spatula. In a few minutes, his breakfast was done, eaten, his plate in the sink and Sejah was brushing his teeth.

On his way out the door, the mongoose picked up his edgeless practice saber, and his lightsaber as well, and then closed the door behind himself, Corin still asleep in his own bed. Sejah hadn't even looke dout the window that morning, and a treate waited for him as he stepped out the door of the main complex to head to the training center. It was raining.

Without hesitation he stepped out into the downpour, just standing there, and then looking up while he spread his arms wide, allowing himself to become soaked as he began to slowly walk towards the Academy, relishign the feel of falling water on his fur. Having come from a desert world, rain was a rare blessing, and he took much pleasure in the current shower. but, he knew he had to find Helenias so that he could continue in his sparring class and learn how to use his saber better.

Hanging his coat just inside the doorway to the training center, Sejah shook as much water from himself as he could and then proceeded inside, his sandals squelching as he walked, and occasional drops of rainwater still dripped form his fur. But his wetness was forgotten as he found Oriadin and Helenias,a nd presumed he was int he right place. "Good morning, Master Q'dunn, I believe?" he asked of Helenias, "I am Sejah Haversh, I don't believe we've met yet."

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:51:17 PM
The flight into orbit continued without further incident, if you could call how Marcus flew safe and normal. It wasn’t far from it. He took a delight in buzzing freighters and even the occasional warship, secure in the knowledge his reflexes were up to the challenge. And the fact that if anyone did try to stop him, he could open up the comm. Unit and give the ones trying to stop him an unhealthy surprise.

There was in fact, a New Republic ship trying to cross his path now. No doubt in response to his rather abrupt takeoff. A light on the board blinked, signifying that the interceptor was trying to communicate. With a grin on his face, the Jedi opened the channel.

“…repeat, stand down your engine unidentified craft!” came a brusque voice.

“Republic vessel…. Agreon, you are ordered to stand aside and allow me to pass” snapped Marcus, putting what sounded like anger and edge intop his voice – and a vastly different accent. If anything, now he was speaking Basic flawlessly, a voice he hadn’t used in five months, but one the Galaxy was familiar with.

“And under who’s authority do you order this?” came the reply.

“Authority code in transmit. You have 10 seconds after receipt to stand aside before I demote everyone on board”. He touched a control, the data transmit light flared for a second, then he began to count.

“Your code checks out. Have a nice day”. The voice at the other end sounded… worried? Probably would be, knowing what that code signified. The warship began to twist out of Razor’s path, Marcus plotting a course that would go worryingly close. There wouldn’t be any complaints however… there would however be relief that whoever was in the small fighter/freighter was not paying the warship any more attention.

“What was that code?” asked Xazor, sounding curious.

“ArchAngel. It was my very private call sign when I was Tohmahawk. It also is a code meaning basically do as this person says or else. Helenias has that code as well. It has a few unique identifiers and a flag that will get the attention of any NR computer system. Long ago, Master Yogurt and I sliced it in so that we could get any information or whatever we needed out of the NR databanks without hindrance – or anything watching if we wanted. ArchAngel is a backdoor that gets us what we need. The warship we just passed would have gotten that code and the computer that checks it off would have seen the equivalent of a IMITYFUHAND and told the crewers to do as I asked. Doesn’t identify me to the plebs, just makes it clear I’m not to be hindered”

“Oh. And what does IM….. whatever mean?”

“I’m More Important Than You, F--- Off, Have A Nice Day”

Xazor stared, then broke into laughter as another light on the board blinked. “Nav Computer has loaded co-ordinates and we’re free of the grav well.Here we go….” His hand reached out and pulled back slowly on a lever – with a rising howl, another set of motors kicked in. The exhausts glowed even more fiercely – then with a muted bang, a blink of light and a flash of psuedomotion, the craft blasted into hyperspace. The first jump lasted 15 minutes, before a brief drop out into real space, a course change, then another leap. Another 15 minutes, Razor reverted, changed direction so it was almost going back on itself, then rocketed back into hyperspace once again.

“Course hiding. The triple jump makes sure no one has any clue where we are going. I don’t like the idea of anyone knowing where my secret little place is”

“What’s it’s name?”

“Doesn’t have one. It’s only a set of Galatic co-ordinates, but it was where a Sith group once had it’s base. No days, there’s nothing there. No intelligent life exists on that planet. There is inly one building as well, a castle. Quite large and very old too. There’s a secret NRSF research op in orbit but that’s it. About the only other thing of interest is the very, very abundant plant and small animal life – with a pride of quite large cats. Oh, it’s also steeped in The Light Side. It’s a place of peace and tranquillity, strong in the Force. It’s very air you can feel healing old wounds, it’s water feeds the soul with it’s clarity and crispness. I regret everytime I have to leave. But, it will take about 90 hours flight time to get there. What I usually do is sleep while in Hyperspace, which will mean you will be left to your own devices for a few days. There’s not a lot to do on-board and the computers on board do a good job of seeing to our safety, so maybe you might like to meditate and Jedi hibernate. Focus on peace and calm as you do so. Now if you will excuse me… sleep calls. Helenias has allowed me very little sleep in the last week”

Not that Marcus was complaining or anything.. The last couple of weeks had been pleasant and enjoyable to say the least. 11 years of forced separation had left a gap between he and Helenias they were closing rapidly. Still, there were changes he had noted in his wife – she was more subject to mood swings, seemed regretful and a touch bitter. Also faster to fight. She had grown in Force power however… and her foreseeing gift was much, much stronger than he realised. That had been one of the reasons he had been convinced she had been dead all these years – Helenias could ‘see’ him over great distances, know exactly what he was doing. It seemed for some reason, he had been blinded to her. Almost like The Force had made sure they would stay unaware of each other’s survival for all these years until the right time came.

He didn’t know. But it gave him great comfort to know someone was watching over him while he slept.

Marcus unclipped the safety harness, got up. Going out towards the cockpit’s exit, he nearly bumped into the astrodroid, who gave him a whistle of “look out!”

“Switch off you bucket of bolts – or find something useful to do. Like clean the bathroom” relpied the Jedi, moving past. The little droid gave Marcus what sounded very much like a razzing.

“Yeah, you too”. Marcus was no lover of droids, but this R2 unit seemed to be a bit different from normal. The operating number stamped on the side had to be false, R2-D2 was not a droid that Helenias could have possibly have bought. Still… that unit seemed to have an independent streak much like the famed real thing….



For some reason, his bedroom door had not opened and he had walked straight into it. Touching the manual opener and rubbing his now sore nose, he entered and closed the door behind him.

