View Full Version : Strategic Doctrine 479 - Battlefield Superiority

Milom Sargast
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:17:29 PM
Rear Admiral Sargast waited for the new cadets to file into Home One's makeshift auditorium. The new batch had more than likely studied at least once under him at some point, but he was now ready to teach the full application of strategic doctrine to the class.

Turning to the board, Sargast used a holostylus to scrawl a word in large letters, for everyone to see:

<font size=50>W A R</font>

He turned to the class.

"Can anybody here give me their full insight on this term?"

Maxis Reins
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:46:15 PM
Maxis bit his lower lip then sighed, giving his perspective of the word.

"Sir, I believe that word is...just giving a name to what takes place everyday. Sure, War in our terms is something on a grand scale. It has been glorified beyond belief and some people do not even know what takes place in Wars anymore. A War has battles in it, against two or more opposing forces. Violent retailiations, stratigic planning, all these things give War its name. As it stands now, War Veterans are people to be honored and cherished like some sort of Experianced God. War, plain and simple is a glorified term for the public."

Milom Sargast
Jul 16th, 2001, 07:05:44 PM
Sargast mulled over the cadet's words.

"Interesting thoughts. Very philosophical."

He looked to the other cadets.

"Anyone else wish to share?"

James Davin
Jul 20th, 2001, 01:17:45 AM
War.......its the basic instinct of us all. It leads us, makes people famous, makes people patriotic. Some go straight in for their cause, some run away. Everyone claims to want to go to war if they are able, but a lot run away at the first call. War is the alternative for those who can't do things peacefully. I believe war is the last resort, but I'll defend my cause until I die.

Milom Sargast
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:01:18 AM
Sargast smiled.

"Cadet Davin...with talk like that, I think you'd make a great marine."

His comment caused a few cadets in the auditorium to chuckle slightly. After the murmur died down, Sargast continued.

"The answer to the question is that the question can never fully be answered. War is...beyond any one man's comprehension. I can prove this to you with one bit of conjecture.

If one man were to grasp the true nature of War...he would cause it to cease forever.

The end result of war is inexorably peace. Therefore, to dominate the science of war fully is to perfect the concept of peace.

Since the galaxy is far from Pax Republica, I would be so bold as to say that not a soul, friend or foe alike, has found that key that every military man seeks.

No matter how daring, how intelligent, how wise, or how prepared you are...you can not plan and act on every contingency.

Do not be discouraged, however. A soldier's job is daunting. We seek that which we can never truly gain. Total domination of War.

We may never find this secret, but the greatest military geniuses are the ones who apply their mastery. They use what they do not have just as much as what they do have.

This...is what makes a soldier great. Since we cannot have it all, we must make our losses become our gains. If we are numerically inferior, we must be everywhere at once. If we are underarmed, we must use our firepower with precision.

The ability to make our deficiencies our advantages is what breeds a true master of war."

James Davin
Jul 23rd, 2001, 05:46:23 AM
::Raises his eyebrow slightly at the Admiral's first comment, but takes in the rest of the lesson. James nodded in understanding::

Milom Sargast
Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:51:44 AM
Sargast continued his lesson.

"Does anybody remember the Battle of Endor?"

Oosa Feddra
Aug 18th, 2001, 01:31:52 AM
"Umm mesa remember de Battle of Endor."

(Oosa Feddra had been standing near the doorway until Admiral Sargast had mentioned Endor. He clumsily stepped in and gave everyone present a nod.)

"Mesa Oooosa Feddra, New Republic Special Forces."

(He gave the Rear Admiral a salute and took a seat near Davin. Oosa raised his hand again, as if to speak.)

"De Rebel troops were deployed to de Endor. Dey infiltrated da bombad shield generator and destroyed it. Dis enable de fighters and de Millenium Falcon to fly into de bombad Death Star and blew it up! Darth Vader and de terrrrrrible Emperor Palpy died on de Death Star."

(Oosa grinned.)

"Tis one of mesa's favorite historical events."

Jaina Organa Solo
Oct 11th, 2001, 03:26:59 AM
:: Jaina.. who had been sitting in the back of the class the time, thinking upon what the men had said, stood up next to her seat, and began to speak. :: "War is the result of human greed. we want what we don't have, so we fight to get it. Peace is an unobtainable goal that is propaganda to make people believe that there is a reason to fight. War is most often our only recourse if one thinks about it long enough. The grass always seems greener on the other side, and so we fight the troll to get over the bridge." :: she conluded, and sat back down in her seat. ::