View Full Version : Dark Justice (Xazor)

Cherice St_Hilare
May 25th, 2002, 05:10:24 PM
It was a subtle village, where everything in the world seemed perfect. Children played outside, their laughter carried by the wind as the women cooked and the men worked... "Mummy, no ! Don't take this away from me!" A little girl clutched onto her doll protectively as her mother grabbed for it. "Damnit, child, give it to me! You burned all of our bread in the oven and spilt the cow's milk." The little girl refused to give up her doll and was slapped. Sobbing, she gave her tattered rag doll to her mother.
The sun fell down and the moon rose, casting its silver rays across land. Everybody had retired to bed and all was quiet, save for the occassional bark of a dog. The only thing that was open was a tavern, dimly lit with candles as travelers and drunks stayed there ... A cloaked figure pushed the doors open and walked in, the footsteps slow and deliberate. Thunk. Thunk. Thunk. The sound of boots echoed slightly, and all went quiet. "Hey, who's there? We ain't seen the likes of ye before." No response from the cloaked figure. Aggitated, the man who yelled out stood up and took out a knife. "Don't be ignorant now, or ye'll -" The man had no time to finish what he was saying, for the cloaked figure raised its hand and the man was slammed into the wall.

Startled, everyone started to scream and yell. "What the hell is that thing?!" "We're gonna perish!" "Somebody, help us!" The cloaked figure reached up and lowered its hood, revealing the person's features. Everyone in there couldn't resist the temptation to see what the stranger looked like .. Too bad she would be the last one they ever saw. The woman had silver hair and ice-blue eyes, her lips full and red ... And that "woman" was really a succubi; a demon who ate souls.

Grinning, she looked at the doors behind her and bolted them shut with the Force, then did the same with the few windows. Inside her cloak sleeve she had her lightsaber and she took it out, igniting it. A dark purple blade, almost black, spurted forth as a maniacal laugh escaped from her lips.
Walking out from the tavern, her once black robes were now stained with dark red. She started to walk towards one of the houses where the little girl and mother lived and opened the door. It was small, being that this village wasn't rich, and right away she could see where the mother slept with her husband. The husband grunted in his sleep and rolled over, waking up the woman. She sat up and saw Cherice, and screamed. The husband, now awake, grabbed for the blaster that was on the dresser next to him. Using the Force, Cherice slammed the blaster into the wall, breaking it into tiny pieces. The woman kept shrieking over and over again, and finally that was enough. She stalked over to her and grabbed her by the throat, her fingers pressing down on her trachea.

" Your Kind disgusts me, "

She hissed in a deadly voice as she let the woman go. Turning around, she found herself face to face with her husband who was going to slam a vase onto her head. In a swift, liquid motion, Cherice's lightsaber was ignited and the man's two halves fell onto the floor later with a thud. Now, it was time for the woman. "Please, don't hurt me .. Please .. Don't take away my life!" She pleaded pathetically for her life, which was quite amusing.

" Just like you let your daughter keep her doll? "

Knowing that her fate was sealed, the woman flung herself onto the ground, crying. She grabbed the woman by her hair, ripping out chunks of it along with her skin. Blood poured from the woman's head as she screamed in pain, only to have her nose broken by a swift blow. "Please, just kill me and get it over with," she begged .. And her wish was met.

After she was done slaughtering the woman, she went over to the dresser and opened it, taking out the doll. It's dirt-smudged smock was ripped and the face's features were drawn, but the girl loved it. Turning around, she saw the little girl staring at her with wide eyes.

" Hush, little one .. I've come to give you back your doll. "

She handed the girl her doll and then walked by her, going out the door. Bolting it shut from behind her, she took out a match and lit it, then threw it on the straw roof. Flames rose into the air as the house quickly caught on fire, and the girl's screaming could be heard. The fire caught on quickly to other people's houses and some ran out, others didn't. Knowing that all the pain and suffering would attract Xazor, Cherice waited.

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 05:58:10 PM
Suddenly Xazor was ripped from her meditation in the jungle. She was breathing hard and could no longer concentrate, for what she had heard and felt haunted her soul. Pain and suffering...people were dying and she wasn't there to help. Rising from her place, she ran towards the direction of the distress. Inhancing her speed with the Force, she finally reached a burning village. The sight sank her soul to the bottom. She stopped and viewed it from afar....and then she saw a lone figure...a woman. She stepped into the perimeter of the town, her red robes flowing behind her like the waves of the sea....and her Garou Warrior Braids swinging with each step. The gold coins in them gently clanged together until she came to a stop about a hundred yards from her. She then saw who it was......Cherice. She growled deeply and it was quite audible...her elongated canines in full view. They seemed to become longer as the wolf in her heart begged to take control. She would not submit to it...fully. The Jedi Knight glared at the woman and seemed to look right through her.

