View Full Version : Bespin:Operation 1

Jamie Throwe
May 29th, 2002, 02:49:01 PM
::Jamie Throwe sat down at his command center buried in the main ventliation shaft of Cloud City, a little nervious at what was about to happen. He looked at his solders, they had worked for this day, and were waiting for the go ahead. This was a desprate plan, but there were no other alternatives. He calmly spoke into the faces of his friends and followers.::

Do it..

::Suddenly at every turn guarded by the Imperial Stormtroopers explodes in gunfire as Cloud City Guards begin attacking those positions. After a few minutes the guards had taken the Comm center and reported back to Jamie.::

Guard: Sir we've taken the comm center and are broadcasting a general distress call as ordered to anyone else who might aid our fight.

::Jamie sat back and sighed, this had only started and who knows where it will go with this little rebellion

Telan Desaria
Jun 6th, 2002, 07:19:49 AM
The bridge still looked the same as it had only ten hours ago. The men retained their white-pippied uniforms. The Droids beeped by, crewmen issued and received orders from one another. But there was one major difference.

The Imperial Crest was back on the shoudlers of the crewmen. The Banner of the Empire loomed over the bridge proper. attached to the ceiling.

Fleet Admiral Desaria was back-and so were his men. no reprisals, no excution of families. Perfect and unihibited reintegration into the Empire.

Only Desaria was not a fleet Admiral anymore. He was Brevet Grand Admiral Telan Desaria, again commander of the Thfyerra Sector Fleet and its component five divisions.

Desaria smiled as he stood on the bridge of his warship-the Super-class Star Destroyer mk III Decisive. The Decisive had retrurned to Vth Division, where the men he had left behind he greeted with open arms. The COMPNOR and ISB officers, though somewhat skeptical, assumed their posts and saluted the return of Desaria.

Immediately after a most lengthy-and high expensive-HoloNet conference between the Diktat and himself, Desaria had been issued new orders-which were very near the ones he had left.

The pacification of Bespin and the elimination of the Rebel threat now occupying Cloud City II. And so he would.

" Issue orders to the following," Desaria said, sitting in his command chair, bereft of the burdens he had had less than a day ago. " We will come out of hyerspace in two points and fan out to encompas the planet. Interdiction fields will be activiated immediately upon arrival. Troops are to board their transports and await my orders."

" as ordered, Grand Admiral," came the harmonious reply.

" Initiate the jump to hyperspace." ordered Captain Voltaire.

Within moments, the Fifth Division was headed to Bespin-again...

Brevet Grand Admiral Telan Desaria
Supreme Commander, Thyferra Sector Fleet

Khendon Sevon
Jun 6th, 2002, 01:08:05 PM
Pinstripes of color and light filled the forward view panel of the immense behemoth, which now sped towards the planet of Bespin. Khendon sat clad in his black officer’s uniform, the second highest rank in the entire Empire sitting upon his shoulders as he leaned back in the chair. It would take a fair amount of time, even with such powerful technology, for the Super Star Destroyer Fabius to traverse the great expanse of space that gawked in front of her like a child tearing falsely to catch it’s parent’s attention. Hyperspace is dangerous, extremely dangerous, and Khendon had only allowed a few of the non-vital bridge crew to retire for the “night.”

Khendon’s mighty vessel would emerge from an open mouth, soon, and into the middle of a fleet commanded by Telan, a devote, or so would seem, Imperial, who would get his job done effectively and without an issue; but, Khendon had requested this role for a reason, to show all rebelling planets they would be crushed, that their ways were wrong, and the Empire perfect.

" Once we exit hyperspace, have Telan contact me in my chambers. Admin Sherman, you have the helm. ” With that Khendon removed himself from the mighty chair of command, and retired to his chamber to catch a few hours of sleep before the fleet’s arrival in system.

Telan Desaria
Jun 11th, 2002, 05:43:05 PM
A white uniform. A Grand Admiral. Victory at my fingertips, and presitge and honor to boot. Ah, the glory of the Empire...

Brevet Grand Admiral Desaria was still reviewing battle plans for the coming invasion of Bespin when the call from Grand Moff-Vice Diktat Sevon came through. He would undoubtedly ask why the assault had not started. The reply would be simple-the Grand Moff-VD was coming and the Grand Admiral wanted to courteous and not monoploize the glory.

It might work...

Desaria nodded to the communications officer at the head of the aft control corridor. Straightening his stark uniform, replete with exquistely polished jackboots, glimmering rank plaque, and immaculely trimmed hair, the Grand Admiral moved to the holochamber next to his command office. A chamber such as that allowed not only firgues to be seen, but for the officers using it to see the other's entire bridge-or area of use. It was like being there.

" DEsaria, Omega-Tango-665 dash 7."

The code was accepted and the projector began sending the message.

" Grand Moff and Vice Diktat. It is an honor to have our presence attending us. How may I be of service?"

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 21st, 2002, 11:48:41 PM
It was a routine munitions drop; that’s what she’d been told. In and out in less than 30 minutes. That was pretty much the only thing that had tipped the scales for their favor in her mind. That and the credits they’d offered her. It wasn’t a large sum, but it certainly wasn’t a small one either, and she’d accepted grudgingly.

At least she’d be able to visit Bespin again. She hadn’t been to Cloud City in years, and even though the circumstances of her visit weren’t exactly the most ideal, she’d taken the mission.

A single metal finger tapped idly on one of the control throttles of the MandalMotor’s StarViper as it sat idle on the landing tarmac, its engines thrumming in a low rumble as it waited for something unseen. The finger, attached to a very metal encased had, was also attached to an equally metal forearm. The prosthetic ended just below her elbow.

Jade green eyes scanned the landing pad as the Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy waited for her contact to show his face. She'd already been there for ten minutes, and her patience was wearing thin. She sat leisurely in the cockpit of her heavily modified ship, watching the sun set.

Gawd I hope he shows up soon. I have bars to visit.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 22nd, 2002, 11:01:54 AM
Khendon stood tall, the full weight and authority of his office showing through his gleaming eyes and pristine uniform. The only unimperial piece of Khendon was his hair, which was becoming slightly untamed and wavy due to days of neglecting a trim.

“Admiral Desaria,” the words emitted from Khendon’s mouth in a low rumble which caused the attention of some of the younger officers aboard the Fabius to waver, “I must inform you that I shall be taking control of all Imperial resources currently in orbit of Bespin, you are to follow my orders, is that understood?” Khendon stared coldly at the hologram, which frowned in reply. “ Is that understood? ” Khendon reiterated in a much colder and demanding voice.

“Yes, Sir,” said Telan reluctantly.

“Good, have your tactical crew transfer all codes and encryptions, along with status reports and direct link information to my ship, the Fabius will be in command.”

“As you command, Vice Diktat Sevon.”

Khendon swiveled in his chair to face his crew and began issuing orders, “As soon as we have full command of the fleet, initiate planetary blockade. Fighter Command, prep two TIE Devil wings for flight and three squadrons of TIE Executioner Mark Three craft. As soon as the blockade is initiated have the squadrons go planet side and remove any air-based threats. Helm, bring is in synchronized orbit over Cloud City. Fleet Command, bring two Victory Star Destroyers along side us and Gunnery, lock half turbolasers on the city itself… we shall purify this planet one way or another.”

Khendon grinned wildly, leaning back in his chair as he brushed a strand of hair from his eye, This won’t be so hard, after all.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 22nd, 2002, 06:41:08 PM
"Way to be on time there, Slick."

The man who'd been assigned to meet her at the landing pad only stared at her; her own eyes boring into him.

"Your people said 30 minutes. It's been almost an hour. I've got half a mind to take this s**t back home and keep it for myself; it's pretty premium stock."

Kyry had left the confines of the cockpit and was now leaning on the outer hull of the matte black starfighter, her arms crossed over her chest and a somewhat terse look over her features. She wasn't really in the mood to hear this man's excuses, but she had no choice.

"Look, lady," he began, "We've got things goin' down right now, I said I was sorry. Now you gonna give me the stuff or not?" The man shifted a little, his dingy boots scuffing along the tarmac and he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his equally grimey trousers.

Kyry rolled her eyes. "Take it; I've already got my money. Just be quick about it, eh. I don't have all night to waste looking at your ugly mug."

* * * *

Another hour later, the small shipment was being carted away by a group of the same scruffy looking individuals, and Kyry watched their backs as they left, her arms unfolding. A boot stomped the landing pad as she stood up straight, and she idly dusted off her black tshirt and tan pants out of near boredome. Normally she would have donned her red tinted sunglasses, but the sun had already sunk below the horizon, and there was no more any need for protection against the light.

Her brunette hair moved gently in the soft breeze as she took a deep breath, surveying the city before her eyes and already planning on how many times over she'd drink herself stupid. Both she and her sister did that at times, drinking themselves under the table back on Yag-dhul at The Lazy 'I' Bar; their favorite 'watering hole', so to speak.

Casting her eyes to the sky, Kyry froze. Instead of the clear sky greeting her gaze, she saw the all-too familiar shape and formation of....

Oh you gotta be #@%$in' kidding me....

Her right hand shot out and slapped at the cockpit hatch release catch, and with a hiss the hatch opened. Not even waiting for it to open fully, Kyry slipped into the small cockpit while in the same motion her hands flew over countless switched and buttons, bringing the fighter to life. The hatch shut with a click, and the engines flaired to life, their whine growing and belying their true strength as she fed power to them.

Pulling up on the control throttles, she brought the sleek ship up off the platform, letting it hover a few feet as she began charging the weapons.

Damnit I don't need this crap; why is it that whenever I wanna get drunk, these guys show up and ruin everything?!

The black fighter angled upwards, lancing into space as its engines propelled it forward at an incredible pace. As the atmosphere thinned and shifted into the blackness and airlessness of space, the fighter became less discernable, its plain black working well to somewhat hide it from a normal glance. But still.....

Damn I hate it when this happens.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:50:49 AM
Khendon began sorting through facts about Bespin, supported population, resources, etc. As he slowly sifted through the mountain of collected data, displayed upon a screen to his right, Khendon noticed a flashing light on his communication display, he touched the red light and a holo appeared of a soldier in full combat armor in a shuttle reconing Bespin. “Sir, roughly a minute ago several vehicles left for orbit, they should be approaching the blockade any minute…”

“Sensors!” the officer jumped as Khendon screamed to the women manning the station.

“Sir?” requested the officer.

“Do you notice anything unusual?” Khendon said in a slightly annoyed voice as the sensors officer jumped to her post and reviewed data.

“No… no, Sir, I don’t.” Khendon frowned and brought the linked sensor data of the entire fleet onto a large forward holo projector.

“Do you see the four blue blips on the net?” Khendon had used a simple filter and anti-static-combiner to compile the data.

“Yes, Sir, sorry, Sir, won’t happen again,” said the officer, realizing her error.

“You’re right it won’t, get off my bridge! Your backup will take over for you.” The officer stared at Khendon for a moment, mouth open as if to say something, then closed it with a loud click and left her station, another officer taking her place.

