View Full Version : The Return (Part IV)

Darth Turbogeek
May 28th, 2002, 05:47:36 AM

He stood outside of the gates, lookig upward. Thinking

Before he called out.

"I seek Jeseth Cloak or Lilaena De'ville - are they here?"

Lilaena De'Ville
May 28th, 2002, 10:42:49 PM
The gates opened slightly, and a tallish woman slipped out from between them. She took two steps down towards the man, and stopped.

"What do you want, Turbogeek?" De'Ville's voice was not openly hostile, nor was it welcoming. It just...was. "Why have you returned to Bast?"

Darth Turbogeek
May 29th, 2002, 01:12:11 AM
Direct to the point. Just the way he liked it.

"Simple. I am Jeseth's apprentice. I wish to be freed of that. I wish to be tested and prove myself worthy of being a Dark Jedi, as I wish to be. Jeseth is a good Master, but it is time I moved on and became what I can be"

Lilaena De'Ville
May 29th, 2002, 11:58:52 PM
She looked at him for a long moment. "Then why did you ask for me?"

Darth Turbogeek
May 31st, 2002, 12:04:31 AM
"Because I have respect for you, that's why. I've touched your mind before and I know that your are well versed in the Dark Side. If Jeseth is not here, then it is you I would ask to do this. Or is there someone else I should approach?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 2nd, 2002, 02:19:59 AM
"Cloak alone can test you for your rank." She turned as if to go, dismissing the man with her body languange.

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 3rd, 2002, 06:57:29 AM
"No. I do not beleive Jeseth is the only one that can do that"

His voice was no where near the happy go lucky and carefree young man who had left here a year ago. Now there was power and authority. And daring.

"I believe you can do so if he is not here. And I also believe you owe me at least one life debt, maybe two. And if he will not test me, then I will call payment for that debt you owe me now. Do not mistake me for the simpleton that was once here. I am beginning to realise what type of power I can hold and I wish to be an asset for The Black Hand. "

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:02:55 PM
She turned back around, and fixed him with her eyes. "I owe you?" For a long moment they stood there, facing off silently, and she raised one eyebrow. "You seem to have gained a backbone while you were away from the Hand, Turbogeek. What of the woman? Where is she now?"

Darth Turbogeek
Jun 6th, 2002, 06:05:42 AM
"yes, you owe me. If you will not do as I ask willingly, then I call on that debt to be paid instead. I have grown more than just a backbone, I'm not that naive young fool that left here either. I know who's blood I came from and I am going to be what that pathetic Jedi Master could not be. Strong in the Dark Side. I know know why your other Dark Jedi here hated me - because they feared the last darth Turbogeek. Why did they? He was weak. I on the other hand - I am becoming strong"

Woman...? Ohhhh, Arya.

"The woman, I have no idea where she is. I have not seen her for a long time. Is there a reason you ask?"

Evil Hobgoblin
Jun 9th, 2002, 05:46:53 PM
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Loud breathing from the shadows meant something on Bast.

Hobgoblin was watching.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 30th, 2002, 02:08:57 AM
De'Ville shook her head. "I care not for the woman. An idle curiosity. But no doubt she taught you well the art of hand to hand fighting."

The woman laughed abruptly, "Your whimpering over the bruises she left you kept me awake at night. I think we were all grateful when you got better at protecting yourself from her." De'Ville faced him fully. "So. You want to be a part of the Hand. You want to be a true Dark Jedi. You want -" and she thew her hand out and shoved him hard with the Force, sending him to the ground.

"You want so many things. Then come and get them." She stood, tall, and unmoving, near the top of the steps.

Darth Turbogeek
Jul 9th, 2002, 09:43:31 PM
She was strong, strong and defiant. It was obvious she sought proof that he was now worthy of what he had come to claim. But in her strength and defiance also dwelled a confidence, a great one that could be exploited.

He lie on the ground, making it look as if the affects of what she had just done were more than they really were. True it would only fool her for a second, but that second was all he needed to keep her attention away from the loose stones that he managed to wrestle from their place just above her head. Bast castle was old and decrepit. Maybe he didn’t even put much into it as he started to stand and spoke.

“I will have what I seek. You shall not stand in the way of that.”

Even as the stone started to fall, he did something else, something that was probably unexpected. He manipulated the Force so that he gripped De’Ville around her ankles. Hindering her ability to move greatly as he watched.