"Why did you do this.......?"

She growled once again, her eyes splitting down the middle and the rest going black. They were not gentle as in the past....this time, she was as serious as..........death....

Cherice St_Hilare
May 26th, 2002, 11:35:40 AM
As Cherice waited, she could feel something new ... Something ... Good.

Xazor had taken the bait.

The corners of her lips turned into a smirk as she heard Xazor speak.

" Well, you did keep me waiting long enough. I was beginning to wonder if you'd show up or not .. But of course, the distress of the weak was always something you were concerned about. "

She paused, seeing a change happen in the Jedi Knight's body. This would be most interesting, battling her.

" Tell me, Jedi .. Are you going to take the time to save the little girl in the house, or try to defeat me ? .. Your pick. "

Cherice threw her head back and began to laugh. Ah, it would be most interesting to see which choice Xazor took ..

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:17:24 PM
Xazor growled deeply. It wasn't a fair choice, but one that Xazor could handle. Smiling toothily, she made her decision. With her left hand extended, palm facing toward Cherice...she sent a heavy Force blast at the young woman.....sending her flying backwards several yards. At the same time, she used the power of the Force to summon the winds around her, then sent them right at the house. Inside the house was the little girl whom she placed a Force shield around while the house blew down all around her. As Cherice struggled to get up, Xazor raised her arms and lifted the girl with her mind...and then placing her on the ground fifty feet or so from the scene. In her mind, Xazor told the girl to run toward the large buildings up ahead and she'd be safe. The little girl listened and did so.

"I choose.....both...."

She growled audibly...her body slowly giving in to the wolf in her heart. It was something she had never done....and it was almost scary, but it felt natural. She drew her lightsaber and ran her finger over the ignition switch. Two blue beams shot forth from the hilt and the familiar hum of the weapon calmed Xazor's heart. The Knight held the duel-phased parallel to the ground at her waist in a traditional defensive stance......waiting for Cherice's next move.

Cherice St_Hilare
May 27th, 2002, 01:45:36 PM
Growling, Cherice stood up and watched as the young girl escaped. Anger bubbled up within her, and she bared her slightly elongated canines. Tearing off her black cloak, she revealed a one-piece body suit, much like a Nightstalker Assassin would wear. Gritting her teeth, she concentrated on all that the Night had to fulfill.

" You battle in the night, when it is my realm ... Foolish mistake, Xazor. I would've thought better of you. "

As she said this, a slight mist was rising from the ground. It was high enough just to come up to their ankles. Grinning wickedly, she began to run towards Xazor, using the Force to enhance her speed. Closer and closer she came, while Xazor contained her defense position. Cherice could see her tense as she got closer, her hands gripping tighter on her lightsabers. Good, she thought. She's in suspence ... Suddenly she jumped in the air, flipping forwards as she soared over Xazor. Upon landing, she instantly crouched to the ground and spun her leg out to trip Xazor.

The Jedi Knight jumped, giving Cherice the opportunity she needed. Igniting her lightsaber, she flicked her arm upwards and pretended to slash at her right arm. Xazor threw out her lightsaber to intercept the beam while Cherice stood up. Holding out her other palm, she sent out a Force push. Watching as the Jedi Knight stumbled back slightly, she threw out her leg and snapkicked her in the stomach. Her face remaining grim, she then threw out her free hand to slam it into the side of her neck. Xazor lifted up her arm to block, whereas Cherice spun her lightsaber and aimed towards her right thigh. Swinging her lightsaber low, Xazor blocked the oncoming attack. Backing away, Cherice could feel the adrenaline flow through her veins, beckoning for more.