“Fighter Command, launch a TIE Devil squadron per craft, assign shuttles according to threat analysis. Have each shuttle fully loaded with boarding troopers. Destroy two of them and disable the others. Position ships in the fleet to intercept.”

“Very well, Sir, as you command… uh, Sir… one is coming this way, orders?”

“We’ll move one of the Victory Star Destroyers in escort of the Fabius to intercept.”

“Aye, aye.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2002, 01:52:31 PM
The hulk of a Super Star Destroyer loomed ahead of the small fighter, and was soon joined by a smaller, yet still very large Star Destroyer. At the controls of the figher, Kyry ground her teeth as she watched the Star Destroyer sidle up next to the SSD, then snorted.

Oh, so they have to protect their prescious SSD from a little starfighter? I didn't know I was that popular.

Kyry held no illusions whatsoever that she wasn't an unknown; and she liked it that way. s'Il most likely had a file in the Imperial archives, but Kyry had taken great pains to keep herself away from 'prying eyes', so to speak. She was an invisible entity, and preferred to stay that way.

And right now, staring at the noses of both a Super Star Destroyer and a Star Destroyer, she wanted nothing more than to just disappear into hyperspace.

She watched as a group of TIEs approached, her fingers hovering over the firing controls, but she stayed her hands; instead tapping the metal fingers of her left hand impatiently on the throttle before gunning the engines, causing the rakish craft to leap forward.

I don't need to shoot at these damn morons; they can kill themselves without my help...

Kyry threw the fighter into a tight roll just as the TIEs began to spew fire, and the StarViper screamed straight through their formation, causing them to go every which way as she continued on toward the two Imperial giants.

She already had her hyperspace vector laid out; all she needed now was to get past those two behemoths. Then she'd be free.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:58:02 PM
“Sir, one of them is making a fairly good run for it… the others have been neutralized,” Khendon stroked his shaved face, forgetting for a moment that he had no goatee.

He made a satisfied sound and said, “bring the Fabius’s gravity wells online. Launch a TIE Executioner Mark Three squadron to intercept with actual pilots rather than remotes… nothing can out maneuver or out fly them… arm with… Ion torpedoes… bring us into intercept with the craft.”

Several officers nodded in reply and Khendon turned away from the crew pits and began examining several technical readouts while he pondered the piloting skills required to out maneuver an entire squadron of TIE Devils.

"I want this one alive."

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:51:32 PM
Kyry pushed the control throttles forward roughly, sending the fighter into a sharp dive toward the Super Star Destroyer.

More TIEs had joined the chase, and she was now pulling out all of the tricks she knew. Some were working; two of them had collided with each other after a quick manuevre that seemed to send the squadron into a moment of disarray.

But then her hud flashed at her, and she swore.

Damnit; ion torpedos?!

Gritting her teeth, Kyry fed more power to the engines as the torpedos ate the distance between them and the fighter, and the hulk of the SSD grew to fill her vision.

She pulled up on the controls, and the small ship leveled out at a sharp angle; too sharp for the torpedos as they slammed into the ghost white hull of the SSD. Another pull at the throttles sent the fighter into a rolling turn, and it shot out towards the Star Destroyer.

Maybe she'd get out of here after all.....

A display on her left blinked a few times before pouring out yet another problem: the SSD's grav wells were charging, and she cursed again. With the new TIEs on her tail like a swarm of hawkbats, she wasn't in the mood to be trapped inside of a gravity pull.

Kicking in the forward thrusters, she brought the fighter into a looping climb and headed back for the SSD. The TIEs followed diligently, still firing their ion torpedos like it was the end of the world.

And yet, Kyry refused to open fire on them. All she wanted was to get away, and as the seconds grew into minutes, she knew she'd be cutting the line much too close for comfort; if at all.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:41:33 AM
Two blips faded out of existence, causing Khendon to flinch, more skilled pilots lost. “This is getting to be expensive,” he muttered to himself as he stood, clasping his hands at the small of his back, “much too expensive.”

“Sir, gravity wells are at 90%, we’ll have them up in another ten minutes.”

“Very well, Fighter Command, launch a screen to enclose the current conflict, I don’t want him escaping,” Khendon said, his stone cold look softening slightly at the thought of intense interrogation.

“As you command, Sir. Launching four wings of TIE Devils, commanding two more Imperial Star Destroyers into the skirmish.”

Suddenly, a message crackled on Khendon’s private screen, “Vice Diktat Sevon, what are you doing! Why are you spending so many resources on this one quest! I demand to know!” requested Telan in an aggravated voice.

“Do not question my intentions, I shall not explain myself to an Admiral,” Khendon spat the words and cut the transmission, “foolish man, you think this a game?” Khendon turned towards a nearby officer, “You have command, I’m going out there.”

Khendon took the turbolift to the flight deck, where he entered one of the TIE Executioner mark three fighters and quickly accelerated off into space, aiming for the fray.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:15:32 PM
It was down to a race now; one heavily modified StarViper against a swarm of TIEs that was constantly growing. As the seconds ticked by, it was slowly becoming apparent that the TIEs were going to win the race.

Shunting as much energy as she was willing to spare into the engines, Kyry gunned the throttles, and once more the sleek fighter jumped forward with renewed speed. She accelerated along the top hull of the SSD, weaving through towers and cutting her corners close enough to give even the most seasoned veterans a heartattack.

If her pursuers wished to follow her, then so be it.

Approaching the bridge tower, she didn't give it a second look as it blurred past her. She was making a run for it; that was her only option left now. If she could just get out of the range of the grav well, no matter how far it extended out.....

That was the only thing left open to her. She couldn't fight the mass of TIEs converging on her.

And they know it............. but they don't know me.....

If there was one thing her sister had constantly told her, it was to never do what was expected of her; be it in social interactions or dogfights. And even if Kyry was only two years younger than s'Il, both had an unspoken respect of eachother, and Kyry trusted s'Il with her life.

Damn this better be fun or I'ma kick s'Il's @$$ when I get home...

Without another thought, Kyry yanked on the throttles, bringing the fighter into a steep climb, then looped up and over, heading once more for the SSD and the ever-growing group of TIEs.

Reaching a hand up, she flicked switches over her head, and her now fully charged weapons hummed to life. Previously she'd refused to open fire, but now, hell. She was already in neck deep s**t. Why the hell not dig the hole just that much deeper??

Keeping the fighter steady, she opened fire, green bolts lancing out at the pack as the distance between them closed at insane speeds.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:30:49 PM
The craft Khendon now flew was a slightly modified form of the TIE Executioner Mark Three. Rather than being controlled by a system known as the CTS, it was manual, with a large portion of the upper hull modified with transparasteel. The craft only had two gattlings due to this modification, but two was all Khendon needed. As Kyry fired upon the pursuing craft, they began to peel off, a few unlucky ones, though, erupted in flame, the pilots ejecting from the craft.

Khendon nudged the controls of his craft and brought the E3 into a power dive, aimed directly for the modified StarViper that was bothering his fleet so much. With a swift motion, the TIE Executioner unleashed a flurry of ion blasts; each on a vector toward’s Kyry’s craft.

“This is Blackthorn Leader, he’s mine, all other craft, return to the circle.”

“Sir,” a communication came in from the Fabius, “gravity wells are at 100% and holding, interdiction field activated.”

“Very good, I shall be dealing with our friend shortly,” Khendon banked right and hit the afterburner, closing the distance as he fired burst after burst from the two linked gattlings. “You are good, my friend, but not good enough.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 08:54:26 PM
Nice to see someone knows what they're doing; I think, Kyry thought ruefally as the watched the blasts close the distance between themselves and her craft. A few streaked by, and one clipped the left stabilzer, but a quick power vent kept it from doing any real damage.

As the back of the bridge tower grew in her transparisteel viewport, she kept a close eye on the rapidly descending distance meter on the display to her left; letting her know how far until the ion blasts would hit.

She juked to the left lances of blue narrowly missing, then took the fighter into a single, tight barrel roll before pulling up just as it seemed she would hit the tower, and the fighter grazed over the edge and up across the top surface before once more dropping down the front to tear through the smaller towers dotting the upper surface of the enormous ship.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:03:47 PM
Khendon gripped his controls tightly and brought his craft upwards, gaining altitude, climbing high above the pesky StarViper to get a better view. “Well, well, seems he can fly, I’ll show him how it’s done in the military!” Khendon rolled his craft onto its belly and performed another power dive, unleashing a barrage of fire as he accelerated literally on top of Kyry’s craft. As the meters to impact ticked into the three-digit range, Khendon launched a single Ion Torpedo, set to proximity and disable only.

Khendon hit his afterburner, dumping all the storage cell’s fuel into it and accelerating far in front of the StarViper, roughly six hundred meters. He cut the fuel cell and set it to recharge, spinning his craft on its x-axis and using maneuvering jets to cut his momentum, he was now firmly planted in front of Kyry’s craft, daring it to approach.

Khendon ground his teeth slightly and then bit his lip as he launched a skattered attack of ion energy, designed to force the StarViper to maneuver away from it, and into the oncoming torpedo. “Let’s see if he has the force on his side,” Khendon grinned and continued to hold down the firing control until emergency lights warned of the weapon’s overheating and he finally ceased.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:38:29 PM
Damn @$#%er's got skills.

Kyry cut her engines while in the same motion firing her retrothrusters and every thing she could think of to use as a brake, and in less than ten seconds she'd cut her speed by half. Another five and she was backtracking, the fighter in swift reverse.

She looked up through the cockpit, watching the torpedo as it thundered down on her....

This is gonna be damn close......... just a few more meters......

The StarViper continued its retreat, the salvo of ion blasts staring Kyry in the face. The torpedo lanced down, and unable to adjust its turn radius fast enough missed the nose of the fighter by a single meter and slammed into the hull of the SSD below.

Throttling the fighter once more, she brought it into a lift, kicking in the manuevering thrusters to give the craft an added edge, and a few of the ion bolts passed by beneath her. Rolling the craft to the left, she took refuge behind one of the endless towers that seemed to make up the landscape of the SSD. The bolts thudded into the tower side, but two found their mark; hitting the fighter on the two lower manuevering vanes. Blue energy lanced through the ship, shorting out her main sensor displays.

If Kyry was going to keep up this little game, she was going to have to rely on her own two eyes. Her sensors were of no use to her now.

Well this just got alot funner....

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:47:20 PM
Khendon cursed, “Who the hell do you think you are?!” and brought his engine back to life, “Gunnery Command, move turret number… 7654A 180º”

“As you command, Vice Diktat.” Suddenly the StarViper was pushed, by the tower-like-turret that Kyry was hiding behind, into Khendon’s line of fire, this caused Khendon to grin slightly.

“Nice try,” Khendon pulled the trigger and a red light came on, “WHAT! Left gattling melted?! That’s not fair!” Khendon bit his lip as his right gattling fired a few shots then died on him. “This isn’t fair!” Khendon switched to ion torpedo and hit the trigger, yet again, but, just as previously, a buzzing and light provided him with enough information. He had both destroyed a gattling and fried the circuitry that controled weapon’s fire.

