View Full Version : Twenty-Five Years Ago Today....

Jinn Fizz
May 25th, 2002, 11:39:37 AM
Some of you on this board weren't even born yet. That's a scary thought to people like me. :eek

But I'm old enough to remember that 25 years ago today, a little movie that was supposed to flop and disappear in a matter of nanoseconds premiered in a handful of theaters.

And a legend was born.

Happy 25th anniversary to Star Wars!!! :duel

Righ Gan Fang
May 25th, 2002, 11:52:24 AM
I remember it like it was yesterday.

I was three, going on four, sitting in a dark theatre, on top of a pile of coats that my parents had placed on my seat, so that I could see over the people in front of me. My older brother and sister wound up having to sit in the aisle of the theatre.

Mom and Dad said they had NEVER seen me sit so still and quiet in my life, until that moment.

Now they tell me anytime the movie is on, I sit cross legged, the same way I did as a little boy, and I sit as quietly, and as intently as I did when I first saw it.

Watching Luke and Han and Leia and Ben fighting the Stormtroopers. Sitting breathlessly during the fighter battles. Feeling real sad when Obi Wan dies. Cheering when Luke destroys the Death Star. Yelling for joy when Han and Chewie come back to help the fight at the last desparate moment, and then the three of them recieving their Medals.

In my mind, quite literally, my life begins with Star Wars.

These are the earliest memories that I have.

Heck, I am gonna log off and go watch it.

Happy 25 years Star Wars. Thanks.

May 25th, 2002, 01:16:47 PM
Watching ANH for the first time is one of my earliest memories as well. I wasn't around 25 years ago today, but I think I was in the works! ewwwwwwwwwwwww!!! :p

May 25th, 2002, 01:25:14 PM
I remember seeing the commercials on TV. Scanning the newspapers for show times and seeing the ads and cutting them out. I remember the cheering when the Death Star was destroyed. That was a great summer to be 6. Unbelievably, it wouldn't be until the X-Mas of 78 that we had Star Wars presents to open. But the wait was worth it. :)

Righ Gan Fang
May 25th, 2002, 03:33:44 PM
Just finished watching the original, non SE Star Wars ANH, probably for the millionth time or so.

After watching Episode one and two, you can see the Lucas had some idea of the directon he wanted to go with it, if the original took off and went well. Yeah, there are contradictions and confusions aplenty throughout the saga, but there are some elements there that play into the present films...

It is amazing that no matter how many times I watch Star Wars, I still feel like I am watching for the first time.

Damned amnesia...

May 25th, 2002, 03:50:53 PM
Yeah...I wasn't born yet....

Nonetheless happy b-day to the saga. The first film I "remember" seeing in the theatre was ROTJ in '83, at the ripe ol' age of 5. :)

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 25th, 2002, 04:11:03 PM
Happy 25th, Star Wars.

You've changed the world. For the better, I'd like to think.

I never got to see it in theatres until the SE releases - but since (and including) then, I've seen Star Wars movies on their opening days and then as many times after that that I can in the theatres.

I was negative four years old when ANH was first released... but I watched it on TV and on video fairly often, and soon grew to love it like the maniac I am today.

May 25th, 2002, 04:27:16 PM
I became obsessed in 1984, a late bloomer, but nothing has ever made such an impression on me as the Star Destroyer passing over head in ANH. Then when I watched ESB a few days later, I was alone, and still 6 years old and the darkness and eerieness of it scared the hell out of me. And I loved it. I wanted to cry (and I may have) when Luke lost his hand.

Live Wire
May 26th, 2002, 01:49:13 AM
*sighs with nostalgia* Well Im one of those "wasnt born yet" people but while I didnt get to see sw on a big screen until 1997 with the SE the original version holds a place in my heart that no other film can ever occupy. I watched it today (no se version) in honor of this great day and I must say while I can say every line in the movie as its running I never get tired of watching it. Obi cutting off the guys arm.....leia blasting her way into the trash compactor.....luke blowing up the death star. Star wars is the most amazing story ever told! Thanks for the memories! Keep em coming George!

Zartan Fett
May 26th, 2002, 02:05:04 AM
Well I've been through it all. Star Wars is my life, my legacy. It runs in my veins and is the reason I am who I am today. Star Wars changed many people and mostly movies forever. I can't imagine our world if Star Wars never happened. Some people say that if it wasn't Star Wars it would have been something else like the Matrix. Star Wars came at a perfect time and came for a reason. George should have died in that car crash so long ago, but he didn't. That was the turning point for him as Star Wars is for us. Seeing Star Wars fans that were not even born yet, love it so much brings warm feelings to my heart(I feel like I've heard that somewhere).

Star Wars is the only feeling of home and stability that I have ever known. Star Wars contimues to teach us all not only about film making, but about being people and how the past affects the present.

I commemorate this day by listening to the celebration track from the ROTJ:SE. Even though not an ANH track, or an original ROTJ track, this song brings all my emotions together. No fear. No anger. No aggression.

Thank you Uncle George for all the memories and great stories you had the courage to tell. The end is near, but Star Wars will live on in our hearts and dreams forever.

May the force be with all of us.

Lady Vader
May 26th, 2002, 02:28:13 AM
Dammit! It missed my birth by one year! One lousy year! :grumble

Of course, I wouldn't have been introduced to it until about 13 years later or so. :p

Anyhoo, Happy 25th Anniversary to Star Wars!

*Hands it a silver plaque with 25TH ANNIVERSARY written on it.* :)

May 28th, 2002, 09:49:31 AM
I was one day shy of my first birthday when it opened... So while I don't remember the premiere, I certainly remember seeing it for the first time on TV and being mesmerized. Happy B-Day SW!!!