View Full Version : What is everyone's status?

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 28th, 2002, 12:15:14 AM
I have been trying to get a handle on what everyone is doing, and found myself awash in threads.

Who is doing what?

I read Change of Command and noted that Tomahawk is dead and Zara Decker was taking over command. Is that still the case?

I heard a rumor that you plan to take the collective fleets to Zhar as well. Is that true?

If it is, is there anyone left to liberate these other worlds before TGE goes on another planet gobbling flood? I would advise against committing the majority of our forces to any one mission. That kind of overkill is how the GJO lost Dagobah.

I need to ask because Alec Lafeyette has requested someone to respond to his defection thread. He is currently en route to Arcan IV. I was going to respond as Yun Tilgraze, my Intel sock puppet ... but then I got into all these conflicting reports. What -IS- happening on Arcan IV right now?


I need to hear from whatever character DT is using ... Scorpion, Alpha, and Admiral Ackbar please. What plans are underway and what threads are you all in?


In threads that I'm thinking will last the next week or so, I am meeting with two potential allies. Then I am liberating one of the unclaimed worlds TSE left behind, depending on what is available when the time comes.

PS to Scorpion: Six Ways From Center and Change of Command appear to be waiting for posts from you. I figure you must be pretty busy IRL, but those threads are getting old.

Jyanis Scorpion
Jan 28th, 2002, 09:39:55 PM
I'm simply just... being. I've been building up three NRSF bases on Arcan IV for a while. As to the threads mentioned, noone has been telling me to go so I haven't.

Jan 29th, 2002, 12:04:25 AM
Thanks for asking.

Basically, some portion of the fleet is about to rendezvous at Arcan IV to prepare liberating some of the planets TSE announced abandoned.

Ackbar is planning to use that system to drill and coordinate with the other fleet commanders present before moving on to the offensive. I have still not definitely decided which systems to go for, so Ackbar is per se 100% free to go where ever advantagous for the New Republic. My other accounts, General Crix Madine and General Carlist Rieekan, are currently stationed at Yavin IV overlooking the systems defences. One of them has to stay in case of a surprise attack, and the other is ready to go wherever is needed. I might head off to Vortex with one of these due to the situation there.

I am a little behind on the events due to a busy schedule and things I have to organise, but I should get there eventually.

As you point out, moving too large portions of the fleet at once, and toward one destination is dangerous (leaves some systems vulnerable), so we are not going to do that. Personally, I would like to see fleets deployed in smaller task forces deployed at targeted areas.

Zhar is basically a desolated system of little worth and military interest. The only value the system is, it is so insignificant, it should in theory work well as a base hide out at one of the gas planets moons. At least, that was what what Alpha thought before TGE decided to visit. I am not sure of the current plan there, but if Alpha needs help to get out of there or to kick the attacking forces out, he should have it. Although, if at all possible, I would personally prefer to avoid direct confrontations with TGE at this point.

As for other planets, Kessel and Bakura is scheduled to come under NR protection indirectly in non fleet manner. I have not had the time to get involved much in those yet. Kessel is important because of the spice mining, which makes it a great economy builder. Bakura is an interesting place to roleplay, thus the Jedi involvment. It is also Navaria's homeplanet. There are some other planets we (the Jedi) have been thinking of as well.

Personally, I have been thinking of Arcania and Ossus, two non occupated planets important to Jedi history, and a few other candidates which would be good for New Republic as well.

Jan 29th, 2002, 12:09:25 AM
My comment about Byss is, that is one dark desolate place we are probably better off. I'd like to think that kind of planet as the Sith or Imperial playground. Fondor which TGE is about to capture, is definitely the most interesting systems due to their shipyards, which is probably the reason they are heading for it.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:51:31 AM
Re: Byss

I'm fully prepared to just let TGE or TSO have it. Considering that TGE controls practically the entire Core, I see no way that we even could get into Byss at this point. Navigating through the stars make it impractical from a military standpoint.

Re: The rest

Since you and Decker are already coordinating action for the unclaimed worlds, go for it. When I am free again to help, I'll go where you need me.

I have a suggestion to keep everyone organized and abreast of what the others are doing. Major Winter uses a system on her other character's board that could be used here.

Everyone start a thread: (e.g. Adm Bel Iblis's Current Operations). For every new thread you start, reply to, or finish, that impacts the NR in a significant way... edit the post to reflect what is ongoing and what is completed.

I'll start one for myself soon since I'm going to be in two threads starting as soon as I get time to write to them. :)

Captain Tohmahawk
Jan 29th, 2002, 02:51:34 AM

Arcan IV is the home planet of the NRSF. The whole planet is geared to mainly military endevours and is highly hostile to criminals or Imperials. As Scorpion said, it is in the prcess of being built up as a stronghold. We have a good population there as well that is very friendly to their military guests.

As for the fleets...

The main NRSF fleet is off to Xa Fel. This I believe is quite an important planet and would make a good accquisition and i really need to sit down and roleplay that one out. The basic idea is to point the Argus' superlaser in the direction of the planet and just em them to surrender or be removed from the ether, have a small demonstration on their largest capital ship, then negotiate a good deal when the the Xa Fels realise that they have no chance to survive. The issue is that I would have to do that by myself and that isnt fun. Someone willing to do a sock puppet so it also moves along?. Zhal has a few Star Destroyers winging their way there, as there was not expected to be resistance and to be backup to Alpha.

There is another reason why Byss and Dubrillion should be left alone. There's someone else who wants them, who is hostile to TGE.

Finally, I'd like to prove that major planets can be liberated without a fleet. It's a long term project that will not requre resources, except a few sock puppets to keep the story rolling along.

Milom Sargast
Jan 29th, 2002, 12:31:18 PM
My status is "on standby". I'm basically pulling an Admiral Kimmel, and keeping 2nd fleet on shakedown tests and military drills, while defending Kuat and the rest of the homefront. I can be called into action wherever necessary.

Major Winter
Jan 29th, 2002, 06:47:02 PM
Looks like my status is taking care of Home One around here... but if needed for any other assignments ... I can do whatever is needed.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Jan 30th, 2002, 02:21:30 AM
Okay, cool. I love the Xa Fel plan. The nature of "fleet RPs" is changing and this will help that along. Darth Hera just offered to play an ambassador or advisor. This might be perfect for what you are trying to do there. Check out the Rendezvous Point forum for contact info.

A new recruit, Jet Rok is volunteering to help out. We can always use fleet commanders, but I'm trying to encourage him to be a fighter pilot to add variety to fleet threads.

I am going to post as my Intel character to meet a defector now en route to Arcan IV when I get a chance. You also may have seen on the RP board who our new surprise ally is going to be. ;)

Feb 11th, 2002, 09:36:41 AM
Someone remind me to get posting again! ;)