View Full Version : I'm back with a character that acualy makes sense this time!

Ognaj Fett
May 23rd, 2002, 02:23:41 PM
First there was Ron Thrawn. . .
Then there was Mhalbrecht Dalarsco. . .
Now there is Ognaj Fett! (Yes, it's suposed to be Jango backwards.)
Here is his life story:
He thinks he was born as the newphew of Jango Fett ans the Clone Wars came to a close. He followed his "cousin" Boba's life as a bounty hunter, and was mortified when he "died" on Tattooine. Deciding that the galaxy needed a Fett bounty hunter, he bought an old set of Mandalorian Armor off Holo-Bay and went to Tattooine.
There he took Slave I from where it had landed at Mos Eisly and began a flourishing bussiness hunting down people for money.
It has been said he is the best of all 3 Fetts.
The Truth about who is is that Darth Sidious wanted a completely loyal Sith Aprentice, so he had a new clone secretly created to lead the Clone Army against the draoids, and whichever army won would have it's leader as his aprentice.
The clone was infused with midi-clorians to make it strong in the force. The problem was that the midi-clorians caused the tampering with the clones genetic code to not work, so he was to be destroyed, and Anakin Skywalker a his new aprentice if the Clones won.
The cloner who was to destroy the your boy chose to instead put him with a family he knew who happened to have the last name of Fett. (They were unrelated to Jango.) He was raised to think he was the nephew of Jango, not a clone.

So how does this new Character sound?

May 23rd, 2002, 02:37:53 PM
As Samir would say: "It is horrible, this idea."

May 23rd, 2002, 02:40:32 PM
If I see him in my rear view mirror, will his name be Jango Ttef?

Just kidding.

I think the idea is really awesome. You should have him also know Yoda somehow...

Have the midi-chlorians that were infused into him be FROM Yoda, like stolen from him somehow--and that would explain how Yoda looks the way he does, because when they stole his Force, he was so infused with it that they also stole part of his LIFE ESSENCE, which shriveled him up and made him all green from all the photosynthesis happening on Dagobah. (He was there because he was training by himself--it foreshadows the fact he'll live there later.)

Ognaj can go to Dagobah then, and the story can continue from there.

Garet Andrys
May 23rd, 2002, 02:47:27 PM
I'm new, and my opinion means nothing.



Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 03:00:32 PM
Dude, if you have to relate that much story to introduce a character, that's a bit much.

Please, don't use that guy. I beg of you, it's semi-mooching, and that's almost as bad as mooching. I've seen things like this done; it's never pretty.

"Nothing good can come of this."

May 23rd, 2002, 03:17:19 PM
...he'll get there, and Yoda will want to fight him to get back his midi-chlorians. But Yoda will also be weaker, in the same way Superman is when he fights someone who has Kryptonite, for the same reasons...

The real tragedy will be that, when Ognaj shows mercy, and actually gives Yoda his midi-chlorians back, Yoda can't get those years of his life back, so he's stuck looking all shriveled up.

But as a reward, Yoda gives Ognaj a map to a place on Dagobah where midi-chlorians are generated through a sort of swamp-osmosis, and Ognaj can dive in and get his own Force powers…

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 03:21:34 PM
Heck, Neuro, just figure out a way to give him a Wookie arm while you're at it!

*Busts up laughing at Neuro's little rambles*

Miryan no Trunks
May 23rd, 2002, 03:34:49 PM
Always figured Yoda was small, green, and shrively, because his Species, when they get 700+ years old, looks small, green, and shrively =P

(assuming I remember correctly that he was over 800 years old by the original trilogy ˇ^_^)

May 23rd, 2002, 03:37:19 PM
"When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not, hmmm?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 23rd, 2002, 03:42:12 PM
I didn't understand a word of that bio thingy; sorry.

I also don't understand the difference between Catsup and Ketchup.

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 04:39:49 PM
there is a difference?!

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
May 23rd, 2002, 04:52:17 PM
That Yoda Shrivel Thing is intersting, but not accurate, becasue it's a species thing.
And how is this character "semi-mooching"?
Some people have made characters of actual SW cannon characters and not been talked to like this.
And it's not like he's an uber-character like my others.
Man, if the Yoda Idea was actualy accurate, I'd use that.

