View Full Version : Rama's Corner: A Manifestation.....(open to all)

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 11:19:50 PM
It was a cold evening and outside, the rain pounded down relentlessly upon the land. Two lone figures made their way through the thick fog and darkness to an establishment known better as "Rama's Corner". It was a Sith bar, located at the Sith Empire....a dark, quiet place where those who wished to escape, did. If you sought to drown in your sorrows...or just drown someone, that was the place to go.

Stepping into the bar, one might wish to turn back and leave...but looks can be decieving. A woman and a male figure following her, walked toward the back corner of the bar....as if they had been there before. By their auras....people could tell they were Jedi. Pulling down her hood, Xazor took a seat at a booth and nodded for the one who followed to sit himself across from her.

"This, my young Padawan...is Rama's Corner...the Sith Bar. It isn't like Yog's back home, is it?"

She questioned with a gentle smile. A server droid noisily beemed up to their table to take their orders. Xazor ordered a JD and left open air space for Sene to order whatever he like. It was on her this eve. Looking around as he did so, the Jedi Knight saw many faces that she recognized...but seemed to be enemies of her. Not many in this bar liked her very much...and she understood. It was all because she was a Jedi...and they would hate her student in the same way. He needed exposure, and she couldn't think of a better way to give him his first taste of the darkness around them....

Sene Unty
May 26th, 2002, 11:30:01 PM
Feared gripped Sene's heart like a steel hand. Over and over again he silently cursed his master for her descision t bring him here. What a great surprise this was. He would have to tell her how upset he was once he could talk. Surrounding them on every corner was some evil incarnation of the drakside. Siths. They stunk of evil, in a rotting festering sort of way. Dim lights and a greasy haze further diminished Sene's nerves and the oly thoughts that sprung to mind consisted of escape attempts.

He wasn't a warrior. He was just a boy. He could barely pick up a rock with his mind, and his master brought him here! To the last place any decent self-respecting Jedi should ever go...a Sith bar.

Man it stunk. And did it have to be so dark?

His master ordered a drink and gave him a chance to order something too. He didn't. He still couldn't talk. Why was he here?!?!

And what was that smell? Did all Sith smell this bad or just the ones in here!

Sene was very uneasy...

Tempist Opps
May 27th, 2002, 07:57:07 AM
In a dark corner sat the shapeshifter, Tempist Opps. He didn't look like he usialy did, instead he was in a human form. As Xazor entered the room, he grinned slightly. She was an old 'aquaintance' of his, and apparently she had been doing well in GJO. He stood to talk to her, and noticed a boy with her. He sensed much uneasiness in him, and his reaction to the outward appearance of the bar seemed to be somewhat comical.

"Good evening Xazor. A child of your's, or an apprentice?"

Vega Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2002, 09:56:47 AM
Across from the gathering a voice chimed loudly, thickly accentuated and overly arrogant:

"A slave would be a more fitting term, I imagine."

Momentarily the Jedi's eyes were drawn to the figure who sat, boots up on the table before him, with his arms crossed over his chest. The Lupine Sith Lord simply smiled mockingly at the attention placed on him, before raising his glass of JD in a feigned salute.

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 12:20:56 PM
Xazor smiled as Tempist approached her. Indeed, they were old "acquantances" of sorts. He had spared her life, though, and for that...she was grateful.

"A good evening to you also, Tempist. This is one of my apprentices....his name is Sene. I suppose he is like a child to me, I watch out for him all the time."

She said gently, laying a hand on the boy's shoulder for comfort. She could sense his uneasienss, but hopefully she would accomplish the task she set before herself. She did not want him to be afraid of the Sith....but to be aware.

The Knight's attention was quickly brought to an oh so familiar face....Vega Van Derveld. Bowing in respect...which he did not deserve, she smiled.

"A slave you say? I think you should re examine your observation. One who serves the false shadow of the true Force is a slave to eternal damnation. I am sorry you view us as such....quite a shame really, Vega. Would you join us for a drink....or are we too good for you?"

The Knight smiled toothily, reminding him that she too had the spirit of a wolf. She moved a few more chairs up to the table, openly welcoming Tempist, Vega....and whoever else, to join them. The uneasiness that Sene was putting off was quite a bit, but he would get over it. True, he was only a boy...but it was better to be knowledgable, rather than kept sheltered. She wouldn't shelter him, and this was just the kind of exposure he needed...

Darth Vader
May 27th, 2002, 05:01:40 PM
:: Entering the bar, behind Xazor and her apprentice, a man shroud in deepest obsidian stood ominously silent, save for his chilling rasp ::

<font size=-2>hohhhhhh.....pahhhhhhhhh...............hohhhhhhh.. ...pahhhhhhhh.....</font>

Sene Unty
May 27th, 2002, 08:39:11 PM
Sene swallowed with all his might, but the walnut shaped lump still stuck in his throat.

His master was crazy. Certifiable. When Sene got back to the acadamy (IF he got back to the acadamy) he was going to send his master to some institution from which she would never emerge.

Yes. That was what he would do.

She was inviting them....to sit next to him....SITHS?!?!?! This was insane....

Sene sat in the chair and stared at his master, prepared to mouth the words "lets get out of here." when he stopped. She was smiling at him. A warm confident smile.

And all of a sudden self-assurance washed over him like a warm liquid. It filled his inside, clearing his throat and nerves and making him grin.

He could do this. He could be better than this. He looked at the one who called him a slave and shot him a look.

"Master...I think I would like a drink...I'll have what he's having." He said, pointing at the grinning man.

Just then he he became aware of a metallic breathing behind him.....

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 09:11:03 PM
Xazor saw the look of distress on Sene's face but then felt a sudden change in him...when she sent her confidence his way. He too grew more confident, and in doing so....ordered one of the most potent drinks in the bar. She could have laughed, but surpressed it and ordered two JD's. The order was soon filled, and as the drinks were set upon the table, Xazor heard a terribly familiar sound.

Turning slowly on her heal, she came face to...mask...with Darth Vader himself. He was too close for comfort, but she wouldn't let that be known to anyone else in the bar, expecially her student. Bowing in respect to him, she smiled, bur rubbed her left forearm with her right...recalling the pain and agony he put her through when cutting off her arm.

"Greetings Lord Vader, what a.....pleasure, to meet you once again."

The Knight said softly. Quickly she turned around and brought her attention back to Tempist and Vega, hoping they would join herself and her learner for a drink. Sitting down, she handed the glass of JD to Sene. The boy took it in his hands and she had to grin.

"Go ahead....try it."

She giggled under her breath, knowing it could take him down for the count. Xazor didn't say anything though, and let him have a taste of what Vega and she were drinking. Hopefully he wouldn't get too addicted to it. Looking back to the frightening sight of Vader, she waved her hand and motioned for him to come to her table...all of which was against her better judgement.

"Come...sit with us, anyone who wishes. Drinks are on me!"

She proclaimed throughout the bar from her place in the center of the establishment. She was getting mixed feelings from Sene....he either thought she was absolutely insane, or that she was brave beyond common sense. Either way, she was accomplishing the task she had set before herself.

Sene Unty
May 27th, 2002, 09:24:20 PM
The big black machine guy would had a serious case of asthma caused a shiver to go up and down his spine over and over again.

He was big. And he was scary. And he was breathing funny. All in all, not a good combination.

He had a presence that even his master could not ignore. She seemed rattled by him, yet she gained her composure quickly. She was a real strong lady, that much was certain to Sene. The pause as the Siths decided what to do, gave Sene a chance to look at his drink. It was a frothy liquid that probably would not go down easily, but Sene did not care. He had lots of alcohol when he lad his life as a child of a rich banker. He hadn't gotten drunk then, and he wouldn't get drunk now.

He took a gulp and everything from the tips of his toes to the top of his head seemed to catch fire....

Darth Vader
May 27th, 2002, 10:41:52 PM
:: Vader waggled a finger at Xazor in a threatening manner ::

Let us dispense with the pleasantries, Xazor...they insult our very nature.

imported_Blade Ice
May 27th, 2002, 10:42:45 PM
(blade saw the jedi in what he claimed as his bar or at least his people the siths bar. he did not like jedi and especially not in his bar. blade looked to his master vega with a cocky grin. vega understood exactly what his apprentice was thinking. blade wanted to kill these intruding jedi on his turf. blade reached for both his sabers and spoke quitely enough so that only his master could here.)

Just say the word and I will cut them down where they sit.

Leon Katsuragi
May 28th, 2002, 03:38:33 PM
*Leon pushed away from the wall he was leaning on and made his way over to where a few other sith seemed to be gathering.. and he knew why.. it was a jedi.. but not just a jedi it was Xazor.. she had quite a bad rep. among the sith.. mostly because she talked to much.. he wonderd if she still did... but there was another.. he figured it might be a padawan..*


*Walking to the table he passed by blade.. it did not take alot to catch what he was thinking when he reached for his sabers quietly.. Leon patted his sholder gently as he passed and gave a sideways glance and a dark smile*

"Kill the master infront of her slave.. its alot more fun when you send the little ones into trama.. But I don't suggest it at the moment.. kill one and like little annoying bugs like they are more just seem to come and ruin the picnic.."

*After that said he moved to the back of Sene's chair, put his hands on it and rattled it right after he took his drink, with a smile and a quiet laugh he moved to the side and smiled down at him*

"Try not to hurt yourself, boy."

*He bowed to the rest of the people at the table.. then straightened up with a now cocky smile*

"I heard free drinks and just had to come!"

Lady Vader
May 28th, 2002, 03:44:52 PM
*LV lounged on one of the couches near the silent fireplace, to the side of the main bar, reading a magazine. She didn't visit Rama's Corner often, but when she did, she always came to this spot in the bar. It had become a sort of haven to escape life and it's mundane issues.*

*Her Force sense instantly picked up on the two Jedi that entered the bar, one of them just spilling fear. Somewhat curious, she set the magazine down and watched them. The talk in the bar had suddenly become more hushed, as half the patrons looked at the Jedi.*

*It was only the briefest of moments before she sensed the other aura. Powerful and very familiar. It was at that moment Lord Vader walked in. She smiled and gave the Jedi and the man clad in black her full attention.*

Tempist Opps
May 28th, 2002, 03:50:00 PM
"No thanks, tryin' to quit." He replied to Xazor's offer for a drink. He turned to her padiwan, and spoke.

"Your master seems to have a self destructive complex, little one. Although she isn't a bad fighter, she thinks too highly of herself if she is to bring you here, into a bar full of Sith, let alone some of the most powerful Sith in existance. How far along is your training?"

Xazor Elessar
May 28th, 2002, 04:10:31 PM
Xazor turned around to Vader and looked right into his....well, mask once again. She had had enough of him pushing her around.

