View Full Version : Comeback. (Open fight to anyone)

Orig. Sin Lance Casey
May 26th, 2002, 04:41:33 PM
Casey stepped onto the street of Mos Eisley for the first time in a very long while. Personal problems had long since kept him from his travels and his search for his place in the world. His tortured psyche had created the image of an old friend long dead and put the notion into his head that he ahd lost his abilities. This forced him to come to terms with himself and all the things he had done in his life. It made him accept that he could never be a jedi again, and that he refused to be a Sith. When he came to this realization, his ablities returned. Now for the first time in a long time, he was happy with himself, and with his lightsaber at his side, ready to do some good.

Casey: Feels good to be back.

Casey turned into an alley and began to walk into the shadows.