Khendon throttled up as quickly as he could, heading directly for Kyry. “Not fair,” he muttered under his breathing.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 09:56:46 PM
Being pushed into the line of the TIE's fire by the turret was surprising, but she almost laughed when he began accelerating at her.

Oh, so it's chicken you wanna play, is it......?

Kyry let a maniacal grin play across her features as she sat; dead in space as it seemed, watching as the TIE advanced on her.

Well bring it on, @$$hole, I invented the damn game.

And still she sat, her hands still and unoving on her control throttles as she waited for the other pilot as he got closer.

300 meters................. 150........................ 75...................... 50................ 40.................. 30................ 15..................

At her best estimation of five she rolled to the right. Hard.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:07:56 PM
Khendon followed the roll, his body being sent into the cushioned seat he sat in, leaving a deep imprint as he sank into it. The TIE Executioner’s wings moved forwards, the sharp pincers colliding with the StarViper’s midsection as parts began to spew from the craft.

The TIE Executioner’s wing crumbled to dust. Khendon quickly canceled the self-destruct as the two ships became one. Khendon grinned, “checkmate.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:19:32 PM
"Oh you bastard-" was all she could get out before the TIE slammed into her, sending both ships reeling.

Her hands flew over the controls, compensating with whatever undamaged thrusters she could to slow the tangled ships. They finally slowed to the point where they were merely drifting over the SSD, and Kyry sat back in her seat, presently propping her feet up with a sigh.

If the fighter's viewport hadn't been tinted to a near jet black, the TIE pilot would have seen Kyry's metal middle finger rise in salute as the two ships continued to face eachother.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:24:32 PM
Khendon grinned wildly, he had done what he had set out to do, “This is Blackthorn Leader, request pickup, have two shuttles, I’d like to surprise our guest… you’ll need stun batons for him… have my shuttle enter the bay first, then allow our distinguished friend’s to enter and wake ‘em.”

“As you wish, Sir.”

Two dark Lambda shuttles left the docking bay and picked the two craft apart.


Lieutenant Danials attached the miniature explosive to the battered craft, blowing a hole in the lower portion, “Sure hope whoever is in there had a suit on, otherwise the Vice Diktat will be pissed.”

The Lieutenant and another trooper in Zero-G armor entered the craft, stun rifles in hand, batons attached to their belts.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:38:01 PM
Kyry knew what was next as she'd watched the two shuttles approach, and no sooner had she clipped the last clasp on her zero-g suit than she felt her fighter shudder.

She felt another shake, this one more violent as a hole was blown into the bottom part of her ship, and winced.

Damn that's gonna be expensive to fix....... s'Il's gonna kill me.......

A quick rush of air, and in a matter of seconds there was nothing left but the vaccuum of space. Kicking her leg over the side of the pilot's chair, she grabbed a rollbar halfway down to the newly made hole, and lashed out with her feet, catching the faceplate of the first person unfortunate enough to stick his head in view.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:42:28 PM
Danials squirmed as his head was pinched between vices; the metal fore of his helmet had collapsed inward, tightening the mask around his face to the unbearable point, his breathing became erratic and he kicked away from the ship towards the shuttle, trying to swim to it in space.

Danial’s cohort shook his head, heaving his stun blaster, he fired several blasts at the figure that had so easily hurt his friend, but to no avail, his pray had taken quick refuge in the hulk that was the remnants of the StarViper. The man threw in a flash bomb and entered quickly, scanning the area for a threat.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:57:03 PM
The bomb assaulted her sensed aw it went off, and even though she shielded her face as best she could, her vision was slow in returning. Her hands reached out, grasping the nearest support strut and she pulled herself deeper into the damaged fighter.

Kyry scrambled up along the roof of the cockpit in near blindness, keeping as far away from the advancing intruder as she could so she could get a good distance between the two......

Placing her feet solidly on one end of the cockpit, she launched herself at the Imperial.

This is my ship damnit; you're gonna have to fight for it....

She crashed into him, and the two tumbled backwards.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:04:12 PM
The soldier’s blaster flew out of his hand and vanished into the labyrinth of debris and innards of the StarViper. “Stop!” screamed the trooper as he groped for his stun baton, finally pulling it free and swinging blindly at Kyry. He would need a direct hit to the upper body for the full effects to work, but at this rate, he would never hit. The man felt like he was about to throw up when the two hit into the side of the hull, the man colliding with it first, causing him to drop the baton, which fell a few feet away.

He kicked Kyry away from him and dove for the baton, “damn girl,” he muttered.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:14:19 PM
Crashing into the opposite bulkhead, she regrouped for another 'attack', crouching and glaring at him.

She watched as his gloved hand closed around the stun baton, and knew that now was the time to keep her distance; it didn't stop her from giving him a feral grin as she skittered through the inside of the craft, dodging his swings.

Ducking low, she reached up with her left hand, grasping his wrist and squeezing, using the strength of her prosthetic to snapp the bones in his lower arm. Even through his suit she could hear the bones crack, and the baton dropped from his now useless hand.

Pushing off from the wall once more, Kyry rammed her helmeted head into his stomach.

She would go down fighting. Kyryanu Nerrot-s'Ilancy didn't roll over for anyone. Not even the Empire.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:21:52 PM
The soldier cursed and bit his tongue, blood filling his helmet as he struck the far wall and went unconscious from pain. By now the crew of the shuttle had gotten worried, especially after picking up the first damaged trooper. The large bays of the shuttle opened and four more troopers jetted out, landing on the armored hull and lofting their massive blasters towards the metal, firing at pointblank range, melting through.

The four troopers, all dressed in black, thin armor, jumped into their individual holes, setting their rifles to stun and fully-automatic. One of the men picked up the hurt soldier and brought him to safety as the other three closed in on Kyry.


Khendon’s shuttle had arrived at his ship on time, and he had gotten off of the craft, “Where are they?”

“Still securing the package, Sir. They assure me they’ll have him soon enough.”

“They better, and unscathed, at that.” Khendon turned around; he was still wearing his flight suit, standard military black, helmet lying on the ground where he had thrown it angrily after being dropped off by the shuttle. Khendon’s eyes filled with rage, the ice-shards of blue darkening as a halo of black began to cloud the outer areas of his eyes. Khendon tapped his foot impatiently, looking at his crono quickly then back at the brilliant view the flight deck offered. Where the hell is this ace pilot, he thought to himself.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:31:27 PM
One, maybe two she could handle; but three was just one too many.

And yet that didn't stop her as she went down in a mass of bodies and tangle of flailing limbs. Her left arm shot out, swiping the barrel of one rifle aside while her right hand grasped another.

Wrestled to what constituted the 'ground' of the thoroughly destroyed fighter, Kyry put up as much fight as she could manage.

Unfortunately it wasn't enough, and she felt the barrel of one of the rifles jammed roughly into her chest. Glaring daggers at the man on the other end, still grasping the other rifles on either side of her with both her gloved hands, she stared him down with murderous jade eyes, silently dared him to fire.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:35:52 PM
The man smirked, but knew at such close range the blast of the weapon could do damage, rather, he threw revealed a stun baton and clubbed the woman on the side of the head, knocking her out. The three men hefted the body and brought her to the shuttle. As soon as they approached the grand Super Star Destroyer they woke her from her “slumber.”

“We're here,” said one of the troopers, armor off and smoking a stim. "No use in strugglin' those bonds are tight as wampa' rat's skin... someone important wants to see you... better make yourself presentable." The trooper laughed and left the room, and Kyry, alone.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:47:11 PM
Kyry only glared at the man's back as he left.

"Presentable my @$$," she grumbled, shifting in the binders as she leaned against the bulkhead, drawing her kness as close to her chest as she could. Leaning her head down, she gazed out toward the back of the shuttle, her shock of brunette hair falling over her knees.

"This sucks," she mumbled simply and eloquently, sighing and shifting once more in her restraints, her eyes closing.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 24th, 2002, 11:53:24 PM
The shuttle was accepted by the control tower and guided to the waiting flight deck, where Khendon sat, in one of the metallic, boring chairs that lined the large room. The shuttle settled down easily, it’s forward hatch yawning open like a beast of pray showing its fangs. An officer walked out, grinning at Khendon, “Major, come here,” said the man towards Khendon. “When the Vice Diktat comes down, I want you to give me a hand with this prisoner, if she gets out of hand, help me calm her down.”


“Yes, that’s right, she’s a she.”

“You’re kidding, right?” Khendon’s mouth almost fell to the floor.

“Not at all, she put up one hellova’ fight, though.”

“I bet…”

“Listen, pilot, you do this for me, and I’ll put a good word in with the Vice Diktat for you.”

“Really, would you do that for me?”

“Yeah, if you make sure she doesn’t get feisty.”

“I’m sure I can manage.”

Two guards began to make their way towards the room Kyry was in, shock batons in hand.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 12:07:20 AM
Her head snapped up as the two guards came to get her, and she scrambled to her feet.

They brandished their batons, but she merely stared at them with uninterested eyes. Obviously confused at her placidity, they stepped closer.

Kyry did nothing, her eyes downcast as she let them approach, the fingers of both her hands; still gloved, flexing minutely.

They were two steps away from her when she struck, bringing her bound fists to connect with the closest one's jaw; and just like the trooper back on her fighter, she heard the sickening crunch of breaking bone. She was coming around for the second guard when he caught her in her side with his stun baton, sending her reeling.

Her teeth grinding together, she came back at him, driving her shoulder into his midsection and doing her best to ignore the lancing pain of his blows as he drove the baton into her back.

Falling to her knees, she let out a heavy breath, disengaging from the man.

The next thing she knew she was being dragged from the shuttle's interior down its ramp and into the SSD.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 12:16:08 AM
Khendon finished speaking with the officer, never letting on his rank, but rather playing along, and making note of his name, he’d be doing kitchen duty for the rest of his life for not recognizing a superior officer. The young Vice Diktat turned towards the shuttle as someone stumbled out. She was of average height, and firmly built. Her eyes truly were the first thing Khendon noticed, they were emeralds surrounded by a placid sea of smooth, silky skin. Her hair was the color of coco, thick and full. She was a god among mortals, he felt unworthy.

Khendon found his eyes glued upon the staggering female, his mind racing faster than a streaking comet caught in the insurmountable pull of a black hole. “I’ll take her,” Khendon said to the guards, who obvious noticed his rank, for they turned and walked… no, no… limped towards the nearby hovertrain.

“So,” said Khendon, “I see you’re a killer pilot I…” he was abruptly cut off.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 12:42:58 AM
Without warning her left fist came up, slamming into the man's cheek with terrible force, and it had to have felt like being slapped in the face with a sack of bricks.

Or at least that's how most people describe it.......

The pilot dropped to the floor clutching his face, and in that instant Kyry was on top of him. Biting the tip of one gloved finger, she ripped the left glove off, her hair flying madly over her shoulder as she spit the glove out to the side, exposing the polished and gleaming metal of her left forearm and hand before closing both bound hands around the man's neck.