"Oh Vader.....put a cork in it and get yourself a drink."

She couldn't believe she had said it...but was very relieved when she had done so. Smiling to herself, she turned back to the other Sith who were seemingly mocking them. It was alright, though. The Knight felt some tension from one that she had fought....and he wished to take her out now. Paying no mind to it, she turned to Tempist and smiled slightly.

"It is not I that has to deal with ego trips everytime I get a punch in, in a fight. So, you quite drinking now? You won't even have a small glass of something? Surly you must....it's on me anyway."

The Garou flashed her elongated canines and turned to Leon. Nodding slightly in reply, she spoke.

"Yes, you care to join us? Be my guest...."

It was not difficult to speak with these Sith.... or stand up to them for that matter. She was trying to accomplish many things tonight...and she was doing a pretty good job. She wouldn't die tonight....and if they tried to beat her up a little, she'd fight back. Indeed....she was strong and not willing to be scared off by the words uttered from the mouths of the Sith....

Darth Vader
May 28th, 2002, 04:37:24 PM
You have no sense of self-preservation, but perhaps your apprentice can convince you otherwise.

:: Vader's gloved right hand tightened into a fist, and a choking gasp could be heard nearby ::

Leon Katsuragi
May 28th, 2002, 05:49:48 PM
"Great! I'd love to!"

*Pulling up a seat Leon seated himself at the table with no hesitation, Bought by a Jedi or not.. free drinks were free drinks it was pretty much all the same... besides he planned to get the most expensive thing they had.. chuckling at the thought he looked up at vader with a grin*

"Aw, Vader.. can't you wait till after the drinks?"

*Before any responce could be made he stopped a droid passing by and sure enough he spoke what he thought*

"The most expensive drink you have, I don't care whats in it as long as it costs lots.. She is paying."

*Leon looked up at Xazor and smiled*

Belial MadHatter
May 28th, 2002, 06:01:28 PM
"Well, well, well .. Look what the cat drug in."

Leaning against one of the walls, Belial's black eyes flickered over Xazor and her padawan.

"Say, didn't another Jedi Knight and his apprentice come in Rama's one day ...? Seems like this is beginning to become a fad now .."

Belial grinned, her painted lips curling upwards. Hush, little baby, don't say a word ... Mama's gonna poison your mocking bird... These words echoed in the mind of the young padawan as Vader had his "fun".

May 28th, 2002, 06:48:03 PM
Cloak had been seated quietly, as usual, and was sipping his Corellian whiskey away. He knew as everyone else did that there was a jedi amongst them. He tried to avoid pointless encounters as did his predecessors, and he saw no need for an encounter at present. However, if something did get started, he had a firm clutch of his saber with his left hand. His travels had led him away from pointless brutality and he knew that someday he'd have to return to it.

Xazor Elessar
May 28th, 2002, 07:25:53 PM
Xazor didn't care if Leon ordered the most expensive thing the bar had....she had more money than he'd know what to do with. Smiling up at Vader, she shook her head.

"You dishonor the name of the Sith by your actions. No wonder there is a shortage of ones of your kind in the galaxy.....or wait, is that because they have been losing so many battles lately? You tell me...."

She grinned up at the Sith Lord. Knowing that her mouth could get her in trouble here, she didn't care. This was her "fun" and it was also teaching her Padawan a silent message. Looking to Belial, she nodded in acknowledgment. They had met in the bar once before, and for some reason unbeknownst to the Jedi Knight....the Sith woman had taken quite a disliking for her. Without second thoughts, though...she smiled her way, motioning for the woman to join her.

You must be accepting of all....but hold your ground young one.

She said in the boy's mind. This was one of the most important things she wished for him to learn. He wasn't going to get by, by letting others walk all over him. He had to be strong....but be loving and accepting of those perhaps...lesser in character than he.

ooc: I apologize for all "personal" attacks in this. It is just me playing the part. Xazor has quite the cocky attitude....and is trying to purposfully rile the Sith. :lol Don't be mad at me...it's just a game. I just feel bad for writing such mean things to all of you guys!! Apologies, but keep it coming. This is going just the way I wanted it to. :)

Leon Katsuragi
May 28th, 2002, 07:52:45 PM
*Leon leaned back in his seat as he waited for his drink to come.. as he did he listend in on what Xazor was talking about.. and so was a good portion of the bar doing the same.. He then chuckled after what she had said to vader.. So she still talked to much.. he was willing to take up bets untill someone ripped out her vocal cords.*

"I thought jedi were just ignorant.. not suicidal, Besides.. leaving the sith is a true dishonor, even worse when they go to the jedi and think they are better then what they were but still very much am..... sith."

*He smiled up to xazor again.. he knew his comment was going to hit close to home, if she showed it or not.. He then looked at her padawan and used the force to speek to him..*

You seem smart for a jedi, so I don't have to warn you to not follow what your master does, if so I am sure a few of us will happly remind you.

*He smiled and took his drink that had finaly came.. looking at it he raised an eyebrow and swirled the contents around with a motion of his wrist*

".....the hell is this?"

ooc: Its okay... This is fun fun bubble gum... o_O

:crack Hey look! its yoda! lol...

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 12:34:35 AM
Sene couldn't breathe. His breath came in rasps through a pinched throat, and it seemed to take all he had to draw air into his lungs. The machine man...Vader?...was doing this to him, that much was obvious from his clenched fist pointing at the young boy. What surprised Sene was how no one seemed to be doing anything to stop him. Even his master seemed oblivious to his present state of Asphyxiation. It appeared as if he was on his own. Then all of a sudden breath returned to him. Sene quickly drew in deep gasps of fresh (well as fresh as the smog infested soup that passed as oxygen around here) airinto his lungs. Vader appeared to have let him off this time. Then words were echoed in his head. The man who had shook his chair had sent words into his head with the force....a threat.


Sene didn't much like threats. Escpecially from this pathetic freak who couldn't seem to sit down for any length of time. Turning in his chair to face him he smiled and spoke...

"The only dishonor I see here is from you. My master has simply offered you a drink and you have practically spit in her face....that isn't anyway to treat one who comes in peace."

And with that he downed the remaining liquor in his glass, attempting to hide the natural instinct to scream as his insides burned.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 29th, 2002, 10:30:42 AM
Accepting the offer of a chance to play with Xazor, Vega kicked his feet off of his table and pushed himself up to his feet. Striding across towards the Jedi table, he grinned darkly as he sat down by the Jedi Padawan Sene.

"Good evening," he said, addressing him.

Xavier Sadow
May 29th, 2002, 01:08:59 PM
Xavier slowly walks up beside his master, Vega. The young Sith Warrior looks down at the Padawan and smirks.

"It would be a good idea to watch what you say when you are in here. It doesn't take much to set one of us off and if you set one off.. others will follow."

Xavier smirks again and looks to the service droid. He orders a Corellian ale and nods slightly to the droid as he takes the drink. He raises it to his mouth and takes a long drink from the glass before setting it down.

Lady Vader
May 29th, 2002, 01:29:39 PM
*LV burst into laughter at Xazor's "...you dishonor the Sith..." comment to Vader. She didn't bother moving where she was lounging, but rather addressed the Jedi quite loudly.*

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. I guess rumors of you being naive are much too nice for you. I'd venture to say you're quite stupid to come in here, into a hive FULL of Sith, and then insult one of the most respected Sith of all?

*She sat up, smiling ferally in Xazor's direction.*

Somehow, that to me construdes that you have a death wish of some sort.

Xavier Sadow
May 29th, 2002, 01:39:15 PM
Xavier's eyes slowly move to Lady Vader as he hears her comment. He smirks slightly and finishes off the rest of the ale before his gaze moves over the Lord Vader and to the Jedi.

He crosses his arms over his chest slowly as he slowly turns his head to each side, cracking his neck rather loudly each way he turns his head.

Tempist Opps
May 29th, 2002, 02:44:46 PM
Xazor, you'd best watch your tounge unless you wish me to finish what I started in our last fight. Tempist said to Xazor through the force, as well as the image of his last attack on her... his slaming her into the ground. He also sent this image to her padiwan, and gave him a cool smile.

"See, not only does your master apparently wish to be killed, but it seems that she wishes a slow, painful death, hours upon hours of agony. You may not want to pick up that habbit from her."

Leon Katsuragi
May 29th, 2002, 03:13:29 PM
*Leon set the drink on the table after the padawan had spoke to him.. First giving him a sideways glance and a smirk he then turned to him.. But then extended his hand in greeting*

"I don't believe we have meet properly yet, I am Leon Katsuragi.. I am impressed that you have the guts to talk up in a bar full of sith, usually a padawan just sits quietly like a lap dog.. or if they do say something are usually killed instantly.."

*Still facing the padawan Leon sent a force message Tempist's way, all the sith in the happy little group seemed to be getting the same idea as what he just said*

Next chance you get rip out the vocal cords and tounge infront of her padawans... Then we wont seem to have this problem now would we?

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 07:51:40 PM
Xazor did not listen to what Leon said. She was a Jedi that was tired of getting knocked around whenever she entered this establishment. She had not "dishonored" the Sith by leaving them...she had saved herself from their false teachings. When Lady Vader spoke up...Xazor almost burst from laughter. The Knight surpressed it, though, and instead...turned to Tempist. He seemed to be the only being decent to her at this moment.

I will Tempist...but I am tired of being walked on. Your warning is taken well...

She spoke in his mind. Her Padawan was handing this well, and she was proud of him for the way he was conducting himself.

You are doing well, Sene...don't let anyone push you around...but don't get too cocky. Leave that to me...I can't afford having you mopped across the floor by one of these guys. Let's cool off a bit and enjoy our drinks...really, they are not so bad if you get on a topic they enjoy...

The Garou smiled toothily as she spoke in her learner's mind. Turning to face Vega, she smiled the same at him.

"So Vega...how are things going with you? It has been some time...hmmm...about two months since we last spoke? I do believe it was in this very establishment."

She recalled the rocky meeting they had once shared. In truth, they had met on bad ground several times. He seemed like an interesting person...perhaps he would speak with the intellect she thought he might have a chance at possessing....

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 08:34:17 PM
Deep inside himself Sene found all of these exchanges terribly fascinating. How the Siths conducted themselves, their threats mostly, came off as a front. By no means was Sene thinking they would not carry through on their threats, only that their postering and self-indulgence was enlightning. Often as a boy he saw a similar traits in his mother and father. Sene surpressed a laugh when he thought of his parents as Siths.

Oh they would have been absolutly terrible.