[Edit: TTT for Xazor]

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 03:35:39 PM
ooc: Thanks for putting this TTT for me! :)


Xazor growled deeply as she fell back. Rising to her steady feet, she dashed at Cherice. Jumping over her head, she disengaged one end of her saber and then slammed the hilt into the base of the woman's neck. Engaging it quickly, she spun around, her back to the Sith, until she came around her front once again. Xazor spun on the ball of her left foot and labeled Cherice in the side of the head with a spinning cresenct kick. As the woman stumbled to the side, Xazor called on the water in a nearby stream. Lifting a load with her mind, she sent it dumping all over the woman. Dashing at her, Xazor touched the woman's skin and the water froze on her instantly. It was a trick that Xazor had....she could control all elements of cold. Her brother controlled heat. It was a uniqe thing. The water on her body was cold enough to do internal damage almost the instant it froze. The temperature of her body would plunge to a very severe temperature. She would have to act fast in order to regain homiostasis......and even then, she would have taken some damage from it.

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 1st, 2002, 03:44:52 PM
So, Xazor wished to call upon the Elements in this fight. Then so be it.

Since a Succubi is a demon, Cherice had an advantage over Xazor in this. Demons were more powerful and skilled with that of "Nature" and all She had to bear.

Giving Xazor a Force Push so she would have more time to recover, Cherice concentrated on the core of the planet. The center was hot enough to melt anything that came close, and it was that heat she needed. Summoning up her energy, she strained as she "gathered" the heat. She could feel the warmth rise from her toes and up, sweat forming as the heat began to melt to "ice". Glaring at Xazor, she knew that she was now weakened in this state. So why not do what you do best? whispered the little voice in the back of her head.

Smiling slyly, Cherice got on her knees and started to "speak" to the fog. However, to Xazor it looked like Cherice was praying. Either way, she was at an advantage. Rising up to her feet once more, she watched as the fog around Xazor's feet began to rise considerably until it covered her up. Xazor could feel herself gasp for breath as the fog tightened itself around her, forming a thick shell. She was being sufficated.

OOC: No prob. ^^ Please excuse the poorness of this post, but I'm in a hurry.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 10:39:00 PM
Xazor caughed a bit, but then recalled how to "fix" this little problem. Closing her eyes, she outstrethced her arms and called upon the wind. Suddenly a huge gust of wind whipped up and swept the fog away from her. Leaves and small twigs flung at Cherice like small knives. They hit her body, creating small cuts that would irritate the woman to the point of not being able to concentrate. Grinning, Xazor held her saber in defense...waiting for Cherice to react...

ooc: That's alright, I am too and my post is probably not so great! :lol

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 2nd, 2002, 03:19:41 PM
Letting out a frustrated scream, Cherice sent a Force blast, scattering the debris in Xazor's direction. The very sight of this woman boiled her blood.

"You attack me with mere sticks? Child's play!"

She spat out the last two words in disgust and started to dash towards Xazor. Adrenaline pumped itself through her body as she drew nearer. Kicking up on her right heel, she flipped over Xazor and swept her lightsabre towards her feet. As Xazor's instincts told her to jump, Cherice reached out and grabbed the arm where she held the lightsabre, twisting it backwards. Hearing Xazor scream in pain as her arm was broken made her smile. No doubt the Jedi Knight would use her healing powers, but this gained time for Cherice.

Still holding onto the dazed Xazor's broken arm, Cherice flicked the "off" switch on her lightsabre and hung it at her belt, then grabbed Xazor's other arm. Bringing up her knee, she jammed it in her spine. "One murder made a villain, millions a hero," she whispered in Xazor's ear, then let her go. Standing back, she unclipped her lightsaber and ignited it, waiting.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 10:35:44 AM
Xazor dropped her head and growled deeply. Immediatly she began to heal her broken arm. With power from the Force and from her Garou healing abilities...she molded the bones back together...stronger than they were before. As Cherice dug her knee into Xazor's spine, she left her head wide open...and the Knight slammed the elbow of her free arm right into Cherice's face. The blow was powered by the Force and could have feesibly broken her nose, or jaw...depending on which she hit more of. Trowing the woman off her back, adrenaline pumped through the Jedi's blood and she felt on the brink of changing...

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:34:41 PM
Xazor had slammed her elbow in her jaw, and Cherice could taste blood. It came from a couple of broken teeth that the Jedi Knight had knocked out and it hurt. She spat the teeth out along with some blood, then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She tried to move her jaw, but suddenly a wave of excruciating pain washed over her. Ugh .. Calling upon the Force, she strained as It mixed in with her Energy, forming around her jaw and mending it back into place. Every crack could be heard by her keen ears, and finally, it was over.

"Clever, Xazor. Real clever."