One leg came up, and her foot jammed into the underside of his armsocket.

"Oi @$$hole," Her jade eyes blazed near to insanity as she stared at his own oddly colored eyes, "this is for that damn pilot who totalled my fighter....."

With a jerk of her leg, she twisted and pushed forward, the sudden motion of her booted foot elicitted a hollow thwok from his shoulder.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:47:09 AM
Khendon would have enjoyed telling her that he was the one who wrecked her craft, but he could not indulge in this pleasure, mainly due to his lack of breath. Khendon’s mind slowed down to the rhythmic beating of his heart as his chest began to burn. Rather than pushing the pain aside, like many force-enlightened warriors do, he embraced it, allowed it to feed his strength. Khendon’s body’s hunger for oxygen caused him to have a conflict of interests. He didn’t want to harm Kyry, but he’d have to if he wished to remove her from his body, and remove the death grip upon his neck.

Yet again, Khendon would have liked to sigh, but the lacking amount of oxygen in his body denied him this. Khendon brought his right knee sharply and stiffly up Kyry’s gut, forcing oxygen out of her own lungs, then, with all of the force of his body, bashed his head into hers. Causing her to become dazed as he propped his right foot under her belly and flipped her over onto her back, hands still clinging to his neck. Khendon followed by flipping himself, he now was on top of her and began prying her hands lose, using the force to combat the mechanics.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 04:03:37 PM
Stars had exploded through her vision when he'd head-butted her, and she shook her head violently to rid herself of them, though all the while still keeping her grip on his neck.

She felt herself fly over him, and landed heavily on her back with a sharp grunt as he flipped over to straddle her, his own hands fighting hers as she continued to strangle him.

With the nails of her right hand she began digging into his skin as hard as she could, and her thumb drove painfully upwards into the underside of his jaw. Her left hand merely constricted, working in perfect conjuncture to her brain's commands.

Surprise flitted across her face for a few seconds as he began to loose her grip, pulling her hands from his neck, but the shock was quickly replaced with determination, and she set her teeth.

"Give the Reaper my regards," she growled, renewing her resolve and fighting him for control of his neck.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 05:46:44 PM
Crimson streaked down Khendon’s neck, covering Kyry’s hands, but Khendon ignored this superficial wound, rather, absorbing himself in the darkness of the force, a burst of power erupting through his body like a wildfire as he removed his own hands from the female’s and palm-attacked her chest with the force, causing her body to flinch forwards in a fetal position somewhat, but her hands held tightly, still, to Khendon’s neck.

Khendon’s face began turning blue, and he was getting pissed. Khendon decided he wouldn’t allow this female to defeat him, he grabbed the bridge of her nose tightly and turned it sharply, Kyry’s head following as he moved it from side-to-side and began lifting her up on her own power, her face and body following Khendon’s hand movements… he would make her stand, then take the appropriate steps from there… such as breathing.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:15:10 PM
Kyry let him pull her up, still clinging madly to his neck, his blood now covering her hands.

His grip on her nose was painful, and she had no choice but to follow him up.

She knew she would lose this fight, but it didn't stop her as she continued to dig into his flesh. Her eyes burned into his, and she released his neck to encircle the wrist of his hand that had a hold of her nose.

They were on their feet now, and though she was tall, he was still a head taller than her. Her prosthetic once more began to constrict, starting to crush the bones of his wrist. It was the only thing she had left to do now, the only way she could assert herself for however long she had left before being clubbed into unconsciousness with stun batons.

"Give up yet......" she managed to get out.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:28:24 PM
Khendon gasped for air, his lungs swelling as they filled, the burning in his chest slowly subsiding in the process. “Listen,” said Khendon, taking his time, both choosing his words and giving himself a moment to recuperate, “I,” Khendon flinched in pain, but pushed it to the side to collect his thoughts, “If you haven’t figured it out by now, I was the one who took you out… you flew me to stalemate… that’s no small task,” Khendon took another breath, controlling his pain, “I respect you, but you have no chance, the more pain you inflict upon me, the worse your situation will get. As I see it, you have two options, you can,” his face contorted as a wave of pain emitted from his hand and he wheezed, “you can respectfully accept my hospitality, or I can bash you in the head repeatedly and,” Khendon swallowed hard, the taste of blood fresh in his mouth, “an… and force you to accept it.”

Khendon released Kyry’s nose, “besides, I don’t want to mess up your face, it’s easy on the eyes.” Khendon grabbed her arm and twisted it, maneuvering it behind her back as she kicked at him; he stood, bringing her with him. “You accept?”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 07:50:48 PM
Her grip on his wrist remained even as he let go of her nose, and with a vicious growl, she squeezed with all the power in her left hand, feeling the crack as it reverberated though his wrist and into the metal of her arm. Releasing his mangled wrist, she drove her elbow back into his gut, and in the same motion she snaked a leg around his, sweeping her foot out and toppling the both to the deck once more.

Kyry rolled over quickly; pounding a heavy punch into his sternum with her left fist then scrambled to pin his shoulders to the ground with her knees before driving her arm across his neck, crushing it between the deck and her arm.

"Admit it, you just can't stand to be beat by a girl."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:12:31 PM
Khendon grinned, blood flowing slight from his nose and a few gashes on his face, “I don’t mind being beaten by a girl… I rather enjoy being so close to such a radiant star,” Khendon was struck again, “sorry, I meant perfect being,” he was struck yet again and this time blood surged from his mouth and his lip opened up. “Was it something I said?”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:24:14 PM
With a snarl Kyry rammed her head forward, head-butting him in the face.

"This is getting boring," she growled as her arms moved away from his neck. If he thought she was stopping her fight though, he was dead wrong.

Backhanding him violently with the back of her prosthetic, she encircled his neck once more with her bound hands.

"I'm gonna finish this right now."

She wrenched her legs, driving both of his shoulders from their sockets as her hands once more began crushing his throat.

"You shoulda just let me leave......"

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:41:47 PM
Khendon sighed, “I’m sorry to hear that… now I’ll have to finish this.” Khendon snapped both the knives of his hands into Kyry’s sides, causing immense pain to flow threw her body as Khendon flipped his legs over and wrapped them around her head, then flexed them forwards, sending Kyry hurtling against the wall.

Khendon got up, taking off his pilots suit to reveal a tight, matte black short sleeve shirt, which was ribbed. The tall soldier’s military fatigue pants were still on as he relaxed his body into a back stance, his fists low towards his groin, and 70% of his weight on his back leg, which was bent while the other was straight. “Come and get it,” said Khendon, his voice booming throughout the vast, empty room.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 08:52:45 PM
Picking herself up, Kyry glared at him. "Go fly into a star."

Her breath came in heaves as she kept her murderous jade eyes on his, her shoulders slumped and her arms hanging tiredly, the binders starting to rub painfull into the flesh of her right wrist.

Spitting blood to the deck, she cursed at him. "You must be pretty proud of yourself, fighting a bound prisoner; make you feel important?"

She sneered. "Or are you just trying to make up for something you lack.......?"

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:01:51 PM
Khendon grinned, “might be unfair for me if I cut those, you’re a pretty good fighter…” Khendon waved his hand and her bindings fell to the deck. “Now, show me what you’ve got.” Khendon grinned as he waved her on with his head.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:15:26 PM
Even before the binders clattered to the deck she'd taken off, sprinting at him.

Now free of her restraints, she ran headlong at the Imperial, throwing all caution aside as she gathered her energy. Her upper body twisted, and she launched herself into the air, her left leg making to kick out at the side of his head.

Mid-kick however, she switched legs and her right lashed out, heading lower; aimed at his shoulder.

It was a classic feint; one that he'd most likely seen coming. But Kyry had added a new twist to the age old combat technique, and using her momentum, pulled a double feint.

Her left hand came around and slammed into the underside of his jaw, slamming his head back as she landed on the deck, using her motion to drive towards his side.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:21:07 PM
Khendon staggered back a few steps from the utter force of the blow he had just taken. Rather than run towards his opponent, he fell back into his stance, “this is not a game, you’ll have to knock me out to win, can you do that?” Khendon’s face became serious as he said these words, “can you do that?” he spoke the words again, this time immersing his muscles in the force, heightening his response time and allowing him to see precious milliseconds into the future.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:33:41 PM
"Not with you using the damn force," she shot back at him; it didn't take a genius to realize this man had the force on his side. That much was evident the moment she felt the binders slip from her wrists.

Stupid family curse, she swore to herself, s'Il's got it, I've got it, even Fenra's got it....

Kyry danced back, out of his range as she watched him. "I'd be an idiot if I tried-"

She darted forward then, hoping to catch him off gaurd with a quick series of kicks that went for his side and shoulder.

Too late for that now.....

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 09:43:22 PM
Khendon brought his right arm up to block; catching both attacks quickly on the one arm. He then grabbed Kyry’s leg and brought an axe kick quickly down upon it, but making sure he did minimal damage to her knee as he hit it, just enough to send a wash of pain up her leg to stun her as he brought a palm strike to her midsection, sending her back two feet.

Khendon fell into fighting stance, his legs shoulder length apart, each with an equal displacement of weight and gravity, he brought his body low to the ground and used the balls of his feet to move, angling himself virtually sideways, lowering his profile and protecting weaker portions of his body. He then brought one arm, his left, up higher than the other, and placed his right at low guard, towards his groin area.

Khendon felt the force drain out of him, his stance becoming slightly shaky as all of the bottled up and absorbed pain impacted with him, his eyes tired, but he composed himself, as he had learned to do through years of military training. “The playing field is leveled… I’m sure you can sense it.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:05:51 PM
The visual effect of his efforts to drain himself of the force were quite visible, and Kyry raised a single eyebrow as she limped around him, the two circling.

"Oh, so coming down to my level now, eh...."

She sneered again, then hopped forward and let fly with a series of short jabs before releasing a massive left hook, her metal hand heading directly for the Imperial's face.

"How selfless of you."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:15:45 PM
Khendon let the jabs connet, in error that they’d do little damage, rather, they bloodied his left eye, causing him to be disoriented for a second as all of the pain fell upon him like a thousand megaton bomb being focused on a flower. The results were horrific, the hook connected cleanly with Khendon’s jaw, blood and spit shooting in the direction the momentum from Kyry’s fist carried it, directly out of his mouth and onto the deck. The Imperial officer nearly fell over; he staggered for a moment before regaining his stance, by then, his ingenious female opponent had launched another series of jabs, which Khendon quick dismissed with his left arm.

“I can never be on your level, they don’t make ladders that go that high, nor turbolifts powerful enough.” Khendon dropped and swept Kyry off her feet, literally. Khendon, who now towered over her, holding his side and blood dripping from his lip, held out an arm to help her up.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:28:59 PM
Kyry glared at him. "Screw you."

Her hand shot out, and she grasped his wrist, using him as leverage to pull herself up and deliver one last blow.

In a blur of speed she kneed him in the groin. Hard.

