View Full Version : A Diplomatic Introduction

Envoy Nissorinnah
Feb 18th, 2002, 01:33:09 AM
The Ambassador and her small entourage were escorted from her VIP shuttle upon arrival in the docking bay of the "Justice."

The receiving secretary, according to procedure, politely led Nissorinnah to the room reserved for those awaiting access to the Senate Chambers.

"The Admiral will be with you shortly, Ambassador. He has been expecting you."

Nissorinnah stood, hands clasped lightly together infront of her body in what was a trademark pose for the Envoy.

The young man continued.."Will you require anything while you wait?"

She turned her astoundingly blue eyes on the secretary and smiled kindly. Her accent was heavy on the vowels and had a islandish lilt to it. A calming and soothing sound in a galaxy that was full of strong gutteral and varied Basic. Her native tongue was a beautiful language that had a sing-song rythm to it, but not many spoke it. She typically reverted to Basic, though she could speak, read and write 15 different languages fluently. Most beings were comfortable with Basic and she was concerned with putting those she spoke with at ease.

"Thang-you, no. I ahm in need of nothing aht this time."

With a small bow of respect the young man left her alone with her attache-her former padawan who was now a Jedi Knight in his own right, and one handmaiden - two individuals the Emmissary took with her everywhere.

She calmly waited the Admiral Garm Bel Iblis of the Peregrine Fleet to summon her to the inner office.

Adm Garm Bel Iblis
Feb 19th, 2002, 11:01:51 PM
Garm stood in front of the viewport in the meeting chambers aboard the Justice, looking at the Republic Star Destroyer Oghma floating against the starscape. The aging Corellian was lost in thought, feeling the weight of the impending war grow heavier with each day.

But today wasn't about war, as the chirp of his doorcom reminded him. His guest had arrived.

"Come in." The doors whooshed open to reveal a black protocol droid with the clamshell head of an Imperial service droid. M-3PO stepped in briskly.

"Sir, Ambassador Nissorinnah and her staff await you in the reception area," he said in perfect military-proper, electronic tones.

Garm chuckled. He expected Luminara to come with her retinue. To hear them referred to as a staff struck a chord in the ex-senator.

"Send them in, Emtrey."

Failing to see the humor, the droid turned around and left to summon the Envoy.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Feb 21st, 2002, 09:10:32 AM
The black droid M-3PO, in efficient military manner, led the Envoy to where the Admiral was waiting. With his electronic monotone voice he announced the diplomat "Envoy Nissorinnah, Luminara Unduli, Sir" and then stood obediently aside, waiting further instruction from Garm Bel Iblis.

Following in behind her was her attache' Barriss Offee - her handmaiden having remained in the recetption area.

Nissorinnah bowed deeply, her right arm extended out before her palm upwards, and then she straightened again in the traditional greeting of her people.

She smiled with serene eyes.

"Peace, Ahdmirahl. I thahnk you for findingh thee time to meet with me."