View Full Version : Dies Irae (Closed - Xazor)

Vega Van-Derveld
May 25th, 2002, 10:13:47 AM
The village was in panic. Chaos had struck the citizens under the jet black sky, just as lightning struck their homes. The houses in the hamlet were ablaze with furious flames that licked and cut through the wooden frames of the tiny domiciles. All around, people shrieked and tore about in a vain attempt to quell the fires. Some fleed on instinct, tearing from the settlement out into the wildernes. They would not get far, however, for the next nearest city was a days walk away, and someone had unfortunately burnt out the bridge that allowed passage between the two places.

In the center of the village was a plaza, and in the center of this square a statue. A brilliant depiction of a man on horse back with a rapier in his hand, saluting to some forgotten victory. A deeply content smile was on his face.

And then he was headless.

The yellow beam cleaved the stone bust straight off of its body and sent it crashing to the floor, shattering into tiny fragments. A deep hoarse laugh erupted from the man that all of the torment was spawning from; Lord Van-Derveld. The Sith cackled at his handy work, lashing out to skewer a women through the chest. Her body slipped from the weapon, sliced in two, as the Sith stepped with martial stalk across her corpse.


Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 11:08:18 AM
It had been a peaceful evening despite the terrible storm that raged outside her window. Xazor was sitting on a platform by her large bay window, meditating as she did at that time every day. Suddenly she was ripped from her peaceful state by thousands of screams in her mind. Then they suddenly stopped....

Pain...suffering....people were dying somewhere. She broke into a cold sweat as these thoughts and feelings entered her mind and body. She ran from her room in the Living Quarters and hopped in a speeder. Without hesitation, she took off and headed toward the great disturbance. Stopping just a quarter of a mile from the blaze, she hopped out of the speeder and stood in awe. A whole town was on fire...and almost all of the people were dead. Anger and misunderstanding rose in her soul, but she surpressed it quickly, and then began walking toward the scene.

As she walked, her red robes flowed behind her like ocean waves. Her waist length blonde hair was done up in Garou Warrior braids that swung to the rhythm of her walking. The gold coins interwoven into the hair clanged gently together until she stopped just outside the perimeter of the destroyed town. Lightening etched the black velvet sky and rain began to fall. As it kissed the ground, it mixed with the blood and created red rivers that flowed and collected at various spots in the ground.

The Knight looked up and then saw the figure of a man who called out the words, "COME FACE ME!!" Xazor's heart lept into her throat when she saw who it was. Vega Van Derveld....Sith Lord of the Sith Empire...and her rival...her very nemesis. She growled deeply and it was quite audible. Her elongated canines gleamed in the light of the fire, and the silver specs in her deep blue eyes caught it...reflecting it like broken pieces of glass.

She was decked out with various weapons. A sword was strapped to her back and a lightsaber, three throwing knives, two daggers, and a rail gun all hung from her weapons belt. On each thigh laid her prized blasters in black leather holsters. She walked up closer to the Sith Lord, knowing her was responsible for the terror that struck this village.

"Why? Why did you do this and then beckon me to face you?"

She growled deeply, her canines still quite visible. The wolf in her heart howled to take over as she stared through the soul of the dark one. Not giving in, she stood there, waiting for him to speak....

Vega Van-Derveld
May 25th, 2002, 12:02:28 PM
The wolf in him reared its head too. The man's cyan eyes slitted down the center, pupils becoming black slashes in a wreath of fire. As he parted his lips to speak, the inch long canines that donned his upper row of teeth stood out fully. Amongst the Empire, he considered himself the alpha male of the Lupine and Garou, and this feeling was put across to Xazor not only through his physical display but through scent also.

"I was bored," he laughed.

A deep grin etched into his lips as he watched Xazor; the grievance in her heart that she held for those falling around her was soothing. At that moment a man reached up and clung onto her leg tightly, his face bloody and wet with tears.

"Help... me... I..."

As the Jedi looked down to the one beckonning for her she could clearly see the deep wound in his back. Though it had been cauterized by the sabers tip, it delved deeply into his body.

"What do you do, righteous one? Save the damned or fend off the destroyer?"

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 01:52:53 PM
Xazor could clearly identify the fact that he felt superior to her....the Alpha Male. She growled deeply and her eyes changed much as his did, but they seemed more....peaceful. Growling deeply once again, her canines appeared even longer than they had before. She knew that her father was a greater man than Vega and he belonged in the place as the "higher up" on the Garou and Lupine scale. She was close behind him. In a regular wolf pack, she would have taken the role as Alpha Female and led the pack along side the Male...but not in this game...As she seemed to grow stronger and more powerful with every breath she took, her heart ached inside because of the pain and suffering around her. She then heard the dark one speak as a helpless man clung to her leg. She looked down at him and then back up to Vega. With only one word, she answered his question.


