View Full Version : Battle of Chad III (plan)

Darth Viscera
Jun 6th, 2001, 08:25:22 AM
(Too lazy to log in as Dodonna, keep it on the hush-hush that I'm posting here. DT said I might keep myself on in the NR as dodonna for a while, so I'm helping a bit with planning, etc)

Date: August 8th, 2001 (IRL)

Battle of Chad III
Battle of Fondor (feint, but they don't know that)

Battle Orders

Objective A: Task Force 1 will exit hyperspace over Fondor. Holographic generators will be activated, presenting the illusion of a fleet of 100 ships present at Fondor.

Objective B: Fleets 1, 2, 3 will exit hyperspace over Chad III.

Sub-Objective A-Knock out Titan-Class Star Destroyer Titan through the use of KDY Landing bricks containing 288,000 boarding party troops, as well as Nichos Marr, Master Yoghurt, Mebbekew Mortek, Sieken Kasstra, Anakis Moreven, Hunk Seidou, Teka Kenobi. Trade Federation fighters, as well as Red Wing, is to fly cover, repel any forces attempting to destroy landing bricks containing embarked troops.

Sub-Objective B-Defeat any opposing fleet, all available Starfighters flying cover.

Sub-Objective C-Assault and fully occupy Chad III, then Korriban to open supply route for further incursions. Forward Supply Base required.

Task Force 1=Thirty ships of various types, including three Holoships.

Summary: A feint at Fondor to bottle up the TSE fleet, while our main attack will be at Chad III. They will not know this, however, and it will prevent reinforcements from arriving, most likely win the day. Main attack at Chad III, hopefully to stop the TSD Titan before it is launched.

Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 7th, 2001, 02:42:15 AM
(Join the club)

That sounds like a well thought out plan, but Fondor being a shipyard planet makes it well guarded, and the disbanded RSO was known to commission or maintain its Argus Battle Stations and larger ships there. TSE may have followed with that, so a good retreat plan should be worked out.

Darth Viscera
Jun 7th, 2001, 10:35:26 AM
Good point. How should we make certain that we can conduct an orderly retreat? Approach from a position that will disallow them to get near our rear or flank for fear of receiving enfilade fire?

Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:52:34 PM
Time the attack so you "skim" the planet with the fleet, get their attention, then nanojump a few klicks. You're out of the planet's gravity range, and any gravity well projectors would need to charge up and get closer to hold onto you.

Milom Sargast
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:24:33 PM
With enough synchronization from the task force, you can swing into the Fondor system, and maneuver the ships into a parabolic gravity slingshot, which should maneuver you quickly into a position for hyperlane reentry. It will be quick and fiery...but better than lingering and getting caught.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:46:39 PM
Most interesting.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 17th, 2001, 12:34:32 PM
Allright, I like this plan and I wish to add to it.

The Jedi are goign to be booted off their backsides and go use the attack as a diversion to free Kashyyyk. I am at present findong out what I can on the sistuation there, but the Jedi should not tolerate a species like the Wookiees being enslaved. I believe I can organise quite a party.

If Arcan IV is finished off fast enough, the NRSF would request permission to go into Kashyyyk and help start a rebellion against TSO rule. As the NR ties up the TSO fleet, we should have a few days window to execute this before a response could be mounted. I'm light on details as I am doing research on Kashyyyk and what it's efences are to see what the best way to do this. Ideas are welcome

Milom Sargast
Jul 18th, 2001, 08:39:48 PM
I have briefed you on my battle tactics. I believe that once construction is finished, and a few other items are acquired, we will be fully ready.

The enemy has big ships. The bigger they are, the harder they fall for me.

Master Yoghurt
Jul 26th, 2001, 10:25:52 AM
One thing, I wont have access to the Internet until the 9'th of august (thursday). I recommend operation is initiated during the weekend, preferably on sunday 12'th of august when the maximum number of people will be able to get online.

Milom Sargast
Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:56:41 AM
I won't be here :( !!!!!!!!! Vacation

Master Yoghurt
Aug 12th, 2001, 02:41:53 PM
Ok, we need to schedule a time for this battle.

I have a flexible time schedule in the few months ahead, so any time is ok with me.

Milom Sargast
Aug 17th, 2001, 07:38:49 PM
Gimme a week to settle in at school....then I'll be ready :)

Master Yoghurt
Aug 19th, 2001, 03:15:29 PM
That is great news! :)

Anyone else ready in a week or later? Any higher? Any more bids?

**Knocks his auction hammer on the table** :lol:

Nichos Marr
Aug 19th, 2001, 04:25:54 PM
I'm ready whenever :D

Milom Sargast
Sep 10th, 2001, 07:12:37 PM
Locked, and loaded here.