Artoo D2
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:53:46 PM
Artoo waited until the Jedi had the door closed behind him, before emitting a low electronic laugh. It wasn’t a vindictive machine, but that biological needed a good reprogramming. The droid had talked to the computer on Razor and found a quite acceptable electronic mind – one whom was willing to help Artoo It had been nothing for the door to appear to malfunction. It saw another biological, a female by the scanning and it whistled a hello. Maybe she would be nice like Mistress Helenias was

Simon Desvelles
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:02:00 PM
The farmhand beside him let out an enormus belch, that was greeted with laughter. Simon himself more gave a wry grin, beign too tired to really join in the frivolity. It was getting near 3 am in the morning and the group of farmhands and farmers should have been back at home asleep - but it was Fregge's buck's party. A well known and well liked farmer, Fregge had bagged himself quite a decent young lass from Lowhold. Being his nearest neighbour, Simon Desvelles felt the need to celebrate his friends good fortune, and fortune it was. He was even feeling a bit jealous, although that was probably the alcohol blurring his mind a bit. He was more interested in running his enormous nerf and grain holdings, recently inherited from his father, who had passed away at a truly grand old age. Simon's mother had died a few years before, leaving to the big man the biggest freehold title in Ukio. It really was hard to get used to the resposibility, but it was plenty interesting. A lot of hard work for the 28 year old human, but nothing he was not used to. From a early age, he had worked the farm alongside his father and now, 208 cm tall and 120 kgs, he was an imposing presence for anyone newly meeting him.

Aonther laugh stopped him from drifting away from reality - and actually, he realised he was damn near falling asleep on his feet.

"Hey Fregge, good luck! I better be gone!" he called out.

"Piker!" yelled back someone. Simon replied with a smile and a rude gesture, standing up. Whoah head spins. He really had too much to drink. Looked like he would be in a motel tonight and not flying back to his farm. Didnt really matter, for once he didnt have a lot to do. His workers could take care of it - if any were capable of still walking at the dawn. Most of his farmhands were also here in the large tapcafe getting drunk as well. Saying his farewells, he managed to get to the door and outside, into the nice cool and sobering night air.

"Okay... where the frell are places to sleep around this place?" he wondered out loud.

Probably good he would be here tomorrow - he needed to contact one of his smuggler associates. Another shipment of illegal drugs was ready to be lifted and transported to the willing deziens of Coruscant.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 18th, 2002, 10:39:50 PM
Arya drunkenly staggered into yet another bar. It was about ...three a.m. local time. She'd been out and about all day, and had turned over no clues as to who had hired her to take the shipment. It was worse than aggravating. It was boring!

After the sun had gone down, she'd taken to hitting the local pubs. One... after... another....

Arya had noticed that after she'd hit four bars, the streets were getting uneven. After six, the lightposts were all crooked and in danger of falling on her...but they never did. She sauntered up to the bar, and helped herself to a stool. The bartender eyed her, and she ordered another Guinness.

"Pretty strong stuff there." He continued wiping down the bar.

"Yeah, well, what of it?" She tapped the bar top with her index finger, and blinked away some of the fog in her vision. "Whats wrong, did you run out?"

He looked up, almost indifferent as a rowdy party in the corner started breaking up. "You've had enough already I think, little miss. Besides, the bar closes in five minutes."

"Little..what?!" Arya sat up taller as the bartender looked at her. "I want that ale! I've been beating the pavement in this miserable, two-credit town all day, and I am trying to relax and put this day behind me!" Even after drinking a bit past her limit, Arya did not have slurred speech, something she had taken the time to learn how to avoid.

She reached under her jacket for her blaster, and it caught up on the holster. Arya growled and looked up to find the bartender had a blaster on the bartop. "If that clears your jacket, I'll blow a hole where you head was. Now, get out."

"Frell it!" Arya shoved her blaster back into the holster all the way, and got down from the stool, knocking it over in the process. "I didn't want any of your fecking dren anyway! Bloody ashes!" She aimed a kick at the stool, which rolled it into a few others, and stormed out of the door.

Arya turned back to throw another insult at the bartender, and ran straight into a body in front of her. She overbalanced and fell over backwards, too startled to curse.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:10:03 PM
Years of hearding wild nerfs had always given simon good balance if he was unexpectantly hit - which, as well as the fact he was nearly twice the weight and a good deal taller than most humans, - meant he only needed to take a few steps to rebalance after being run into to.

"Oh for God's sake, will you watch where your going, you dumb idiot?" he snapped, turning around to see who the clumsy nerf was. It was fairly dark, he could only really see shortish hair, what looked like black leather and a fairly slim build. He reached down and dragged the other up by the collar...... to sudddenly end up in a world of pain as he had his groin savagely kicked.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:16:39 PM
Arya grabbed the hand that had her by the collar and instinct took over. She kicked out, connecting with what had to be the groin, and then threw the heavier individual over her hip and to the ground.

The woman drew her blaster, which did not hang up on the holster this time, and kissed the being's forehead with it. "Be careful who you frell with."

Simon Desvelles
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:39:47 PM
He was quite dizzy, but but manaed to stand up without throwing up.... and he saw the black clad Kretzo bailed up with a dozen of his fellow Ukio farmers and farmhands pointing blasters at it, or holding it in place.

"Hey Simon, are you okay?"

"Yeah... ow f---er kicked me in the bloody nuts.... " He was not hippy. Not in the slightest. And he was drunk enough and angry enough now to do something he had no intention of doing - beating the living crap out of the kretzo. For such a big man, he could move like lightning and he did so now, unleashing a punch to the gut that doubled the human over into a gasping ball.

"Strip him naked and dump him out by the poofters bar?" sniigered one of the farmhands

"Nah... lets go. Just a drunk idiot"

Walking was quite painful as he was pretty tender. But he still could manage it and he was very much looking forward to a sleep.

But half an hour later, he realised wthat he really had drunk too much. Somehow he had wandered into the docks area in his drunkeness.

"Ah screw it"

He firstly pulled his pants down, peed on a wall, pulled his pants up and then stumbled to a doorway, where he promptly fell asleep.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 18th, 2002, 11:55:19 PM
Arya coughed and vomited as the natives dropped her to the ground, and rolled to her side, trying to catch her breath. Eyes squeezed shut, she reached her hand out for her dropped blaster, and tightened her hand around the grip.

Staggering to her feet as the chuckling nerfherders left the area, Arya held her stomach...not from pain, but from nausea. She headed off in the other direction, trying to find a taxi-cab to take her back to the spaceport and the Wing of the Raven's docking pad. It was after 3:30 am...there were no running cabs.

What is this, the dark ages? She cursed again, coughed, and tasted vomit still on her breath. Arya gagged again. Remind me not to drink so much in a strange town. After she was done bending over the gutter, she started the long walk back to the ship.

C-3PO was probably worried. Or, he might be cajoling the ship's computer to play him dejerik. Arya walked onwards...and an hour and a half later she arrived at the dock.

