View Full Version : Why does Dooku reveal Sidios to Obi wan?
May 24th, 2002, 09:04:46 AM
Why does Dooku reveal Sidios to Obi wan? and tell him everything? he also says that he wants to destroy the Sith, does this mean that Dooku wishes to betray his master? (Possible ep3 foresight) " Always two there are" maybe Anakin in park of his transition to the darkside kills Dooku and takes the side of his master.
May 24th, 2002, 09:16:29 AM
Dooku, true to Sith form, wouldn't mind knocking off Sidious and becoming the top dog, and at the very least, he weakens the confidence of the Jedi, and as Yoda says "creates mistrust"
May 24th, 2002, 09:20:26 AM
I was asking myself this question the other day and I was wondering, what if Obi-Wan had said "Yeah, lets take out the Sith" What would Dooku have done?
Personally, I don't think Dooku was serious about having Obi-Wan join him. As Yoda said of Dooku, "Lies, deceit, creating mistrust are his ways". I think he knew Obi-Wan would not trust him and that he would turn his offer down.
May 24th, 2002, 09:51:55 AM
I think it's safe to say that Anakin's journey to the darkside will be complete when he fights and kills Dooku, taking his place at the emporer's side.
Jedi Master Carr
May 24th, 2002, 11:12:24 AM
I think he was serious, he probably wanted Obi-Wan as his aprentice and then kill his master and take over very much like Vader wanted to do the same thing with Luke.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 24th, 2002, 11:20:16 AM
I put my vote with the "Dooku knew Obi-Wan wouldn't join him and was just trying to mess with his mind and create mistrust" opinion.
Lies, after all, are much more effective when mixed with truths.
May 24th, 2002, 11:23:16 AM
Lies, after all, are much more effective when mixed with truths.
That was what I was trying to get at - you said it well...
That's just my personal opinion though - Carr, JMK, and tynom have both voiced an equally good option, that Dooku may have been looking for an apprentice of his own and take out Palpatine.
May 24th, 2002, 01:15:11 PM
We really don't know much about inter-Sith relationships, so I was just going on what the Sith are said to have done in the past; kill their master and take on a new apprentice. Vader wanted to take out the Emperor and make Luke his apprentice, Emperor wanted Luke to kill Vader and become his new apprentice. As for Maul, well it's hard to think that he had any thoughts of his own.;)
May 24th, 2002, 01:58:58 PM
To breed mistrust.......If the Jedi believed that the Senate was controled by a Sith they would think twice before takeing orders from them. This would also make it look like the Jedi didn't want to take orders from the Senate anymore and they would go from being friend of the senate to foe. There is also a common misstrust of Politicans among the Jedi ranks as was that doesn't help much either.
As for WHY he asked Obi-Wan to join him........cause if he did he'd become what he set out to destroy. Dooku was once a Jedi, he would know what it's like to be one and could use that to try to get Obi to join him. He also used Name droping of Qui-Gon to Obi. Hearing that this guy trained his master might have changed his mind. I think Dooku really did want Obi-Wan to join him.........but destroying the Sith was on the bottom of his to do list. :p
Gabran Darkysa
May 24th, 2002, 02:00:46 PM
I think Dooku was being manipulative and deceiving. Remember he also denied being the ringleader of the separatists.
And denied knowing of any Jango Fett but quite clearly the bounty hunter stood at Dooku's side when the executions commenced. I looked into the novelization but it gave absolutely no insight on why Dooku offered this information. Dangerous information. I believe he was attempting to corrupt Obi-Wan and sway him to the darkside. Futility is a powerful weapon to use against one's mind. If Obi-Wan would have given in to the Darkside and joined Dooku would have been enough. Absolutely destroy everything Obi once believed in and stood for. I do am not sure Obi could ever forgive himself.
But that does not explain what is to become of Dooku or Sidious once Obi turned. Obviously Sith are too insidious and conniving for three to exist at a time. One would have to die to restore order amongst themselves or they would self destruct like animals and turn on one another, deceiving and scheming in order to gain more power. So as the other's pointed out, yes, Dooku may have had the intent of usurping Sidious. Or he simply wanted to break Obi-Wan!
Jinn Fizz
May 24th, 2002, 02:03:04 PM
Originally posted by Kar'h'tzen Shaed
I put my vote with the "Dooku knew Obi-Wan wouldn't join him and was just trying to mess with his mind and create mistrust" opinion.
Lies, after all, are much more effective when mixed with truths.
I'm of that opinion too. Dooku was mostly messing with Obi-Wan and trying to plant the seeds of mistrust that always seem to grow into disaster.
