View Full Version : I am Jedi Padawan Kack Mebuff

Kack Mebuff
May 27th, 2002, 09:49:43 PM
Background: I am Jedi padawan, Kack Mebuff.

I hail from the planet Naboo, where I once lived with my brother Core Mebuff and friend Eric Sanwe.

My brother was an exceptional swoop racer, and while at an invitational tournament on Umgul I was blinded when a thermal detonator exploded during a fight at a cantina.

The Force allowed me to survive, somehow, and I was visited by the spirit of the great Jedi Master, Mace Windu. Master Windu sent me here to become a Jedi like my great ancestor Jedi, Qui-Gon Jinn.

That is how I came to know of the Jedi. I inherited several books through my family concerning the Jedi. I have studied them over the past couple years. Until now I never really ever thought I could be one of the respected Jedi. But it has always been a dream of mine. The only power I have noticed is that I dream my future from time to time. Hopefully, with time and training I may become a Jedi Knight.

This is why I have come before you.
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The young man, no older than 18, stepped into the large temple. Dressed, in the traditional robes of a Jedi and with sunglasses over his eyes, the young man seemed, a bit uneasy. He was Kack Mebuff. But why shouldn't he feel uneasy? He was following the orders of a spirit of a man he had never known in his life. But yet something inside the young man told him to follow the orders anyway. And so here he was, standing in one of the greatest buildings ever, the Jedi Temple on Arcan IV.

The building was very different from the rest on the planet, it seemed much more influenced by artistic values than the other structures, which were built strictly for effeciency.

The young man slowly strode down the halls, seeming as though he could almost feel the way to his destination, almost as though someone else was guiding him even though he clearly walked alone. He soon came to a durasteel door, which opened as he approached. With a hiss the door slip open and Kack stepped through. As he walked to the center of the circular room he found himself surrounded by the Jedi Masters themselves ...

Xazor Elessar
May 28th, 2002, 03:53:16 PM
Xazor stepped from her place in the shadows. Her blue robes gentle flowed behind her on the ground, and her hair adorned in Garou Warrior braids, swung sightly with each step she took. The gold coins interwoven into them glanged gently together until she stopped. Bowing to the newcomer, she rose and smiled.

"Greetings to you......I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider.....your name is...Kack, yes?"

She had probed his thoughts and mind for the name as she did with many others she had met. Smiling gently, she waited for him to speak.

Kack Mebuff
May 29th, 2002, 09:37:56 PM
Kack bowed in return. "Yes, I am Kack Mebuff. I was sent by the spirit of Jedi Master Mace Windu." He couldn't help but smirk at how foolish he must have sounded, telling this venerable Jedi that he had been sent by a dead guy. Yet she just nodded, understanding.

Kack couldn't see the beautiful Jedi, but could feel her elegance. He felt almost consumed by her beauty, but Kack then grounded himself, and cleared his throat.

"I ... I am seeking a Master." He searched for some sort of sign of approval from the Warrior. He continued, "I have been studying the Jedi for the past several years, and wish to become one of you. I realize I am very much older than most Jedi, but I am more than willing to do whatever is requested of me."

Kack waited for the Jedi to respond ...

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 07:11:48 PM
Xazor stepped closer to him, the light shining down on her now....and he could clearly see the pretty woman. Smiling brightly, her elongated canines caught the light and gleamed. The silver specks in her deep blue eyes sparkled, showing her intrigue about the newcomer.

"Yes.....a great Master was Mace. He sent you here, yes? I see.....you wish to be a Jedi for yourself, though. You have a good heart....."

She smiled gently, moving a bit closer, and stopping only about five feet from the man now. Crossing her arms over her chest, she eyed him closely before speaking once again.

"Age matters not...isn't that what Master Yoda once said? Here we do not bother with age...you shall be trained as a Jedi. Welcome to the Greater Jedi Order. We have many Masters and Knights, but a great amount of them are unable to train Padawans at this moment due to other committments. If you wish, you may join the Force class in the Academy. You will learn a great deal there...and perhaps make some new friends."

She said with a gentle smile. It was so good to welcome new life into the Jedi Order. Now he was a star of hope for the future generations...

Kack Mebuff
May 31st, 2002, 08:07:30 PM
Kack thought for a moment, rather flattered that the Jedi had thought somewhat highly of him. "I will go to this Force Training Class that you speak of." Kack stopped for a moment, he seemed to stare into the Jedi Master. Of course he couldn't stare really, being blind, of course. "You are teaching it? Yes?" Jedi Master Dawnstrider nodded. With that the two exited.