View Full Version : Training of Padawan Nyth Galanos in the jungle

Nyth Galanos
May 26th, 2002, 05:48:14 PM
Nyth followed Master Xazor into the dense jungle. They passed through lush undergrowth and vivid flowery. They walked for what seemed a long time until finnaly, they came to a clearing. Trees were scattered throughout the high meadow. Crags of rock juttted from the earth in various spots. Xazor turned and looked at Nyth. Nyth bowed

"Master, i submit myself to your wisdom."

He looked up and shot a grin at her

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 06:29:49 PM
Xazor smiled and bowed to her newest Padawan. Today would be his awakening...the day he began training as a Jedi. She was happy that he had accepted her as his Master, and that they were getting along well. It was always nice to have a student who you befriended also.

"This looks like a good place my Padawan...we shall begin your training here."

She said softly. Taking a seat upon a large boulder, she motioned him to sit in front of her on the smaller one.

"Now...to begin with, I'll ask you a few basic questions. What is your name in full, where were you born, how old are you, and what do you know of the Force?"

She questioned with a soft smile. The Knight was always curious to know about her students, for their relationship was always better that way, and she kept nothing about herself from them either.

Nyth Galanos
May 26th, 2002, 09:45:45 PM
Nyth sat on the stone, he smiled at his master. He was overwhelmed wiht excitment and anticipation. He still coudl not beleive that Master Xazor was his Master. He smiled at her and answered her questions

"My full name is Nyth Drasa Galanos, I was born...."

He paused for a moment

"I was born...actually I don't know where I come from. That is what I have searched for these years prior to coming here...answers. I grew up on Coruscant, the devastation is unbelievable. I can't imagine that it was once a grand city of the Old Rebublic....I was raised by Ska Nysi and his wife Leminas Nysi, I always thought of them as my parents. I thought they WERE my parents. But when I started to grow in the light they abandoned me. Ska fought me. That was the first time I ever held a lightsaber. I killed him..."

A violent spasm ravaged Nyth's body. The pain of it all was coming back to hiim

"Before he died he called me by my real name Nyth Drasa Galanos. Drasa being my father. Then I fled. I searched and searched for clues. And all I've found out is that my father was a Jedi. Now I sit before you at 17."

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 09:57:41 PM
Xazor nodded silently as she listened to his story. At least his past isn't like yours... She thought to herself. Smiling to herself as he finished, she spoke.

"If you listen to your heart...all things are possible. I know from first hand experience.."

Pausing a moment, she thought about how true that statement was. Coming here...she had no knowledge of her real parents...but then was trained by her father without realizing it...until one day when she listened to her heart. That was not the only time, though, that her heart had lead the way. Looking down for a moment, she smiled and then let her eyes drift to meet his.

"Seventeen you say? I am not much older than you and our Padawan/Master relationship will be special. Most view it as a Parent/Child relationship.....but we'll be more like brother and sister. I'll be here for you whenever you need me."

She said with a gentle smile. The Knight was finally realizing her teaching method...she didn't have to try anymore, or follow a set pattern. It couldn't be forced....the whole thing had to just happen...and it was. She looked up to him once again and couldn't help but smile.

"If you wish to know anything about me...or anything, just ask. I'll tell you whatever you wish to know."

The Garou smiled toothily, showing she was very happy at the moment. Having students was her pride and joy....all of them formed her little group of close knit friends...and filled the gaps of missing family members.

Nyth Galanos
May 26th, 2002, 11:41:53 PM
Hearing his Master's words, he brightened, but then hesitated slightly and said:

"Ska was the first thing to die at my hands..but...during those years of searching many more would perish. I killed and killed, anger consumed me. I will venture to say that the only reason I am not for the Dark Side is because I did not know about the Force. I don't know how I pulled out of it. It wasn't until my friends were killed that I realized my errors. What can I do to clense my soul of its stains?"

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 11:22:37 AM
Xazor looked down and smiled to herself, knowing the secrets about herself that she hadn't told him.