Bone tired, and the alchohol largely gone from her system, Arya staggered through the first set of doors, and headed for the ones leading towards the Chevette77's bearth. The doors slid open silently, and she stepped through -

- and her foot hit something soft and she went sprawling headlong into the bearthing area. "KRASST!" She skinned her hands up, and reflexively kicked back at whatever had tripped her up, missing badly.

Arya curled up on her side, and groaned. She'd managed to hit her head on the duracrete, and could feel a trickle of blood starting to drip. "Frell! I hate Ukio!" Her voice indicated that she really was starting to feel sorry for herself.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:27:26 PM
There was a muted groan from the lump at the doorway - and Simon stirred, having had his hand trodden on and then kicked.

"Heeshh.... shhttop issht!" he slurred. "hhhhurtzzz!". A muted cursing came to his ears and a few crashes. He opened his eyes blearily, wondering what the frell was going on and why his mouth tasted so bad.... and why the frell his bed was so hard and cold...

And where the frell was he?

"Ahhh fwuch, wha goong hooon?"

With one hell of an effort, he managed to sit up and look around. Okay.... doorway, alley.... seedy looking place....

"Where the frell am I?" he asked quietly to himself. He burped nosily, still assessing where he was

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:39:24 PM
Arya struggled to her feet, hand to her forehead. Her brain felt like it had a Class A thermal inside it ready to explode. Or perhaps it already had exploded. "Frell off."

She didn't have time for Ukioian vagrants, and tried not to give this one a second glance as she looked around her to regain her bearings. The Chevvette77 was..ah there it was. She pointed her body in the right direction and started walking.

Arya activated her commlink. "Threepio, I'm in the dock, could you let me in when I get to the ship?"

Simon Desvelles
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:51:32 PM
Movement and words behind him drew his attention - he turned around to see who it was clearer....

He sobered up real quick. They certainly did not breed women like That On Ukio. Slim, tall, dressed in tight fitting clothing, shortish dark hair and a figure that he couldn't help staring at for a longer than necessary. Who the frell was that?? More importantly, could she tell him where he was? Seemed like a good thing to ask to get a conversation going...

"Umm Excuse me! Hey....* Crunch* Owww!"

He tried to get up, but slipped and face planted into the concrete. Cursing, he got up much slower this time, holding a hand to a nose that was now bleeding. Grrreeeeaaaatttt way in impress the girl, he remonstrated with himself. Now he looked like a prime turkey. A bleeding turkey as well. Taking off his shirt, he held it to his face, muttering rather nasty insults to his own stupidity.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:32:22 PM
Arya turned around at the call from behind her and saw the man getting to his feet. His nose was bleeding, Did I kick his nose? and he was holding his shirt to it. His physique was... impressive. In the dim light of the dock she could see his body, and her jaw almost dropped.

"What do you want?" Thankfully she managed to not make a fool out of herself. Arya stopped walking even as the ramp started lowering to the ship that was right behind her. Whoever this vagrant was, he was incredibly built. Perhaps Ukio wasn't all that bad.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 19th, 2002, 11:45:28 PM
And she had the most amazing voice too. Not that he was paying attention, his nosebleed and the pain in his face was distracting.

"I... errr got lost" he said sheepishly. "I'm not from around here. I.... ummm... fell asleep on your doorstep." Oh man, how moronic did that sound??? "Do you know where this is? I really should..."

Worst than moronic. He was sounding like a retard. Simon took a breath to stop speaking and composed his thoughts. He always went to pieces around women, especially the pretty ones. And this woman made even the prettiest farmer's daughters look like frumps.

"Look, I'm really sorry about falling asleep there. Do you mind if I clean my face up and then I go? Or I'll just go if you want..."

Shut up Simon! You babbling again!

He sighed, then turned to go, highly embarrassed

Jun 19th, 2002, 11:50:22 PM
The ramp lowered slowly, and 3PO waited at the top of the ramp. Mistress Arya did not appear at the bottom, so he shuffled down to see what was taking her so long.

By his calculations, she should have been at the ship by then. Threepio peered around the edge of the ship and saw Arya facing away from him, and a very large man in front of her. He watched silently, ready to sound an alarm should any harm befall his mistress.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:19:20 AM
Arya tapped him on his very bare shoulder. "If you need to clean up, you can use my ship. I'm not from around here myself, and had a run in with the natives." She laughed, a little nervously (which took her by surprise), and indicated the ship behind her with her head. "It isn't far. And you're in docking bay 23. Is your ship far from this one?"

She started moving back towards the Wing of the Raven (which was docked under the name Righteous Kra'al) and took him by the arm, leading him with her. "What's your name?"

Simon Desvelles
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:30:33 AM
He didn't resist. At least she hadn't kicked him out.

"My Speeder is out front of Griutt's Produce, or at least that's where I left it. I'm.... from Lowhold, about fours from here. I'm ah... Simon. Simon Desvelles. I own a fair bit of the land in this place. One of my friends is getting married and we......"

Oh maaaaaaan. I'm babbling again.

He smiled shyly.

"Basically got drunk and got lost. I dont come to Farview much, only to do business mainly. Nerfs, grains, few other things..."

He felt sick in the stomach. He was sounding worse and worse. And the more light they were walking in, the clear he could see his initial assesment was wrong. She wasn't pretty. She was drop dead beautiful.

Where did she come from? I had no idea Outlanders were so... errrrr.... Oh my I hope she doesnt notice...

He took the short away from his blood smeared face to embassingly hide the growing bulge in his pants.

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 20th, 2002, 12:57:33 AM
Arya let go of his arm and held her hand to her head as she walked up the ramp. "Threepio? What are you doing down here?"

"I was merely waiting to greet you, Mistress Arya." The droid turned to follow her up the ramp, but stopped short at the sight of the one called Simon. "Oh my! I am not programmed to deal with injuries -!"

"Don't worry Threepio, I'll take care of our visitor. Why don't you just...power down or something," Arya stomped into the ship and pointed Simon towards the 'fresher, taking a good look at his butt when he walked by her.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 20th, 2002, 06:29:18 AM
OOC : Oh MY! Highly entertaining to read :)


I didn't have long to wait before Oriadin, dripping wet from the storm outside entered. I good student he was and most pleased with his progress I was. I had foreseen he would become a Jedi Knight of some note and I was taking a good deal of care in the training I was giving him He was also my first Padawan, which was making this a learning experience for me as well. I was not too proud to admit that in some places he would eventually overtake me, but that I would encourage. I had no ego to defend.

"Good Morning Oriadin. Sleep well?"

