View Full Version : Tornado Campaign: Attack on Imperial troop convoy

General Dodonna
Mar 19th, 2001, 02:27:56 PM
Personnel required:
General Dodonna
Commander Corran Horn

Ships required:
MC-90 cruiser (flagship)
CC-7700 Interdiction frigate
Nebulon-G frigates (3)
Corellian Gunships (5)
6 T-65R3 X-Wing Squadrons (including Rogue Squadron, led by Commander Corran Horn)
3 A-Wing Squadrons
3 B-Wing Squadrons
2 E-Wing Squadrons

Mission Description:
The task force jumps to just outside Carida, starfighters deployed already. When the task force reaches the appropriate point, on the fringes of the Carida system, it exits hyperspace. The troop convoy is moving out to rendevous at a NAV bouy and enter hyperspace, and it is being escorted by the Star Destroyer Apollonius. The 3 A-Wing squadrons attack the ISD, bringing down its starboard shield generator, and the MC-90 cruiser moves in to disable that side of the ISD. The 6 X-Wing squadrons maintain space superiority, patrolling for any enemy starfighters/light combat vessels. The three B-Wing squadrons and 2 E-Wing squadrons attack and destroy the dozen or so troop transports, killing 600,000 Imperial stormtroopers en route to Imperial Center.

Senator Mon Mothma
Mar 19th, 2001, 10:47:27 PM
Sounds interesting. I like the plan, but how about disabling those troop transport instead? Or the troop transports are destroyed during the heat of the battle.

Other than that, thumbs up. :)

General Dodonna
Mar 20th, 2001, 01:34:43 AM
If we just disable the troop transports, those 600,000 troops will just be recirculated right back into another convoy, and Coruscant will still remain that much more reinforced.

Mar 25th, 2001, 01:52:19 PM
What I meant was, there might be a way of stopping those transports other than destroying them. If disabled, the transports could be towed or boarded, and soldiers taken as prisoners.

I however trust you judgement on this plan. :)

Darth Viscera
Mar 25th, 2001, 02:46:34 PM
I understand your logic, however I intend this to be a hit-and fade attack. The longer we stay in the system, the longer the Empire has to scramble reinforcements.