View Full Version : The Blind Leadeth the Blind

Fala Tuyen
May 26th, 2002, 07:51:22 PM
"Some day I'll fly away... Leave all this to yesterday..."

Crow breathed out the tune as she walked along the height of a rooftop, her hands stretched out to her sides to keep her balance. She tilt her head back and opened her mouth to catch drops of rain, her eyes closing tightly.

"What could your love do for me? When will love be through with me...?"

Sinking down, she sat on the cold slate and hugged her knees. Below her, a sticky smoke rose from within the house. All she'd loved.. Cared for... Gone.

"Why live life from dream to dream...and dread the day that dreaming..ends...?"

Tears mixed with the rain as she watched flashing lights disappear down the road. Crow remained hidden on the rooftop until she was sure that everyone had dispersed, before she crawled down and moved through the house to scavenge the burnt remants.