Another thing I find interesting about this whole thing is that Obi-Wan ends up taking Dooku figuratively, about the whole "the Senate is under the control of a Dark Lord" thing. He doesn't even seem to consider that the meaning of that statement is literal, and that the Dark Lord in control of the Senate also happens to be the Supreme Chancellor.
May 24th, 2002, 02:17:33 PM
I also think the offer to join him and destroy the Sith was a lie. If Obi-Wan had joined him I think Dooku would have used Obi-Wan, but he would not have let him into the Sith conspiracy until he was turned to the Dark Side. But Sidious and Dooku could have used Obi-Wan for awhile. Remember, Palpy asked Vader to try to get Luke to join them for awhile. So there are probably times when you have 3 Sith, at least until one of the two senior Sith figures out how to use the new recruit to kill the other one. Not a lot of job security in being a Sith, is there?
May 24th, 2002, 02:21:49 PM
Originally posted by Gabran Darkysa
Or he simply wanted to break Obi-Wan!
Oooh, I like that idea...
Gabran Darkysa
May 25th, 2002, 12:37:26 AM
Personally, I would like to know what Sidious' reaction would be if he learned just how much Dooku revealed to Obi-Wan. Foolish move by Dooku who thought he had Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Senator Padme bagged for sure. However there is really nothing more powerful than these half-truths Dooku spoke to use in an attempt to convince Obi-Wan. If the Jedi had taken Dooku's words to heart will remain to be seen in three years...
Admiral Lebron
May 25th, 2002, 07:27:45 AM
It worked both ways for Dooku. One way, if Obi-wan joined him was they would kill Palpatine and Dooku would become top-dog. The other way, telling him everything, threw skeptism into the Jedi and won't believe him because he is other the darkside.
May 25th, 2002, 01:11:35 PM
Yeah, like you said, it couldn't really do him any harm to spill his guts. Either Obi Wan joins him and they take out Palpatine, or he manages to shake the foundations of the Jedi council.
May 27th, 2002, 06:11:21 AM
Dooku is constantly saying how much hes heard about Obi Wan and how everyone speaks in such high regard for him. I think Dooku new that Obi Wan would never side with him.
**Possible spoilers**
If you ask me its all part of the plan. The whole background story to AOTC is that people are loosing faith in the republic. People are breaking away from it. At the moment the Jedi are on the side of the senate and are trying to stop the rebellion against the republic. If the Jedi were to refuse what the senate had asked them to do (because they know its corrupt) then they too would become enemies. The senate get their armies and go about wiping out the Jedi along with anyone else that stand in their way in order to save the republic.
Dooku knows Obi Wan wont side with him and he knows that the Jedi have to become enemies of the Republic. Hence he tells Obi Wan of the corruption.
Righ Gan Fang
May 28th, 2002, 12:22:31 PM
Keep a few things in mind when pondering this-
1- For Dooku, it is a win win situation. If Obi Wan Joins him, he can train his own apprentice, and get rid of Sidious. If Obi Wan doesn't, he will help sow the seeds of discord between the Senate and the Jedi.
2- Dooku wouldn't assume that ANYONE is beyond temptation. He may not (and didn't) put much effort into recruiting Obi Wan, but there is always a chance that he may join him. After all, Dooku was tempted by the darkside, and he was Yoda's padawan, and the rest of the Jedi Council seem pretty sure that he was above reproach.
3- Remember the end of the film, and the events that transpired:
Obi Wan, Anakin, and Padme are all set to die in the arena. when it looks like their fate is sealed the Jedi rush in to the rescue. Then, when they are about to be overwhelmed, in comes the Clone Cavalry to pull their fat from the fire, and they crush the rest of the droid army and drive they enemy in to retreat. They were victorious. An apparent defeat to the seperatists.
And Dooku escapes to Coruscant, where he is greeted by Darth Sidious. And he tells Sidious "Everything is going according to plan, Master". The whole thing is part of the plan. I am sure that the plan included Obi Wan learning of the Sith, and Sidious, and that they would escape, so that he could leak the info to Jedi.
Just my thoughts on it. What do the rest of you think?
May 28th, 2002, 12:43:24 PM
I think you're right on - Sidious and Dooku have things well planned out - and they can't lose by telling Obi-Wan. Either way works to their advantage.
May 28th, 2002, 06:10:10 PM
I never thought about that, but I think Righ Gan Fang has a point there about the Jedi escaping being all part of the master plan in order to leak the info to the council. I also agree that the Jedi will now think twice about taking orders from the republic now that they know they have to keep a watchful eye.
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