View Full Version : Vanair Maul Sharkan

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 04:47:42 PM
Full Name: Vanair Maul Sharkan

Nickname: Van

Species: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: June 7th

Home Planet: Corsucant

Current Location: Jedi Temple

Criminal Record: Had one once erased by the Empire

Honor Code: none

Vanair was raised by both of his parents. At the age of five he began to feel a calling or pull to somewhere. He knew not where at the time. He thought it was the call of adventure that he was to do more with his life. To carve his name into the stars. When he left Coruscant he found out how hard life is. To make ends meet he became a mercenary. He traveled all over the star systems serving the highest bidder. Until one day he was picked up by the Empire. They were the ones who truly taught him how to kill. How to assasinate people in there own homes. Then one day he was brought before the Emperor himself. The emperor told him of his family lineage how he was a decendant of Darth Maul. The emporer commanded his military movements from that moment on. He also told him that he needed to learn to control his emotions and that they would be a great aide to him someday. A few years Vanair left the service of the empire and faked his own death. A few days after he came upon a dying man dressed all in black on a backwater planet. The man gave him his double sided light saber before he died saying to use it well. A few months later found himself in the ranks of mercs hired by Jaba the Hutt. During one of his jobs Vanair came to the conclusion that he was a monster. He took the child he had just orphaned and left him with his grandparents. He then left to answer the call he had felt for most of his life and crossed the thresh-hold of the Jedi temple.