As he bent forward, she shifted to the side and brought the same knee up while bringing her clasped hands down, sandwiching his torso in a painful double blow; her knee driving into his gut while her fists rammed into his back.

Kyry twisted away from him, backtracking to a safe distance to watch him deal with her blows.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:34:41 PM
Khendon crumbled upon himself, falling into a fetal position and rolling in pain, blood gushing from open wounds and smearing on the durasteel floor. “That… was,” Khendon gasped for oxygen, “uncalled for.” He tried to prop himself on one arm but quickly fell to the floor. Khendon rolled onto his back, “come here a moment,” he said weakly, “I have to tell you something,” Khendon wheezed after this, clutching his chest.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:44:06 PM
Staring at him incredulously, Kyry bent down to rest on her hands on her knees, expelling a long breath. Maybe now he'd stop trying to pick these stupid fights with her.

"Uncalled for or not, it worked. And you must think I'm stupid. You got something to say to me you tell me from where you are."

She flopped down the rest of the way to the deck, her exertions suddenly catching up with her as she hung her head, still breathing heavily.

"And while you're at it, you can explain to me why your half-brained commanding officer felt the need to detain me. I mind my own business, I expect others to do the same.

"But then again I guess the Empire just can't keep from sticking their noses in places they're not welcome."

Spitting blood once more, she glared at the pilot.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 10:53:16 PM
Khendon moved a bit closer and propped his head up with his elbows, “I’m sure someone just saw the rose that sits in front of me right now, and just had to pick it for themselves.” Khendon grinned, “Considering our current state, would you like to go somewhere where the guards won’t find you?”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:00:41 PM
She snorted, then lashed out with her booted foot at him as he inched closer; more of a warning than anything else. "Stay on your end of the sandbox and I'll stay on mine."

Kyry moved back from him regardless of her kick. "Now how about fixing my ship so I can be on my way."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:03:19 PM
“Your ship, fixing it?” Khendon laughed, holding his side as tears quickly streaked down his cheeks, “there’s nothing left of it! It’s been scrapped. Well, if you don’t want my aid, I’ll be leaving now, I have important things to do, the guards should be back shortly… with the stun batons and attack droids.” Khendon began to get up.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:11:48 PM
Kyry didn't move.

"You trashed my fighter, and then just expect me to do nothing?! You must have a @$#%in' screw loose if you think I'm just gonna roll over and take your s**t..."

Her metal hand pounded the deck. "That's pretty #@$%in' low, Mister. I'm entitled to a little compensation here," she slowly got to her feet, favoring her knee and crossing her arms over her chest. "All I was doin' was leaving Cloud City; but would that fly with you sods? Oh hell no. You have to be the damn bully, don't you. Pushin' the little people around like you own the playground.

"I didn't fire on you guys until I absolutely had to; I did my best to not make a fight, but did that matter?"

Kyry clenched a metal fist involuntarily. "And look what it got me; a busted knee and whatever else I hafta go through to get off this damn beast."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:14:22 PM
Khendon shrugged, “call your lawyer,” he said ruefully, a smile crossing his face as he got up and began to exit. “Trying to get off this ship alone… that’s a death wish, but, suit yourself. I know when I’m not wanted.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:19:31 PM
"Fine," she snapped, "I'll do that.

"And you weren't wanted from the get-go," she finished, starting for the open boarding ramp of the shuttle at a limp.

"Damnit, if my sister can die but still be brought back, then so can I."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:26:29 PM
Khendon’s brow furrowed at this and he turned on his heel, “lightsaber incident, by any chance?” Khendon’s stomach churned as he contemplated a new problem in the massing equation about this unknown woman... or did he really know her name?

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:32:05 PM
Kyry didn't miss a step as she made her way up the ramp, brushing off his summation without a second thought. "Yeah....

"Now go away; I'm trying to leave. Go back to taking over your precious planet."

Doggedly stepping forward, Kyry put one foot ahead of the other as she reached the top of the ramp.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:35:31 PM
Khendon hit his head against the bulkhead, “Oh, God, save me. Come back, Kyry.” Such simple words, yet they ment so much, Khendon knew who she was, she was S'Ilancy's sister.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:41:25 PM
She stopped in her tracks, frozen.

"How do you know my name," she finally said, turning to glare at him.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:47:59 PM
Khendon rubbed his temple, “well, I’ll start by giving you my name, it’s Khendon Sevon, Vice-Diktat of the Galactic Empire, second hand to the mighty Darth Vicsera, ruler of the galaxy. That should probably explain most of it to you but I’ll continue through anyway. Your sister, S’Ilancy, was my,” Khendon thought for a long moment, “is my friend. She gave me the cane I normally walk the halls of my ship with or the streets of Coruscant…” Khendon paused to compose his thoughts, “Anyway, I had no clue it was you until you made that remark,” Khendon frowned slightly, “I’m sorry about your ship, I’ll have it replaced, better than new… uh,” Khendon looked as if he were about to throw up and he fell to the ground, his wounds taking a toll on him as he slipped from consciousness.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 25th, 2002, 11:56:59 PM
Kyry stood rooted at the top of the ramp, listening as he explained everything.

Of course it wasn't really his fault for not knowing her; she looked nothing like her sister. Where s'Il was a somewhat diminutive 5 foot 2, Kyry was a taller 5 foot 6, and if one was to see them side by side, it wouldn't be easily evident that they were even related.

So in all honesty, she wasn't surprised by his actions. Until he fell to the deck, passed out. At a complete loss of what to do, she merely stood where she was, looking at his motionless form.

Oh #@$%. Lok's gonna be so pissed.....

Khendon Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:03:51 AM
First Officer Zhun walked off of the turbolift to a disturbing sight, “Sir!” he screeched as he ran to Khendon’s aid, “medical bay, this is First Officer Zhun, requesting emergency eva…” Zhun stopped short.

“I’m fine, Zhun, fine, just needed a little rest, tell all of the internal police to stand down and stop looking for that mysterious lady.” Khendon propped himself up and stood, “get me my cane, I have important company.”

Khendon limped over to Kyry and smiled, “I think we can both use some bandages and a warm caf, let’s go.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:12:57 AM
The fingers of her prosthetic twitched as he approached her, smiling.

The situation had completely flipped, and Kyry was still playing mental catch-up as she followed him, a somewhat confused look on her features.

"So you're the one she gave the cane to. She never told me who it was, just that she'd given it to someone," she finally ventured, still unsure of this new development.

Another silence, then Kyry spoke up once more.

"Lok's gonna kick your @$$ for trashing that fighter; she invested a lot of money in it," she stated matter-of-factly.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:18:37 AM
Khendon offered Kyry his hand, “this way,” he let her into the turbolift, “I’ll give S’Il a new fighter, more credits to hot rod it with, and some nice little tech. toys to appease her, hopefully that’ll work… otherwise she’ll kill me,” Khendon grinned, “wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last. “We’re going to stop off at med bay, get some pain killers, some bandages and disinfectants, then have the cook send us some hot food and drinks, how’s that sound?” Khendon’s eyes shown with renewed radiance as he perpetually grinned.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 12:27:38 AM
Kyry only nodded, massaging her stomach where he'd previously punched her and still not quite sure how to react to what was happening

Her whole body hurt, and she sighed tiredly. It's fine."

Leaning against the wall, she gave him a sheepish look. "Sorry bout that last, um, well you know..."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:09:52 PM
Khendon genuinely smiled, “Think nothing of it, you were resorting to the means necessary to perpetuate your escape, it’s not like you have anything personally against me, or anything, I’m sure,” he laughed slightly, “except getting you into this terrible situation, of course… but I think I can correct that.” The two stepped off of the turbolift and walked down a brightly lit corridor, Khendon’s flight boots emitting clicks as they touched the ground. “We’re here,” said Khendon as he opened the door, allowing Kyry to go through first, “medbay.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:40:38 PM
Kyry strode into the medbay, her eyes taking in the sterile environment with an exhausted gaze.

"And that's another thing," she started, her voice getting a slight edge to it as she turned to look at him, "why'd you come after me."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 03:54:46 PM
Khendon’s smile faded, “There were four craft breaking orbit for our blockade. My true orders were to destroy any craft attempting to breach our formation unless I felt they carried important contents or information. Rather than have them all destroyed, I had the gunners choose at random two targets to destroy and two to live, which would make a point that resistance is futile and provide us information about the rebels whereabouts and weapons and all that sort. You just happened to be one of the ones chosen to live… and you owned several of my best pilots, so, rather than let a TIE Devil pilot ruin capturing you, I went out myself.

“I thought it would be easier than it was, but, you turned out to be a skilled pilot, and the craft I was flying a little buggy,” Khendon grinned, “now, how about we get someone to look at those wounds?”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 04:11:30 PM
She bit her lower lip. "Right. Weapons.... nice."

I shoulda just stayed down there and gotten drunk.

At his offer of finding someone to tend to her injuries, she merely nodded. "Yeah sure." Her shoulders seemed to slump as she shoved her right hand into the pocket of her pants, the left reaching up to scratch an unseen itch at the back of her neck. "Seems I ain't goin' anywhere anytime soon."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 04:24:18 PM
A few doctors walked over and began patching the two up and asking them silly questions like, “does your eye hurt?” which Khendon only responded to with a aggravated stare, causing the men to quickly clean their wounds, give them bacta patches and a few pain killers. “I can get you a room, if you want… one with a view of space, maybe, if I pull rank on a few officers,” Khendon smiled warmly, “I was planning to contact, S’Il anyway and notify her of this,” he thought for a moment, “I guess incident is the correct term. But, if you don’t want me to, I’ll understand.”

Khendon looked rather odd with so many white bandages on and a bruised eye, but he acted as if it were perfectly normal for him to in such a state of “disrepair,” as one of the medical droids had said. “Follow me,” said Khendon as he made his way out of the room.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 26th, 2002, 04:45:20 PM
In all truthfulness, Kyry would have liked to have been in hyperspace right now; on her way to meet up with s'Il so they could pull another job. Of course now, well, that wasn't going to be happening for a while.

"You might as well call her; I was supposed to meet her for some 'business', and she might not like it if I was a no-show."

Kyry followed him rather glumly, still a little apprehensive about the situation she was in. "No, don't out someone just cause I'm the sister of one of your friends. Just stick me in whatever open room you got; it doesn't have to be all fancy."

She tenderly felt her sternum as it was still very much sore from the beating he'd delivered with his palm strike.

This'll take a while to heal, she thought grimly, still trailing behind Khendon as he walked.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 27th, 2002, 05:18:16 PM
Khendon sensed something, or, rather, knew exactly what Kyry was thinking, not because of the force, but more due to knowing her type, “I would let you leave,” Khendon began the white lie, in his kindest ‘I’m-on-your-level-and-understand-you’ voice, “but military protocol in the big black book, page 5282 section 12 article 6 states that until the blockade is lifted, I can’t let any civilians, even ones who I’m obliged to aid, such as yourself, leave… I’m going to get enough heat, as it is just for letting you free. You’ll have to wait it out, shouldn’t be more than a few days. Until then, I will get you a room with a view, I will boot out an officer, not for you, but for my peace of mind, and you’ll be thankful once you see that officer’s rooms are basically small dumps with a window,” Khendon grinned slightly but it faded quickly.

