View Full Version : Hell is only 2'ft tall

Kira Coy
May 29th, 2002, 11:00:08 AM
*kira looked at her daugter and sighed.she watched her daugter race down the hallway strak naked and chased after her laughing daugter* KIJI MEKO COY YOU GET BACK HERE!*kira was houting as miji ran around the corner.she raced full out when she heard her daugters scared whimper.as she turned the coner she saw some stranger holding her small daugter* um excuse me but could you please give me miji?

Tomak Ohara
May 30th, 2002, 11:17:41 PM
Tomak spoke up, "Yes, is this your daughter? I am sorry i did not mean to scare her. I was wondering the halls and came across her. She is very cute. You are very blessed to have such a beautiful child. She reminds me of my little sister back home. Apparently, your beautiful daughter takes after her mother. Oh, yes here you go. If you wanted to talk sometime just come to my room. It looks dark kinda like a vampires room. It was nice to meet you." Tomak turned spread his wings and flew down the hallway.

Kira Coy
Jun 3rd, 2002, 03:37:23 PM
*kira smiled at his compliments.then grabbed her daugter and grinned as he flys away*
miji-- mommy...
8kira sighed and walked back to her room to get miji dressed and ready for bed*