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Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 10th, 2002, 10:59:46 AM
DT ... regarding your comment about dropping out of fleets:

The NRSF is army, I thought ... so why they have fleets is a bit odd to me anyway. Scorpion said he cares more about commanding ground forces if I understood him, too.

Same with the GJO for that matter. Jedi with capital ships? But that's up to them.

I just wanted to say I hope you don't drop out of the NR Navy scene completely. Keep Zara Decker as a backup character for times when we do need a Naval commander in an RP. We need all the bodies we can get.

To everyone:

This is an exciting time, IMO. The NR is getting attention and more acknowledgement than I've ever seen. We've got 2 defectors (both damn good players) and a big bunch of new allies to add credibility to the group.

The best thing to do is go and do RPs using the Navy, Army, SpecForces, and Intel for stories besides plantary takeovers. The Cizerak/Bothan tensions are a good example of military RP with meat to it.

Organize a rebellion among the locals on one of those previously TSE-held worlds. Do some cloak and dagger stuff. Hunt down some pirates or other ne're do wells.

That's what everyone is sick of. There's plenty of other ways that people would love to see, but the "traditional fleet thread" is pigeonholed. That and having to deal with so many pointless "rules" to govern it. We still need to stake our claim or TGE will roll over and claim ownership of the entire SWFans galaxy ... but we can all do it better than what people think "fleet thread" means.

The way fleets are done currently ... sucks. Yes. No denying that. But if there's no NR representation, then TGE or whoever else steps up will just dominate the boards and muscle in on everyone else's RP by forcing them to comply with their "ownership" claims.

I really hope the fleet discussion on the board remains as civil as it has been so we can forget it and get down to some fun RP and good storytelling. I have a feeling this will be the best thing that's happened to this kind of RP since Gue dropped out.

Marcus QDunn
Feb 10th, 2002, 09:29:32 PM
Yep, I agree - and I will keep Drecker around.

I was speaking to Morgan and he agrees wtih me - the NRSF should be special ops and sneaky buggers.

And again hear hear to what you said.

Major Winter
Feb 10th, 2002, 10:17:19 PM
I'm with ya Garm, hence why I like playing the special Ops. Anything you need me for I'll back ya up as best I can :)

As long as you don't give me ships. Wouldn't know what to do with them :b

Cmdr Lafeyette
Feb 10th, 2002, 11:00:16 PM
Okay, so I agree with you guys more than I thought. I agree with everything about NRSF and GJO not owning a huge fleet, as well as different types of fleet RPs. I guess you could say my little task force will be the fleet version of NRSF, doing undercover things rather than head of attacks. I talked to Garm about this and I plan on doing some work on the Kathol sector with the GTTF, to gain some left behind resources from TSE and URSF as well as have a strong position in the outer rim.

Like I said, I like doing different operations with ships, so don't expect any boring fleet vs. fleet kind of things from me.

Feb 11th, 2002, 11:02:34 AM
Hear hear to what Bel Iblis said!

Morgan Evanar
Feb 15th, 2002, 09:19:59 AM
The NRSF is first and foremost an elite ground force, and I intend to keep it that way.

The way I figure it, we'd need maybe 3 Victory Star Destroyers for scaring things, plus drop ships and fighter cover.

Aside from that, we've no need for any sort of Navy.

Actually, I'd like to RP the mothballing of that horendus Defender, and recyling it into several capital ships for the NR.

Marcus QDunn
Mar 11th, 2002, 01:21:03 PM
Defender is a RP prop. It's real purpose is to simply be an interesting backdrop to some of the stuff I do.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 12th, 2002, 02:21:54 AM
But its horrid, unrealistic, and too questionable. You could be doing the same thing with an MC80 b.

You can argue the RP prop bit till your dead, but if someone pursues it, they win.

Mar 12th, 2002, 10:50:35 AM
Actually, just about everything on the Defender is based on exisiting SW technology. Innovation relates to how it is assembled together, not making things up. Check out essential guide to weapons and technology and other resources for reference. The project took more than two years from start to finish.

If you think the Defender is over the top, take a close look at some of the tech used by others. Example: pub24.ezboard.com/fgalact...liancefrm2 (http://pub24.ezboard.com/fgalacticmilitaryalliancefrm2)

Not to mention the NR need something to match up with the Apocalypse class SD, Huntress class, the Cerebus or the 150 km + Titan. If we cant beat them by size, at least we could make sure our main capital flagship has a design to speak of. That ship is our insurance policy preventing other groups God-moding us into oblivion.

Heck, it were up to me, we would all be using small ships and small fleets, but that is not how it works under the current set of rules. The good guys are clearly outnumbered, and if there is going to be some balance, we cant stay idle.

Marcus QDunn
Mar 12th, 2002, 01:41:13 PM
I dare say we could argue the ship is quite legal. Viscera is quite well aware of it's existance and legality.

The point is, not whether it's 100% kosher, cause none of a our fleets are if you want to be pedantic. What matters is it's use. Are we using it to take over the universe? Is it a primary assault weapon?

Or is it just part of the greater storyline? For me, that is exactly what it is.

Ceertainly, if someone wanted to try and get Arcan, they would face it off. But other than that, I dont see it ever being used.

And FYI, it's demise as a fighting platform is plotted in what I write some time in the future.