“Anything you need, just ask, meals are served at all hours, all you need to do is go to the mess hall… I can get someone to show you around if you want… or I could do it myself,” Khendon looked at his crono, “I have a little bit of time before we launch the invasion force that will take Cloud City.” Khendon hoped she would allow him to see more of her, but he highly doubted it, she had already pointed out that she hates Imperials and he did not wish to push it.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 27th, 2002, 07:16:59 PM
Kyry scowled at his explanation, and then sighed. At least, from what he'd said, he was letting her go; Lok woulda been spitting nails if she had to bail Kyry out of a detention block.

It's happened before.....

"Well, if it's anything," she started half grumbling, "thanks for not throwing me in a brig. Been there, done it all, I prefer to pass on that......"

At his mention of food, however, she felt her stomach tighten; it'd been a few days since she'd eaten, and hunger was rearing its head.

".....although food does sound kinda good right now....."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:22:15 AM
Khendon smiled slightly, “Would I be a friend if I let you rot in the brig?” Khendon shook his head, “now, about food,” Khendon began walking slowly, “would you like to join me for dinner?” he said, holding his hand out to Kyry, “It’s not often,” Khendon’s face saddened, “well, you can understand, I’m sure, I don’t have many friends aboard ship due to my role of authority and my shrewd rules and Imperial style,” Khendon trailed off, “I’d appreciate it very much if you would have dinner with me, in my apartment… I’d understand,” Khendon’s eyes swelled slightly with salty tears,” ya’ know, if you didn’t want to or anything, you could just go to the mess hall…” Khendon trailed off, his tired eyes probing Kyry’s own bright ones.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:49:42 AM
"I didn't know you were my friend in the first place," she grumbled once more.

She matched his pace as he slowed, then looked up at him, almost laughing at the act he was pulling. It took all her efforts not to smirk; she'd gotten the same thing from guys most everywhere.

But while most of those men had been drunks littering the countless bars she'd visited, this man was a high ranking Imperial; it would be fun to play her own little games as well. And who knew; he might be a good roll in the hay. s'Il'd never complained.

Her jade eyes went soft then, and her expression went from one of grumpiness and annoyance to that of compassion. She took hold of his hand; not with her prosthetic but with her real one, and gripped it with a firm but gentle hold.

"I'd love to have dinner with you."


Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:57:43 AM
Khendon had already figured out Kyry was acting in return to his own display, “Alright, let’s cut out the BS,” he said, shrugging slightly, “I know you really don’t want to have dinner with me, and you probably can figure I’m not at all saddened by the lack of friends aboard this ship. You can cut out the nice girl act, I’ve already learned your not ‘this way’ so we should both just stop trying to one-up the other and talk and act plainly. How’s that sound?” Khendon said this in a slightly lowered voice as they began to pass sleeping quarters.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:04:21 AM
Now she did smirk.

"Fine. What do you want me to say? If you know Lok like you say you do, then you should know she and I are pretty much the same. We don't roll over for anyone; don't matter who it is. If you're sore 'cause I flew you into a stailmate and bloodied your nose, then that's your hang-up, not mine.

"And between you and me; now that we're being honest with each other," Kyry reached up and thwacked him lightly across the back of his head, "you need to work on your pick-up lines. Much too sappy."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:16:48 AM
Khendon shook his head, “I don’t pretend to know Lok, her mind is far too complex for me to even conceive her thoughts. She’s both rebellious and placid at the same time, like a slowly moving hurricane, ready to destroy you, but you can’t move, just admire its brilliance. I give up, do you want to leave? Is that it? Go, leave, take a shuttle, I don’t care,” Khendon ran a hand through his hair, strands of red-gold brown being thrown wildly across his face as he shook his head. “I don’t care.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:24:42 AM
Kyry kept pace with him, raising a single eyebrow though her face scrunched up. "Sounds to me like you still like her; of course that's just me; it could be somethin' else entirely. She didn't tell me much about you, so I'm no expert on it.

"And you give up? Give up doing what; I didn't know you were trying to do anything."

Stuffing her hands into her pockets, she went on. "Look, really. Thanks for puttin' me up in a room, ok? I know it seems like I'm brushing off your extended hand, but that's just the way I am."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:28:55 AM
Khendon muttered, “No, I don’t think I’ll ever like her in the way I did again, now I can only see her as a friend, nothing else,” Khendon stopped, “continue forward, twelfth door on your left,” he handed her a key, “I’ll be on the bridge, try not to kill any of my officers,” Khendon grinned then let it fade, “you can all the mess hall to have them send you something up and there’s a holo transmitter so you can contact S’Il, I’ll see you in the morning.” Khendon turned the corner.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:38:33 AM
Kyry accepted the key he handed her, watching his back as he left. What a weird guy; and for an Imperial.....

Looking down to the key in her hand, she sighed.

Criminy girl. You've got nothing better to do with your time, and he already offered to have dinner with you....

"Hey wait a sec," she called after him, "I thought we were gonna have dinner......"

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:40:30 AM
Khendon stopped, shook his head slightly, made a gesture towards her with his head and said, “What time do you want me to come over?” Once the troopers were landed, he wouldn’t be needed, anyway, the ground officer would take over.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 11:51:47 AM
"Whenever you're done doing..... whatever it is you do...." Kyry trailed off; biting her lip. "I mean, I've never taken over a planet before; 'bout the only thing I've conquered is three bottles of Barabel vodka in one night."

She smiled then, a wide grin that seemed to come naturally to her face, and wasn't forced in any way. "But you go have fun playing war. I'ma sit this one out."

Turning, she headed down the hall in the direction he'd pointed, idly tossing the key into the air and catching it before tossing it once more.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 12:14:02 PM
Khendon walked onto the bridge, several officers saluting at his return. “First Officer, I’ll take command back, if you don’t mind.”

“Don’t mind a bit, Sir.” Khendon sat in the command chair and swiveled it forwards.

“Launch all landing craft, have our two Victory Star Destroyers go into the atmosphere and pull up next to Cloud City, gun ports open. Have TIE Executioners and TIE Devils all converge on that location. I want half a million troops on the planet by the next rotation, send troopers to all cities, but put most into Cloud City, I believe the resistance is being housed there. Command the troopers to stun any resistance, but if fired upon with lethal force, to return that lethal force.” Khendon watched as the officers went about their business, shuttles, transports, and the two Victory-class entering the atmosphere.

Thirty minutes passed before the first reports of action came in, “Report?”

“Sir, they’ve blocked the main entrance to Cloud City, we’re setting up explosives now to penetrate, until then, we can’t land the main force onto the platform.” Khendon looked to Ground Command and shook his head.

“Fleet Command, have one of the VSDs maneuver over Cloud City, order them to launch special operations teams to cut through the top and enter there. Once the teams are through, begin pumping the VSDs full allotment of troopers into the place, the special operations will take point.

“Have the second VSD move into position to provide cover fire for the troopers entering through the main access, I’d love to see enemy troopers try to fight a VSD with just measly rifles. I have a dinner appointment, Ladies and Gentlmen, I’ll leave command to m First Officer and remind you, I’m looking over your shoulders no matter what time of day it is,” Khendon held up the datapad that had full access to the ship then pocketed it, making his way back to his own quarters.

Once there, Khendon changed into more relaxed clothing and headed for Kyry’s quarters.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 12:50:30 PM
The shower was the first thing she'd visited after the door to her temporary quarters had closed. The hot water as it washed over her skin was something she'd missed; sonic showers were great, but nothing compared to the feel of water. Nothing.

Her clothes, however, were a different matter. They were bloody, sweaty, and almost completely unfit to wear. She did have a change of clothes, but they were back on the fighter, and well...

Anything that was on that thing is a lost cause now.

Instead, she'd 'borrowed' a shirt from the unfortunate soul who'd been removed from his quarters; opting to still wear her pants as they weren't as badly bloodstained as her shirt.

Content that she'd made her best effort to clean up, she accessed the holo transmitter, calling s'Il.

It only took a few moments before s'Il's upper body appeared. "Who the hell-" she stopped, her metallic eyes narrowing. "Kyry..... what the hell...."

Kyry grinned from ear to ear. "Hey Lok. Guess where I am."

* * * *

s'Il sat in the pilot's seat of The Rascal King, staring at Kyry's visage which was displayed over her comm console with just a little but of confused annoyance.

"........Guess where I am...."

s'Il said nothing for a few moments; merely staring at her younger sister. "You better not be calling me for bail," she started slowly.

"Well, not exactly, no...."

"Then where are you, and why are you using an Imperial carrier signal; you're lucky I even decided to respond."

* * * *

Kyry snorted. "Look; just come and get me; I'm at Bespin, ok? Besides. You might like to know that the StarViper is scrapped-"

s'Il's eyes narrowed even more as she leaned forward. "You wanna run that by me again...."

"But this time it wasn't my fault. You can thank your buddy Khendon Sevon for that one."

Oh if she had a camera for the look on s'Il's face.....

"Fine. I'll be there as soon as I can. And Kyry?"


"Behave yourself."

Kyry switched the transmission off, grinning as she did so.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:37:28 PM
Khendon stopped off at a few places before finally going to Kyry’s quarters, getting several things he thought he would need. “Hey,” said Khendon upon sight of Lok’s little sister. Khendon noticed just how truly correct he was when he had stated she was easy on the eyes, and now that she was cleaned, the oil and blood streaks removed and patched up along with a pristine shirt put on, he felt that statement was truly lacking in power to capture the beauty that stood before him.

Khendon himself was wearing nothing fancy; some old faded and tattered at the bottom jeans, low military boots, and a dark blue sleeveless shirt that had seen slightly better days. His hair was messy and unkempt, but that was how he liked it, with its red, gold, and brown strands thrown about, some even daring to fall over his face.

He stood in the doorway, a package in his left arm and his right hand holding a bottle of red wine. “Mind if I come in?”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 01:55:23 PM
Kyry stepped to the side to let Khendon past her.

"I called Lok," she started, the door shutting as he entered fully. "she said she's on her way."

Her eyes went to the bottle of wine and parcel in his arms. "Beware Imperials bearing gifts," she grinned.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 02:07:03 PM
Khendon smiled and brought his index finger up to her lips and made a ‘shhh’ sound, “Don’t let anyone know, otherwise the Empire might fall. Besides, it’s just a bottle of high-quality red wine to go with the meal I’m going to make for us, hope you like grilled orange-and-bourbon salmon.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 02:37:44 PM
If he was trying to impress or surprise her, it'd worked. She'd expected him to just order something from the mess hall; not cook her a meal.

"Oh God forbid someone should see through the Empire's tough-guy exterior," she laughed, making her way into the small kitchen. She found two glasses without too much trouble, and set them on the counter.

"So," Kyry went on, still smilling, "you often pick up women in dogfights, have a knock-down drag-out fistfight with them, then bring them wine afterwards?"