His answer was cut off by the arrival of a new being - a animalistic being, one I had been told was a 'mongoose' - and more to the point, this was a Padwan of my husband. He had told me of a spar they had, where Marcus mentioned he was surprised and pleased by the skill he possessed. And being without a Master, Marcus had offered to train him. That in itself spoke volumes. Marcus told me that he would only train those whom he believed worthy of his time. Considering the standard that my Jedi Master placed on himself and others, that was high praise indeed for Sejah. I was looking forward to meeting him.

"Sejah, yes Marcus has spoken of you, spoken well of you too. Marcus has been in the past spoken as the most powerful Jedi alive and he will not waste his time on those who will not strive to be similar. He has had more Jedi that he has trained eventually become Masters themselves than any other Jedi. Make sure not to waste what has been granted to you, follow in the path of others before you" I held out a hand in greeting as I continued to speak. "I also consider a Padawan of my husband part of our family. This is my Padawan, Oraidin. Have you two met?"

Jun 20th, 2002, 08:55:43 AM
Oriadins face was one of slight embarasment as his master asked if he slept well. He was about to reply when the door to the room was opened.

Oriadin smilled as Sejah entered the room. The two of the had become friends after bumping into each other in the Jedi Acadamy. The two of them were in Xazors force class together too. Oriadin had met many people while being at the Great Jedi Order but there were few he would call friends. More like aquaintances. Oriadin regarded Sejah as his best friend although he didnt know if Sejah felt the same.

--Indeed Master, we know each other quite well.--

Sejah's ability with a sword was quickly spreading throughout the Acadamy and Oriadin always enjoyed training with him. Oriadin was glad he was with him and Helenias today.

--So, Master, is there anything youd like me to do?--

Oriadin looked around for something to do, to try and be pro-active. There wasnt anything obvious that needed doing as far as the young padawan could see but he had no idea what was in store to make any real judgment.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 20th, 2002, 08:19:33 PM
Xazor was having a good time already....and everything that Marcus told her was interesting, every little word. She was a bit disappointed when he decided that rest was needed...but she more than understood. Trying to hold back a laugh as he smashed into the door of his bedroom on board, she turned back around and looked out the large window. Suddenly a little droid came up to her and beeped a happy greeting. The Knight smiled and patted the machine's "head".

"Hi....I'm Xazor......do you know anything about what we're going to be doing? I have a feeling I know why we're visiting this place....but I don't want to assume anything. I'm a little scared, honestly....and I don't know why."

She paused a moment and grinned as another shooting star whizzed by. They were beautiful and caught her eye.....nearly dragging her from what she was saying.

"Anyway....you probably don't understand what I'm talking about. I must rest...Master Marcus says that we have a while of traveling, and I have nothing better to do than sleep. Good night little one..."

She said in a soft voice before closing her eyes and falling into the Force. Her body drifted into a deep meditative sleep trance that would allow her to be at rest for as long as needed. Her breathing slowed as well as her heart rate, making her body more efficient than when in a normal sleeping cycle. Slowly then, she began to dream...visions of happy times.....visions of her Father and brothers.....times she had shared with Marcus and Helenias....times with Shade. It all mixed together for a sweet moment as the trance carried her through sleep.....

Artoo D2
Jun 22nd, 2002, 08:30:02 AM
Oh good. At least one of these biologicals were nice. Artoo whistled at Mistress Xazor, happy it was being paid attention. In some ways, Mistress Xazor reminded it of Mistress Helenias - they both seemed kind CPU'ed.

Artoo was disappointed when Mistress Xazor said she needed to switch off, or so Artoo thought of this thing called sleep biologicals needed. There would be no one left to speak to, except the ships computer. Ah well. At least it was polite and well spoken.

For some reason, there was a memory retrival of Threepio. Artoo wondered what it was doing now

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 04:08:28 AM
"Yes Oriadin. Help me set up for today's class. We have combat training for quite a number of Padwans today"

I pointed to the weapons rack

"Low powered sabres and also practice helmets. We're going to practice how to rely on the Force and not our eyes."

Now where were the other Padawans of Marcus and Xazor? I wondered.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:05:19 AM
God, he hoped he didnt look like a simpleton staring at the golden droid. He had seen nothing like it. At least it distracted him for a moment, and did he ever need distraction now. The woman pointed him in the direction of the refresher and Simon was never gladder to have the door close behind him.

A deep breath to regain some composure, then he stripped off. Being a man used to hard work, there was not a scrap of fat on him, his body was toned and hard from the years of the work on the farm. There was no denying he was an extremely attractive man, which at time he regarded more of a curse than a blessing. Of the bachelors on Ukio, he was probably the most elegible, being handsome and rich - and the constant stream of women trying to make him a catch really annoyed him no end. Okay, so he was awkward with females, but that was not the only reason he wished to remain single.

He was in love with the farm. So they called him a nerf herder, as if it was some sort of backhanded insult - he never cared. He loved the smells and the sights of his land, the morning sunrise and the sunsets. The cool of the night and the heat of the day. There was nothing liek the experience of a brthing nerf, to see the newborn struggle to their feet, the feeling of knowing you had winessed a miricle of life. How could anything compare?

Which made his rather strong reaction to the Outlander quite annoying.

"Get a grip on yourself Simon" he said to the mirror. "No Outlander is goign to like the life you lead. And even if she might be interested, it'll be for a one nighter. You dont want that. So behave"

He washed his face, then turned around to..... now where the frell was the shower here? There was some strange booth, but there were no taps for hot water. What gives? He momentarily forgot his state of undress, opened the door.

"Hey there.... where's the taps for the shower?"

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:13:21 AM
Arya turned to look towards his voice, and raised her eyebrow at his nakedness. "Taps? Its a sonic shower. Here, let me show you." She walked towards him and pushed past him. Simon grabbed his shirt off the sink and covered himself, but she ignored him and tapped the dial.

"Set it for how long a shower you want, and then get inside. No soap, no water, no mess. You get pummelled with sonic ions, and it removes the dirt...vomit and whiskey that way." Arya giggled, and turned around to face him.

He was beet red, clutching his shirt in front of him. Arya looked down and then back up at him. "W-what?" He stuttered.

"You're in the way." Arya moved past him, brushing against him, and he stepped back quickly, hitting his head on the wall.

Once out in the passageway, she looked back as the door slid shut, and winked.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:06:29 AM
Ouch, ouch, ouch.

But what was worse was this... thing called a shower. Where was the water? How could you have a shower where you get clean with sound? What, was she expecting that yelling at the grease and dirt would remove it? How silly. But there didnt seem to be any choice for now, so with some uncertainty he entered the "shower" and touched the controls. A tickling sensation encased his body for a few minutes and then stopped.

And amazingly, he was indeed clean. But man, that sucked. Real showers were a pleasure, not this stale and sterile version. Nothing like being pummelled with hot water after a long and tiring day. Now, his clothes were still grotty.... now there was an idea. maybe....