Suddenly, a shift in the air changed. Cherice felt as if the world had stopped spinning on its axle and tilted upside down, leaving her suspended in nothingness. What the .. Suddenly, she felt mad. Not angry .. but ... insane. And she rather liked it. She felt like she was on the brink of changing, with adrenaline pumping itself with a fury throughout her small figure.

Obviously Xazor was about to change, or else she wouldn't feel this way. "Seems like you forgot one thing though, Jedi dear," she called out tauntingly. "You change, and I change .. But who's form will be more powerful ? A mere pup, or a demon?"

OOC: I already wrote that Cherice stepped away from Xazor, so she couldn't have gotten thrown off. =/

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 06:42:54 PM
ooc: Oops! I always read too fast! Sowie... ;)


Xazor rose to her feet and stood in defense as she watched Cherice. Then suddenly a terrible feeling ran through the air...the adrenaline in Xazor's blood was at its height....and she would be the first to change. Cherice's taunting words only fed fuel to the fire...and it suddenly began. It was her first time....but she felt powerful. Suddenly a flash sprang forth with the ability to blind darksiders with the power of the Light. It was a strange accident but she had somehow discovered the Dawnstrider's Light in that very instant...and then suddenly out of the mist appeared a wolf about the size of a large speeder. Her grey and black fur shined beautifully in the light of the moon....and her elongated canines, nearly five times as large as they were before....caught the light and gleamed brightly. Her eyes shot a menacing glare at Cherice...and seemed to look right through her. Indeed, when it came right to the fact, the wolf was no match for a demoness or any other creature that was crazy enough to even go near it.

Xazor growled deeply and circled the woman, knowing that she was to change in any instant. The creature smiled as best as she could....for being in this form. It was such a great feeling....she felt whole in a strange way. It was her first time changing....but the only problem was, she did not know how to change back...

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 5th, 2002, 07:17:06 PM
As soon as the Dawnstrider morphed, Cherice could feel a ripple go down her spine. Hunching over, a groan bubbled through her lips. Her muscles were in sweet tension as she began to morph ... Her skin was becoming replaced with tiny scales that were tinted blue as her nails turned into curved claws. Her pupils started to become dilated and turned a dark purple, and a film slid over them, granting Cherice the pleasure of not having to blink. As her breathing turned raspier, she glanced at Xazor's wolf form and grinned, also showing off a pair of elongated canines.

"Nice to see you in your true form .. Puppy."

Standing up, Cherice towered infront of the sniveling wolf pup that circled her warily. Suddenly Xazor felt a huge amount of weight bearing down on her spine, threatening to break it. It was really the Force that was being applied, but could Xazor in her wolf form still concentrate enough? Or would the primitive mind of the beast take over, leaving Xazor with only animal instincts?

OOC: Hey, it's okay. Everyone makes mistakes.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 5th, 2002, 07:30:59 PM
Xazor growled under the weight and used her Garou powers to strengthen her body. Muscles bulged and her form grew in size once again. Sharp claws glinted against the dark ground...and her eyes remained split down the middle...black covering where the blue had once been. Looking behind Cherice, Xazor focused on a large boulder. She could concentrate even more now.....and her senses were heightened beyond what they had ever been. She lifted the boulder with her mind and hurled it at Cherice.....

Cherice St_Hilare
Jun 6th, 2002, 03:23:50 PM
Sensing something coming up from behind her, Cherice tore her concentration away from Xazor and turned around to see a boulder bearing down at her. Apparantly, Xazor could still use her Force powers. Hissing slightly, Cherice squinted her eyes and concentrated on the huge mass, using the Force. Straining, she could see the boulder slow down considerably, which gave her enough time to get away from its path. The boulder was now heading for Xazor.

OOC: Uhm, the setting's in a village. :lol Ah well, I guess the boulder is magic ?

[Edit: TTT - Hey, Xazor, reply ! ><]

Xazor Elessar
Jun 28th, 2002, 10:12:21 AM
The wolf dove to the side and rolled to her feet. Panting out of breath, Xazor closed her eyes and connected with nature....a very deep connection. She called upon the wind and it whipped up around them, pulling up sand, dust, small rocks, and twigs. The Knight then created a cyclone around Cherice. The objects cutting through the wind darted for the demoness and loged themselves into her skin creating small, painful wounds of irritation. Grinning toothily, the wolf stood and watched, not letting up on the wind. It would be difficult to get out of....lest Cherice be picked up by the wind of the growing cyclone as well...

ooc: I am soooo sorry!!! I have been terribly busy with other RPs and RL junk