Sene took another sip of his almost empty glass and he realized that the liquor was beginning to take an effect. Time seemed to slow down slightly and his eyes got slightly hazy. For a second Sene almost giggled out loud. Then he realized where he was and kept his humor to himself. Then a thought came to him. All at once he had a million questions to ask the Sith who had introduced himself to Sene. Oh but where should he start....

"So." He said out loud, "Killed any good people lately."

Sene was obviously drunk....

Leon Katsuragi
May 29th, 2002, 10:01:47 PM

*Leon raised an eyebrow in supprise at the question.. It had not taken very long for the jedi padawan to get drunk.. but for a reason leon did not care, this seemed like it was going to be fun... He snickerd and soon followed with a loud laugh.. Indeed, this was going to be amusing*

"Well... I still don't know your name.. But..."

*He sat up in his seat in what seemed like he was thinking back on the question, then he leaned back forword with a silly grin*

"I would not call them good people, see they tryed to go behind my back.. but I soon took care of that.. Um.. what about you have you... uh... protected any good people lately?"

Sene Unty
May 29th, 2002, 10:11:34 PM
"My name is Sene...Leon was it?.....you shouldn't kill anyone. Killing people is bad. Very bad. Its not good and I'll tell you why....because I'm a Jedi and I protect people. No I Haven't protected anyone. Do you think that makes me a bad padawan?"

Sene wasn't making sense. He was drunk and he knew it. He was talking before thinking and thinking much to slowly to stop anything from being said. This was a problem but for the time being he would just have to ride the wave.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 30th, 2002, 01:41:32 PM
Vega grinned toothily at Sene before turning his attention to Xazor.

"It's been that long? It seems like just yesterday I was ruining your little friendship with one of the Disciples at the Empire, friend," he laughed.

"Is that what you're here for today then, hmm? To show your little slave boy how to play families with the Sith?"

The Sith Lord turned, and looked towards Sene.

This should be fun, my apprentice, he said through the force to Xavier, before slowly crunching an invisible force around the Padawan's throat.

Xavier Sadow
May 30th, 2002, 01:47:54 PM
Xavier smiles slowly as he hears the message in his head from his master. He watches the Padawan carefully, feeling his master reach out with the force and constrict the young Jedi's trachea.

Xavier holds back a chuckles and slowly runs his hand back through his hair, watching the two Jedi carefully.

Leon Katsuragi
May 30th, 2002, 03:07:53 PM
"........No.... the only bad thing is that you happen to be a jedi padawan......."

*Leon looked at vega with a sideways glance, he could feel what he was doing through the force to the padawan.. He leaned back in his seat and rested his elbows on it's back rest as he moved his attention to xazor wondering how long it would take for her to notice, and with a grin he started to count the time.*

Xazor Elessar
May 30th, 2002, 08:55:19 PM
It hadn't taken long for Xazor to react to the hold Vega held on her Padawan. Reaching out her hand, she sent a Force blast his way and sent him out of his seat, making him release his hold on Sene. She then got up from her seat and growled audibly. Her eyes split down the middle and her elongated canines gained some length. She was beginning to...change....again. She couldn't let that happen. Bending over the Sith, she glared into his eyes.

"And I hate you for ruining my friendship! I hate you Vega! I hate you so damn much! That is not what I am doing with my student. I wanted him to see how vile all of you Sith truly are. How utterly vile and disgusting excuses you are! And you call yourselves Force users! You're a disgrace to the Force and everyone knows it! Sene...let's go...."

She could tell that he was too drunk to know any better. Quickly moving toward him, she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him from his seat.

"Let's go now..."

She said to him once again. Not bothering to look at anyone around her, she drug Sene to the door. Pushing through it, she looked back one last time and then left. She had to leave or the anger towards Vega would explode and one of two things or both would happen. Either she would fully change....or she would use her anger against him. The worst that could happen was both...though. Sighing, she continued dragging Sene along with her, not speaking a word.....the last comments by Vega had hit too close to home for her, and she had to meditate on it....

Sene Unty
May 30th, 2002, 09:15:43 PM
Sene couldn't understand what was happening. From what he could understand from the haze that surrounded his mind, his master had just dragged him from the bar. As the cool breeze of the night splashed against Sene's face, Sene couldn't help but feel confused.

One second his breathing had stopped, the next screaming was heard, and finally he was being dragged.

But he didnt want to leave. He was having a good time with that Leon guy. He hadn't even answered his last question!

Or had he.

Sene couldn't decide.

"Master why are we goin'?"

No answer. Through the little bit of the force that Sene could feel, he sensed that his master was angry. But she was a Jedi. She wasn't supposed to be angry. Right?

"Mas..ter re you okay?" His words were slurring together. Oh, man he was drunk.

"I don't want to leave" He yanked his arm out of Xazor's grip. He stared at his master hard.

"I was having a good time."

Sene continued to stare...

Darth Vader
May 30th, 2002, 09:24:43 PM
:: Anger...at last! Though nobody could see the face hidden behind the dark mask, there was a smile. A perverse, twisted, evil grin...that faded quicker than it appeared. The Dark Lord leisurely followed the fleeing pair, seeing their figures moving away quickly. Hands at his side, Vader's dark figure began to rise in the air, and moved toward the fleeing Jedi. Traveling through the air, he would soon overtake them...and in no time, lowered himself in front of the pair, halting them in their tracks. ::

Vega Van-Derveld
May 31st, 2002, 09:40:30 AM
Vega grinned darkly as he was tossed back by Xazor. The words that passed her lips told of hate and anger, traits which Jedi were not keen on. Yet it seemed this Knight was quite aqquainted with them.

"Hate me now, hmm? Remarkably Sith-like of you, Xazor!" Vega jeered as he stood up.

Xavier Sadow
May 31st, 2002, 01:35:09 PM
Xavier lets out a quiet laugh, not able to hold it in anymore. He shakes his head slowly.

"Us..? Poor excuses for Force users? Seems to be that she is the poor excuse. She can't even hold to the Jedi traits which she is suppose to live by. Rather amusing.."

Xavier chuckles quietly and shakes his head slowly, very disapointed in how easily the Jedi was to anger.

Leon Katsuragi
May 31st, 2002, 03:23:00 PM
*Leon stood up, stretched and yawned.. He knew this was going to happen but he wondered why the jedi knight always brought such things upon herself.. most of all why she had brought her padawan into it..*

"How sad... I kinda started to like him.."

*Picking up an unfinished bottle off the table he finished it off and looked over at vega.. wondering why he did not attack.. Then laughed out loud at the fact that he had more control over his anger then the jedi.. Walking out of the door he picked up his pike that rested right at its side.. It was to large to carry to his seat so he did not bother with it and just left it as he walked in*

"Hey vega... wanna come along? I have a feeling they wont get far and I don't wanna miss it.."

*With a dark grin he started on the path the two jedi were walking.. his pike rested on his shoulder... Indeed.. he did not want to miss this..*

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 03:30:06 PM
Xazor faced Sene and returned the hard look.

"Listen to me.....we are going, now...if you do not follow, you take responsibility for yourself. I can't be here anymore. I must go...seek meditation."

She continued walking on, he deciding to follow. Suddenly Vader stopped down right in front of them. Moving to the side, she walked right past him.

"Go away Vader....I don't want your Sith-Scout cookies today."

She said in an irritated voice. The Sith had once again brought her to anger, something she did not wish to happen.....not in front of her Padawan especially. Growling deeply at herself, she scolded her actions in her mind.

OOC: By the way....this is set at about the same time I had sought consel from the Council....right before Marcus was to take me on our mission. So in the timeline...I am over this already, but I have to RP it out to finish part of a bigger story. :) Thanks to all who participated...just go with it now, and don't kill or maim me or my Padawan. :lol

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 04:46:24 PM
::On this very dark and dingy night, a Jedi Master was making her way to Ramas. This might seem like an odd place to find a Jedi, but Leia has been known to visit time to time...just to mingle and observe the going ons. With her hood pulled up and the rain trickling down on her...the Jedi Master neared Ramas.::

::Leia stopped in her tacks momentarily. Her eyes became intense as she sense an alarming disturbance. Her Jedi intuition picked up two Jedi in danger. The Jedi Master picked up her stride and came up behind a very tall dark cloaked figured whose back was turned to her. She could hear Xazor Dawnstrider's voice having words with this statuesque sith.::

XAZOR....are you alright?!

::Leia waited eagerly for a reply as her hand slide down to her belt and rested on her saber hilt. Just in case!::

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 04:56:21 PM
:: At a recognizable voice, the Dark Lord turns...watching the newcomer. ::


Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 05:03:43 PM
Xazor was very alarmed to see Jedi Master Leia Solo standing behind Vader. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, hoping the great teacher had not heard her words.....or her actions. Continuing to walk past Vader, Xazor nodded slightly.

"Everything is fine...."

She said softly. Her eyes told the true story, though. All was not well with her. She had done it again...fallen to anger.

I cannot say to much here...but what I just told you was not the truth....

She said in the woman's mind, keeping a mind block up so that Vader couldn't hear the words spoken in secret.

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 05:07:26 PM
Why leave now?

:: Vader extended a hand in Xazor's direction ::

Just when you begin your step toward greatness, is no reason to hide from your Master. Not in this glorious moment.

:: His extended hand tightened into a fist for emphasis to his words. ::

Your thoughts betray you, Xazor. Now....share your anger to all!

Lady Vader
May 31st, 2002, 05:14:28 PM
*LV watched the burst of anger with an evil delight, feeling Xazor loosing control. She sneered as the young Jedi left the establishment, and walked towards the door as Vader went after them.*

*She walked a few feet from the door, and heard the words exchanged, even noticing the petite Jedi that appeared on the scene.*

*She spoke in an almost-whisper voice.*

Well, well... look what the cat dragged in...

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 06:27:14 PM
::Leia gave a cold stare to Vader as he revealed his presence. The Jedi Master didn't not flinch...but tighten her grip on her lightsaber::

YOU!!!! I should have known all along it had to be you, up to no good!

::As Xazor walked up to Leia and tried to explain her tale. The Jedi Master looked right through her and knew there were some true inner conflicts with this young Jedi. As Xazor walked behind Leia...the Jedi Master motioned her arm in a holding back fashion, as though protecting Xazor and her padawan from the Sith Lord::

No need for us to discuss this now. I suggest we head back to the Temple.

::Suddenly a snicker could be heard from behind Vader. Leia just shook her head, knowing all too well the familar cackle::

Well..Vader...seems like your cat wants to play. I suggest you run along with her too.

::Sarcastic as always and true Leia form, she gave a smirk after her comment. Turning back to Xazor::

Lets be on our way, for nothing good will come of this but a bunch of trouble, lies and disceptions. So true to form are the Sith, picking on the young!

