View Full Version : My EP3 Speculations POSSIBLE SPOILERS
Zartan Fett
May 25th, 2002, 11:57:34 PM
Ok I have finally brought my post from a thread over at the RPF.
Here is my specualtion from hours of racking my brain for the last week and a half. We know that EP3 will take place a few years after AOTC which is set 20 years before ANH.
1. Naboo - I believe that the planet will be destroyed by a prototype of the Death Star we say briefly in AOTC and fully in ANH. Why you may ask? Well it has been thought that Dagobah is Naboo but horribly transformed. Well the official map put that to rest. I think it is destroyed since we don't hear of the planet in the original trilogy and it explains the absence of the sleek weopons and ships.
2. Padme will end up with Bail Organa at some point in the film. Since Leia's father is thought t be Bail, and she has very little memory or her mother(who is Padme). I also believe we may see her death possibly at the hands of Anakin. Possibly because of betrayal the final step for him you might say. Rumors of Padme's death faked to hide her from Anakin are also on the net.
3.Luke and Leia - Will we see them? Well is has been said that the scene Uncle George shot last year in Tunasia for EP3 was the scene where Obi-Wan gives Luke to Owen and Beru. Is this true? Well he did shoot something for EP3, but we don't know if this is it. Perhaps Padme takes Leia with Bail to Alderaan.
4.Obi-Wan and Anakin will use the sabers we see in ANH. As in the one Obi-Wan gives to Luke will be held by Anakin and the saber Obi-Wan uses in ANH will be seen in EP3. George wants to close the gap on continuity and this has to happen this way.
5. Boba Fett - Will we see him? If we do I can only believe he will go back to Kamino and have them accelerate his growth wearing his father's helmet and a new set of armor. In the original triliogy, Boba wore a suit in a ESB(to us his first suit) which was stolen after production. That is why we see a new suit in ROTJ. But in the Special Edition of ANH we see him inserted with the ROTJ armor ans blaster. So for continuity's sake, we have to assume he has more than one set of armor or blasters. Since we know that his hate for the Jedi stems from Mace killing his father, and we know that Mace dies in EP3, it must be at the hands of Boba. We know he wants blood since he carries the braids of fallen Padawans on his shoulder(as seen in the original trilogy). Could he help Vader eradicate the Jedi? Could Vader's line from ESB in the Bespin freezing chamber " No disintegration..." mean something we will see? Hmmm.
6. Stormtroopers - will we see them? I don't think so. Maybe at the end of the movie. The Empire shouldn't be in full affect yet. The Senate does survive until the beginning of ANH. But I do think Palpatine will have full control and the clonetroopers will be throughout the galaxy on every corner.
7. Jar Jar - more? I hope not. Since we know he was being controlled by Palpatine to do his bidding which caused him to change everything(weakminded he is), I hope Palpatine kills him. Nuff said!
8. Darth Vader - Well from the hint George gave us from AOTC where Yoda is meditating, we can assume we will see him don the mask. Most likely after the molten pit battle between Anakin and Obi-Wan in which he will need the mask to survive. Some rumors state that parts of Vader's suit will be seen in EP3 but pieces here and there. I'm sure Anakin's Jedi garb will have a big difference from AOTC. And he will be with Palpatine very early. Palpatine has been advising him secretly for the past 10 years anyways.
9. Jedi Council - Decimated? Will Yoda and Obi-Wan be on the run in this film? I think so. We need a conclusion.
10. C-3PO and R2-D2 - memory wipe is inevitable. Will we see them with Bail Antillies in this film, who also owns the Falcon before Lando? I think so ;)
11. A Han Solo type character? I think we might see one.
12. Tarkin - I think he will be there. Can't wait!
13. Tatooine - This planet is central to the whole SW universe. I predict we will see someone there.
14. Shmi - Will we find out why the Tusken Raiders held her captive and alive so long? Could Palpatine have ordered this? I'm sure he's behind it. it makes sense.
15. Qui-Gon - will we see his ghost? I can guarantee we will hear it if not see it. We know this from the same hint from George from Yoda's meditation.
16. Dooku - Dooku should die early on if not between movie. I heard before that there will be another Sith Lord before Anakin and after Dooku. Not confirmed though. Palpatine will want to force Anakin to kill whoever it is.
17. A huge battle with Sith Lords Anakin and Palpatine. You can bet on it. Palpatine vs. Yoda. I think we will also see why Palpatine is the Sith Lord Master.
Well that's all my mind will let go of right now. This last one will be the darkest. The fall will happen, and only a few people survive from it all. No happy endings in this one. A light of hope at the end? Maybe. George says so. Give me your opinions.
