View Full Version : Three Namana Margaritas: twenty-one credits. Cheap Holonovel: six credits...
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 08:34:14 PM
...falling asleep in the Bar & Grill: Priceless.
Taataani's ears lay flush against the table as she snoozed, cheek pressed atop her trashy romance holonovel pad. Three very large glasses sat empty, a faint ring of salt over each glass serving as a testament to their contents. In her sleep, Taa's tail twitched occasionally, but the middle-aged woman remained fast asleep, slumped over the table.
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 09:18:50 PM
Xazor walked up behind her friend, Taa and gently placed her hand on the Cizerack's shoulder.
"'re drooling on the table. What's wrong?"
She asked with a gentle smile. It didn't appear as though the world had come to an end or anything...but Taa appeared....well, trashed. The Knight sat down across from her and lifted the holo novel from the table. It appeared like an interesting love story....but not Xazor's cup of tea....
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 09:43:50 PM
Taa raised her head from the table briefly, making a pathetic, whining sound.
Don't botherrr me unlessssss jyou'rrre a barrre-chesssted, long-hajirrred male.
She adjusted her glasses, realizing that her visitor was not what she requested. She sighed heavily, huffing away a strand of hair that hung down in her face.
May 26th, 2002, 09:51:37 PM
Jhyx had been on the other side of the bar, watching as Taa had slowly fallen asleep, and his little ears perked up when he concluded that she was fully asleep. With a slight thwump, his tail whacked the bar as he used it to help lever him to his feet, and hopping across the bartop, he slowed as he neared the sleeping Cizerack.
He proceeded on paw-tip, being careful not to make any noise lest he disturb Taa, and as he got right in front of her, he craned his neck around to peer into her face. Carefully poking at her ear to test how deep into sleep she was, he reached out and began taking her glasses off.
And then she woke up, whining. Pulling his paws back in a flash, he plopped to the bartop and grinned like he'd tried nothing.
"Hey Catwoman!!!"
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 10:01:48 PM
Taa's eyes narrowed as she sat up fully, staring down at her diminuitive visitor.
For a moment, Taa entertained the thought of snatching up the chittering annoyance and devouring him alive, but she eventually dismissed it. Eating sentients was quickly becoming a Cizerack taboo, and one that Taa had never cared for in particular.
May 26th, 2002, 10:06:39 PM
Overjoyed that she'd woken up and therefore he had someone to talk to, Jhyx grinned widely. "Happy napping?"
His tail curled around to rest next to him, and he tapped the corner of her book. "Whatcha got there? Can I read it?"
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:07:18 PM
Xazor lofted a brow at Taa for a moment and smiled to herself.
"Sorry.....I'm not barechested...but I have long hair!"
The Garou joked with her. Seeing that she got no reaction, she sighed to herself...but was graced by the presence of a little creature whom she had met in the bar once before. She was shocked when Taa swallowed him up....but sighed in relief when she spit him out. Smiling brightly, her elongated canines gleamed in the light.
"He isn't good me."
The Knight winked slightly as she looked down at the wet creature on the table.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 10:26:47 PM
With a resigned sigh, Taa passed the relatively-gigantic holonovel to Jhyx, and ran a finger lazily across one of her spent margaritas. Coming up with a salt-covered finger, she sucked the crystals from her fingertip, and looked at Xazor somewhat-blearily.
jYou don't have anjythjing to worrrrrrjy about. jIf jI've learrrned anjythjing, jit'sss that he jisss...
She glanced at Jhyx as he got into the book.
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:32:36 PM
Xazor laughed to herself and nodded.
"I guess I'll agree with you on that one. Do you wish for something more to drink?"
She questioned with a gentle smile.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 10:37:14 PM
Taa smirked, fluttering her ears.
jI'll have anotherrr marrrgarrrjita...and majybe a ljittle one forrr Jhjyx.
May 26th, 2002, 10:42:31 PM
Jhyx fancied himself a speed-reader, and accepting the holonovel gladly, he flipped through the pages at a clipped pace. Every once in a while he stopped to read a passage more carefully, but soon enough he was once more going through the pages quickly.
He was about two minutes into the thing when something caught his eyes, and he stopped fliping the pages. His little eyes narrowed as he read, then widened to the size of saucer plates and he pushed the holonovel away in complete disgust.
"Ewwww!!!!!! You mean people actually THAT????!!!"
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 10:52:00 PM
Sensing her diminuitive companion's discomfort, Taataani moved in for the kill. She leaned forward, eye-level with Jhyx, and smiled luridly, wetting her lips with her tongue in a slow, deliberate fashion.
That, and much, much morrre. jYou mean to sssajy jyou've neverrr...been jin that posssjitjion?
