View Full Version : What do you think...? (Dutchy?)

May 27th, 2002, 10:30:42 PM
I was thinking of adding a box office prediction area to my JLBMovies site once I get it all updated again, but I would rather offer someone else the opportunity to think up the weekly box office estimates (I will be in charge of making the "actuals" chart each week as I usually do when I'm keeping the site up, so no worries there).

I was actually hoping/wondering if Dutchy would want to be my official box office predictor.

Basically, it could work any of several ways, but for minimal work I was even thinking if Dutchy would want to give me his predictions for new openings (for new movies) then I could do the actual writing and just use his predictions. Like I could say something simple... "So and so, opening in (#) theaters and starring (actors), should open somewhere around $(#) million." It would of course make it better to say other movies that opened similarly, for comparison's sake so people would know where the box office predictions were coming from, or Dutchy you could just write your own little few paragraphs if you actually wanted to do that. It wouldn't need to be at all as much as Box Office Guru writes and since I'd do the actual charts and stuff, it shouldn't be much work.

The reason I was thinking you might want to do it, Dutchy, is because you are already quite interested in the box office, quite accurate with your predictions, and I figured maybe you'd like the opportunity. I think you are more accurate than Box Office Guru often times and it would be cool if you had an opportunity to make predictions where many other people could hopefully see them.

Anyway, just an idea, but if not perhaps someone else would be interested. Do you all think Dutchy would make a good official analyst/prediction expert for my site? I think it would be cool...

May 28th, 2002, 08:33:32 AM
Dutchy would be a good choise...but if he declines their are several others around here(Darth23, sirdizzy, etc..) that would do well.

May 28th, 2002, 10:49:02 AM
I'm honored, but I could never be the best choice since I'm living in Europe and am mostly totally unaware of the movies opening in the USA. I could still make predictions, but it'd be hard for me. Of course for movies like AOTC I'm well known with the subject, but with most movies I'd feel too distant to make a good prediction.

So I think you need someone who's living in the USA.

It's nice of you to think of me first, though, and I feel honored to hear the amount of faith you got in me.

May 28th, 2002, 02:21:52 PM
That is true, you do live in another country so that would make it harder for you to predict (hehe, all the more impressive when you are right, then).

Well I had also thought of Darth23, and if he would want to do it, that'd be really cool. I just don't know how he'd feel about it, but he's a good predictor too. I could do it myself but I just thought it would be cool having someone else try it out.

Jedi Master Carr
May 28th, 2002, 08:51:23 PM
Don't look at me Jon, I did bad on the contest this weekend. :p Actually somebody who was great at it but doesn't post here anymore was Brister M, he make predictions and a lot of them were on the money, no clue what happened to him.

May 28th, 2002, 08:52:54 PM
That's a good point, he was good... But he disappeared.

But who would suggest such a radical amendment?

If only Queen Amidala were here.