May 26th, 2002, 12:22:10 AM
wearing his father's helmet and a new set of armorIn the essential guide (darn, I really need to buy that thing!), it says that Boba got his armor from Jango Fett's mentor (I can't recall his name).
we can assume we will see him don the maskFrom my understanding, they've already contracted James Earl Jones for at least 15 minutes of voice overs. :)
Will we find out why the Tusken Raiders held her captive and alive so long? Could Palpatine have ordered this?I hadn't considered this - excellent point!
I heard before that there will be another Sith Lord before Anakin and after DookuI hope not - I think it would be a bit silly to have one new villan after the other. Plus, it takes decades to achieve the rank of Sith Lord. Sidious knew that he couldn't train a new apprentice from birth, as he did with Maul. So he corrupted an already-powerful Jedi Master: Count Dooku. I was actually glad to see that he lived past the end of the movie.
Figrin D'an
May 26th, 2002, 12:43:54 AM
Some great thoughts... I would tend to agree with some of them. There are some loose ends that GL needs to sew up in Episode III... we all know what the end result is, we just need to see how it all happens. :)
A few thoughts:
- Naboo could easily just be passed off as being "insignificant" for the storyline of the original trilogy... once Padme leaves there (to go into hiding or whatever), all major ties to the planet are eliminated, considering that Palpatine is on Coruscant all the time. There is Jar Jar, but we might not see much of him in Episode 3. On a similar note...
- ... I think we could see something bad happen to Jar Jar in Episode III, just as a sign that the innocence that exists in the galaxy in the time of Episode I really is gone completely... Jar Jar represents that innocence, and having something happen to him would be quite symbolic, IMO.
- Boba Fett will be back in Episode III... GL himself has said so. I would agree that he will return to Kamino, undergo growth acceleration, and become a serious threat to the Jedi. Boba killing Mace Windu would be a pretty dramatic moment...
- Really, we already have seen the Stormtroopers... just in a slightly different armor configuration. Maybe we'll see the armor change towards the end of the film, but if not... no big deal. Everyone gets the picture anyway...
- I really hope there isn't another Sith apprentice between Dooku and Anakin... things are already set up so well for Anakin to take revenge on Dooku for the loss of his arm, then for Sidious to tempt Anakin to the Dark Side after he defeats Dooku in battle. We don't need another Sith Lord... Dooku's character is too interesting for him to be axed early in favor of another "Darth Maul"-type character...
- I really don't want to see a Han Solo-type character... honestly, I think it would just look silly when compared to Harrison Ford's performance as Han. Part of what made Han so interesting was the natural charisma that Ford brought to the role. That's not something that is easily duplicated, and if it isn't done well, with the right type of actor, it will come off as very cheap and will only diminish those parts of the film.
- We should see Darth Vader at some point (the very end of the film), but I don't want there to be any on-screen indication that Vader is, in fact, Anakin. Otherwise, the revelation in ESB is completely ruined from the audience perspective. The same thing applies to Luke and Leia's shared parentage... that needs to be a "secret" that is maintained until ROTJ, otherwise the dramatic effect is ruined. I don't know how GL is going to pull it off, but I sincerely hope that those things will be preserved for future generations that get to watch all six films in chronological order...
The next three years are going to be hell for those of us that want to be spoiler-free in May, 2005. It's going be far more difficult to avoid that it was for AOTC...
Zartan Fett
May 26th, 2002, 12:59:28 AM
Without going to deep into this, the clonetroopers are different than the Stormtroopers. We only assume that Stormtroopers are clones, and Stormtroopers can't shoot straight and they don't have an Austalian accent. Maybe there will be a new host. I think its a little more than changing armor. There would be no reason to change the armor. Think about it.Its something else...
Also George never said Boba would be back. Neither did Rick. Rick confirmed that the mention of Boba coming back or that Hugh Jackman was signed were never released by anyone at LFL.
Lilaena De'Ville
May 26th, 2002, 02:39:11 AM
I was under the impression that Stormtroopers were different than Clonetroopers as well.
Clones are outlawed after the clone wars, nu?
Darth Viscera
May 26th, 2002, 04:44:18 AM
With regards to #14:
Aura Sing has something to do with it I think, as it will be her that tries to kill Padme on Tatooine in Ep 3 with the help of Tusken Raiders (who lead her into a trap with Sing as she runs from the tuskens), presumably under bounty from Nute Gunray. However, I believe Obi-Wan appears in the nick of time.
May 26th, 2002, 12:18:10 PM
I heard that James Earl Jones was signed for 5 minutes of voice overs.
