View Full Version : Happy Day

Vinny Red
May 28th, 2002, 07:56:11 PM
And another season comes to end for the Toronto Maple Leafs. What a shame. Now comes the next part of their season. The excuses and the whining. maybe next year boys.....maybe next year. Seem to hear that phrase a lot from them:lol

edit - little premature.....damnit....

May 28th, 2002, 07:58:44 PM
umm....I dont watch hockey, but when I do I like the Redwings. I thought the Maple Leafs sucked lol

Vinny Red
May 28th, 2002, 08:31:13 PM
Now that the game has officially ended, the appropriate song to sing would be....

"Na na na na...na na na na...eh eh eh..GOOD BYE!"

See ya on the golf courses, when the whinning and complaining stops

Cirrsseeto Quez
May 28th, 2002, 08:32:20 PM
Pass the maple syrup eh :lol

Morgan Evanar
May 28th, 2002, 08:39:18 PM
Grade B is best. Grade A is too sweet.

Cirrsseeto Quez
May 28th, 2002, 08:42:04 PM
I prefer sorghum and cane syrup.

Vinny Red
May 28th, 2002, 08:47:36 PM
I'll stick with the maple butter thanks

May 29th, 2002, 12:55:27 AM
Man....the only thing I ever got from Canada was a bag full of Chocolate covered almonds poseing as beaver crap. >: and i don't like Almonds....or Beaver Crap.

Jen Katrina 2
May 29th, 2002, 03:00:35 AM
Beavers crap? :p

Anbira Hicchoru
May 29th, 2002, 09:34:17 AM
You'd crap too if you ate all that wood. Lots of fiber!

May 29th, 2002, 09:37:30 AM
No matter what happends from this point on, its going to be an all American team Stanley cup final series. And if I get what I want, our team, the Avalance repeats the feat of last year and leaves with the Cup again. :)

Vinny Red
May 30th, 2002, 07:01:27 PM
yeah an American team filled with Canadians. :p

My teams are all out, and I don't want Detroit to win because I loathe Hasek, and don't want Colorado to win, because I'm sick of them, therefore I'm stuck rooting for Carolina. The team that won't win.

May 30th, 2002, 07:13:28 PM
I dont care who wins! IT IS ALL A GAME! LOL

Gouyen Chee
May 30th, 2002, 09:49:58 PM
With the LA Kings and the Boston Bruins out of it, I'm pulling for the Dead Things -- er, I mean the Red Wings, mainly because of a couple of friends -- well, okay, nodding acquaintences: Luc Robitaille and Steve Duchesne.

And the Leafs playoff picture could be worse -- I remember when fans wore paper bags over their heads with "Toronto Make Beliefs" written on them, and the team NEVER got into the playoffs.... :mneh

This is my first post here too. :D

Marcus Telcontar
May 30th, 2002, 09:54:57 PM
I only want to see the fights