"You already have.....by coming here, you showed a change in your heart. Now, you shall become a Jedi and serve the Light. Though you may feel like you haven't "made up" for what you have done...you really have."

She said with a gentle smile. Sighing to herself, she spoke softly.

"I too killed....and the blood of thousands is upon my hands. I was the killer of killers...my name put fear into the bones of people..."

She looked off into space for a moment and then snapped back to reality. Looking upon him, she smiled gently.....hoping he would understand the silent message passed between them. It was hope, something he had to have for his future...and himself.

Nyth Galanos
May 27th, 2002, 01:10:37 PM
Nyth looked at the bright sunset. He contomplated what his master had sad and what she was trying to say. He trned back to her

"For every innocent I protect I shall wash one stain from my soul...You said to ask you about anything...tell me of you past.."

Nyth locked her gaze hoping that she would tell him..

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 05:16:11 PM
Xazor nodded and looked down at her hands. He was so innocent and kind...and he appeared to think very highly of her. The Knight did not wish to ruin his view, or their relationship, by telling him of her past.....but she knew she had to.

"I will tell you everything...please do not judge me on what I was, though..."

She said softly, her soft eyes locking gaze with his. It was the moment of truth....and time for Xazor to tell all. Secretly in her mind, she wished she didn't have to bear these horrible acts to him....but she had to...and she knew it.

"I was born on the Planet of Eden, where the Garou and a tribe of Cat-people resided
and lived at peace for the most part. My Father, Verse, and my mother whom I never
knew her name, raised me well. My father taught me how to fight, and how to sing. I
acquired our family's beautiful voice as well as physique and strength.

One day, in my fourth year, a powerful Emperor from the planet Cysaria came to our
planet. His name was Xander Kama......better known as Sith Master Lord Kama. He
felt that our planet had much power and was rich in the Force. When he tried to
force people like my parents to bow to his wishes and serve the darkside, he gave
up, realizing that
they were to old to change. He then erased their minds clean of me, their first
born....my father's pride and joy......and then he took me. He also partially erased my
memory, so that I was left in a torturing wondernment.

He raised me as a Sith......as his "daughter". I was only allowed to call him Master,
and never knew his real name until was eleven.I was named Empress at the age of
nine, and began making Inter-galactic appearances at the age of eleven.
In the mean time, I was being trained as a Sith. I became a Warrior...and then was
promoted to the rank of Knight. A war broke out on our planet and I was ordered to
head our Army. We raided homes and killed families....soldiers.....innocent people.
Later that year, after a victory from that battle, I was given a special honor. "The
Mark of the Most High" is a constant reminder to me of what I was. It is a tattoo,
encrypted in my skin.....and in my blood. It is unable to be removed. The "honor" was
bestowed upon me for bringing the most honor to the Empire. In other words......I
had killed the most people, something I am no longer proud of. I killed so many, that I
stopped counting at a thousand. It became a natural thing for me. I could look a
man in the eyes and spit at his feet before running my sword through his heart. I
lived a most unfortunate life, but in the midst of the hell, I fell in love. Another Sith
Knight named Chase, became the object of my obsession. He was different, though.
His heart was pure and he longed to be a Jedi. He was only a Sith because he
wanted to honor his father. He hated killing, and he hated every aspect of being a
Sith. Kama had an invisible grip on him, though.

Chase knew my heart and my true intentions. He lent me some books about the Jedi
and their history. The more I read, the more I longed for what they had. Soon after
finishing all of the books......I turned, in my heart. The guards would do routine room
checks, and one day when I returned to mine, my "Master" was there waiting for me.
He threw me to my knees and thretened to kill me. Raising his saber above my head,
he slammed the blade down into my right bicept. Anger consumed his soul and he
stormed out of my room with the words, "You shall always be aware of me and those
of my kind." I was devistated, and cried as I took care of this deep wound.

Viewing his little outburst as an escape, I packed a few things and flew off of the
planet on Kama's X-Wing fighter. I had no knowledge of where I was going, but I felt
the Force leading me. For many long days I traveled until I reached the planet of
Yavin IV. There I was accepted into the Greater Jedi Order, and a Master took me in
to train me."

