View Full Version : Kandor, His Life, His People and his Curse

May 24th, 2002, 02:17:21 PM
Name:: Kandor (Second name unknown, Records Expunged from the Plantx Central,off-world data bank)

Age:: Approximately 58 years of age

Sex:: Male

Birth:: The planet of Forx

Planet System:: hydrax system; To the far north west on the map.

Race: Em'erdule

Race Description:: The most noticeable feature is that all if the Em'erdule race have huge, feathered wings. They normally are furled behind the them but when unfurled they can reach a full 7 meters wingtip to wingtip. Coloured feathers range from brilliant
white to deep black. Apart from having wings, Em'Erdule are identical to humans in physical appearance. Internal organs
are also much the same as human physiology, however; they have more efficient livers, kidneys and higher muscle
tensile strength than normal humans. This is necessary in order for them to make full use of their wings. The bone structure of Em'erdule are considerably more complex than their closest relatives, the humans. Fused Rips and Four-arm bones for example. However, compared to most other species their immune systems are week. When travelling off-world almost all of the race suffer from allergies from the exotic plants and foods.

Social Description:: The people of Frox are not well known, because of their week immune system colonisation is
difficult for them, even off-world travel is discouraged because of sometimes near deadly allergic reactions. They have never had a civil war, and there has never been a war-type conflict in the
civilisation's history that has taken place in the planet's surface. The ruling cast of their society is organised in to "families"
There is a family for every aspect of planetary government, from planetary defence to public health. The widest, and most powerful (in a military sense) is the Security Family. Every person born on to the world is born in to a individual family. Every individul Family is employed by one Controlling Family in that is responcable in that area. Every Individual family has a family home, depending on where that family home is, that individual family will be employed by what ever Governing Family has responsibly for that area. When new Family home are required,
new areas of the planet are built upon and that area has responsibility take by the government Family that requires the most about of new citizens to work of it. The people of Frox regard the privacy of the mind and one's own ideas
the most sacred of things. The honour of one's own family, second only to the good of the Governing Family of which you belong, takes priory in the everyday life of the citizens of Forx.

Personal Description:: Height: 6ft 1". Wingspan: 4.6 Meters. Weight: approximately 180pounds ~ Being a disgraced Em'erdulen, he traditionally wears Black robes with the red runes of disgrace and exile, almost all of the of time he is he is in the public eye. During ceremonies or important evens where black is not appropriate, such as weddings and meeting with important public figures, he (as part of tradition) wears White, flowing robes with the golden runes of Peace and respect. Both of the
robes have deep hoods, that will obscure the wear's face almost totally. Kandor has just longer than shoulder length golden,
blond hair that is common with is race. Kandor had blue, soft eyes. Now, after many years of exile and searching his
eyes have grown cold and grey. Kandor has white, black tipped, fathered wings.

Personal Background:: Kandor was born in to a wealthy family, that is part of the Planetary Defence Family. The Medial Family
conducted mandatory blood tests after birth, to check for genetic defects and to screen for uncommon bodies. Finding the
presence of "midi-chlorians" in abundance, The medical family reported it to the Security Family according to tradition.
The Security Family, according to tradition, closely monitored Drazhar's upbringing, and his contact to others during his
child hood and adolescence. Their findings were that he was a "Force User" but he had little control over his gift.
Because it is traditional to investigate and possible "Force user" privately, involving the smallest amount of people as
possible. (Its is regarded as a huge disgrace to even to be suspected of a crime, so the Security try to be as discreet as
possible) At the end of Kandor's adolescence (around 20 years of age), his family where confronted by a high ranking
Security Family member to give them the Traditional ultimatum: To allow Drazhar to stay with his family, on his own planet.
But his abilities publicly exposed in a report to the Media Family. His family would be disgraced, and Kandor would have to
live a life of isolation. However Kandor's family would be allowed to continue their function with in the Defence Family. OR,
Chose Exile and disgrace for Kandor, but keep the disgrace of himself away from the population for their good. Naturally he
chose the latter. Choosing disgrace and exile until he can prove he can fully suppress and control his Curse, alternately
find a way to rid himself of the jumbled mess of other people's thoughts. Until such a day comes, he will continue to
wonder the stars till he finds some one or something that can help rid of himslef of his Curse. This is how Kandor has
come to arrive at the Jedi Requirement Centre. Following the wisps, and tails of those that can control things, and
sometimes people, around them using a intangible ability. The Force. He is often frustrated that he can see in to people's
minds and see what they are thinking, but unable to control what he sees or looks for. Some people however he cannot see in
to. They are blanks when he approaches them, where as other people are a muddle of whispering toughs and segregations, he
senses nothing from them. Kandor finds being around such people that are "Blanks" to him, calming and relaxing,
freeing him from the torment of other's twisted and distorted thoughts.

Equipment:: Because he came from a relatively noble and wealthy family he has been allowed access to various peaces of
exotic equipment.

~He always wears his Black, and on occasion white, robes, which offers no protection from Blaster, Lightsaber or any form of sharp puncture or laceration wounds.

~When wearing his black robes he always carries his Phranx Pattern laser blaster pistol, under his robes. He however
never carries any form of ranged/Laser Blaster weapons when wearing white. Carrying weapons at a important even would
be disrespectful to the local defence force.

~Whether he is wearing ether White or Black robes, he always carries his family's relic from when they where part of the
Military Family. The relics are called Draken Gauntlets. They are armoured gauntlets that are the badge off a high ranking Military Family member. They are made from a unique alloy of metals found only on one of the 4 of Fonx's airless moons. The alloy it's self is incredibly though and long-lasting. The gauntlets them
selves cover the four-arm, all the way down to the to the finger tips, ending in Short, pointed talons. Each gauntlet is a gold/bronze colour, however they are not just for show, in each of the Drakes (for short) house a 28 CM retractable blade. These can be used for thrusting or slashing at a foe. They cannot deflect a blow from a LightSaber, but can easly defelct Corpal blades. Because of there highly polished surface and unique metal properties they can deflect Blaster Fire, however repeated deflections will result in the gauntlets heating up considerbly.

~Kandor Carries no Force weapons or LightSabers.