I think we will see Palpatine encourage Anakin to kill Dooku, but in a way that Anakin doesn't feel like he's doing something he shouldn't be doing. He trusts Palpatine, and will tap into his anger. At this point, he's putty to Palpatine when he eventually kills Dooku. Anakin will Palpatine credit for unlocking his true potential, and this will contribute to his bitterness and hatred of Obi Wan.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 26th, 2002, 01:56:28 PM
My thoughts on... er... your thoughts:
1. Naboo - I agree, I think a prototype Death Star destroying Naboo would work well in explaining how there is no Naboo-like-sleekness in anything in the OT, as well as advancing the Death Star story well. Twenty years between prototype (big laser and bare frame) and complete version of the DS could work. Of course, between ANH and RotJ, the Empire is much more meshed together into a perfect war machine, and the second DS would be built much faster.
2. Padme - I don't think she will die by Anakin's hand, it would make more sense if she was killed in a way to turn him to the Dark Side even more. Maybe Palpatine sets it up so it looks like a Jedi kills her, or whatever - if seeing his mom die pushed him over the first brink, imagine what seeing Padme die will do.
3.Luke and Leia - I'm sure the scene(s) shot in Tunisia are of Luke being given to the Lars family by Kenobi. I'm probably wrong because I can never guess what Uncle George is going to do next accurately, but meh. I would guess Leia is shown in a similar way with Padme and Organa.
4.Lightsabers - Groovy, and I agree. This maddeningly frequent changing of lightsabers must end SOMEwhere.
5. Boba Fett - I hope to goodness we see him disintegrate Mace Windu. That is, more than anything else, THE THING I want to see happen in Episode III. I don't think he'd HAVE to take the growth-enhancing drugs, though.
6. Stormtroopers - I would say we see them in one of the final movie scenes. But stormtroopers are not clone troopers - so I imagine the switch is made from cloning soldiers to forcibly (or otherwise) recruiting them, which explains the Academy in ANH and how all the stormies are obviously not clones of Jango because they all suck. I mean, compare the performance of the clonies in AotC to the stormies in any movie. I'd like to have seen stormies try and take out the droid army. And I don't think they could have - at LEAST not nearly as well as the clonies did. I imagine stormies to only have come into general use when the Empire was secure already and didn't need genetically enhanced - and expensive - soldiers anymore. I mean, if the stormies can't beat little bears in a forest, they'll never beat any other serious threat and I'm sure Palpatine knows this. :)
7. Jar Jar - I am sure he'll be back. But I really can't see George killing him off, despite how much we all would love to see it. My bet is he gets off and goes into hiding, or else is on Naboo when it blows and thus dies off-screen.
8. Darth Vader - That rumour about various pieces of the armour coming from various places reeks of crap to me. It doesn't make sense, and I can't see how it would all eventually miraculously look awesome together. However, the voice and the armour will of course return - SOMEhow.
9. Jedi Council - Naturally decimated.
10. C-3PO and R2-D2 - Memory wipe inevitable for Threepio. I am a staunch Artoo supporter... he is smart enough to not give away secrets. He was secret agent droid in RotJ, and is always the smart hero in all the movies - I can't see that changing and his memory getting trashed.
11. A Han Solo type character - There had better not be one. It'll either be done wrong or be out of place in such a dark film, in my opinion.
12. Tarkin - I agree!
13. Tatooine - Also agree.
14. Shmi - I think the Tuskens are more than capable of taking captives and keeping them alive for long periods of time all on their own. They have always been portrayed as old time American Indian-type savages. The way Lars told the story, this kind of thing is not altogether uncommon. Interesting theory, but I don't think it's at all neccessary. But it is, after all, part of Palpatine's magic to be able to manipulate events without being seen doing it - we may never know.
15. Qui-Gon - I'm sure we'll see him. We've got to see SOME Jedi ghost in Episode III, or else the entire Jedi ghost thing of the OT comes out of the blue and makes remarkably less sense than ever.
16. Dooku - Dooku should be in Episode III, and be killed by Anakin. Having an entirely new Sith Lord (not including Vader, heh) for the movie is ridiculous, sorry. No one would understand why Dooku is gone and there's suddenly this new talent in town. It would be like the entire lightsaber-switching fiasco, but on a MUCH more noticeable scale that everyone would see. Whether Dooku will die early on or later, I cannot forsee. Always in motion, the future is... ;)
17. Huge Sith Lord battle - Imagined scene: Nearly all of the Jedi have been wiped out, basically behind Yoda's back. Anakin has turned. Yoda begins to face down Anakin (perhaps not alone)... and then Palpatine appears. Yoda eventually must flee to save his own life and preserve the chance of a new hope of defeating their incredible powers. I admit I want to see a Yoda-Palpatine faceoff almost as much as I want to see Boba Fett kick -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. The difference is, we know the Yoda-Palpy scene WILL happen - it MUST. I hope.