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 06:37:19 PM

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 06:51:36 PM
::Within a blink of an eye::


::Leia ignited her lightsaber::

We don't want any trouble here Vader. So I suggest you put your little toy away and let us go back to the Jedi Temple peacefully.

::The Jedi Master replied to the Darth Lord firmly::

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 06:54:35 PM
Xazor and her apprentice may leave. They are no good to me dead.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 06:59:13 PM
::With her lightsaber ignited, Leia eyed the Dark Lord::

They will never do you any good Vader. They will not fall into your clutches of evil. I assure you!

::Keeping her eyes keenly focused on Vader , Leia called back to Xazor and her padawan::

Go...go now back to Avalon..IMMEDIATELY!! NOW!!!!!

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 06:59:21 PM
Xazor growled deeply, her eyes slit down the middle still and her elongated canines gleaming in the light of the dim holo lamps outside the bar. She stared through Vader and grabbed her saber from her belt, igniting it with a hissing sound. The hum was familiar to her....as well as the scene.

"Greatness? What greatness do you speak of....the fact that I'm a better person than you, or the fact that I have been trained well and can finally defeat you? What is so great about this moment, Vader?!"

She demanded, stepping closer. This was it...the breaking point. Either he would explode with rage on her and she would react....or he would go after her anyway....and she would put her saber away. She had no business stepping into something that was being handeled.....but that was her emotions speaking, not her mind....

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 07:02:48 PM
::Leia shouted at Xazor::


Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 07:17:26 PM
:: The Dark Lord brought his blade up, slowly pacing. ::

Such pride...can you feel it? It makes you feel invincible!

:: With an outstretched hand, Vader commands a tree to be torn from the ground, roots and all. The huge mass flips on its side, hurtling toward Xazor's padawan like a giant tumbleweed. ::

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 07:22:43 PM
::Watching Vader closely...the Jedi Master motioned her hand and force pushed Xazor's padawan out of the way....as he falls several feet away from the hurling mass. Taking a few steps forward towards Vader with her lightsaber defensively infront of her...::

So sadly are you mistaken Vader. Invincible NO ONE is including

EDITED: OOC: Ooops! Didnt know your padawan was a he. Sorry:(

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 07:29:03 PM
:: Vader met Leia's advance with his clashing blade. He held her in check, neither countering nor moving. ::

Small words, and smaller comfort, Sister of Skywalker.

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 07:30:08 PM
Xazor growled and reluctantly disengaged her saber, clipping it to her belt. Her heart lept into her throat as Vader threatened her Padawan, but was relieved when Leia pushed him away from the destruction.

"No one is invincible...and if you think you are, you have a mental problem! Perhaps that helmet of yours is too tight!"

She yelled at him and then stepped behind Leia once again to join Sene.

I'll trust you and go....

She said in the woman's mind. No looking back, she helped her Padawan to his feet and motioned for him to go with her. Grabbing him by the arm, she nearly had to drag him again to get him to follow....

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 31st, 2002, 07:41:40 PM
::The hum of both Jedi and Sith blades can be heard echoing thru the chill of the night. Hearing Vader's remarks, Leia just stared up at the Dark Lord....her image reflecting off the eye coverings on his helmet::

Yes..I am the sister of Skywalker. A name I am very proud of. A true Jedi Name I may add! You say my words are small, but even small words are very powerful and nothing but the truth and you know it! I speak the truth. YOU are NOT all that invincible!

::The Jedi Master stated in a very firm voice. As both blades remained crosslocked .::

::Hearing Xazor saying she was leaving, was good news to the Jedi Master's ears. She nodded in agreeance never letting her guard down from Vader::

Good Xazor!! Go with your padawan and do not look back. Quickly be on your way!

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 08:18:09 PM
Xazor heard Leia's words and continued, her pace quickening as she went.

"Come Sene....we must go to the temple and wait for the Jedi Master...."

She said as they continued. She would have to explain this to not only Leia...but everyone else too. Sighing in her heart, she let go and did not look back as the pair continued on their way to the Temple...

Darth Vader
May 31st, 2002, 09:40:44 PM
Your dramatic words are wasted on me, Leia. I have no interest in your salvation.

:: Vader drew back his blade, striking down once more, but with many times more strength, forcing Leia back, lest she be knocked aside ::

Sene Unty
May 31st, 2002, 11:16:42 PM
Sene was too drunk to be scared by any of this. From the force push by Master Leia, to the threats from Vader, it all came to him in the same haze. He was being dragged again, and he fought back against his Master's powerful arms. He had heard what she had said to him. She didn't care. Just like everyone else in his life. None of them cared. With a strength that came from his anger, Sene tore his arm from his masters grip.

"You were going to let me die!!! You, my master, were ready to leave me to the wolves. I should never of trusted you. If MASTER Leia had not come, I would be dead. How dare you. You fill me with empty promises and dry hopes. You give me a taste of everything I have ever wanted and you spit in my face!!"

Sene eyes rained water down his cheeks. Anger flowed through him, filling him with a fire.

"You brought me here to die. What a clever way to get rid of me. Make it my fault..."

Xazor opened her mouth to say something, but Sene cut her off with a swipe of his hand.

"You are dead to me master. Dead..."

With that he spun on his heel and ran into the darkness.

Lady Vader
May 31st, 2002, 11:59:06 PM
*LV watched the echange between the seemingly gigantic Sith against the petite Jedi. Quite surprisingly, it was almost an even match. Almost. She knew full well Vader hadn't unleashed his full power. It was like he was... playing with Leia. The same as a cat would play with it's prey before killing and devouring it.*

*Turning her head, she saw Xazor acknowledge the elder Jedi and begin to leave, only to be shunned by her young and quite drunk Padawan. And then the Padwan took off. At this, LV saw an oportunity.*

*Disapearing back into the bar, she went through the back entrance, emerging in the wooded area just before the Padawan came into view. She stood there in his path, and he halted. Her saber was already in her hand, but not yet activated. The other rested lightly on her whip's handle.*

*She smiled and cocked her head slightly, her eyes drilling into his.*

Where are you off to in such a hurry?

*The smile became ferral.*

The party's just beginning...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 1st, 2002, 03:04:00 AM
The gathering of dark forces in the bar was growing, and it seemed now that things were just beginning to hot up. Leia and Vader stood astride some short distance away, whilst Xavier stood firm in tow of Vega. The Sith Lord had a wide grin over his lips as he rose to his feet, calling Seraphim to his hand from his belt whilst taking a few steps towards the duelling pair.

In a flick of his wrist the bright yellow beam was ignited and the Sith was preparing to attack.

Sene Unty
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:10:29 AM
Sene came to a screeching halt in front of the woman who spoke to him. She reaked of evil intentions, and twisted ambitions. Fear gripped Sene's heart through what remained of his druken haze. The anger he felt before had burned some of it away, but not all. He was still in the back seat looking out.

"Who are you? What fun are you talking about?"

From the feral grin she displayed, Sene could tell it wouldn't be good.

Tempist Opps
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:14:33 AM
Watching the events unfold, Tempist sent a quick, and happy sounding message to Xazor through the force.

I told ya so.

He lept into the air, and into the rafters. Jumping from plank to plank, Tempist made his way out through a window in the loft, and landed infront of the fleeing Xazor.

"Going somehwere, little one?"

Belial MadHatter
Jun 1st, 2002, 04:12:01 PM
Seeing a chance to partook in the festivities, Belial dashed out the doors just in time to see Xazor and her padawan fleeing. Cowards ... It seems like the Jedi Order has taught its members well. Slipping into the shadows, Belial began to follow them silently, watching as the padawan left his Master in anger.

This was perfect. Not only had Xazor's bested her, but now her Padawan had a taste of it and was bitter. In this condition, maybe he could change his ways and see his future in the Darkside .. After all, he was harboring what was needed. Leaving Xazor, Belial began to track the padawan down until she saw Lady Vador jump infront of him. It was obvious that she wanted to "play." In all of this, she had to laugh. It was all so amusing to her, like a child's game.

"Lady Vador,"

She addressed the woman as she stepped out from the shadows. Bowing in respect, she spoke again.

"Maybe perhaps we could see about those bitter emotions of his and mold them into a Dark Future ..."

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:11:33 PM
"I would like to second that thought.."

*Leon stepped from the darkness behind Belial with a sly grin.. It all happend to quickly, but it was all so fun... And what the padawan had done to his mastre was just great..*

"He told his mastre off, Is fun to be around when he is drunk and I took a liking to him, All perfect stats to become one of us, right?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:30:12 PM
Xazor growled at her Padawan....though her heart hurt deeply from his words. She had to continue towards Avalon...but was stopped by Tempist.

"Please leave me alone...."

She moreless begged him. Suddenly she felt a disturbance.....it was coming from Sene. She had a choice to make, either obey Master Leia....or go to the one who just rejected her. Without thinking, she pushed Tempist aside and rushed away from the scene.....obeying what her heart told her. She finally arrived at the side of her Padawan.

"Leave him alone and take me instead......"

She said softly, her anger had calmed to nothing. Instead, she was worried for her Padawan. She knew the intentions of the Sith and what they wished to do to him....and she would not have it. If she had to be brutally beat up in his place....she would. All of this was her fault. She was trying to teach him a simple lesson or two and now it had ended terribly...

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:39:04 PM
::Feeling her right leg slide back slightly...the Jedi Master intensifed her strength thru the force. She would not let Vader take advantage of her petite stature. The Force flowed through the Jedi increasing her strength as she pushed back on her saber causing Vader's to backup towards him. Leia quickly released the cross between the two blades as she easily circled underneath both saberblades...giving herself some more room between her and Vader...just before the lightsabers clashed together once more::

Lord Vader...it truly is sad you do not chose salvation. For what you are truly chosing is a life of damnation! That's all the darkside has to offer you. The life of the damn!

Tempist Opps
Jun 1st, 2002, 07:40:40 PM
Tempist grinned, sensing what she was to do. With a force aided leap into the air, he reached the top of the building, and ran to the other side to watch what happened. He didn't think that Lady Vader would need any help with the two, but he had an idea about jumping in for fun later maybe.

Xavier Sadow
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:03:35 PM
Xavier slowly moves up behind the Padawan and crosses his arms over his chest. He smirks slightly and looks to Xazor.

"I believe you lost all chance of us accepting you when you became a Jedi. But the young one.. he has just become one of you.. pathetic fools. He still has a rather.. good chance of becoming a talented Sith.."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:58:42 PM
Xazor growled but held back her anger once again.

"I do not wish to be a Sith...I asked for you to take me in battle rather than touch him at all..."

She said softly, glaring through Xavier.

Xavier Sadow
Jun 1st, 2002, 10:03:08 PM
Xavier chuckles quietly and shakes his head.

