View Full Version : Simulator Exercise #1

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:28:13 AM
You first simulated mission will be learning flightcontrol, shield management and weapons systems. You will be taken on a reconnaisance to Kessel, where you will encounter numerous obstacles and targets. You will receive instructions underway.

Are you ready?


**Two simulator pods open their decks.. **

James Davin
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:30:10 AM
::Hops into one of the pods::

"Rock and roll, admiral."

Maxis Reins
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:31:15 AM
Maxis nods to the Admiral and steps into the simulator, getting himself situated and comfortable and prepares for it to start.

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:41:29 AM
**An electric hum is heard as the two pods power up. The decks lowers over the two pilots, and the flight cabin gets dark, only iluminated by cockpit lights, radar screens, sensor and tactical displays and the holographic view of the stars outside. It is an excact replica of an X-wing cockpit. The pod nudges as take off procedure forces the pod forward, simulating the forward movement.. the X-wing rockets out of the hangar bay, and the twinling lights of thousands of stars can be seen.. a voice is heard over the comlink**

"Greetings young pilots, you are requested to set your nav computers for Checkpoint A and jump to hyperspace"

Maxis Reins
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:46:21 AM
Maxis looks around the cockpit, studying the fascinating controls. A voice is heard and he looks for the Nav controls. He sets the co-ordinates in and a few moments later, he sees the stars turn into lines as he jumps into hyperspace.

James Davin
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:48:00 AM
::Punches some commands into his nav computer. It hadn't been the first time he'd been in an X-Wing cockpit, but he was a little rusty::

"Proceeding to checkpoint A, route Delta-Kilo-niner. Jumping to hyperspace in 4....3....2....1...."

::The ship's hyperdrive powered on and sent Davin flying through a wave a stars::

Jul 15th, 2001, 10:55:57 AM
**As the two ships jump out of hyperspace, alarms scream and red dots are scattered all over the radar displays.. no less than 9 incoming TIE fighters are flying straight toward the two X-Wings!**

"This is Ackbar speaking, you are requested to destroy the enemy fighters!"

Jul 15th, 2001, 11:09:48 AM
**Flight leader of the first trio of TIE fighters ordered his wingmates to target and attack the two X-Wings. The targeting reticulas locked on the New Republic fighters, as the TIE's headed straight toward them.. the darkness of space lit up as bolts of lasers started to rain from the Imperial cannons**

Maxis Reins
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:16:15 AM
Maxis' eyes widen as the red dots move closer to his ship. Green flashes shoot towards him as he grabs the controls and sends his fighter in a downwards roll to avoid them. He snaps his fighter back up, his X-foils opening up, firing at the incomming ties. He scores a lucky hit as a shot hits a wing of one tie, sending it spiraling out of control into another. Another alarm sounds a warning as Maxis throws the fighter straight up. Another green flash whizzes by the cockpit as a tie flies underneath Maxis' current position. With one quick jerk on the controls, he sends his fighter in pursuit of the tie that had just passed beneath him. A folley of laser fire shoots out of the cannons on each of his wings; the tie exploding seconds later.

"Hey Alpha, it's Delta. Watch your tail, you've got 2 closing in on you, repeat, you have two closing in on you."

Maxis slammed his ship into another downwards roll, suprising 2 unsuspecting ties beneath. The one to the left explodes from a direct hit while the other is only hit in a wing, spinning out of control until it finally explodes.

"5 down Alpha, the two on your tail are still in hot pursuit, another two are floating around here somewhere, watch yourself."

James Davin
Jul 15th, 2001, 08:28:22 PM
"S-foils to attack position. Here they come."

::Laser fire exploded by the side of the X-Wing as the TIE's made their first pass. Davin made evasive maneuvers, skirting off sidewards and executing a barrel roll::

"Roger that Delta, save some for me."

::As the two fighters closed in behind him, Davin executed a high loop, trying to gain position behind them. Instead, they read the move, and began to follow. With a quick spin out to the side, Davin turned hard right, locking onto the TIE's as they passed in front of him. The quad laser cannons burst into fire, sending one of the fighters into the other, both exploding in a fireball::

"Delta over, the last two TIE's are incoming from the left side, and fast. Let's split them up, you take right, I'll go left."

Jul 17th, 2001, 02:59:50 AM
The two TIE's split up hunting each their target..

TIE Interceptor Callsign "Cobra"

"Cobra" pushed throttle to 100% in order to accelerate and pulled flight control stick hard backward and to the left to keep the enemy fighter in sight, tracking the target. The TIE pilot grinned a wicked smile behind his helmet visor as the tactical computer signaled target was locked. A switch was flicked and the advanced proton torpedo released from the missile tube in a blur of heat and fire:


The missile roared into the darkness. Torpedo sensors instantly recognized the heat signature of James X-Wing and the flight control fins rotated 90 degrees, causing the missile to turn sharply, steering toward the New Republic fighter. The flightcontrol chip calculated and evaluated possible approach vectors in order to maximize the chance of impact, and subsequently, the missile made another swift turn as it followed the engine trails of Alpha...


TIE Defender Callsign "Retaliator"

"Retaliator" transferred shield energy to his engines and reduced the throttle to 1/3 for maximum turnrate, and swerved from side to side in a half figure 8 configuration, a maneuver known as "the scissors". The steep turning and reduced speed swiftly forced Max' X-wing overrun the TIE. As the Rebel fighter screamed by, it centered in Retaliator's sight. He frantically hit the fire button repeatedly, releasing a shower of laser and ion bolts at Max X-Wing, some hitting the shields of Delta.


The Mon Calamari's wet lungs bubbled and his gills hissed as he excitedly yelled into the intercom:

"Alpha, fire countermasures! Evasive maneuver! Delta, shake that bandit off your tail!"

Maxis Reins
Jul 18th, 2001, 06:47:20 AM
Maxis looked around in the cockpit, the alarms screaming again. As the fire from the Tie hits his sheilds, he punches the controls and goes full throttle into an over head loop, the Tie trying to stay on his tail as he does. As Maxis is nearing the completion of the loop, he slams the ship hard to the left, the Tie passing him as he does. He does another sharp left turn and straightens out as he sees the Tie. His sensors lock onto it and he presses a combination of buttons, sending a proton torpedo straight at it. The Tie tries to outrun it but explodes before it gets its chance.

"Alpha! Watch your tail! You've got a package comming at you hot!"

James Davin
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:06:00 AM
::James pulled back his throttle hard, as the torpedo headed after him. Unfortunately, this was an advanced torpedo, not a regular one. The projectile came nearer and nearer, as James pushed down the throttle harder. Cobra had underestimated him, and was watching the dogfight between Maxis and the other TIE. James pulled straight under Cobra, then right back up again, creating a crash course with the torpedo. It was so close behind James that it collided with the TIE, exploding in a large fireball::

"Returned to sender," James said as he pulled away, the simulator sputtering to a stop.