Nathanial K'cansce
May 26th, 2002, 02:43:07 PM
I thought Alderaan was the first ever planet that the Death Star blew up... at least that is what the impression I get when I see ANH. So I don't think that Naboo is oging to be blown up..
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 26th, 2002, 03:22:55 PM
You know... it wouldn't have to be that way.
They could keep it a secret.
Padme: We'd be living a lie... I couldn't do that. Could you?
Seriously, I am sure the blowing up of a planet is not common from the portrayel in ANH... but it is possible that one could have been annihilated twenty years before and sort of smoothed over and forgotten by those times. The Empire could blame it on the Separatists.
Zartan Fett
May 26th, 2002, 03:25:18 PM
Well if you looked at the holo pic of the Death Star in AOTC it has things sticking out of it. So my idea refers to a prototype before the one we see in ANH.Maybe not.
May 26th, 2002, 06:16:00 PM
When Alderaan was destroyed, it was the first time Obi Wan had ever felt something like that, so if it had happened before, he wouldn't have been so puzzled over what happened to Alderaan, in that respect, I don't think that Naboo will be destroyed. Maybe the surface will be wrecked by a prototype, but not blown out of existence.
Figrin D'an
May 26th, 2002, 08:26:29 PM
About the Stormtroopers:
This is something that is going to be argued basically until Episode III comes out...
The Stormtroopers may not be exactly the same as the clones seen in AOTC, but I don't think the difference is that far removed. Remember, Lucas likes to use fairly simple plot devices for things like this... I don't think he would go so far as to make the clone trooper armor so close to that of the Stormtrooper armor, only to later say that they are completely independent of one another. Perhaps a different host is used, since Jango is dead, or perhaps the Republic/Empire starts to recruit into their ranks from the general populous to fill the demand for troops. Either way, it's pretty clear that the basis of the Stormtroopers starts with the clones.
Is there anything, in canon material, that says that clones were banned after the Clone War? Not that I can recall... besides, by the time the Clone War comes to a close, Palpatine is likely going to declare himself Emperor... then he can make whatever rules he wants.
As for the "blaster accuracy" issues... there's a certain amount of suspension of disbelief that goes into watching these films. We don't see the Stormtroopers take out the Rebelion heroes in the original trilogy because they are just that... the heroes. The main characters. It's a fantasy story... In the prequels, we'll see more death of major characters because of the tone that the story needs to take, to make us believe that the "dark times" have befallen the galaxy.
In ANH, Obi-Wan indicates that the Stormtroopers are widely feared throughout the galaxy for being deadly efficient and precise. Just because Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie and the droids manage to not get killed, doesn't mean that the Stormtroopers are bungling cross-eyed morons. Yes, they were rather goofy at points in the films, especially against the Ewoks. That's more a function of the storytelling than it is the actually character traits. The Stormtroopers have to be beaten in ROTJ for the heroes to win. Like I said... it's a fantasy story.
Also... wouldn't the Academy be for training comissioned officers, not the Stormtroopers? Having the field soldiers is great, but you need a full military staff to make things work... that's what the Academy would be for... recruiting and training officers.
Doc Milo
May 27th, 2002, 12:21:07 AM
Well said about the stormtroopers, Figrin D'an.
"And these blast points, too accurate for Sand People. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."
About the host being changed. It could also be that there are multiple hosts, to clone a large army, more quickly.
About the banning of cloning: Like Figrin D'an said, Palpatine is the Emperor, a dictator. Even if he bans cloning for everyone else, it doesn't mean he had banned it for his own army...
On Naboo: Why the speculation about its destruction? There are many things in the prequels that will not be mentioned in the OT, does that mean all of it is destroyed? Kamino is not mentioned in the OT -- does that mean Kamino will be destroyed? Mos Espa is not mentioned in the OT, does that mean Mos Espa will be destroyed? Just because something isn't in the OT does not mean that it has to be destroyed in the prequels. It's a big galaxy. Things just become not important in the plot of the OT.
Zartan Fett
May 27th, 2002, 12:31:43 AM
Thanks for the words of wisodm.
