View Full Version : A little worker...and a big secret.

May 28th, 2002, 11:53:53 PM
Ace thought that he should take a rest and walked to his room. As this lazy boy walked down the hallway fumbling his light saber he felt that wierd sence he had had several weeks ago.

"Ummmmm....." He thought as he rounded the cornor.

He looked into the palm of his hand and looked at his first light saber....

It's blueish silver blade was on to think about and rembered that his father had been given a light saber to give to me when he was 5 years old. He ran into his room and looked through the bag he had been found when he was pulled out of the carbonite.

"Ahhhhhh.....there it is." He thought aloud after several hours.
"My very first light saber given to me by my dads master."

He walked around the room thinking on why his dad was given this tool to give to him...and why was it no bigger then his hand?

"I wonder......" he said as turned it on.


OOC: Any one can post on this thread.

Tomak Ohara
May 30th, 2002, 04:20:44 PM
Tomak saw Ace light up his saber, and stepped up and tapped him on the shoulder. Tomak spoke to him,"Hello dear sir, my name is Tomak and i am a new padawan. You have a unique saber like my own." Tomak drew his saber and activated it. The black blade emerged and the red tip glew with great energy. He then turned it off."If you ever feel you would like to talk or spar just come and contact me. My room is the room of a vampire. Thank you again for your time." Tomak turned from Ace and walked back to his room.