She slowly crept a clawed hand toward Jhyx, playing with the tufts of white fur on his chest.
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:52:42 PM
Xazor motioned for the bar tender and he gladly came over to their table. She ordered three Margaritas for the group and smiled as he filled the order. Jhyx was classic as he exclaimed about what he saw.
"Yes.....I'm afraid so my little friend."
She said with a grin.
May 26th, 2002, 11:04:18 PM
Jhyx let Taa play with his fur, and true to his nature, his disgust melted into curiosity as he stared at the two women, completely bewildered.
"Is it fun?????"
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 11:10:07 PM
Xazor laughed to herself...if she would have had her drink, she would have spit it out all over the table. Lofting a brow, she felt her cheeks flush a bit of crimson as she spoke.
"I.....well....I wouldn't know.....but I have heard. Perhaps.....Taa?"
She looked at her friend and then back to Jhyx with a silly lopsided grin upon her face.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 26th, 2002, 11:15:28 PM
Of courrrssse jit jisss!
Taa laughed, smacking Jhyx slightly with her hand, but still managing to send him sprawling.
Whjy elssse would people pajy to rrread about jit?
May 26th, 2002, 11:27:04 PM
Picking himself up, Jhyx dusted his arms off before settling himself once more, and his tail twitched a little as he looked at Taa. "Oh," he pondered, deep in thought.
He'd never met a female from his own species; in fact, he wasn't even sure if there was one, so he was quite naive on the subject. "So people actually like these things."
He scooted closer to Taa. "How many of these kinds of holonovels do you have, Catwoman?"
Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 11:27:59 PM
Xazor blushed once again and smiled to herself. Oh how she would know soon enough.....and the constant reminder from her Father was not...well, comfortable.
"I guess you should listen to Taa on this one."
She laughed once again and the drinks were finally delivered. She took hers in her hand and passed out the other two.
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 26th, 2002, 11:41:59 PM
Daani flung open the door to the bar and grill, and dashed inside, the door swinging crazily behind her. Slipping past the startled NRSF guard, she tripped on a barstool and fell headlong to the floor.
She skidded to a halt, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, and then she opened them, looking up into her aunt's face. "Taa! Taa! jI've ssseen a huge hajirrrjy forrda, and jit trrrjied to eat me!" Daani scrambled to her feet, and saw the holonovel on the table.
Picking it up, she flipped through it interestedly.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 27th, 2002, 04:10:23 PM
jI have sssjix orrr ssseven...
Taa blushed a little as she fixed her hair.
Looking at Xazor and Jhyx, she couldn't help but smile.
Well what'sss a woman to do? jIt passssssesss the tjime. jYou know Jhjyx, jyou can borrrrrrow them jif jyou ljike.
She glanced at Xazor in a conspiratorial fashion
...and perrrhapsss sssharrre them wjith Xazorrr, jif ssshe would ljike.
At that moment, Daani raced inside, falling as she did so. Taa diverted her attention, holding the rambunctious cub still while she explained what happened.
Daanarrrrrrji! What trrrouble have jyou gotten jinto?
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 27th, 2002, 05:25:04 PM
Daani's eyes widened, and she held the pad at an angle to get a better view of the holo. "Wow! That looksss ljike fun!"
Then the doors opened and an extremely large forrda entered the Bar. Daani saw him out of the corner of her eye, yelped, and ducked under the table. The Wookiee slowly looked around from the entrance, apparently refusing to hand his bowcaster over to the guard.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 27th, 2002, 11:54:24 PM
Taa's eyes widened at the sight of the immense Wookiee making a scene at the door. Although Cizerack were generally stronger than Wookiees, Taataani was far from brawny, and was an even poorer match against a bowcaster-wielding berserker. Her ears folded back and she hissed, scooping up Daani in her arms as she thought about what to do.
Oh jyou've done jit now, ljittle kjitten....what djid jyou do exactljy???
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 28th, 2002, 09:20:24 PM
Daani hid her face in her aunt's shoulder, and tried to be as small as she could. "jI jussst borrrrrrowed thjisss." She dug into the pocket of her dirty dress and pulled out a holocube. "jIt'sss prrrettjy! But now jI can't gjive jit back, becaussse he'sss gojing to eat me!"
She squirmed out of her aunt's hands and pulled her body underneath the table again.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 28th, 2002, 09:41:29 PM
Taataani's ears drooped significantly, signalling her outright embarassment. Her eyes widened in mortification at Daanarri.
jYou ssstole thjisss??!! Daanji, jyou KNOW that jisss wrrrong!
Taa's face took on a firm demeanor, and she grasped Daani's hand, standing up from her seat.
Come now, ljittle cubljing...jyou'rrre gojing to apologjize!
