View Full Version : In search of a master

May 29th, 2002, 09:00:52 AM
His anger and impatience ran deep. Deep enough that they too often led him down the wrong path - the path that led to the destruction of others, and certainly, most likely, himself.

He had never considered the Sith order before this point in his life. In all of his 18 years, he had sought only to join the army, for it seemed a simple answer to everything. But his lack of patience, and his impulse to do things his own way had only made that search a futile one. No one wanted a soldier that refused to be lead.

He had waited until his mother had passed on. His father meant nothing to him, for he had never known him. His violet eyes were those of his mother, but the temper, she had always told him, was all his father. She hadnt spoken of his father much throughout his life, though he'd asked repeatedly to know. He wondered sometimes, if she even knew who his father really was, but in all of his anger, it had been the one insult he had not let slip from his tongue for he had loved her.

When she had passed on, he had been lost. For suddenly the order had been taken from his life. No longer did he have a reason to remain on his home planet, no longer did he have a reason to remain by her side as her protector.

He had heard of the Sith order. They were mentioned occasionally, in passing, in fear, and oftentimes, in loathing. But it intrigued him. He wondered if perhaps there were others like him, for he felt different from the others. It wasnt in his skill, though he was perfectly capable with a blaster, it was in the anger that lay beneath. The impatience. He had asked around, he had researched as much as was possible.

And so he had come to seek admittance. He wasnt above humbling himself. He had respect for those who deserved it. The room, as he entered made him uneasy at first. There was a darkness to it that even he, in all of his rage, had never quite felt.

He paused before he dared to speak to the empty chamber, lest his voice carry the timidness he momentarily felt. And then he sank to one knee.

"I know not whether I am worthy to serve the order, but I do know I am young, have much to learn, and am willing to make whatever sacrifice is deemed necessary. I seek guidance, and humbly request that I might be given to a master to serve."