Marcus Telcontar
May 27th, 2002, 05:37:57 AM
People - whomever said the Clonetrooper have an Aussie accent -
Do you want to die? It's Kiwi! Never confuse an Aussie with a Kiwi, else terrible things will happen to you, terrible things! Australia and New Zealand are virtually one country, but never, ever call a Kiwi an Aussie, or an Aussie a Kiwi. We will then force you to drink Fosters.
Now that is a fate worse than watching Titanic
Admiral Lebron
May 27th, 2002, 06:57:03 AM
I think that the Stormtroopers on Endor lost through sheer numbers. I mean, there didn't appear to be that many Stormtroopers to begin with and the Ewoks had their entire civilazation to use against them. And I also think that them being Palpatines best, is BS. Just a bluff to make Luke turn to the darkside.
May 27th, 2002, 07:33:02 AM
The Stormtroopers all had poison ivy, that's why they lost to the Ewoks.
So Marcus, is Foster's Kiwi for beer? :lol
Evil Hobgoblin
May 27th, 2002, 08:39:01 PM
A few thoughts.
Both cloning and assassin droids are frowned upon, if not outlawed up front. We might see the entire Clone War conflict settled by a one-sided victory on the Republic's end, followed by the return of the Separatist worlds to the Republic.
However, the clones have been dubbed as mentally unstable by many sources. After much difficulty, the clones eventually need to be put down. This gets followed by an information leak regarding the Jedi involvement in the creation of the clone army and is somehow twisted into anti-Jedi sentiment. No one realizes Palpatine has orchestrated the entire thing. Both cloning and droid soldiers are in disfavor, and ordinary people are conscripted to fill the vacuum in Palpatine's grand Army of the Republic.
Yet Anakin Skywalker somehow remains untouched by the hatred, or perhaps is touched by it and encouraged to prove himself. Either way, his arrogance and need to force order on fighting peoples turns him against his lesser Jedi brethren, who disagree sharply on how to handle the galaxy turning against them. He confronts some Jedi about it, potentially slaying several Dark Jedi and eventually going against Obi-Wan, whom he believes is somehow corrupt.
Obi-Wan dispatches Anakin, and with the death of the Chosen One realization comes to the few remaining Light Jedi that they have truly failed in their duty. But still it is too late. The purges and hiding begin. Boba Fett takes his revenge on the man who killed his father, disintegrating the Jedi into atoms.
A pregnant Padme has survived and is with Obi-Wan. She gives birth to the twins, Luke and Leia, and places Luke in Obi-Wan's care, who in turn seeks out Owen Lars to raise Luke. Leia and Padme go to Alderaan.
But Anakin has survived. He seeks Palpatine's aid and Darth Vader appears. Together with a certain Moff, the two of them will devise a New Order and bring it to the Galaxy.
Whether Padme survives or not is uncertain. I don't think she will necessarily die before Anakin turns, but it is possible that Anakin will hunt her down and kill her, where her thoughts will betray the existence of possible offspring for Anakin. Severing this last link to the Light may truly turn Anakin down the Dark Path.
These are only guesses, of course. Tell me what you think.
Marcus Telcontar
May 27th, 2002, 09:17:00 PM
So Marcus, is Foster's Kiwi for beer?
No, it's Kiwi and Aussie for cat p iss
I'm not kidding either.
Righ Gan Fang
May 27th, 2002, 10:23:10 PM
I certainly hope the Death Star doesn't make an appearance. Even if it is just a prototype. How many times do we have to see the same damn thing? I have already seen two Death Stars, in two different movies.
If it does somehow appear, and it gets blown up, then the Empire would deserve to be overthrown, just on the basis that they are too stupid to realize "Well, the first two got blown up, third times a charm!"
I can forgive the same mistake twice. Three times is pushing it.
Sene Unty
May 27th, 2002, 10:25:31 PM
wow hobgoblin....that was really good. I like that story. That should be the plot for EP3.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 27th, 2002, 11:02:05 PM
Yeah, nice job with that, Hobgoblin. :)
Zartan Fett
May 27th, 2002, 11:47:38 PM
Looks like Uncle George has thrown us another curve ball. Padme won't be dying after all. Unless she's a clone in ROTJ...
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 27th, 2002, 11:57:42 PM
You think that's funny, but IT'S NOT. Except in a sick and twisted way. Don't you dare somehow suggest that idea to Lucas. He might do it.
Hey, anything's possible and fair game for him.
Zartan Fett
May 28th, 2002, 12:39:05 AM
What do you mean? She's being shot for footage in the ROTJ Ultimate Edition. Haven't you heard?
Darth Turbogeek
May 28th, 2002, 06:07:42 AM
I truly hope that's a false rumour
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