It worked. the Sonic shower did have a good use after all. His clothes were nice a clean again after two minutes. Pulling them on, he opened the door and looked out into the corridor of the ship.


What was her name...? Actually, had she even told him?

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:35:26 PM
Arya had her boots off, thick grey socks covering her bare feet which were propped up on the dejerik table. She'd taken off her jacket, rail gun and blaster, leaving her pants, black tank top, and empty shoulder and hip holsters on.

She shifted her weight, and started unbuckling the holsters, then heard the man, Simon, calling down the hallway. "Over here." The dark haired woman grinned to herself, and tossed her shoulder holster across the room. It hit the refridgeration unit and flopped to the floor.

Threepio was esconced in the cockpit, conversing with the ship in binary. She'd already yelled at him twice to keep it down.

Simon Desvelles
Jun 29th, 2002, 12:30:13 AM
Simon yawned as he followed her voice and came into the room on the ship this woman was in. some sort of living room.... Now maybe Simon was a backwards farmer, but he did have sharp eyes. Holsters on the floor he sw, hnear what he resumed was a storage area... and the woman herself, whilst spectacularly beautiful, was clearly no one to be messed with. Okay... that suggested....

"Hi again and thanks for the use of that.... thing. Ypu really should think of a plain water shower, although it cleaned my clothes well and.... ah -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. Look, I'm sorry, i babble when I'm nervous. I errr... I didnt catch your name"

Artoo D2
Jun 29th, 2002, 08:46:06 PM
Four days in Hyperspace. A long time and would normally be boring - for a biological anyway. For Artoo, who could shut off and allow time to pass without effect, it had no real meaning. The little droid had found a nice place, connected to the central computer of the ship where it had done some chatting (For the Razor's computer was talkative and if anything seemed to have a personality of it's own.) then had shut itself off for most of the transit time, for the Computer, called PIV, had told Artoo Marcus would sleep for the whole journey. The droid noted the female biological - who had been very nice! was also asleep. It had seen Master Luke do the same, hibernate for long journeys so Artoo presumed that both the lifeforms were like Mistress Helenias - Jedi.

PIV confirmed Marcus was a Jedi - apparently PIV had been his only companion on some long trips and the Jedi had taken to talking to the ship's computer. Thence PIV knew quite a few things others did not. Rather interesting and informative - the Jedi Master didnt like mechanicals, but considered his space ship a real biological. Very much like Captain Solo if the data in Artoo's data banks was not corrupt. Worth processing.

The ship right now was fully dark, the only light coming from the control room's displays and the swirling of hyperspace. Artoo was alos right now dark, shut off. And for a few more hours it stayed like that. Eventually, a light on the console blinked - a proximity alert. Five minutes later, more banks of lights lit up and a beep sounded. Artoo also came alive, passive sensors alerting the droid something had changed. It beeped a question, scanning for what was going on.

And Razor dropped out of Hyperspace and revertyed to realspace. A bit alarmed, Artoo hooted a question. PIV responded from a speaker on the dash. "There is nothing here to concern Master about. I land the ship and wake Master once we have arrived at Trinth"

That surprised Artoo. That was a lot of trust the Jedi Master was placing in the ship - more than it had ever seen of any biolgical. Allowing a ship's computer to take landing duties? That was amazing. That spoke volumes for PIV.

Maybe Marcus wasn't such a droid hater after all

Arya Ravenwing
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:10:48 PM
The dark haired woman got to her feet, and stode over to Simon. Holding out her hand to him, she answered, "I'm Arya. Arya Ravenwing. Why don't you have a seat, I'll get you something for your hangover." Simon found himself sitting down and she quickly filled a cup of caf for him.

She pulled a grey sweater on over the tank top, and sat down opposite him, a cup in her own hand. "Its nothing fancy, just plain Ithorian caf." Arya sipped, and then said, "So you aren't from the city?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 04:03:08 PM
Xazor was a bit alarmed when she heard some noises out in the main compartment. She was awoken from her Force induced sleep and seemed to shoot out of her bed. Looking about, she did not see anything in her room that posed any threat...and she figured it was something with the ship. Sighing, she got up and opened the blast door to her small quarters. The rest of the ship was dark except for the main counsel which was lit up. They had come out of hyperspace and appeared to be preparing for landing. She didn't know how long it would take...and obviously, Marcus was not too concerned. He was still sleeping deeply. Sighing once again, she walked back into her room and laid down on the bed, trying to at least meditate. Her body told her that she had slept long enough...so she just fell into the Force and laid quietly...waiting for whatever happened next....perhaps the ship would land itself? She did not know....and now she was drifting off to sleep again...

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 03:24:10 AM
Beep Beep


“Brrrt Brot Bzt?”

The little droid looked out the view port as the engine of the Razor began to wind down from the landing it had just made. Almost surprised just how smooth and trouble free it had been, the machine glanced about wondering when the two sleeping occupants would wake. He didn’t have long to wait, for Marcus came out of his door, yawning and stretching his limbs. Stiff from what amounted to five days hibernation, he bent over, working out the kinks in his spine and also some life into his limbs. His neck audibly cracked as he flexed it, then his elbows as he worked his hands. The droid beeped, drawing the Jedi’s attention.

“Oh, I had forgotten we had you. Pleasant trip?”

The droid gave a response that was most likely affirmative.

“Good. Now excuse me….” He said as he shuffled through to the control room. Marcus noticed that the usual standby modes had been activated – which meant the ship would stay hot in case of fast takeoffs required. There wasn’t much likelihood of that here, not when Xazor and him were the only two sentients on the planet’s surface. Thence, he reached over and begun to shut down, leaving only the passive comm. link and the computer active. PIV flashed a question on the screen

“Yes, even the missile racks, shut off all systems except yourself and the comm. links. We’re here for a while, maybe a month. Any messages waiting?”

Another couple of lines of text scrolled up.

“Helenias wanting to know if we arrived safely? Good – acknowledge and send safe arrival notice. Also I’ll speak via Holonet when Xazor and I are settled in. Also ask for updates what she is teaching the Padawans”

A confirming message flashed up and Marcus manually closed down the main circuits, leaving only ancillary power running, which itself would close off when he and Xazor left the ship. Which would not take long, only had to pick up his luggage and exit. The Master sensed Xazor was now stirring, so he got out of his seat, moved back to his room, picking up his carry ons. There was a hoversled in the cargo bay that held the larger luggage which he would get Artoo to move once they were outside.

“Okay Artoo, were getting off – Xazor! Wake up! Time to have a look at Trinith!”

Simon Desvelles
Jul 6th, 2002, 06:28:05 AM
He took a sip of the brew that ... Arya.... yeah that was it - gave him. A bit suspiciously ans she added it was some sort plain Ithorian caf. Tasted okay, but he had to admit, he had better. Still, not with this tyype of company!