When she was finished speaking, there was a tear in her eye, which she quickly wiped away so he didn't see it. Looking up to him, she spoke once again.

"The one who took me to train me was Verse Dawnstrider. We made an immediate connection and he began to think of me more than just his student...but as his daughter. He adopted me and I took his name....until one day memories came flooding back and the truth was revealed that I was really his biological daughter. It was a wonderful day indeed. I am going to marry my love, Shade Magus soon, also. So you see......though I had done a lot of terrible things in my life, it all turned out to be good."

She said softly. She had not told things of the more recent...but she had gotten across what she wanted to....and what he wished to know. Her past...the deep dark secrets.

Nyth Galanos
May 27th, 2002, 06:08:46 PM
Nyth sat listening to his Master relive the pain of her past. Her fall and her rise. He felt her old pain. But he felt something. He felt her regard him with an air of naivety and innocence. It stung him...

"Master, nothing that you have done could change my regard for you. But, I ask, with do you regard me as if I have never seen horror or bloodshed. You treat me as if I am a navie child."

He did not understand it. He closed his eyes and drew a deep breath.

OOC:Sorry its shot, i have to do the dishes

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 06:14:13 PM
ooc: Wow! I really like the new sig you added! :)


Xazor looked down and shook her head.

"I do not view you as a naive child.....but I do not wish for you to...to think down upon me for my past as others have. I have been judged enough to know that it depends on the person you tell...."

She paused a moment and sighed, her gentle eyes moving to meet his.

"It is nothing against you...it is my own fault for being ashamed to share this now. Or perhaps it is the fault of the ones who have judged me. I myself do not judge anymore...I love everyone the best I can until they give me a reason to dislike them....and then, I still do for them as if they were one of my friends."

The Knight wanted him to understand...and she could tell that he was sincere in his words.

"I just don't want to loose any Padawans because they found out how I was. I want them to know that I have changed and can teach well...."

The Garou said softly, hoping he would see her purpose for not wishing to tell him right away, though she had to. She always had to tell her story...it was something that couldn't stay hidden because it was a testament to change and hope.

Nyth Galanos
May 27th, 2002, 07:05:37 PM
OOC: Thanks....its one of my best...I had been having a creative block and then it just suddenly came....


"First, Master, you need not be afraid of losing me, I can assure you of that"

He grinned at her and continued.

"Second, I understand everything of what your saying, of your expierences, of not knowing who you are and where you came from..."

His voice grew as well as some strange desperation...for her understanding. She had said it herself, they were close in age so they'd be able to understand eachother very well...

"I know it because that's what I was and still partially am... "

Nyth stood up and paced awhile....waiting for his Master to guide him

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 08:16:45 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled genlty.

"Yes....I see it. But you must also see, that I found my past without looking. I tried to find my parents and where I came from.....but the more I tried, the further away I got from the truth. One day, I just had to surrender it to the Force and let it guide me. My past was but a few words away. All I had to say to my Master was, "You're the one I've been looking for..." But the funny thing was, was that he "found" me! I think that my past is complete...it is like a chapter in my life story that I have closed, but not forgotten. Parts of it still torment me from time to time....when a familiar happening reminds me, but in time, you learn to cope and how to live. I am still learning, but speaking with my Father...my mentor, and even my Padawans....I have come such a long way. I know you will too."

She said with a gentle smile. It was getting easier by the moment for her to wear her heart on her sleeve in front of him....indeed, their Padawan/Master relationship would be one of the closest she had ever had. She wished to be that way with all of her students....but many were unwilling. It was nice to finally have one of her learners be a friend....

ooc: I especially like the wolf in the sig! :) *Gee...I wonder why he's got that in there* ;)

Nyth Galanos
May 28th, 2002, 07:40:30 PM
Nyth took in her words with thought and contemplation. He decided that she was wholly right. He exhaled, giving himself toe Force.