She sent a heavy Force blast at the Sith Lord, enough to knock a few Bantha over....and then she sent healing waves through the Force, from her body to the man. She bent over as Vega struggled to get up, and placed her hand on the man's wound. Within a minute or so, the wound was closed and healing nicely on its own. The man thanked her silently as she pointed toward her speeder which was still in the place she left it. Getting up, he gingerly hobbled toward the escape vehicle.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 26th, 2002, 03:09:58 AM
Vega kicked his legs up into the air to spring back to his feet, immeadiately yanking Xazor inwards with a Force pull. His grin reformed as the Jedi Knight was lifted from her feet and tossed like a ragdoll towards him. Within a split second of this happening, Vega drew Seraphim upwards in a cutting arc and leapt up in the air to meet his opponent; driving a hard kick into her gut.

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:19:22 AM
Falling from the hard kick, Xazor quickly reacted. She drew her saber and pressed the ignition switch. Two blue beams shot forth from each end, creating a duel-phased weapon of destruction. "Love" was a precious thing to her, and she would use it well. The familiar hum warmed her heart as she blocked another blow from Vega. With the closest end, she blocked a downward striked and spun around for a heavy kick to his solar plexis. Grinning to herself, she got back in a defensive stance, just waiting to unleash her fury of Light.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 31st, 2002, 09:44:45 AM
The Sith rode to kick out to minimize the effect, spinning on the ball of his foot in the direction which the kick took him. He ground to a sharp halt, before lunging out unexpectedly, backwards, with his saber to drive at Xazor's midsection. He brought the beam back and up at the same time, twisting his body to round-house kick the Knight square in the jaw.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 12:39:35 AM
Vega's foot met Xazor's jaw and knocked her to the side. Quickly, though, she regained her footing and rushed at the Sith. Growling as she went, she jumped over his head and bent over...head-butting him in the middle of the spine right where a key pressure point was. It would surly buckle him over for a minute or two. Dropping to the ground as he buckled, Xazor kicked his legs out from under him and he hit the ground with a thud....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 3rd, 2002, 07:18:24 AM
He groaned loudly as he hit the ground face first, rolling forward. Vega hissed out a growl and kicked his feet against the ground, pushing his heels up into Xazor's ribs whilst using his hands as a lynch. Following through the kick, Vega soared back past Xazor to roll once more, drawing Seraphim upwards as he landed in a crouch. A grin crossed his face as he drove his saber downwards to impale the Jedi against the ground.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 4th, 2002, 01:44:39 PM
Xazor winced from the pain and nearly was impaled by his saber for lack of concentration. Quickly she rolled to the side and got to her feet. He was still in his crouch position, so she used it to her advantage. Looking up at a few tree branches that hung overhead, she called on a the limbs and broke them. The Knight dashed at him in a fake jab but then jumped back to her original stance. The branches surprised him, no doubt. They fell right on Vega in a heap before he could do anything about it.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 13th, 2002, 10:58:16 AM
Like a supernova exploded in space, the braches shattered in shards out into the air, splinters scratching and nicking at Xazors skin. As they shot into the air Vega rolled sideways to his feet and darted through the curtain of debri to arch a double swipe onto Xazor, bearing down onto the Jedi Knight with immense force.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 07:42:53 PM
Xazor blocked quickly, though it was hard to concentrate with pieces of wood in her skin and tiny cuts everywhere. She blocked the pain from her mind and used the Force to give her strength, allowing her to shove Vega off of her. She smiled and spun around, labeling his face with the bottom of her right foot. As he fell, she sent a very heavy Force blast to his chest, sending him back several yards until he landed in a broken pile of wood. A large piece impaled his right bicept...

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2002, 01:25:49 AM
His teeth grit as he looked down at the wood. With one mighty heave he pushed himself upwards and tore the splinter from his leg, a small stream of blood gushing out down his leg. At the sight of the red his eyes became aflame and rage spiralled up in him.


Spinning quickly towards Xazor he torn her inwards with a Force Push, throwing the Jedi up into the air so that she would land on the same wood he had, and inenvitably feel her blood in his. The thought of this brought a manic grin over his face.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 23rd, 2002, 08:38:47 PM
Xazor growled deeply as she was tossed into the air....but suddenly she stopped. The Knight had learned a new trick.....to stop herself with the Force. It was very simple, actually, and it worked very well. Slowly she descended until her feet touched the ground. With a battle cry she rushed at Vega and slammed her right side into him, sending him falling back several yards. As he fell, she called on some of the broken wood, then set it up under him. He would have to fall onto it again.....and it would hurt even worse at close range....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2002, 10:35:00 AM
In mid air the Sith Lord summoned the darkside and slammed his right foot outwards. Somehow he seemed to bounce against something in mid air, and propel himself backwards in a flip. The trick - a Force Wall, which he had seen in action when fighting Hart Kenobi - was excellent though hard to perform.

"You're going to have to do better than that!" he shouted out, yanking the wood upwards with a hard Force push and lashing it out back at Xazor.