"Your Padawan would not be worth our time killing.. but training.. he migh very well be."

Sene Unty
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:32:19 PM
A sith.

The offer lay on the table. Temptations.

He felt detached from his master, the one who had come to his "aid" now. She spoke on his behalf, and attempted to fight for him. She was a fool. She would of left him, and like he said, she was dead to him. The haze was almost gone now, completley replaced by rage. It tore through his tendons and ligaments, feeding his joints. He felt ready to attack...but who. No wait.

Listen to the exchanges. Feed the temptations. Hear them out. The nest of vipers grew around him, and for some reason he felt at home....

"A sith?" He smiled as he crouched to his knees, his right hand scooping up a handful of dirt. He laughed to himself.

"Would it be fun?"

He looked up at Leon.

"Tell me Leon and don't lie.....how does it feel to touch the darkside?"

The smile on Sene's face grew larger. To his right, anger poured from Xazor like a fire giving off heat. It felt good...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:25:52 AM
Xazor growled deeply and looked at Sene.

"I was of the Darkside! I was a killer and I loved it! To touch the Darkside is a magnificent thing but to touch the Light is something too great to describe. This is your decision alone Sene...but if you choose Darkness, you are choosing destruction, damnation...you're drunk and you're asking a Sith what he thinks of the Darkside. I thought I knew you...."

She said softly. Her anger was almost completely gone now...but a tear fell from her eye. Scolding herself, she turned and ran from the scene toward Master Leia. More tears poured from her eyes as she ran toward Avalon....she needed redemption for both she and her Padawan...if he ever came back. His words had severed their relationship just like Obi-Wan had broken Qui-Gon's trust when he took off on Melida/Daan. No one would follow her...she was "no good" to the Sith...and they viewed her as a coward. It was perfectly fine with the Knight, though...for she knew the truth. Sene would not listen...and he would have to fight this battle on his own no matter what the "right" thing to do was...

Sene Unty
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:47:05 PM
As his master turned and ran from the scene like the coward she is, Sene whispered a few words:

"good riddance."

He turned back to the Sith to here what they had to say.

Sene Unty
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:47:21 PM
As his master turned and ran from the scene like the coward she is, Sene whispered a few words:

"good riddance."

He turned back to the Sith to hear what they had to say.

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:32:54 PM
*Leon watched as Xazor took off, He shook his head and grinned.. No one can really know anything.. once they say they do.. They learn something else.. Or so he thought.. Looking down to the padawan his grin grew..*

"The Darkside... lets see... It is great.. Limitless power and respect.. No question to your athority except from the Jedi...*

*He looked in the direction Xazor ran..*

"I don't know why they are all not dead yet.. How can they say the light is a better thing? Nuns with weapons... They break there own codes, Talk but don't act, Plus limit all you can do.. Just think of all you could do with no limits to your power or people to hold you back.."

Belial MadHatter
Jun 2nd, 2002, 04:51:58 PM
Laughing silently to herself, Belial listened as Sene was drawn closer to their ranks. It would be yet another addition to the neverending war against the Jedi, but for the best.

Lady Vader
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:30:57 PM
*LV smiled, raising her hand towards Sene.*

Come Sene. You see what you Master has done? She has lead you away from becoming powerful! She has already known what it is like to be Sith, and she is depriving you of this chance! Now, is that truely the way of a caring Master?

*LV shook her head, looking with distaste at Xazor.*

I think not. For if she truely cared, she would explor all possible ways of turning you into a strong and wise Force-user!

*She getsured again, having aquired the full and undevided attention of the young Padawan.*

You know you are curious. You know you want to have the oppotunity to become what all your potential will allow you to become.

*She took a step forward, her saber was now clipped at her belt, and she made no aggressive moves. Her smile had gone from ferral to gentle.*

I would like to help you aquire this power and wisdom if you will allow me. I will teach you what potential you have.

*She took another step and whispered, her voice becoming a magnet and almost intoxicating.*

Come. Come with me and let me teach you.

Sene Unty
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:06:38 AM
"You would teach me......why? Is it because I am a boy....innocent. New to the world of Jedi and Sith. Is it because you see power in me. An unquenchable anger. Will you strangle the life from me if I say no. If I refuse your most generous offer. Will I be dead tonight?"

Sene rose to his feet and shrugged. His anger was slipping...nothing but misery remained. What was he doing? This was not how this night was supposed to turn out. His master was flawed....and she had failed him. He should have felt anger but he felt nothing but sadness....and fear. All of a sudden the full weight of the nights events fell on him. He was surrounded by Sith...and they would not take no for an answer.

" I am just a kid. I....oh my...what is happening. No, no no this can't be real. There is some mistake."

Through the force he called out to his master..nothing..where was she?

She left you Sene.
You hurt her and she left....just like your father.

"Some body help." He was screaming now through the tears that came in a torrent down his face.

All around him the Sith looked down at him and smiled....and all of a sudden Sene felt like prey.

Lady Vader
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:23:15 PM
*LV just continued to smile, but had stopped her advancment towards the boy.*

Yes, I would teach you because I see potential in you. Potential to be powerful.

*She shook her head.*

And no, I would not destroy you. I'm not one to waste talent when I see it.

*She continued to speak, taking on a relaxed stance. She knew the other Sith about the area would look at her funny with what she was about to say, but there was reasoning behind her madness. They would just have to stand silently and listen.*

You see, I'm not your typical Sith. I don't go about killing unless it suits my purpose. And destroying you wouldn't suit my purpose at the moment.

*She shrugged.*

I know it's hard for you to accept my help. It's not everyday you get a Sith offering to help someone achieve their potential. No doubt the Jedi have told you we are all seething lunatics, frothing at the mouth, destroying everything in our paths like locusts.

But that's a misunderstanding on their part. A shame too. They could learn so much more if they opened their eyes instead of branding us with their images.

*She looked at him, cockig her head slightly.*

But, it is ultimately your choice to let e help you or not.

*She gestured with her head to the other Sith nearby.*

Of course, I cannot speak for them, and they will do what they wish. I will not be able to protect you or your powerful potential.

*With luck, her plan would work, and she would have a new pupil.*

Tempist Opps
Jun 3rd, 2002, 02:29:55 PM
Tempist stared down at Sene and LV. Her style was similar to his own, a suprize amongst Sith. He too sensed that this boy had much ability, and that with the propper tutalige, he could be a powerful darksider. LV was already a fantastic force-user, and would be a good master for this one. He sat and watched, seeing weather this child would chose weakness in the light, or massive strenth in the darkness.

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 3rd, 2002, 06:53:41 PM
*Leon shifted positions and rested his pike across both sholders, he sighed in disappointment.. It seemed like the boy was going to stay a jedi.. But Leon was proven wrong at times.. But if he desided to go jedi... He played on the thoughts of what he might do.. Strike him down at the spot to keep anything else from happening, or let him go to be a fair chalenge later.. as far as jedi go.. But he could not talk for the other sith.. He looked around and the rest seemed to be doing the same*

Sene Unty
Jun 3rd, 2002, 09:11:33 PM
Sene was more scared then he had ever been in his life. A decision had to be made. Here and now. It was obvious from her statement that "No" was not an option. Not with them. They saw power in him, and if they could not have it....then no one could. He had to do something....

He didn't want to die.

"I don't know if I can be a Sith..."

That's right Sene stall them. Hope is all you have. Nothing more, nothing less. You must put faith in your master. The one that you had condemned. The one you loved....

(Be strong)

Like a wave on the ocean, the words sailed unto is mind. He was uplifted. Where they had come from was a mystery, but it filled him with a strength he had never felt before, filled him with a need to say what he felt. To say what he had to....not to survive, but to fight.

"No." He lowered his head and stared at the floor. He closed his eyes. Yes this was the way it had to be.

"I will not be taken advantage of." He looked into the womans eyes....he was strong. He was not weak. He was filled with the force. And he would justify what they had said....he was indeed powerful.

"I will not be tainted by my anger. By my mistakes this night. I would rather die."

And Sene knew he ment it.

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2002, 12:03:05 PM
*LV rasied an eyebrow.*

Is that your final answer?

(OOC: SORRY! I couldn't resist! LOL!!)

*She could tell by the boy's stubborn stance and the look of resignation in his eyes that he meant it. She shurgged.*

A pity.

*And then she made an unexpected move. She turned, giving the young Jedi her back and began slowly to walk away. Her voice could be heard trailing to reach the Jedi's ears.*

I'll just go find your Master and tell her what a failure she's been in helping you achieve your strength and potential. A Master that is blind to what her pupil is capable of and of being, should not be allowed to live to destroy other lives.

*And she was dead serious. She smiled, though the Jedi could not see her face. Bait set. Now to see if the prey would fall into the trap. She was sure his intoxication was still high enough to impare rational judgment, and threatening the life of his Master would definitely cut deep.*

*She continued walking.*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2002, 01:30:23 PM
"Found me you have, Lady Vader....do you wish to threaten me more....or continue to prey upon the young?"

Xazor stepped from the jungles surrounding them. Growling deeply, her elongated canines gleamed in the light they caught. Her eyes bored holes right through the Sith woman.

Xazor had gone to the Temple...but had returned to her Padawan's side...it was her duty and she would uphold her vision for him despite the fact that he had pushed her away.

"I would rather die than see him follow you and the false ways of the Sith. Why not serve the true Force instead of its shadow?"

She continued growling, the wolf in her heart set on coming forth. She would not give in though, and she would settle this here and now.....

Tempist Opps
Jun 4th, 2002, 02:06:28 PM
"Without darkness, what is light? Blinding. For every ounce of light there is darkness, equalizing it so you can see clearly. The force is the same way. Without the dark, the light becomes evil, and people will crave the darkness. You need us."

He jumped down from his perch on the roof, and landed a few feet away from the two jedi.

"...and about you dying, that is very doable."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2002, 02:39:59 PM
Growling, Xazor whipped around and faced Tempist.

"As it is for you also, Tempist.....I am not the little Padawan you met so long ago...."

The woman's eyes split down the middle and grew darker as her Lupine features took over. She kept both Lady Vader and Tempist in her field of vision as to not be surprised by either of them. She did not look at Sene, but spoke in his mind.

Go to the Temple Sene.....wait for me there.

She kept a tight lid on the message so no one else would hear but him....

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 4th, 2002, 03:05:41 PM
*Leon sighed.. he was right, and the padawan's power was going to be wasted on the false statements of the jedi.. With another disappointed sigh he walked into the dark.. But not back to the bar, not yet, he was going to follow the young padawan. Something told him that where he might go would be intresting..*

Lady Vader
Jun 4th, 2002, 05:15:45 PM
Oh, please, Xazor. Tuck your teeth back in.