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 28th, 2002, 09:50:04 PM
Daani's other hand gripped the table leg, and her tail wrapped around another leg of the table. "No! He'll eat me! EAT me!" Grabbing tighter, she anchored herself half under the table, half out, as Taa tugged on her arm.
The table shifted a little, but Daani didn't budge, her muscles straining. She squeezed her eyes shut, concentrating on staying put.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 28th, 2002, 10:53:44 PM
This was getting nowhere, and fast. The table would break long before either Daani or Taa would give in, and that would only complicate matters. Taa relented a little, her mind wandering. After a moment, she released her grasp, but didn't let Daani out of her serious stare. She gestured with her hand.
Daanji...gjive jit to me.
Bastion Merreow
May 29th, 2002, 11:59:16 AM
*bast covered a laugh as the little cizerack minx was fighting her elder about the the older lady went to appologize he sneaked over to wher the small cub was hiding and crawled under.he smirked as she yelped and put a finger to his lips and grinned.his red eyes flshing palyfully.he brushed the long blue braid off his shoulders and pointed toward where xazors feet were and shooki his head* ok wee lassieshall we have some fun with your aunt?*he liked torturing the female side of his species.he watched the minx grin back and chuckled.he liked children,even though the others though that for a half-breed cizerack he was very dangerous and odd.he was 7'5 and had a blue mane to about midthigh and was always up in a braid.he had a blue tail and ears and had a black tattoo covering his upper left arm and one on his stomack.when the aunt returned he crawled out from under the table with without his shirt on and leaned down on the table and grinned* hey there lonesome...
May 29th, 2002, 03:35:45 PM
Jhyx watched, eternally curious at the scene played out before him. His tail swished back and forth as his little ears twitched, and he hopped to the ground to saunter over to Daani. His eyes widened as he caught sight of the cube, and he jumped atop the little cub's shoulders, situating himself to where he was resting half over the front of her head.
"Oooooh, what's that," he asked, completely fascinated.
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 29th, 2002, 11:37:39 PM
Daani wrapped her arms and legs around one of the chair legs, hugging herself to it as soon as Taa let go of her hand. She fiddled with the cube...and squeaked at the sight of a blue haired...forrrda? under the table with her.
She hardened her resolve, and strengthened her grip on the table leg, but then something jumped on her shoulder, tiny elbows resting on her head. Jhyx leaned over. "Oooooh, what's that?"
Distracted from her aunt, and the huge, hairy [i[forrda[/i] who was sure to eat her, Daani held out the holocube and activated it. "Sssee?"
A large three-dimensional blueprint of a ship popped into the air in front of her, and Daani giggled. "jI ljike jit!"
From the front of the room a throaty roar was heard, and, guard to no guard, the Wookiee came thundering towards where he could plainly see his stolen holocube.
Taataani Meorrrei
May 30th, 2002, 08:51:30 PM
Taa was bombarded from all sides with irritations. Besides the irate wookiee, which was a considerable portion on her plate, she also had to deal with an amorous half-breed...and despite her libido, was simply not in the mood to deal with distractions like that. To complicate everything, the insufferable forrda, Jhyx, persisted in his campaign to either humor or annoy her to death. In such a nerve-racking situation, there was only one way to assert herself...
...Taa's ears folded back, and behind her glasses, a soul-scorching scowl flashed in her eyes. Her normally-smiling lips peeled back, revealing her sharp pearly whites. With a chilling growl, she peered down at Jhyx long enough for the idea to seep into his skull that maybe it wasn't the best time to play court jester. As an afterthought, she turned her head to the male, letting him wither in that menacing gaze for a while as well. Without realizing, her claws came fully unsheathed during the fearful display of annoyance.
May 30th, 2002, 09:38:41 PM
Jhyx could only stare back at Taa as she glared down at him, and his little ears drooped very.......... very low as his tail slapped nervously on Daani's back.
Peering up at Taa, he swore he could see every single vein in her neck and temples pop out.
It was then that the idea struck him.
Bounding from Daani's shoulders, he jumped to the bartop and grasped Taa's unfinished margarita, and the little Isnik snatched it up while wheeling around in the same motion, expertly bounding across the tables to where Taa stood.
"Catwoman!!!" he yelped, holding the margarita out, "here, take this!!! Drink it; it'll make you feel better!!"
Taataani Meorrrei
May 31st, 2002, 06:18:23 PM
Taking the drink, Taa reluctantly quaffed it down, and allowed it to take an edge off her temper. Draining the contents down her throat, she turned the glass upside down, and pressed it down over Jhyx's head, snatching the cube from his paws.
Daanarri Raurrssaatta
May 31st, 2002, 11:13:32 PM
Daani squealed with fear, and disappeared under the table as the Wookiee-forrda got closer to her aunt.
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