View Full Version : On a Quest For a Burger.

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 09:13:56 PM
Sene entered the bar, his master Xazor Leo Dawnstrider on his right, with an unsatiable appetite. Hunger growled in his stomach and Sene knew just the thing to quench it....a burger. Sene always knew that training to be a Jedi would be physically demanding, but never did he realize how hungry one could be after a workout. And he had barely lifted his finger. The only exercise was the one of his mind. But, Sene realized, this could be the most strenous of all activities.

With a huff Sene sank into his seat nd let out a breath of air. Oh yeah it was gonna be a big burger.

"So master. What are you gonna get?"

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 09:18:38 PM
Xazor grinned toothily, baring her elongated canines.

"Well...I think I'll begin with some raw chicken..."

She paused a moment and looked up at her Padawan who looked slightly disgusted. He was nearly giving her a dirty look, and she leaned across the table and spoke quietly.

"Fine, I get a salad!"

She laughed to herself and sat back in her seat. A server droid came over and took their orders, and Xazor ordered both of them some Bantha Blasters. The fizzy drink popped and hissed in your throat, but it was delicious, nonetheless. Smiling, she looked around the bar and then back to Sene.

"So...you're adjusting here nicely..."

The Knight said in a gentle voice. He was making great strides already, and he held great promise. She was so proud of all that he had done...

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 09:27:20 PM
"Yeah...it feels like home. For the first time in my life, I feel wanted. I don't just feel like a trophy here. With my parents it was always about first impressions and always watching what you say. Here, I can say anything I want and people just laugh. No one judges...or at least they don't show it."

"I can be strong here you know?"

Sene took a sip of his drink seconds after the server droid left it on the table.

"I get to be fast and slow, smart and stupid. No one cares and at the same time they care too much. Being a Jedi is the best thing that could of ever happened to me. It makes me happy to be alive in alot of ways. Now I can do something other than take peoples money, which is what I was raised to do. Here I'm trained tosave lives."

Sene stopped after he realized he had been talking for a while.

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 09:33:27 PM
Xazor smiled, glad that he had a sudden realization. How she longed for closure of her past like that...but she was getting close to it...very close.

"Yes...people here don't judge...and if they do, then they have the problem, not you. We are Jedi, the peacekeepers...the lifesavers...the ones who give all things from our hearts, freely...yet are hated and walked on. It's great, though, isn't it..."

She said it more as a statement, not as a question. This life was difficult, but the best one she could have for herself. Her past was not brought into this, and suddenly she felt different. I am slowly turning the page and peeking at the next chapter... She thought to herself as she looked around. The server droid brought their drinks and she took a sip of hers. Holding it up in front of her, she smiled at her Padawan.

"How about a toast to...new lives?"

She said with a gentle smile, not knowing if he would understand how she would come into the new life part...but one could hope.

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 09:40:54 PM
" I toast to our new lives...or rather an extention of our existing ones."

Sene smiled. "I don't understand how your live is changing though master."

Sene grew serious. "is something bothering you? We can talk about it if you want. Actually I would very much like to. More than anything, I want to be your friend"

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 07:17:55 PM
Their glasses clanged together gently and Xazor took a sip of her drink. Setting it back on the table, she looked up at him.....a bit surprised at his words.

"Oh...nothing is bothering me, actually. I was just thinking. My past is a part of who I am...but it shouldn't rule who I am. I just felt something a moment ago....when I spoke to you now, I did not mention on how horrible I once had it, I didn't mention how terrible I used to be and how I redeemed myself with this life....I just spoke of here...now. This is the best feeling I have ever had! I am enjoying a drink and some good food with my Padawan.....in my present, now. My past is nothing to me now....."

It was more of an exclamation to herself...she was just speaking freely from her heart. It suddenly hit her what everyone else had been trying to say.....

Sene Unty
May 31st, 2002, 11:33:59 PM
"Well the past as always been something that gave me humor."

From her questioning look, Sene could tell that his mAster had no idea what he was talking about. Sene smiled.

"Let me explain. We as beings that exist in this galaxy, dwell way to much in what has happened before. We are so intent on it that it honestly hinders are present. In a lot of ways our tendency to live in the past, to truly think it is the most important thing out there, is what gets us into a lot of trouble. If we stopped worrying about some past mistake, than it wouldn't bother us. If we could forget sins of the past, then we would have no problems. Some people claim that if we do this, we will commit the same mistakes, but I don't think that that is true. I think that when we live our lives for the past, we have more of a tendency to repeat it then. We lead ourselves into patterns of sin or wrong doing. We are always completly conscious of it. If we could wipe our minds clean of it, then we could start anew."

" I envy droids, because they can wipe themselves clean. They are still smart and able to function, but what they have done in their past is irelevant. It doesn't matter so it can't affect them."