*She stopped and just looked at xazor with an almost bored expression, her arms crossing over her breasts.*

Lemme ask you something, and answer truthfully.

There is darkness in the universe and there is light. And believe it or not, both need each other to keep the universe balanced and constant. If you were to completely erradicate one or the other, the universe would be unbalanced and thrown into chaos.

Do you want to see the universe thrown into chaos, Xazor?

*She watched as Xazor began to look more like a canine than a woman. Calling her bitch right now would be rather accurate, I guess. She shook her head.*

It seems to me like you're letting your anger get the best of you. I have made no move of aggression. Therefore, does this mean you will be the first to move aggressively? Wouldn't that be against what your Jedi elders teach?

*She kept her features blank and passive, though inside she was practically giggling with glee. Of course, being a Sith Master, and many years wiser than Xazor, the young woman would not be able to sense or hear LV's thoughts or feelings, let alone know what it was the cat-like woman had in mind.*

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2002, 09:05:10 PM
Sene turned to walk away. He would listen to his master...the master that had come back for her fallen student. He would obey her wishes. He would leave.

What a joke. He was fooling himself if he actually thought that he intended to run off into the darkness. No he must face it. The same darkness that had tempted him all his life. The very darkness that crept int his soul, giving him a taste of oblivion. He must turn now. He must fight to the best of his abilities. He would rather die than let the darkness win.

But how. He stood no chance against trained Sith. That much was certain. And though he intended to die fighting...it made no sense to die without putting up any fight.

He would lead one off. Give his master a fairer fight.

But who? Then the question answered itself. Leon.

He turned to follow the young padawan. Perfect. He would be perfect.

Sene turned on his heal and ran into the darkness. Leon followed. Just as Sene thought he would. He made left and rights thoughtlessly. He let the force dictate his actions. His movements became like a blur as he ran.

Left. A bum on this street crying into a bottle of liquor. Sene lept over him continuing into the darkness.

Right. He was on a busy street now. Well lit. Vehicles careened by. He darted in front of one. Screech. Barely missed.

With his senses Sene felt for Leon. Still following, but more cautiously. He knew what was happening. It didn't matter as long as he ran ahead. It didn't matter as long as he didn't catch him.

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 4th, 2002, 10:09:00 PM
*Only an idiot would not realise what was going on, The boy was leading him away from the rest of the group.. Not to attack but to aid his master when she got in a fight.. He chucked as he keeped going.. Was his efforts in vain? Xazor still had about 4 other sith watching her.. But was this also a blessing to the sith? The boy had run away from the protection of his master and the other jedi master plus there would be not much fight seeing how he was trained and the boy was not... Then he smiled.. he was going to have fun with this..*

Time to play...

*They were still on the busy city.. people everywhere, it did not matter how much he killed.. the police would not be able to take him, and there were no jedi close by.. His smile became twisted and dark.. he stoped and counted a few seconds, Then bound into the air onto one of the passing vehicles, The driver was supprised, and swirved into another vehicle, Leon jumped off the car and onto another...*

Two for one..

*He looked at the driver of the new vehicle and with no hesitation jamed his pike through the windshield and into his chest, quickly pulled it out and jumped onto more cars one by one doing the same.. after a little while he jumped away from the street with satifaction... If the boy keeped going he would just be letting more people die, and from what leon knew this was not an option for jedi..*

"Well... I suppose its time to see if you can call yourself a jedi...."

Sene Unty
Jun 4th, 2002, 10:26:55 PM
Sene stopped. He had not anticipated this. The force screamed out to him as peopled were murdred for no reason but to get his attention.

He had been a fool and now the Sith was calling his hand. He had to move...NOW.

With a turn he darted down the alley and out into the street. The screams of the soon to be dead washed over his senses like a tidal wave. Fires caused from colliding vehicles lit the night in an orange glow. Pieces of metal littered the earth like confetti after a parade. The smell of blood and gas intertwined in Sene's nose, causing a bit of bile to reach his mouth. It was sickening.

And standing on a hood of one of the vehicles, a mans body still hanging from his pike staff, stood Leon Katsuragi.

Like a mad man he was. The bastard.

"A weapon." Sene voice rose thanks to the force, but from the confused look on Leon's face he could tell he didn't understand.

"I'm going to need a weapon you son-of-a-bitch. How else can I kill you?"

From the smile that suddenly grew larger on Leon's face, Sene could tell he would be only too happy to oblige.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 09:05:30 AM
Xazor growled deeply and stared through Lady Vader. She was not giving into her anger...but the adrenaline was taking over and that was a very bad thing at this point.

"Who ever said I was angry? You assumed it, and now you have made an ass out of yourself!"

She laughed and looked back at Leia who had her own problems to contend with. Sene had done as he was told...but Leon followed...it could not be good. Either Sene would do something rash...or he would be killed. She turned her attention back to Lady Vader and smiled toothily.

"What do you want? Ask and you shall recieve..."

This was a sort of game...but it was to protect Xazor's life. She would not die this night...she knew that much...

Lady Vader
Jun 5th, 2002, 10:47:04 AM
*LV smiled, not even so much as wincing to Xazor's insults. It was too petty and childish, and frankly a waste of her time to even react to it. Instead, she continued to stand where she was and speak.*

No, the question is not what I want, but what you want. There must be a reason why you came back after retreating like a coward. I must say, you are the first Jedi I have EVER seen abandon a Padawan.

Makes me wonder if you are a failure to the Jedi.

*She saw Xazor's frown deepen even more.*

Oh, I know of your past, dear Xazor.

*LV was beginning to slowly walk around Xazor in a wide arch.*

I know you were once a Sith, a good one at that, though perhaps a bit volitile. And yet, you left that life. You ran away from it, much like you ran away from the conflict here with your Padawan.

*She stopped walking.*

Funny how the past repeats itself.

*She looked at Xazor, one eyebrow raised.*

And yet, this time you came back. So you broke the cycle. And for what? To have you Padwan do exactly what you just did; run away.

*She shook her head in mock sadness.*

Oh, you are indeed teaqching your Padwan, but it seems to me so far you have taught him how to be a coward.

*She waved her hand in dismissle.*

No matter. He will be dealt, just as you will.

But, this brings me back to my original question. You came back and then sent your Padawan away, knowing full well one of us would track him. And yet you remain.

So, again... what is it you want? Your Padwan is gone. There is nothing here for you.

*She looked at the other Sith.*

Except, maybe... death?

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 11:23:40 AM
Xazor closed her eyes and placed her hands behind her back, shaking her head. The insults held truth to them...something she was still accepting.

"I have forgiven myself for my past...and I left the Sith for a good reason. I left my Padawan for a good reason...if I would have stayed here, I would have given into my anger and..."

She could not possibly tell them that she would have changed. The wolf in her heart howled to be released...but she could not tell them that. Sighing to herself, she continued.

"I would have ended up using it...that is not the way of the Jedi. I did both of us a favor. Now he has run off to be tracked by a Sith...the boy is not stupid, I know he can handle himself well. I have full faith in him. And as for me..."

She paused and thought about the question put before her. She did not wish to die, that was a stupid assumption on the cat woman's part. Sighing, she opened her eyes and faced Lady Vader.

"I do not seek to die...I do not wish for anyone to do...but take from me anything if you wish...but not my life, not now..."

She pleaded with her eyes. The Sith would be acting against everything they had just told her if they were to just slay her here and now...for no reason...she hoped that the woman would do as she wished...

Lady Vader
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:00:07 PM
*LV held up her hand abruptly.*

Do not plead. I can't abide it. Just hearing it makes me feel... tainted.

*It wasn't so much that pleading bothered her. It was more along the lines that she saw it as being weak, completely below intelligent life. Who knows? Perhaps this one wasn't that intelligent. But then, being a Jedi, she was no doubt used to this pleading, begging if you will. The irony in this thought brought a chuckle to her lips as she made a connection between bitch and begging. Canines had a knack for that.*

*She eyed Xazor, beginning her circle around the woman again.*

So, you left because you didn't want to give in to your anger. You ran away from your anger?

*She aquired a quizzical look on her face.*

Young Jedi, you cannot run from your anger. Eventually it will catch up to you.

*She stopped and casually pointed a finger at Xazor.*

And when it catches up to you, it will be more volitile. You did the first thing I have heard many a Jedi tell their pupils not to do. To run. I thought you were supposed to let the anger flow through you and be lifted, not run from it.

*She shook her head.*

You haven't stopped being a Sith. You still ARE one. You can't even distinguish which teachings to follow. You are confused. You haven't put your past behind you. You only think you have. But you know that it is still there, and yet you deny it's existance.

And denying the existance of one's past can be one's undoing. You refuse to see it, and eventually it will catch up to you, and you will not expect it. And then it will consume you.

*She continued her circling, shaking her head.*

Pitiful. I can most certainly feel the turmoil in you. You want to rip me to shreds, and yet a part of you holds you back.

*She stopped again, no doubt making Xazor dizzy and warry at the same time.*

Medical science has a word for this condition: schizophrenia. Unless you fully accept one side, you will never be a Jedi OR a Sith.

*She practically spat.*

You're a NOBODY. And frankly, a nobody is not worth my time.

*Xazor was keeping a hold on the animal inside her, wanting to leap forward and do the Sith in. It was only a matter of time before LV's revelations made Xazor's control pop. All she need was for either Xazor or one of the other Sith to make a move. Then, it would be all over.*

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:17:33 PM
"Great, I knew I liked you!"

*Leon took his left hand off the pike and reached into his coat then soon came up with his saber.. Well it wasen't really his, he had killed someone long ago and just keeped it.. He threw it to the padawan and smiled as he cought it..*

"Why do you hold hate for me when it was your master who told you to run? She did not help you go, She let you run off to die, to let these other people die."

*He put his hand back on the pike and pointed it at the jedi, His eyes narrowed and his grin grew slighty more.. Earlyer he did not think he was going to have to fight the padawan, But was going to do it now.. He inhaled the death filled air.. It made him ready for a fight. One that was most likely one sided.. but he would enjoy it none the less..*

"Com'on boy! If you truly hate me for what I did.. Come and attack me! Feel the dark side for what it truly is.."

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:47:48 PM
Sene caught the pike staff with one hand, his other fixed to his side. This was it. No hesitation. Let the force guide you. Become one with it. He fell back into a defense postition...or so he thought. He didn't know for sure, he had never been trained to fight.

For a second doubt entered his mind. No. Push it away. It would not be necessary. He would fight and he would die. His strong words were nothing but pretense. A facade. He would die tonight, but he would take this bastard with him.

"Have you become stupid all of a sudden?" Sene smiled, still holding the defense position.