She leaned on the countertop, "...or did I just happen to be the lucky winner who had the dumb luck to be doing business in the wrong place at the wrong time..."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 03:54:17 PM
Khendon smiled, “Well, I must admit, you’re the first woman I’ve had to dog fight, then physically fight all to just to get you to dine with me, but, it was fun, and I got to meet a great person in the process, so it was worth it, ever liter of blood,” Khendon’s smile turned into a sly grin but his face scrunched up for a second and the grin faded as he wet his lips then bit the lower of the two, “one little thing has been daunting me, and I just want to get your side of the story before my officers accuse me of things and I have to space them,” Khendon’s grin returned, “I’d like to think you could trust me and you know that no matter what you were doing down there it won’t change a thing, so, what were you doing on Bespin?” Khendon had already set out several of the things he’d need to prepare the meal, including the two salmon fillets which were marinating in bags, ready to be cooked.

He stopped what he was doing, put a hand in one pocket and slung the other’s thumb in his back right pocket, a wisp of hair falling in his face as he turned towards her, his expression serious but showing compassion.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 04:15:20 PM
A single eyebrow lifted, and she shook her head. "Sorry," she began, "can't tell you no matter who you are. Client confidentiality and proper business ethics being what they are, neither Lok nor I wouldn't be in the business we're in if we didn't follow our own personal set of rules."

Kyry crossed her arms casually, looking up into his eyes as she settled herself more against the counter. "I wouldn't be in the business I'm in now if I didn't take care of the people I work for. It's just professional courtesy. I watch their backs, and they watch mine.

"It's nothin' against you or anything, just the way I work. Lok's the same way. You won't get anything from her if she doesn't want you to know; same with me. If that happens, you're SOL."

"Now could you interrogate me......?" she sighed. "Yeah sure, but it just means I'm that much more resolute to follow my ideals. Could you get what you're lookin' for? Possibly. Though I like to think that even the mighty Empire fails in some things."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 04:23:32 PM
Khendon grinned, “lovely answer, now, which method of torture would you prefer? Slow and painful, or quick and easy,” Khendon grinned as he removed a pan from a cabinet and placed the two fish fillets in them, plopping the pan on the stove, his grin turning into a smile, as he turned the heat on.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 04:50:43 PM
Kyry laughed. "I don't prefer any, thank you very much. I've already been through all that," she waggled the fingers of her left hand.

"Even after losing half an arm to a rival company I didn't say a word. So you can do what you want, but I won't compromise myself or my practices, just like you wouldn't do that to the Empire."

Her metal fingers plunged once more into her pockets. "I wouldn't really expect any less of you; even though we've pretty much just met."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 05:05:23 PM
Khendon shook his head, “I could never torture you in that way, you don’t deserve it.” He basted the fish and set the flames a little higher, biting his lip again and then smiling, “so what’s it like having someone so infamous as a sister? I’m sure one day you’ll be equally renowned, if not more so, but what’s it like right now?” Khendon turned towards her and moved slightly closer, then leaned, mirroring her own position, against the counter.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 05:43:09 PM
"And I applaude your stay of hand; I truly do," she grinned at his mention of not being able to torture her.

Watching lazily as he cooked their meal, Kyry smiled lightly as the smell began to fill the air around her. It did smell good, she wouldn't deny that.

"Infamy is overrated; even Lok feels that way. The only difference between her and me though is that I take great pains to cover my tracks. She could care less about that; though there are a few certain things she does keep on the down low.

"Me though, I like anonimity; I fly-" Kyry grinned, "well, flew an unmarked, unlicensed, and unregistered MandalMotors StarViper." A shrug. "It helps to not be known; and it helps that I don't look a thing like Lok."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 05:54:49 PM
Khendon turned back to the food he was preparing, smiling as he flipped them then basted again, “Well, you’ll soon be flying something even better than that old StarViper, you can count on it. Considering I’m the head of United Imperial Technologies, I’ll even sneak you a couple previews of technology, least I can do for taking so much of your time and destroying your ship.” Khendon turned back to her, staring into her haunting eyes, “whom in your family did you get your eyes from, they’re like brilliant opals, demanding attention and commanding my abidance to their desires. I fear when you leave, they’ll still haunt my dreams, like an apparition whose hunger will never quite be quenched.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:22:46 PM
Another eyebrow rose as she stared straight into his eyes, her own fairly laughing. "'Abidence to their desires?' No one's ever used that one on me before."

She smiled widely, then hopped up to sit on the counter; letting herself become more comfortable with the passing time. "But, in answer to your first question, I got them from my mother. I don't know where the hell Lok got her's. Freak of nature, that one."

The fish now thoroughly permeated her senses, and Kyry reached over for the bottle of wine, snaking an arm around Khendon to retrieve it. Her hand closed around the neck of the bottle, and she pulled it back towards her while in the same motion opening one of the drawers below her and rifling through its contents for a corkscrew.

"I haunt a lot of people's dreams," she laughed pulling the corkscrew out after a bit of searching, "but it's usually 'cause I break their arms after they piss me off."

Placing the bottle between her legs to anchor it as she sat on the countertop, Kyry proceeded to twist the corkscrew into the cork.

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 06:43:07 PM
“Good thing you didn’t break mine,” said Khendon smiling as he opened a cabinet and retrieved two plates. He set the plates down and took two small parsley garnishes and set them aside. Khendon placed one of the succulent, flaky fish in each of the plates, resting the parsley on them. “Let’s eat,” he said as he picked up both of the plates, he began to walk out of the small kitchen and towards the small dining room, which housed an elegant, see-through table which overlooked a large view port that showed a portion of the massive ship, and a grant amount of the planet Bespin.

No matter where you go in the galaxy, whenever you’re in orbit of a planet, it’s a site to see. Khendon shook his head slightly, “Will you look at that,” he said in slight aw at the sight that sat before him.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:06:22 PM
Kyry hopped from the counter and trailed behind him, bringing the now open bottle and the glasses with her as she followed his gaze. It was a gorgeous sight; one that was hard to eclipse.....

"Almost makes you forget the crap that's goin' on down there on Cloud City."

Hope those guys don't get too pummeled.... of course if anything those demolitions I put together for 'em should give them a slight edge. Too bad it won't matter.

Setting the glasses on the table, she poured the wine into each, the placed the bottle on the table with a delicate klink, and moved to stand at the window. She was silent for a moment, then voiced a thought that had always seemed to bother her. Now that she had someone who seemed an expert on the subject, it seemed now she might have an answer to the question.

"Why do you do this," she asked, not taking her eyes from the expanse of space before her, "Take over planets I mean? Where's the glory in it other than to be able to say 'Look at me, I have more worlds than you'?

"Is it a popularity contest or something? No offense, but the Empire, to me, is just a big yacht club for disgruntled men who like to make people do things 'their' way; trying to change people to suit their needs.

"It's like I said before," she grinned, "you stay on your end of the sandbox and I'll stay on mine, but that'd be wishful thinking; if it was otherwise, I'd be in hyperspace right now."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 28th, 2002, 07:20:57 PM
Khendon lowered his head, “I understand your point of view, but I’ve never had a good life, I was mistreated in my past, by both the death of my family and the corruption of my beloved Sith, the Empire has always taken me in, accepted me and wished to hone my skills, no matter how dilapidated my mental status was. I’ve gone threw many lonely nights because of my decisions and choices, but it’s my path.

“I view the Empire as a changing force, a catalyst if you will. Wherever I go, I change things, be it for better or worse, usually better. We’ve stopped plagues, famine, and suffering on many planets, even if we’ve sometimes increased it on a few others and, on a select amount, destroyed all life there, not personally, of course. You could say that the Empire is entirely evil, but it’s truly not, I try to make a positive impact, other just abuse their power. Isn’t that life, for the most part? Those who wish to change for the better, and those who wish to change for the worse… they all follow orders, just interpret them differently.” Khendon moved next to Kyry and slid his hand into her organic one, intertwining their fingers and looking her in the eye, “Things will change, they always shall… and maybe, one day, people will look on these as better times, when, for the most part, when people tried to change things for the better... and when there was only one Empire behind the deaths, rather than thousands of them.” Khendon looked out into space, his chin quivering for a moment as he shook his head,

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 29th, 2002, 03:53:17 PM
Surprise crossed her features as his hand went to hers, but she did nothing, merely staring into his eyes as he answered her question before looking out once more into space.

After a few moments she removed her hand from his.

"Look, I'm sorry you're family is dead; I'm sorry your.... Sith are corrupt. I don't pretend to know anything about the force; my whole family is blind to it; more so than most non-force users.

"Everyone's got their own personal demons, and everyone's got different ways of dealing with them. For you, it's the solidarity of the Empire; for me, well, it's a lot of things.

Both Lok and I ran away from home; she did it before me, and so when I finally jumped ship, I went to her. We don't talk to our parents at all... well, she doesn't. I sneak off and meet with my mom on occasion."

Kyry reached up, patting his shoulder. She hadn't rejected his small attempt at affection, but she'd been just a little shocked that he'd gone to hold her hand this soon after meeting her.

As she turned back to the table, she sighed. "Now I'm hungry, tthe food is getting cold, and I need alcohol in my system before I go buggo."

Her pat on his arm turned into a light punch then. "And it's all your fault. I was planning on bar-hopping and drinking myself under the table tonight."

Khendon Sevon
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:10:18 PM
Khendon grinned slightly, pushing away his emotions and locking them deep within himself. It had been a while since he’d spoken so freely about such a topic, a very long while. In fact, the last time Khendon had spoken so freely was when he was drunk on the blue stuff, that evil narcotic had corroded his senses and made him spill his guts to a barkeeper, who had almost cost him his job. Khendon remembered those days in a flash, his chin quivering for a second as he composed himself, locking his memories with his emotions and tuning, smiling slightly.

Khendon slid a chair back, gesturing for Kyry to sit in it.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jun 29th, 2002, 04:49:19 PM
Kyry knew repression when she saw it, but decided to say nothing as she took the seat Khendon had pulled out for her.

The food in front of her smelled wonderful, and she grinned at Khendon.

"So you take over planets, you're a top-grade pilot, you're not a half bad brawler, and you cook. Anything else I should know about you?"

Khendon Sevon
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:03:54 PM
Khendon walked over to his own seat and sat himself, smiling slightly, “I own a major company, as well, left that out… and I like to sew…” Khendon grinned widly, “alright, maybe the later of the two wasn’t true, but you’ve got much more on your plate than myself. You’re doing odd jobs with your sister, kicking Imperial officer’s rears in hand-to-hand… and then there’s that nasty habit of selling weapons to rebellions,” Khendon locked gazes with Kyry and grinned, “don’t worry about it.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 2nd, 2002, 02:59:55 PM
"'Nasty habit'?" Kyry snorted.

"Hell, I've made more money off those poor sods than should be legally allowed; which is of course why it's not. It pays my bar tabs, I get to make my own demolitions and explosives, the hours are great, I don't have to wear some stuffy uniform with a cardboard neckline, I can work by myself, and I get to put together any and all manner of firearms. It's a very rewarding job; both for my pocket and my personal interests."

