View Full Version : Proposed Board Layout Change

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 10th, 2002, 01:12:25 AM
Okay it's now going into the second week since I tried to contact Yog asking for permission to reorganize the forums on the board. Technically, I -could- do it now. He gave me admin priviledges, but it's his board, so I wanted to ask first.

What I want it to look like is this:

High Command will be the same.

Alliance HQ will be unlocked and used for NR-related RP for everyone to read if they wish. This can be for diplomats, allies, whatever. Stuff that goes on outside of the Senate Chambers.

The Military Academy and Training Simulator will be merged. Maybe it will even be used some day. :)

I want change the simulator to be a new forum for IC RP for NR military types.

If no one has any objections, I'll go ahead and do it next week (assuming I still haven't gotten the blessing from Yog).

Feb 11th, 2002, 12:05:41 PM
I am back again. :)

You are concidered the senior administrator in my absence, and I trust your judgement so you dont have to ask for my permissions. But anyway, here are my comments:

Very good idea about merging the military academy and the simulator. Please go ahead and do so.

The idea about the Alliance HQ was to have a locked forum where GJO, NR and future allies could discuss plans and strategies in private. This would make for better coordinating between the groups. Granted, it is a bit of work getting everyone at GJO checking in there, admit acess etc, but if it it could be done, the concept had potential.

On the other hand, as a result of roleplaying evolving to depend more on being open OOC wise, less secretive and attaining a level of trust between the groups etc, such a closed forum perhaps has less use?

The idea about the senate was to use it In Character roleplays, proposals, negotiations and announcements from allies as well as enemies (neutral zone). Rendezvous Point for OOC only.

Anyway, the Alliance HQ is not much used for the moment, so if you got some specific plans/ideas for that forum, please let me know. You might very well be right it is better off unlocked. What do I know. :)

Btw, I really like how you have kept things here organised around here. Well done!

When I get some time. I hope to add some graphical outlay changes. Make the board look more spiffy etc.. but first on my schedule is the NR website..

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 11th, 2002, 10:45:48 PM
Actually I have some pretty specific changes I'd like to try for the way the fleet information is laid out on the website. If you check your email, you will hopefully see a request in there for me to have access to the html files so I can keep them updated for you.