"No, I'm from near a place called Lowhold. I dont come to Farview much if I can avoid it, I'm not really liking crowds. I errr.... I'm a farmer, nerfs, snaaks, grains and other crops, that sort of thing. I was here to celebrate a neigbour's wedding and some other buisness" Seeing her face, Simon wished he could crawl up his butt and hide - the look was the typical of "Nerf Herder!", looking down on him, or so he thought. It always happened, and it always made him cringe.

So what could he say now, apart from

"So, what are you here for?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:13:16 AM
Xazor had just drifted back to sleep when Marcus's words startled her. Flailing her arms about, the Jedi Knight fell out of her bed and hit the floor with a hard and loud !!THUD!! Silence overtook the backhalf of the ship for a few moments as she slowly and carefully got up to her feet, making sure that she was "on solid ground". Pushing her braids back out of her face, she opened the blast door to the small room and smiled at the sight of her friend.

"We're here...."

It wasn't a question, it was a bit of shock that she said the words with. A smile crept over her lips as she bent over and grabbed a few of her own bags. Thoughts crept through her mind as she tried to envision this place where they were. The curiosity was nearly killing her, but she had to be patient.....and then it would be revealed.

"I'm all ready.......I slept well........did you?"

She questioned.......knowing the answer was yes for he wasn't complaining any. Her body was very stiff and her neck did not seem to want to move in the direction she wanted it too. With a few quick movements of her hands, loud cracking could be heard, and a relieved smile crossed her lips. That's better.... She thought to herself. The Garou Knight finished putting her things on the hover sled and then looked to Marcus for their next plan....

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:22:43 AM
"Always sleep well when I'm travelling. T'was no different to normal"

They were on the wrong side of the ship to see where they were to go. The Jedi Master walked around part of the landing gear, then walked to the far wing tip, shading his eyes from the early.... morning sun. And pointed.

"Behold... home. Trinith, the Tower of Guard it was called I believe, before this planet was deserted."

In the sun, the white stone of the castle glinted. The towers stretched for nearly 100 meters above the ground, the main body of the anicent building was huge. The fatc was, Marcus himself had not walked all the corridors it was that big and he was sure it held secrets he was yet to find out. The landing area faced the yawning main entrance - the whole area surrounded by trees and plants, flowers and at the two pillars that supported the entrance aarch, twin rose bushes, flowering.

"Cast your cares aside Xazor, for no hurt and no evil can come inthis place. Do you feel how strong the Light Side flows here? How the life that is on this planet has made it grow?"

Xazor Elessar
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:34:43 AM
Xazor stepped to where she could finally see where they were to go. Her jaw nearly hit the floor of the ship when she looked out over the landscape that held the castle. It was incredibly beautiful to her....she had never beheld anything of the sort. His words touched her a bit and she closed her eyes to feel the power he spoke of. Indeed, it seemed to flow as thick as butter around her....never had she felt it so strong.

"Yes, I do feel it....and it's incredible. I wish it was so within me...."

She said with a whistful tone. The Force was strong in her, that was not the question....but it wasn't this strong. A smile danced upon her lips as she took in everything...the flowering rose bushs....the beautiful architecture of the castle itself. Everything filled her senses and she breathed it in as they stood there taking in the sight....

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:16:35 PM
Arya drained her mug, and set it down on the table. He asked a dangerous question, with an answer she could not possible give him. "I'm here on business. In fact, I was waiting for a farmer. They had something they wanted exported, but never showed."

She eyed him cautiously, wondering if perhaps he knew the being whose need had brought her here. He looked uncomfortable...and hot. Very hot. Arya laid her hand on his arm, lightly. "Have you ever been off planet, Simon?"

Simon Desvelles
Jul 29th, 2002, 10:50:26 PM
Now it was his turn to eye Arya off - not for a perv, but to reappraise her. And also his manner changed as well, becoming les of an idiot and becoming professional, as it usually did when discussing business. And to hide his surprise at the turn this meeting had taken.

"No I have not been off planet, I'd like to. Farming can be boring as and hard work. If you were looking for a farmer to export some stuff, that could well be me - if your contact name was Janson"

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 29th, 2002, 11:01:38 PM
Arya withdrew her hand as if it was from a hot coal. Never mix business with pleasure. Got too complicated that way. Too bad, he was incredible. "Actually, it was. What took you so long? I've been waiting in the correct docking platform for two days."

She straightened up (she'd been leaning in slightly towards him) and scratched the side of her nose. Arya would have been more nervous about having a criminal contact inside the ship, but he'd proved to be pretty worldly-unwise so far. Hopefully this meeting wouldn't bumble more than it already had.

Simon Desvelles
Jul 29th, 2002, 11:20:46 PM
Holy Frell, she IS a smuggler!

He was veiwing the beautiful woman with new eyes now. Usually the smugglers he had ever dealt with were fringe dwellers, druggers and misfits. Here was someone who would not look out of place at a Overleige function! He scratched his head, hiding his bemusement.

"Seems Janson screwed up. He was supposed to get my cargo and drop it off without us meeting - damn fool offworlder messed up the dates, I was to make my part of the drop off in two days at a place about 200 km from here called Lowhold. And pardon me asking, but you dont look like a smuggler to me, are you like a contact as well or something?"

Shut up Simon, she could be anything! Maybe even a cop!

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 29th, 2002, 11:25:42 PM
Arya wished her blaster wasn't across the room from her. But to get up now would be instanly suspicious..not to mention dangerous. This guy was big enough to rip her in half with his bare hands, if he ever got thos hands on her, that is.

Too many questions. A noob, perhaps? Or the Ukioian police, trying to catch offworld smugglers. "Two days from now, at this Lowhold place? And I am the person Janson contacted, so unless I'm in the wrong place, then I'm your gal."

Simon Desvelles
Jul 30th, 2002, 12:33:04 AM
He was a farmer and maybe he wasn't the most soiacially aware person, he could tell a lie, from growing up among farmers and farm hands, whom tallstories were a way of life. You learned to smell poodoo a mile away, of any variety and to do it well. You did it by watching the eyes and the face, the mannerisms. It was not perfect and it worked better the more you associated with someone, but Simon was getting the hint Arya was truthful.

Of course, that could be wishful thinking. Wishful thinking she wouldn't immediatly arrest him and throw him in a cell. "Yes, but the cargo is ready now. High grade pharms for..."


His face froze as he realised the size of his gaffe. Well, if she was police, he was in deep crap now.

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 30th, 2002, 01:14:15 AM
She hesitated. "I was just going to ask what assurances you could give me to prove that you're on the up and up, but you're either a dumb cop, or who you say you are." Arya got up then, and walked with her empty cup over to the caf dispenser. Her blaster was there...within reach....