"Jedi don't attack." He would leave it to him. Let him come.

The hell with it....

He rushed at him, his feet moving faster than he thought they would. He leapt onto a nearby vehicles hood. He spun and extended his staff outward to his enemy. It was knocked away.

Damn, almost out of his grasp.

He moved with the momentum, allowing his body to fall back to the earth. He flipped backwards.

His enemy saw it coming. His back spasmed with pain as a kick was introduced to his spinal cord. He fell back to the ground, his breath kicking up dust. He coughed. Pain was excrutiating. Damn. This was not going well.

Tempist Opps
Jun 5th, 2002, 03:57:12 PM
"I care not if you are a padiwan, knight, or master. You are still a jedi. A weakling. I too have grown, and perhaps this time I will not spare your life, little one."

It was true, she had gotten stronger. He could sense it amongst her. He also sensed confusion, and hesitation. She knew that she wouldn't be able to fight off a Sith Master, or several Sith in general. Her apprentice seemed fairly untrained, and wouldn't be a problem.

"You left the Sith because of fear. You fear the strenth you may have had, and chose the easy way out. Embrace your feelings!"

Xazor could feel energy building within Tempist, but knew not what for. Almost no-one, not even his own master, Miryan, knew what moves the warrior had learned in his training pilgrimage... but they would soon find out.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 05:19:17 PM
Xazor closed her eyes and continued to listen to Lady Vader. All the Knight could do was be peaceful and submissive now. She nodded in agreeance to the woman's words.

"Indeed...you have evaluated me correctly....I am weak and afraid. I ran from my anger and went against my teaching. Perhaps you are also right that I have not fully left my past, and that I am neither Jedi nor Sith.....perhaps I am a nobody, or perhaps you are mistaken....but that is highly unlikly, am I correct?"

She paused and felt the woman continue circiling her until she stopped. It was shocking...but the words that sprung from her lips were not. She nodded once again and then listened as Tempist spoke. She would tell him the same things...

"Indeed...I knew what I was becomming and I was afraid. I left because I feared that if I became too powerful, I would end up killing my Sith Master, and have the whole army turn on me. I was afraid because I had killed thousands...and the blood of thousands more could have been upon my hands. But I was also blind.....then I found the truth and became a Jedi. But according to Lady Vader, I am not that either...I suppose all of you could be correct, but who am I to say? I am only Xazor Dawnstrider....Jedi Knight.....Warrior....I know nothing according to you. If that is so...why do you waste your breath on me, trying to turn me now?"

She remained calm, but her Lupine side had a tight grasp on the woman. She would not turn....not here and now. It had never happened but she knew it could....

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:00:38 PM
ooc: I thought I gave you the saber... oh well.. I can work with this.. :lol


*This was already too easy, the boy was not planning his moves out before doing them and was acting on impulse.. He may be sith but Leon would hate to have a too easy win, With the padawan still on the ground Leon used the back of his heel to press on the padawan's ribs.. He keeped him pinned down.. He hoped to make the boy feel helpless as he could not stand up, Igniting the fine blue blade of the sabre he made a slow slash inches away from the boy's face.. Just to show he could have already ended it.*

"Thats one, Two more and I will bring your body back to your master myself."

*Leon stepped off the boy and took a few steps back.. He brought the sabre's blade across his face.. It gave off an errie blue glow across his face in the night..*

"Get up.. Now I just want to see if you can connect a hit.."

Sene Unty
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:23:01 PM
He was making fun of him. The bastard was ridiculing him. He would die from that. Sene spun on the ground to face his opponent.

Dirt covered his chest where it had been forced into the ground, and his ribs hurt from the pressure. With one hand he held the staff out, the other gripped his side. The pain was bearable. The humiliation was not.

"Come on Leon. I thought we were gonna be friends" Sene laughed a little.

Then he attacked. He swung the staff in a high arc, allowing it to come crashing down on his enemy's head. Leon easily swated it away, and moved in with a jab. Sene barely got the staff back in time to block, which he did.

All of a sudden he was on the defense. Back and forth he swatted away swipes, never getting a chance to form an attack.

It came in from the left. He barley got it up in time, but with a simple flick of Leon's wrist blue light passed inches from Sene's face. He could feal the heat. It caused him to break out into a sweat. No time to think on death. Fight back.

Sene fell back on his right foot, nestling the staff into his armpit. Then he lunged, extending the staff as far as possible.

It was swiped away, but Sene followed the attack with a jumping kick. Leon saw it, but it came unexpectidly. He took the hit in the chest, allowing his momentum to push him back into a roll. With ease he landed on his face, laughter escaping his mouth.

Sene simply sighed. This was going to be impossible....

Jun 6th, 2002, 11:26:08 AM
*A cloked figure walked in. He had not been to this bar in a long time, but it was unavoidable in this case. The Jedi entered the bar and were rediculing people. This made the Sith Master mad, not just because of their obvious remarks, but the fact that they could sit here and not be told to leave. So the Sith Master went to the corner of the bar and sat down. He watched the Jedi and waited...*

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 6th, 2002, 03:08:01 PM
*Leon stumbled back, he was supprised but at the same time happy.. The boy could attack.. The feeling of pain in his chest died out in little time, mostly because he was not pushing himself hard enough to strain anything and that it was the only connected hit that pretty much left him at a hundred precent.. He recoverd and watched the boy..*

"Well... We still can."

*With that Leon charged at the padawan as he recoverd from the roll. To his supprise he blocked the quick slash... Leon followed up with more quick slashes.. They were also blocked.. Leon played with the thoughts of putting his heart into the fight.. He desided on a hard single hit.. Leon spun around to gain momentum for the slash. But once he had come around he felt something sharp skid across his face.. Quickly he figured out he had been hit.. Not following with the attack Leon steped back and felt the side of his face.. There was a fine cut across it.. along with blood.. The padawan took the chance of his careless move and attacked. It was more of a miss because Leon was not dead.. but he still drew blood..*

"Good shot. Next time I wont be so careless.."

Sene Unty
Jun 6th, 2002, 05:21:46 PM
Leon was toying with him. Barely trying. It made Sene only want to fight harder.

"It wasn't carelessness on your part, only skill on mine." Sene practically laughed out loud. That's right Sene try to sound confident. He could see right through you...

"How about a break...." He had barley finished before he lunged at his opponent, swinging the staff wide and out. Leon easily side-stepped causing the padawan to pass right by. Smiling, Leon placed a firm hand behind the young boys head, grabbing a fistful of hair, and forced it into one of the parked vehicles. With a bone crunching slap, Sene's face met metal. Instantaneously enough blood to make him choke filled Sene's mouth. His nose, being the first thing to impact with the metal, snapped sideways with a wet pop. Consciousness slipped for Sene, as black invaded his sight.

In slow motion his body fell to the ground.

“You have no skills boy.”

Suddenly he was back again, he opened his eyes slowly and watched the blood empty from his nose and mouth. The most excruciating pain he had ever felt came with his eyes opening, enough to make him wish he could sleep again. He couldn’t he had to fight. He tried to stand.

His legs didn’t work. Damn. Come on. He lifted his body off the ground and rested on his elbows. Next he worked his knees, forcing them to move, and rested on those. He looked up at the fiend.

“I didn’t hear what you said…could you repeat that.”

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 6th, 2002, 06:39:15 PM
ooc: wow... I don't have to do much because you literally beat yourself up.. I hope you don't do this with serious fights... :lol


*Leon just shook his head and chuckled softly.. He would have been enjoying this with mostly anyone else.. But his admiration for the boy's will fight made him lose heart in the battle little by little... With a flick of his wrist his saber went out and he crossed his arms, but his saber still stayed in hand.*

"Your still to weak, I would be wasting my time if I keeped going.. But if you really want to see how far you can push my good will you are welcome to try."

Sene Unty
Jun 6th, 2002, 08:04:56 PM
Sene coughed into the back of his hand.

"Quitter. Not man enough...fight me."

His taunts fell on deaf ears. Leon truly did not want to fight the young boy.

"Then I take you up on your offer...I will push."

Sene attacked, albeit much slower than previous times. This time the attack came haphazzardly as the boy seemed to forget about the staff on the ground. He simply came at him, a series of punches and kicks that were easily turned away by the Sith. After a few moments, Leon simply forced pushed the boy away. Sene's frail figure was easily sent flying, and for a second Sene didn't have a clue as to what was happening.

Then his body collided with the ground, causing it to flip on the dirt. Finally after a few rolls, Sene came to a halt.

The attack wasn't meant to hurt him, simply push him away. Sene felt humiliated. He felt stupid. Uncontrollable tears leaked from his face as his body heaved with sobs.

"Please stop...I don't want to die. Oh please."

Sene reached out for his master through the force.


Leon Katsuragi
Jun 6th, 2002, 10:09:21 PM
*Leon walked twords the boy, As he put his sabre on his belt then outstreached his left arm, Suddenly his pike came back to him.. He rested it over his sholder and keeped walking untill he came to sene.. He looked down with a frown then took his pike and pointed it at sene then he pushed it down..*

"Why do you jedi always insist on the hard way?"

*He kneeled down the picked up the boy then slung him over his right sholder.. He knew he was not going to get any resistance from the padawan.. or any that would have an effect.. He then took his pike again off the ground close to where Sene was with his left hand but walked with it pointed to the ground, Leon did not want to accedently kill the boy with the pike as they walked.. So for once he played it safe, He started off the the direction that the padawan had ran from.. The fight was over and the only thing proved was the boy needed more training..*

"Try not to hate all of us.. We are not all the same."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 02:24:17 PM
Xazor heard the cry from her Padawan. The message rang clearly through her mind. Turning to Lady Vader, she sighed once again.

"Please, do what you wish and then let me leave...I need to get to my student...."

She pleaded with the woman. Xazor would have done anything to leave the situation right that minute, as long as she got to Sene in time.

I'm coming....hold in there....

She spoke comfortingly in his mind, hoping that he had heard her....

Lady Vader
Jun 7th, 2002, 04:55:14 PM
*LV shut her eyes.*

For Core's sake, STOP PLEADING! Do you know how WEAK it makes you sound?!

*LV opened her eyes again and just stared at Xazor, completely bewildered that this Jedi who had just finshed stating she was a warrior, was still beging. She sneered.*

You Jedi are such HYPOCRITES! You come around with your holier-than-thou- attitudes, defending those who would be harmed, fighting quite valiently, and then you go right around and turn into quivering gora eels, pleading, begging.

*She jabbed a finger at Xazor.*

You claim to be a Jedi warrior. To be a warrior, you have to fight wars. Frankly, I see none going on right now.