She took a bite of her food, then washed it down with a sip of wine.

"You're a good cook," she grinned. "You should give Lok some lessons sometime. Lord knows she'd need them. That woman burns water.

"I'm not a big cooker myself, mostly Ithorian take-out for me; that or whatever I order back on Yag'dhul at The Lazy 'I' Bar."

Khendon Sevon
Jul 2nd, 2002, 11:57:10 PM
Khendon shook his head and grinned, “Thanks, my mother taught me how to cook,” Khendon looked off for a moment, “such a long time ago. Anyway, I’m sure I could show you, or S’il, some simple things. It’s not that hard, after all.” Khendon cut himself off a piece of the flaky fillet and ate it, followed with a sip of wine.

He looked in her jade eyes, smiling faintly, “I wonder if anyone will make a lady of you?” Khendon laughed, “no, I think you’ll always be as strong and willful as you are now… I have no objections with that,” his facial muscles contracted and a light smirk formed as he studied her beauty. No objections at all.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 5th, 2002, 05:55:24 PM
A single eyebrow rose, and she swallowed a bite of fish. "No objections, eh," she smirked as well, "I didn't know I was being evaluated."

She sipped at the wine, letting it sit in her mouth for a few seconds as she savored its taste.

"It surprises me," she started after swallowing the alcohol, "that you would do nothing even though you seem to know a little of what I do; or just got done doing, for that matter.

"Or do you not follow you precious rulebooks, codes, and regulations so closely...."

It was only half of a challenge. Half of her was genuinely curious as to why he did nothing as a form of retaliation or punishment for her actions, while the other half almost dared him to.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 5th, 2002, 11:51:55 PM
Khendon enjoyed the slightly salty taste of the salmon as he completed his enjoyable morsel of the juicy fish, another easy smile crossing his face, “Now, tell me this. What fun would I have in executing you for treason or banishing you to some third hell for weapons running and assault? Would it even make the galaxy safer or better? I think not.

“If I were to invoke my authority and deal justice to every passerby that has committed a crime, the Empire would be an realm of three, rather than the trillions that now live amongst the stars.

“No, I believe that I am not breaking nor amending rules by what I am doing, on the contrary, I am following my freewill and duty, as defined by the charters, regulations, and doctrines that govern me.

“Doing good at all cost I am not, nor am I performing evil acts on a regular basis, I am doing my duty as I see I am obligated, and commanded, to do it. It’s all about how you look at things.” Khendon sat back in his chair, hoisting his wine glass in a gesture towards Kyry, “If I were to let a flower wilt, such as youself, then I would be failing the greater cause by letting someone so,” Khendon smirked and paused, “amply suited to redefining existence go to waste.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 8th, 2002, 08:16:27 PM
Kyry's own glass stopped halfway to her mouth as he spoke those last lines, and a quirky smile played out across her features. "Got quite the way with words, don't you, Mr. Sevon."

Setting her glass on the table, she leaned forward, staring directly into his eyes from across the table's length. Slowly, over the course of their conversation, she'd become more intrigued by the man before her; he began to interest her as the time went by, and she found herself drawn into his silvery eye, her own jade ones glinting.

"Do you always try and seduce strange women, Khendon Sevon? And what did I tell you earlier about your pickup lines....." Her smile morphed into a smirk, "If you really want my attention," Kyry ever so slightly licked her lips, the taste of the fish lingering on her tongue, "......then you're going to have to be a little more bold."

Khendon Sevon
Jul 8th, 2002, 09:09:20 PM
Khendon smirked as he broke the deadlock between the two and turned his head to one side, eyes closed for a moment while he quickly contemplated the conversation that was occurring, opening his mouth for a moment then shutting it with a loud click, nostrils flaring as he exhaled and allowed contact between her luminous emerald windows to her soul and his own shimmering gray-blue ones again, “I only try to seduce the ones that particularly spark an interest within my mind… and that wasn’t a pickup line,” Khendon laughed slightly, “of course, it might be interpreted that way by some third parties.”

He bit his lip for a moment and ran a hand through his hair as he folded his napkin with the other hand, placed it on his partially finished meal and stood up. Khendon walked over to Kyry took her hand, causing her to stand in the process, and kissed her gently on the lips.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:31:04 PM
At first, surprise flitted across her features as his lips brushed hers, but then she grinned. He was nervous, she could tell. Vice Diktat Khendon Sevon; second in command to the Empire, was nervous.

Kyry kissed him back, deciding to see how long his nervousness would last. Her hands reached up, keeping his head down as she playfully bit his lower lip, and though she was shorter, Kyry pushed him against the wall; still kissing him.

And yet, while her actions were fueled by curiosity at his response, she was also lonely. It'd been too long; since Curzon had died, since she'd allowed herself the luxury of another body near her.

But now, now she wanted company.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 8th, 2002, 10:52:13 PM
Khendon broke the kiss and bumped heads with Kyry, “Don’t you dare think I planned this,” he said grinning as he began to kiss up her neck, nibbling here and there as he slipped his hands around Kyry’s waist. He had been afraid at first, nervous even, God, she’s beautiful, he thought to himself as he kissed her again.

His original plans had not been designed to this end; rather, he had only planned on capturing a valuable asset, which he had done, but in a totally different respect. Sadly, Khendon did not know if this would last, would Kyry leave come ‘morning’ with S’ilancy and forget about him, or would he somehow liberate a fragment of her heart?

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 8th, 2002, 11:43:43 PM
Kyry grinned as he spoke; she herself never expected things to come to this. She thought she'd have to sit through a lengthy interrogation process that would not only have been painful for her, but she would have made it a living hell for her tormentors.

Funny thing, karma.

It'd been too long; too long since she'd gotten close to anyone; and now that Khendon was here, offering his presence, she took it. Her kisses were hungry, and not a little rough, but she waited to see how he would respond; how far he wanted things to go.

She pulled away from the kiss, looking up into his face as her hands ran through his hair, her fingernails raking gently over his scalp.

"What do you want," she spoke softly, "and why.......?"

Khendon Sevon
Jul 9th, 2002, 04:38:39 PM
Khendon clenched his teeth for a moment, staring into Kyry’s starry eyes. He pulled her even closer, their two bodies pressed against one another tightly as he smiled lightly, “I desire one thing alone, one blazing diamond, one silvery star that has wretched my heart from my body and kept it as her new prize, imprisoned in a cage of emerald that beckons my utter compliance.

“Simply put, Kyry, all I want is you.” He said this, allowing the last few words to trail off. His eyes burned with passion, as they became probes searching her face for a sign, a prophecy of her response, he took one of her hands in his own and entwined their fingers, squeezing gently as he locked his gaze with her own, her jade eyes cutting through him, causing him to feel weak in her presence.

He whispered it again, softly, as he leaned in for another kiss, “All I want is you.”

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:30:34 PM
For now, she was going to oblige him; it was something she wanted as well, and as he kissed her again, she found herself relaxing, letting her guards down.

It's been too long....

Her left arm was wrapped around his neck; the cold metal of her prosthetic a stark contrast to the reast of her body, and she disengaged her right hand from his to brush a strand of hair from his face.

"Me........" she spoke with just a hint of confused happiness as she pulled back to gaze at him, ".....it's been a long time since someone's said that....."

And it was true. She'd never let anyone close to her since.....

..... since Curzon...... but now.......

She embraced him, holding onto him tightly lest he disappear.

Khendon Sevon
Jul 9th, 2002, 10:34:54 PM
Khendon kissed Kyry’s forehead and returned the embrace, closing his eyes and just concentrating on the comfort of being in her arms. To Khendon it felt like a fire was raging in his chest, his emotions were going crazy as his heart raced. He felt so content, so happy just holding Kyry that Khendon wished he would never have to let go. “Then it’s about time someone told you that, it’s about time,” said Khendon in a weak voice laced with emotion.

Kyryanu Sevon
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:27:51 PM
Resting her chin on his shoulder, she let him surround her with his arms. It felt good to be held again; good to be wanted. She'd shut herself off to the outside world for years, not letting anyone in close; and yet now, though still ingesting all that had happened with a slight bit of amazement, she decided to let things go where they went.

Who am I to stop a potentially good thing....

Kyry nuzzled his neck, kissing lightly along his jawline before settling her head once more into the crook of his neck. Her right hand traveled down to his chest, and she felt the steady rhythm of his heart; just like that of a metrinome.

"What happens now.....?"

Khendon Sevon
Jul 9th, 2002, 11:54:19 PM
Khendon spoke softly, “That all depends,” he swallowed hard opened his eyes, “I want to see you again, without having to get blood stains on my spacecraft and bruises on my body,” he smiled, “but for now, I think we should finish off that wine, what say you?”

So many things had happened in the past few hours, but change was nothing new for Khendon, he had been trained to cope with this factor on the battlefield, but this was not the battlefield. He slipped his arms back down to Kyry’s waist and kissed her, took her hand and walked over to the table where the bottle remained from dinner.

Telan Desaria
Jul 11th, 2002, 04:46:39 PM
" Really."

" No."

" How interesting."

" They're where?"

" Thank you, Ensign, you've been most helpful."

Grand Admiral Baron Telan DEsaria turned around from his desk, and began staring into space. On the transparisteel viewport could be seen glimmering the symbol of the new COMPNOR post on Vice Diktat Sevon's flagship.

Desaria could only imagine the things that the second-ighest ranking officer in the Empire was doing to woo the captured beauty above Bespin.

Best of luck, Khen, Desaria thought. His thoughts slid into the realm of personal experience, and the last time he dated anyone-or even looked at another person in a way not professional. It was at the Centuarian Martial Academy. Over a decade ago. Tavrin.

Desaria rubbed his eyes in an almost painful remembrance, then stood and watched the planet blow, his view interrupted by flights of TIEs and the concussion missile barrages that were hammering the unneeded cities.

To the bridge he strode, an officer in command. He had only one unpleasant thought about Moff Sevon, and that was that he seemed to relish making the younger Desaria look bad in front of his subordinates. Powerful as he was, Desaria could not control the minds of others-as Khendon could-and force them to respect him. His fleet already did, but what the Reserve Armada thought, was entirely up the Sevon.

" Captain Voltaire, bring the assigned VSDs towards CLOUD 20. When arrived, commence supporting tertiary bombardment and landing."

" As ordered, Grand Admiral."

" General Marx, the 16th and 17th divisions have been making no progress on cloud two. Reason?"

The elder officer looked forward from his aft plot table. " No cover. We require aerial support to knock out the sizemic (sp) controls that have been rocking the station and thrawrting every advance."

" Commander Gherent-send a wing of Defenders to help. When their task is complete, bring four of the squadrons back and send them to Cloud Prime. They need all the help they can get."

The battle was cool then. It was getting hotter.
The Empire would win this battle. And Khendon would not do it without the Thyferra Sector Fleet-and Grand Admiral DEsaria.

Grand Admiral Baron Telan Desaria