"We can go now. Or I don't go at all." She shrugged, "At the very least, you get a ride home." He'd already tipped his hand at the location of his home, and now she knew the pharms were at the farm. She almost laughed at that, but kept a straight face. Either way, it was safer to do this now, with him still on her ship and in her control.

Her fingers twitched, and she picked up her shoulder holster and strapped it on again.

Jul 30th, 2002, 01:23:34 AM
Completely disgusted with the manners of the Wing of the Raven, C-3PO trundled down the passageway from the cockpit back to the living area. "Mistress Arya, did you want your clothes pressed for...oh my, I - I forgot." Company. Indeed, his circuits were faulty. Ordinarily he never would have forgotten such an important event as a guest.

Then he registered Arya's last comments. Threepio's optical sensors turned towards her again, his head following with a little jerky movement. "Are we leaving already, Mistress Arya?"

Simon Desvelles
Jul 30th, 2002, 01:40:54 AM
Already edgy from his gaffe simon froze..... and without thinking moved much, much faster than a man of his size had a right to, a fist swung brutally hard,,



The droid went flying across the room to hit the wall, Simon went down like a sack of crap cursing a streak with the pain now throbbing in his hand. Anger flared in him at his plain stupidity. Great. He was an idiot and a fool now to Arya. And why the frell he gave a damn what some offworlder thought of him as well? Remostrating with himself as he tried to do something about his throbbing fist, he stumbled away and hit his back to a wall, sliding down to sit on the floor, wondering who the hell was pulling his strings and making him be so idiot. His face was flushed with anger and embarrassment, as he swore yet again, quietly.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 26th, 2002, 08:43:15 PM
Xazor got out of the ship that she had traveled on now for a few days and stretched her legs. All around them beauty lay....and it made her heart nearly stopped. She stepped lightly.....afraid to hurt the lovely ground beneath her feet.....and she only took light breaths of air for fear of taking the purity from it.

"This......this is incredible Marcus.....I just hope that I find the peace you speak of......"

She said softly and took her bags.....then began to walk off.....absentmidedly staring off at the beautiful things that filled her eyes. She took it all in and found a serenity in the Force that she had never felt before...if only she could take that with her.....perhaps......

So to find the peace she wandered off alone.....forgetting about Marcus....the ship.....the droids......and found herself walking toward a large tree that resembled a willow. It was incredible in size and beauty.....and it resided beside a river with water as pure as crystals. The Knight laid her bags down and walked over to the trickling stream......gently touching the water with her hand before moving back to sit beneath the tree. She lost herself in the Force and closed her eyes........then began to meditate.....seeming to be intoxicated by the serenity surrounding the planet.

Her mind wandered to the past.......but she quickly forgot it and moved on to the present......all of the wonderful things that had happened in her life.......all of the wonderful people that were in her life and loved her. She continued on the mental journey.....away from everything and everyone.......

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 27th, 2002, 11:42:52 AM
Arya shouted instinctively as Threepio went stumbling across the room and crashed into the opposite bulkhead. She ran to the old droid, and steadied it. "Why don't you leave us alone for a minute, Threepio. I've got business to take care of."

She walked to the 'fridge and pulled out a cold pack, and stood over Simon. "Stop being so nervous, farmboy." Arya handed him the ice for his hand, and stood back a little. "So where are we headed again?"

Aug 27th, 2002, 11:50:49 AM
"Oh my!" The protocol droid careered into the bulkhead, his casing made a loud sound as the two connected solidly. "Yes, certainly, Mistress Arya. Do be careful. This man seems very volatile."

His warnings were in vain, as always. "I think I can handle myself, Threepio." Arya glared at the droid. "Go already!"

"I was just -"


The C-3 unit trundled out of the room, worried about his mistress. But then, she'd managed on her own before he had come into her possession. It was a miracle.

Simon Desvelles
Aug 28th, 2002, 05:41:07 PM
“Oh well….”

Usually, deliveries were made to Farview, without the smuggler in question coming anywhere near his farm holdings or ever even seeing his face. Now by some quirk of fate, he had ended up in the ship of the smuggler contracted. What common sense told him was that he go get his speeder, leave her here and get one of his farm hands to make the delivery. Or even cancel and just get the hell out of here, forget this ever happened.

Instead, he simply nodded, still nursing his hurt hand and his hurt pride. “Still have to get my speeder, but how about I give you the co-ordinates and you come out to where I am? Say tonight about an hour after dusk, that way no one gets a good visual on your ship? It’s not unusual for ships to come out, but……. “

Oh come on Simon, you know that’s not the truth – almost no one gets near the place, he thought. Have to come up with a better excuse that….

“No, scratch that. Come an hour before dusk and say your coming for dinner. You would have to stay for dinner, but that’s not going to be a sacrifice. I’ll have something whipped up that would put the tables of any place in Coruscant to shame and while no-one’s looking, we’ll get you loaded. Now, MS-867-58 is the grid reference, it’s pretty much impossible to miss from the air.”

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 28th, 2002, 10:20:41 PM
Arya laughed suddenly. "Dinner?" She shook her head in slight disbelief. "Isn't this a little far to go just to get a dinner date?"

She ignored his reddening face, and walked to a console in the wall. "I see it on the grid, shouldn't take long to get there from here." When she turned around he was back on his feet. "In about twelve hours then. I'll show you out."

Arya walked Simon to the ramp, and watched him walk out into the hangar. Another day to wait. What to do, what to do.

Helenias Evenstar
Aug 29th, 2002, 05:59:03 AM
I watched the two Padawans circle each other, lightsabres extended. Eventually, one attacked and to my disgust, made the same basic mistake I had corrected him on the day before. And the the day before that. And the day before that.

One correction was fine. Two was acceptible. More was pure inattentiveness to the task at hand.

"No, no, NO! You have been told, you do not step forward with that, it is back! Now, show me how it is done correctly!"

The contrite Padawan was almost cowering under the power of my gaze. "Yes, Madam...."

"You think I say this to bring you low? No! I say this so that if you are in a fight, you will survive! Now, again!"

I did have a rapier like way with words sometimes and I did know some Jedi behind my back called me the bitch from hell. That was likely true, for I could be a very hard task master. As Marcus' Padawans were finding out.

Thinking of Marcus, I had not heard from him in some time maybe a month, out there with Xazor at Trinith. It did not worry me, but I supposed I would love to hear his soft voice.

I wonder what up to? Certainly not this, I thought as the Padawan finally got the move right.

Sejah Haversh
Aug 29th, 2002, 07:43:21 PM
Sejah felt the bite to Helenias' words as she corrected his opponent. Luckily for himself, his years of learning fencing--his profession--had tought him how to fight, and especially fight with a sword. The lightsaber was a change from his usually light steel blade, but it was one he was growing accustomed to.

