View Full Version : Hands In The Heavy Water Buried In The Sand (Open Spar)

D'Mourning Orb
May 27th, 2002, 10:12:04 PM
Tiny bubbles of oxygen danced under water. The albino skin
of D'Mourning Orb's fists vehemntly attacked the ocean's current.
His muscles contracted again and again. With each punch he felt himself growing stronger. His breath escaped him for a moment, but he managed to catch a second wind. The resistance of the deep ocean current exhausted his flexing muscles. D'Mourning's pecs burned. His arms ached. The second wind carried his resistance training for another seven minutes. He drew his eyes close, drawing strength from somewhere innate, deep within himself. For the last ninety seconds of his workout, he re-opened his eyes, focusing on his surroundings in order to take his mind off of the aching pain. His last punch ended with D'Mourning dipping his sweat soaked face into the ocean's rippling waves.

He plodded up the shore to retrieve his lightsabre. From here he would commence his lightsabre training for at least another twenty-five minutes. He had endured a thirty-five minute training session earlier, but he felt anoter quick workout was neccessary. This much was for sure, D'Mourning Orb was getting stronger. In fact, he was in the best shape of his life. He had an overabundance of energy these days. A direct result of eating the right foods, as well as, constant exercise. He woke at five a.m., nearly every morning, to do one hundred fifty sit-ups and push-ups. He would also run two miles. That is, after a quick shower. D'Mourning had knack for keeping clean. With his new workout regimine, he was showering at least three times a day now. He had made good with this routine six days a week, for the last two weeks, while usually taking Sundays off.

D'Mourning ignited his lightsabre after a ten minute rest. He stood in a defensive stance for several moments, starring at an imaginary enemy. Today, like most days, he was the man who killed his sister, as well as his father. In his mind, it was the same despicable disgrace of a human being. D'Mourning's breath grew heavy. His shoulders grew broad, chest expanding. He began to lurch for the Sith figure when, all of a sudden, his mind failed him. In the distance, D'Mourning saw a figure approaching. A Jedi like himself. Lightsabre hilt, rattling gently against the image's hip.

OOC - Just post saying you're the figure approaching D'Mourning. You can attack first if you like.