The feeling of dark colours surrounding him seemed to grow, but he did not let that distract him from what was happening, distractions he could ill afford at this time.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 4th, 2002, 10:29:34 PM
ooc: sorry I took so long!! ^_^; /ic:

As the clone got to his feet, De'Ville felt the stones falling towards her in the Force. She moved to evade them, but her feet stuck to the stones as if they had been planted. She raised her hands over her head, as if to ward off the rocks with her bare arms, but instead she manipulated the Force. A strong push upwards, combined with a grasp of the rocks...and she threw the debris off to the side.

The rocks clattered and shattered on the hardpacked ground. De'Ville shoved him with the Force again, breaking his concentration, and walked down the stairs, towards the . He appeared to be a little put off by her forward movement. "You have no saber." She left her blade clipped to her belt, and flexed her hands.

Lilaena pivoted on her left leg, kicking out high and hard with her right foot, to catch him in his solar plexus.

Darth Turbogeek
Aug 19th, 2002, 11:53:50 PM
She was right, he had no saber, but such a thing did not leave him defenseless not in the least. Her evasion of his small parlor trick was really no surprise, nor was the fact that she had freed herself from his grip. His skills and strength in the ways of the Force were still developing, while hers had a great deal of time and testing behind them.

Her kick was simple enough to knock aside with a hand, and even as he made that motion, his corresponding toe, met her planted foot and dropped her to the dusty surface of the ground, yellow soot and sulfur becoming caked on her front and arms. He followed with a sharp and stiff knee to her back and then a forearm smash to the back of her skull. It caused her nose to be shoved into the noxious powder that covered the ground. Breathing the remnants of sulfuric rain could not be the least bit healthy, even for one as skilled as she.

He hoped back and off of her, keeping his senses alive and open to his surrounding. If the dark colours got closer, they would not catch him off guard.

“Saberless but far from helpless.” Came his retort as he watched her gagging on the powder.

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 27th, 2002, 02:10:44 AM
She spat roughly, and surged to her feet, old memories surfacing. Fighting at Shadra the Hutt's had been down and dirty...had it been so long ago?

Even as he finished his words, she yanked him forward with the Force, which was something he had not expected. This time she did catch him in the solar plexus, but it was with her fist, middle knuckle protruding from the others slightly. The air popped out of him, and she finished the move with a sweep kick, knocking him to the ground.

Darth Turbogeek
Aug 30th, 2002, 03:09:17 AM
There was no stopping the impact this time. With a loud gasp all the air whooshed out of his lungs and then he fell hard on his side. He was in trouble this time, that was certain. He writhed on the ground for a second and while doing so, filled a hand, hidden by his body, with the sulfur dust covering the ground. He looked up at De’Ville weakly and started to speak with a weak and labored voice.

“You have bested me this time, but there will come another.”

He let what he said sink in for just a second as his breath began to come back. He started to get to his feet slowly, knowing that she would still be on the lookout for a physical move.

But what came was more diversion than physical. He began to cough making it appear he was struggling to get his breath back, as he did he brought his hand to his mouth. It was the hand filled with sulfur dust. With a great bellowing cough, he managed to send a cloud of the stuff into her face and then follow it with a tiger strike to the protrusion in the front of her neck above her collar bone and below her chin.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:56:18 PM
Her vision blinded momentarily from the dust to her eyes, De'Ville sensed the hand strike coming towards her in the Force. With a deft move, she reached with her right hand and blocked his attack, and then grabbed his wrist and shoved him away from her.

De'Ville swept her leg underneath him, spilling him to the ground again, and then leapt on top of him, straddling his chest and pinning him to the ground. She grabbed his face by the ears, and slammed his head into the ground. "Do you yield?!" She coughed from the dust, but lifted his head once more and slammed it down again.

Darth Turbogeek
Oct 15th, 2002, 03:49:11 PM
He was about to answer her, but the second blow of his head to the ground rendered him unable. His eyes rolled back into his head as he slipped out of consciousness. He was mow lying helpless , prone, and limp underneath the Dark Jedi. It was no surprise that one of his limited skill thus far in the ways of the Darkside would be bested in his encounter, and that inevitable end had no come to pass. Darth Turbogeek had been beaten.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 23rd, 2002, 11:40:23 AM
Standing up, she stepped over his prone body, and put her hands on her hips. "I would have expected more from a Q'Dunn." De'Ville nudged his side with her boot, and then bent down and hefted his body, grabbing an arm and a leg and hoisting him over her shoulders.

She used the Force to help lighten the load, and carried his unconscious form inside Bast, out of the weather. Once inside, she tumbled him to the ground, and called for another. "Jeseth!"