"Good job, pal," Sejah whispered under his breath as his opponent got the step right. He himself had been a fencing instructor for several years, and he did not liek the way in which Helenias tought her students through intimidation. but hen again, there were students Sejah had encountered who took such measures to correct.

His own blue saber had become familiar enough that he could pull off old moves he ahd learned with his tulwar, and as the next parry was set up, he weaved to the side and dropped, swignign the blade, set to it's lowest setting, up from the ground and connected with his opponen't backside, sweeing it up along the body to the upper torso as he passed. It was a killing strike, the kind Sejah like to land. But he followed through by taking anoher full step away to get out of range, just in case.

Aug 30th, 2002, 02:41:05 AM
Most turned around to see Helenias have a go at one of the Padawans for repeatedly getting something wrong. It was anoying that they kept getting it wrong and perhaps they were holding the class up a little but Oriadin felt the Padawan was doing thier best.

He turned around to continue his spar. When he did, all he saw was this flash of a yellow blade before his eyes. As quick as a flash Oriadin fell back and did a backwards roll. Dodging the incomming attack before standing back up to face his opponant. He swung his blade virociously back at his partner which was blocked.

Oriadin felt the attack was somewhat unfair given the fact he was watching Helenias but he said to himself you cant afford to get distracted in a real battle.

Marcus Telcontar
Aug 31st, 2002, 06:00:30 AM
Whhhhhhheeeeeeeeee……. Thwap!

The rope stopped slipping though the eyehole hook, a gloved hand gripping another length and stopping the being precisely where he wanted to be, 50 meters up in the air right where crack in the stonework could be seen evident. Held in place with his abseiling harness, Marcus tied off the control rope so that he could not slip further down to the ground. Placing his booted feet firmly on some formwork, he leaned back, looking at the crack itself. Not a big one, but when it rained, it did allow water into one of the lower levels. Not that there was any risk of that today, the day itself was hot and cloudless. It was approaching summer around Trinith and the temperatures were scaling up. Nearly to the point where he was feeling comfortable, not the chill to him of normal temperatures. And he had even spent a lot of time on high grav plates, so he was felling the quasi freedom of normal grav.

“Okay Xazor…. Lower down the repair module!”

A moment later, the box that he kept repair tools in floated down to his side. He made no comment or even seemed startled that there was absolutely no apparent tethering, for Xazor was using The Force. Hey, no harm in a bit of training as well as a hand in repair work as well. Wasn’t that was life about, learning constantly, through just living life? He thought so and he tried to live it as well. A day learned without a lesson taught was a complete waste in his view. He mentally reached over and pulled out a laser-melter, which he fired up and began to use to weld the stonework up.

How long had he and Xazor been at Trinith? A month now? Three weeks? Hard to say. Time just didn’t seem to have a meaning in the beautiful gardens of this planet. Maybe he would ask Artoo later, after the droid had finished the repair to a conditioning generator on the south wing of the castle. While coming here was to help Xazor, he was also feeling a good deal lighter of heart and mind. And while he worked, he begun to sing

There is an inn, a merry old inn
beneath an old grey hill,
And there they brew a beer so brown
That the Man in the Moon himself came down
one night to drink his fill.

The ostler has a tipsy cat
that plays a five-stringed fiddle;
And up and down he runs his bow,
Now squeaking high, now purring low,
now sawing in the middle.

The landlord keeps a little dog
that is mighty fond of jokes;
When there's good cheer among the guests,
He cocks an ear at all the jests
and laughs until he chokes.

They also keep a hornéd cow
as proud as any queen;
But music turns her head like ale,
And makes her wave her tufted tail
and dance upon the green.

And O! the rows of silver dishes
and the store of silver spoons!
For Sunday there's a special pair,
And these they polish up with care
on Saturday afternoons.

The Man in the Moon was drinking deep,
and the cat began to wail;
A dish and a spoon on the table danced,
The cow in the garden madly pranced,
and the little dog chased his tail.

The Man in the Moon took another mug,
and rolled beneath his chair;
And there he dozed and dreamed of ale,
Till in the sky the stars were pale,
and dawn was in the air.

Then the ostler said to his tipsy cat:
"The white horses of the Moon,
They neigh and champ their silver bits;
But their master's been and drowned his wits,
and the Sun'll be rising soon!"

So the cat on his fiddle played hey-diddle-diddle,
a jig that would wake the dead:
He squeaked and sawed and quickened the tune,
While the landlord shook the Man in the Moon:
"It's after three!" he said.

They rolled the Man slowly up the hill
and bundled him into the Moon,
While his horses galloped up in rear,
And the cow came capering like a deer,
and a dish ran up with the spoon.

Now quicker the fiddle went deedle-dum-diddle;
the dog began to roar,
The cow and the horses stood on their heads;
The guests all bounded from their beds
and danced upon the floor.

With a ping and a pang the fiddle-strings broke!
the cow jumped over the Moon,
And the little dog laughed to see such fun,
And the Saturday dish went off at a run
with the silver Sunday spoon.

The round Moon rolled behind the hill,
as the Sun raised up her head.
She hardly believed her fiery eyes;
For though it was day, to her suprise
they all went back to bed.

Laughter from above told him Xazor had been listening.

“Again Marcus! Lets hear it again!”

Smiling, he began to sing again.

Xazor Elessar
Aug 31st, 2002, 12:23:01 PM
The Knight was listening quite intently as Marcus began to sing of what sounded almost like a drinking song. She stifled a giggled here and there at funnier parts...and nearly had to cover her mouth from the laughter that was bubbling up in her chest. When he finished, she gave in and let the laughter flood the surrounding area....begging for him to sing it again. Surprisingly enough, he did so....humming along and letting the words slip from his tongue as he worked with the tools she had sent down to him.

As she sat up above...her eyes wandered to the clear sky. It was so beautiful here...and she never wanted to leave. The peace she had found was amazing....and she knew that it would go with her wherever she went. Now the sun was rising high in the sky and the warmth of the mid-day wrapped around her body like a fleece blanket in the winter time. The grasses that grew around them came to her knees...and there were many a day when she would lay in them...looking up at the clouds above her....taking in the serenity that she had never known. How she had learned so many things during this time....and she did not want it to end. Suddenly her attention was broke when Marcus ended his song.

"Where did you learn such a thing?"

She laughed and recalled some of the verses in her mind. The ostler has a tipsy cat that plays a five-stringed fiddle; And up and down he runs his bow, Now squeaking high, now purring low, now sawing in the middle. She thought of this over and over again...for the lyrics made her giggled beyond control. She looked down at Marcus and shook her head.

"If there is such a place I should like to see it sometime..."

Xazor smiled....so bright and genuine...it was something that perhaps only Marcus would ever see...such pure happiness from her heart....but hopefully she would take it with her now.....