"Thank you for your guidance. What shall we do now...perhaps some physical training...?"

He streched a little and faced Xazor, clasping his hands behind hs back.

"But then again, I don't want to embaress you..."

He grinned, but underneath it he was testing her...he was still feeling his way....He didnt know how strict she was...yet

Nyth Galanos
May 30th, 2002, 11:46:41 AM
OOC: Uh, Xazor? You there? Please reply, I dont know when I'll bew able to though....I tore sme cartilage in my knee and might need to get surgery...but I'll try to reply

Xazor Elessar
May 30th, 2002, 09:14:10 PM
Xazor grinned toothily.

"Don't worry about embarassing me....I've had several Padawans who can't do anything. They have never made me look bad, though......"

She shot it right back at him. Grinning to herself.

ooc: I'll reply better latter, but go with this for now! :) I've been sooooo busy lately. Sorry!

Nyth Galanos
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:42:10 AM
"Oh really? Well, there's a first for eveything..."

Nyth unclasped his training saber but did not power it up. Rather he started walking slowly, circling her.

Xazor stood still with her eyes closed. She didn't need her sight to fight her padawan.

Nyth closed the gap between them each pass. He gripped his saber tightly. He muscles were wound like tight springs. He engaged his Lightsaber, dropped his right leg behind him and opened his shoudlers.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:12:26 PM
Xazor grinned as she felt his movement around her. With each pass he made, he gained more ground toward her. Suddenly he moved quickly and she drew her saber. With a quick motion, two blue blades shot forth from each end with a hissing sound. She did not need her eyes to fight...so she kept them closed. Blocking with ease a strike he had made, she countered with a quick spin and a heavy blow to the side of his head. Sending him back several feet, she used the opportunity to set up an invisible Force wall under him. He fell onto it and a cracking sound could be heard; quite possibly a rib...

Nyth Galanos
Jun 4th, 2002, 04:21:01 PM
Nyth clutched his ribs, he had slammed into a wall of sorts. It was undoubtably a Jedi trick. He head also throbbed with cousing pain. But he drew a deep breath and accepted the pain. It was only a natural function, it was not there to hurt him. It was there to inform him. He didnt struggle against the force field. He just willed that it would be broken.

"So? What would oyu have me do now?"

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 08:24:27 AM
Xazor grinned slightly and opened her eyes.

"Come here..."

She walked toward him and he took up the rest of the space by a few paces. Smiling, she gently placed her hands where his ribs would be, and then she sent healing waves through the Force. The warm gentleness that spread over his body healed the fractured ribs...binding each broken sinew and molecule...until the bones were stronger than before. The pain would last, and they were slightly bruised, but it would not hurt anywhere near as much as before.

"There...I am sure that is better. That was to teach you a lesson...that you need a lot more training. Now, you know how to touch the Force, how to control it a little bit. We must work on expanding your knowledge of this. To sense things through the Force is what we shall work on now. Close your eyes...I will throw something at you and you must block it with this staff. If you don't it will hurt! Use the Sphere of Responsibility to feel the object cutting through the Force....open your mind and your senses."

She motioned for him to close his eyes and do as she had instructed. The Knight lifted a rock into the air with her mind and threw it at her Padawan. She waited in anticipation to see what would happen.

Nyth Galanos
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:58:12 PM
Nyth felt most of the pain leave his ribs. He focused on them and pushed the rest of it away, accepting it for what it was. He took up the stick and closed his eyes. He breathed in deeply, trying to feel his surroundings in hisself.

Xazor launched the first projectile. It came hurtling through the air at lightning speed.

Nyth sensed something vague, gaining speed every moment.
It came closer, closer, closer....


Nyth barely hit the rock. It missed his head by a small margin.

He opened his eyes and stared at Xazor, wondereing how he'd done.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:06:00 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently.

"That was excellent my Padawan....now, do it again....but this time turn around."

She motioned for him to do so...and then she launched another rock at him. He had to be able to move his concentration from all around him....