View Full Version : Military Funding

Jyanis Scorpion
Feb 15th, 2002, 01:52:10 AM
This is a formal request to the New Republic High Command. I wish to appropriate funding for a military satellite project. Research was started a month ago (OOC), and several billion credits are needed to finalize the research and build a prototype of both new satellites.

The first is the MGC-902NR Osprey Satellite. It is a highly advanced orbital surveillance system, which is both effective through cloudy and stormy weather systems. The satellite can track and view individuals and even lace them for further tracking by planetary means.

The second is the more controversal DR-23NR Disruptor Satellite. This was originally a project under TSE, though it never even got close to starting before my defection. Any records of it were erased, as it was not well known at the time. The DR-23NR works on the principles of the Mag Pulse warhead, that specific systems on a ship can be disabled. But, instead of targeting weapons systems, the DR-23NR disables repulsorlifts, the system which is used for takeoffs and landings of ships, and some ground vehicles, including hovertanks and speeder bikes. Upon triggering, the satellite fires an energy beam that completely hinders any repulsorlift technology on the ground within twenty kilometers of the target area, or less if programmed. The effect would be more efficient closer to the center of the zone. This device would allow for easier capturing of enemy bases, and safer transport onto planet, without worry of enemy fighters in the area intercepting. Also, it would be useful in stopping evacuations and taking prisoners for interrogation. The satellite, however, would use up so much energy at a time that it would need almost an hour to recharge for a five klick blast, and more to fully recharge.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:33:28 AM
Both of these are great for subjugating planets. They would have been very dangerous in Imperial hands. One is for surveilance of planets ... an issue that is up to the local government to decide. The second is a pretty evil sounding device to keep a planet in line.

I hate to be blunt, but ... what use do we have for them?

Jyanis Scorpion
Feb 15th, 2002, 10:20:44 PM
They are more useful during or in the aftermath of planetary occupations. The Osprey is a security measure, and the Disruptor is to provide safe passage for ground troops and to disable enemy military items for capture.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 16th, 2002, 11:40:10 PM
the Disruptor is to provide safe passage for ground troops and to disable enemy military items for capture. Can this be deployed and activated quickly enough to be put into effect during an engagement?

GEN Carlist Rieekan
Feb 17th, 2002, 10:10:37 AM
I can think of several uses for such a satellite. For defensive purposes, it would be very useful, because it could thwart or slow down an attempt at planetary invasion. Remember, all landing crafts, even those carrying AT-AT's and troops relies on repulsor lifts. If the satellite is deployed at the correct time, it should cause the crafts approaching the drop zone to crash, delaying the logistical effort. It should also hinder transports from relaunch to pick up supplies and personnel.

Satellites of this kind would be a welcome addition to the defense at the following planets: Yavin IV, Mon Calamari, Kuat and Bothawui. For obvious reasons, such technology would be particulary effective at Mon Calamari..

If we could develop this technology to be fitted into or launched from the docking bay of a capital cruiser, there would be more versatility in where and when it could be deployed.

(This is Yog)

Jyanis Scorpion
Feb 20th, 2002, 02:44:04 AM
The DR-23NR satellite is just a base for the prototype technology. The satellite version would be better as a defense system, but I doubt we could deploy it efficiently enough to use as a engagement tool. We'd need to modify an existing ship or design a completely new craft to hold the weapon.

Cmdr Lafeyette
Feb 20th, 2002, 07:45:23 PM
What if you were to incorperate the technology into a smaller version of the CTSC (http://pub51.ezboard.com/fhome1frm7.showMessage?topicID=47.topic)? For engagement purposes a small scout force could slip into the area, launch the devices, and slip out. Meanwhile, the modified CTSC would settle in and send out a pulse through the ground, creating the same kind of effect as the beam, and maybe even disabling all electronics. The actual structure would be larger than a satellite and therefore additional systems could be installed to allow a faster recharge rate.