View Full Version : Afterlife: Family Heirloom

Gitane Van Derveld
May 26th, 2002, 04:00:30 PM
Gitane sat on the cold, damp surface of a rough boulder, looking out at the lapping waters of the ocean. She scratched the tips of her quantium-built claws into the stone absently. Her pale eyes blinked once. Twice. Before she yawned. After a moment, she lifted the compad that sat at her side and tapped a few words into it. Her lips twisted into a grin as she read over the note and sent it.

SENT : Darius, my dear son. I wish to discuss some things with you. On the matter of your asking forgiveness? Well... I've thought about it. I'll give you my answer when you arrive.

Darius Van-Derveld
May 27th, 2002, 11:28:13 AM
The 'Gavourden's' comms system chirped to life; roused from a semi doze Darius leaned over and scanned the incoming message.

Surprised at the content and origin of the message Darius re-read the message twice more untill he was sure in his own mind exactly what the message really meant.

Well, this is unexpected, my prior engagement will have to wait...

Easing the vessel around manually Darius roughly aimed for Helios and began to run the numbers through the onboard nav computer; once the neccisary preparations had been made Darius threw the hyperdrive control switches and lent back for the signature jolt as the stars blurred to lines and distance became immaterial.


The landing ramp clunked to the floor and holding nothing but his sabre and wearing a light but warm overrobe Darius began the half hour trek to the mansion where he expected his mother to be waiting.


The fabulous Van Derveld manse had always been inspiring to the young Darius, but now he recognised the houses true value, its ability to make people feel small; fortunately he was a Van Derveld and the family did not do small, however, apprehension at meeting his mother was beginning to slightly unsettle the usually indifatigable lupine.

Throwing wide the huge double doors and stepping through that dread portal did mean that he was commited, she would have felt his arrival and all he had to do was wait; pacing to the centre of the cavernous reception area he took in his surroundings, it had been so long...