*She looked in the direction of where the Padwan and Sith had run off to, feeling the young Jedi suffering.*

As for your Padawan. If he cannot defend himself, then what good is he to you... a warrior?

*She kept her eye in the direction where she could feel Leon and the Jedi. She didn't know Leon well, but they were both Sith, and she sent a message to him via the Force.*

Leon, bring the boy back here. Let us see how well this Jedi Warrior holds up watching as her Padawan slips into our grasp.

Leon Katsuragi
Jun 7th, 2002, 05:36:54 PM
Sure. No problem

*Leon was on the way back anyways to show off his handy work to Xazor, The only thing that keeped him from totaly ending it all for the padawan was fight itself.. it was one sided and Leon did not get to much pleasure from weak fights.. He wanted to challenge the boy again when he was stronger, It was a short while before he came into view of the party again.. He walked over to the side of LV, watching xazor through a sideways glance as he did..*


Tempist Opps
Jun 7th, 2002, 10:02:32 PM
Xazor resembeled a well trained dog. The canine in her was showing more and more every time she begged.

"Aww, how cute. Want a cookie?" Tempsit said mockingly to Xazor. He cared not what she would say or think or do, he was well ready for any and all of the above.

Darth Vader
Jun 8th, 2002, 01:56:18 PM
OOC: sorry Leia, been busy :\


:: Vader continued to pace around Leia, occasionally testing her defense with a swipe of his blade ::

You are naive. Salvation is for those who were once like you...

:: The Dark Lord lowered his blade slightly, standing still. ::

I was never one of you. My salvation...is absolute power.

Ethan Stryder
Jun 8th, 2002, 07:01:06 PM
A canting glance from the Dark Jedi, sitting dronishly at an empty table lined against one of the walls of the cantina--he surveyed the escalating tension with an amusing grin. It was an apparent he was a newcomer to the bar, heck, an outlander to the Sith Empire in general. He was only a lone Jedi, practicing the Dark ways of the Sith, an errant scavenger who roamed for adventure and thrived on his niche for battle. His wardrobe suggested a man of little wealth, and his appearance assumed a roughneck of sorts; decidingly unkempt hair, blanched with a dirty blond tint. His face was rugged and covered in stubbles, evident it was in clear need of a shave. He was man that failed to offer much effort into his outward facade, instead, he focused mainly on combat--always striving to gain even more knowledge of the dark ways of the Force to further his advancing discipline.

"Heh... poor Jedi, always gettin' picked on." He cackled silently to himself, a perusing gaze set on the disputants. Maybe the day wouldn't prove so boring after all, nothing like a good tavern brawl of sorts.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 08:04:33 PM
Xazor glared through Lady Vader.

"Those who are humble shall be exalted....and those who are exalted, shall be humbled. Wars do not make one great....but if you seek one, fine. I come not to fight, all I want is my Padawan. Take me, I offer you myself....you prey upon the weak, the young....how hypocritical of you! You point the finger when it is you who hides behind facads and words! I am a true Warrior.....you use the name in false claims! If you are a true warrior and you believe a war needs to be fought to prove it....then why are you not fighting?"

Xazor closed her eyes and grinned to herself as she kept her hands folded behind her back. It was pathetic to listen to the Sith contradict everything they said...she was getting tired of it in a hurry. She then turned to Tempist and grinned slightly.

"A cookie you say? I am rather hungry...do you have one by chance?"

She laughed in his face and resumed her attention to Lady Vader. Closing her eyes once more, she continued to smile, knowing all along that she was right no matter what these pathetic lifeforms said.

Lady Vader
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:42:20 AM
*LV graced the Jedi woman with an ugly grin as Leon practically dragged the half unconcious form of the Padawan.*

I never said I was a warrior, nor did I say I wanted to start a fight.

But since you seem to have branded me in such a way that I should fight, let me start one...

*She unclipped her saber from her belt and ignited it, it's crimson blade illuminating her face and that of Leon's and the Padawan with a blood red color.*


*Suddenly, she slashed downward, causing Leon to jump back as she sliced the Padawan in two. Or what Xazor and the nearest of the Sith thought was a slicing of the Padawan. LV had used a technique, a mixture of Sith sorcery and the Force, to make an illusion so real, it would make the most trained of Jedi and Sith alike sick. The Padawan was still very much alive, and in the same spot where Leon had dropped him. But he was quite unconcsious now, her illusion giving her time enough to deal a blow to the boy's head, knocking him out cold. In place of the live body, two illusionary halves hit the ground with a sickening thud, easily concealing the life of the boy. The resulting gasps from the beings nearby made a smile spread across LV's face.*

*She looked up at Xazor's horrified face, finishing her sentence.*


Jun 10th, 2002, 12:23:02 AM
*Suddenly a mist enters the bar and fills the entire area causing everyone to lose sight of the fight between Lady Vader and Xazor. Since this was becomming more of a private duel between the two, Firebird didn't want anyone else to decide they wanted a peice of action. After all, this fight was getting rather interesting.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:38:27 PM
Xazor growled but kept her temper.

"No one touches my Padawans....and now you have. You wish to fight? Then bring it on...."

She said in nearly a whisper. From her belt, she drew her saber, "Love" and ran her finger over the ignition switch. Two blue blades shot forth from each end with a hissing sound. She held it at waist level, parallel to the ground.

"I am a Jedi.....and justice shall reign upon you."

The Garou growled once again, not giving into her canine half. She held her ground and then remembered the words that a wise warrior had once given her. Never give your opponent the first move, or you loose the upper hand and possibly the battle... Though Xazor was a Jedi, she was also a Warrior. Jedi didn't attack....according to many...but she was no ordinary Jedi. Suddenly she lept out at the woman and spun around on her heal, smashing her foot into Lady Vader's face. Regaining her stance, she spun her saber in her right hand and made an aching blow with one end from her left hip to her right shoulder.

Lady Vader
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:10:45 PM
*LV snarled, letting the momentum the hit put into her carry through, spinning her out of the way of the arching saber. Finishing the spin, she reached out and gripped Xazor tightly by the neck with the Force, lifted her, and pushed her, forcibly slamming her into a nearby tree. The tree splintered, sending sharp pieces of wood and thorns through Xazor's clothes, impaling her back with several cuts.*

*LV worked her jaw, letting a ferral grin spread across her face.*

And so, the Jedi finally lashes out.

*LV ignited the other end of her lightsaber, the two crimson blades humming in unision. Gripping the handle with both hands, she twisted it, and the two blades came apart to create two lightsabers.*

*Without another word, she lunged at Xazor, one saber swinging low and the other high. Xazor came out of her stunned state in time to block the lower blade, and ducked to avoid the upper swing, only to have the tree get the brunt of it. With a loud crack and groan, the tree began to fall where the saber had cut it.*

Nikka DarkStorm
Jun 17th, 2002, 05:29:28 PM
It was another rainy, damp night as Nikka approached the door to Rama's corner. Before stepping in, she could hear a lot of chattering and even screams coming from inside the Sith bar.

Hmm... What is going on in there now?....

Nikka pushed the door open and peaked in, taking a step inside. There she saw the fight and immediately smirked at the barkeep while scrambling to take a seat at the bar.

"Never a dull moment here, eh?"

She chuckled.

"The usual, Nikka?" The barkeep offered while pouring her round of vodka. She nodded and then sat upon the bartop to watch the events taking place. When her drink was handed to her, she downed it in one gulp. Nikka didn't wish to interfere with the fight, but if anyone stepped to her, she would defend herself even though she knew this wasn't her fight.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 07:28:31 PM
Xazor growled deeply and blocked the strikes made by the woman. Quickly she moved forward and jumped up, slamming her foot into LV's chest. As she fell back, Xazor called on the Force and aided her fall with a heavy Force blast. LV fell toward the ground in time to meet a pre-constructed Force wall. When she fell on it, a few cracks could be heard. It was either her back.....or a few ribs. Xazor brought her saber up in a blinding motion and held it in defense, waiting for the Sith to attack.....

Lady Vader
Jun 23rd, 2002, 11:39:44 PM
*LV flew back against the Force wall and a cracking sound was indeed heard. But nothing broke. It was the sound of a few joints popping, releasing tension in the Sith's back. She stood quickly, and just for good measure, moved her neck to pop a few joints in there.*

*Her patience was beginning to wear thin. With a snarl, she connected both sabers again, shutting off one end, and lunged at the Jedi, intercecting her saber with her own. While both sabers locked, she brought her foot around in a swift kick, knocking the other woman's legs from under her, downing her in one quick movement. With the Jedi's saber flailing aside with the Force her own saber had dealt it before the fall, this left the Jedi's side open. And LV took the opportunity.*

*With her claws extended on her left hand, she swiped deeply at the woman's exposed side, her claws clanking against ribs as they cut through her skin. At the same moment the claws slashed through, a venom was released, a derivetive using blood and DNA from ysalimiri, constructed long ago in the labs when TSC still ruled. Soon the Jedi would begin to feel the after effects of being poisoned gby this strain of venom, and not only would the Force begin to leave her, but the arsentic laced within would begin to kill her slowly.*

*The pain caused by her claws caused the Jedi to grit her teeth and lash out with her free leg, the booted foot connecting with LV's jaw. It sent the Sith back into a back roll, edning in a crouch, her claws already retracted.*

*Shaking her head, she stood, deactivating her saber, and smiling towards the Jedi.*

My work here is complete.

*With that, she walked over to the downed Padawan, the illusion fading to reveal he was indeed still alive. She looked back at the Jedi.*

All this trouble for the supposed death of a boy. And now you shall endure the punishment of your own actions.

Perhaps next time you should check your anger at the door before stating so loudly you are a Jedi.

*She stood over the unconcious body of the Padawan as the Jedi began to regain her footing, before turning and walking off back to her ship. In moments, she was gone.*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:31:13 AM
Xazor gripped her side in pain as tears rolled down her cheeks. Quickly but with much effort, she ran over to Sene and threw herself across his chest.

"We will go home....now....."

She lifted him on her shoulder and began making her way back to the Jedi base....leaving a trail of blood behind her. Something would have to be done and soon.....she knew just the person to see.....

Sene Unty
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:20:44 PM
Sene stired awake atop his masters shoulder.

Where was he? What had happened? Hadn't he been fighting Leon? All these thoughts, along with a sharp pain, became one in Sene's head.

Looking down at the ground Sene saw something that instantly drove any other thought away. There was a trail of blood on the floor.

His? No, whoever was carrying him.

Fear gripped him as he realized it was Xazor.

What had happened after the fight with Leon? Why couldn't he remember? For a split second anger coursed through Sene, but the pain that followed caused him to wince and tear-up.

He would get to the bottom of this.....

After he took a nap........