Keerrourri Feessaarro
May 23rd, 2002, 05:04:20 PM
The reason its insane is that your character would be too old to live.

If Sidious wanted a clone commander as his apprentice, he would have to skimp on his training, because the only way to get a clone to that kind of maturity would be through growth accelerants. Thus, the clone would be around 10 years old at the time of the Clone Wars, which are about 22 years before ANH, 25 years before RotJ, and approximately 15 years further, to guess at where our timeline exists. That is an age of 50 years. But to make matters worse, you have to take into account the clone's growth acceleration, which would make him closer to 100 in appearance.

Ognaj Fett
May 23rd, 2002, 05:19:16 PM
I said that the growth excelleration was inactive becasue of the Midi-Chlorians.
And a 50 year old who works out and takes care of himself is not to old to be a bounty hunter.

Marcus Telcontar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:47:04 PM

so since when does a character's backstory NEED to make sense? As long as you play the character well, I really dont care how it came about. You dont need to explain where you come from, you just need to play the chosen character well as far as I am concerned.

I'm quite sure there are a few people who are good players, whom if yu think about it, their background is illogical. So you have a Force sensitive Jango Fett type charatcer? Cool. Dont explain, just be and play well

Live Wire
May 23rd, 2002, 09:05:15 PM
*blink blink*

can we feed this character to the cizerack too?

Morgan Evanar
May 23rd, 2002, 10:53:18 PM
I'm quite sure there are a few people who are good players, whom if yu think about it, their background is illogical. So you have a Force sensitive Jango Fett type charatcer? Cool. Dont explain, just be and play well

Yes, and many people have done some re-writing because they weren't happy with how it played out.

You want to build a house on a solid foundation, yes? Anyway, I'm wasting my breath. Goodnight.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 24th, 2002, 02:27:25 PM
I agree.

I don't like all that funky backstory, and I just naturally don't like the idea of any bounty hunter being better than Boba Fett. Because I'm just that way... it's really nothing personal.

Besides, you can't steal Boba's ship, he uses that in the EU. Unless you're just going by the movies, in which case Boba DOES die, so nevermind.

Boba Fett
May 24th, 2002, 02:51:48 PM
There's one problem Ognaj Fett...Or Ronnie....Boba Fett is still alive...and every pretender he finds will meet his due.

By the way, you do not have Slave I in your presence.

*Presses button on controller, then nods.

Darth Lynch
May 24th, 2002, 03:05:09 PM
The one Fett I have ever seen do anything on these boards and be something was Reaper Fett.

Oddly enough other Fetts just never really last.


Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
May 24th, 2002, 03:28:31 PM
I thought he used Slave II in DE, and I know he used Slave IV in the Yoyr Jedi Knights book Shards of Aldaaran, so Slave I is up for grabs.

Sanis Prent
May 24th, 2002, 03:33:26 PM
He later gets Slave I back, I believe, so its decidedly not up for grabs.

Ognaj Fett
May 24th, 2002, 03:39:23 PM
Alright a little change to the story:
He bought and old police ship of the same type as Slave I and used all his knowledge of the original to make them almost identical, and called the new ship Slave I.V.
I would enjoy a Fett vs. Fett duel. Boba's experience would even out with my Force Sensitivity.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 24th, 2002, 03:44:46 PM
Slave II and Slave IV are indeed shown as being used by him. But the ship he uses right after he's mostly healed from his Sarlacc confrontation is the Slave I. It's in that Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy about Fett and Dengar, by K.W. Jeter.

Well, that works. I imagine it would turn out like the comic book Fett - Kast fight, only with a Force-adept Kast. ;)

Sanis Prent
May 24th, 2002, 04:30:05 PM
The man to ask for sure would be Boba Fett, I think.

Domini Leveresk
May 24th, 2002, 07:06:44 PM
I may be mistaken, but I haven't seen Boba Fett around here at all until now. If that's right, then Ognaj should be allowed Slave I. It's not fair that someone could show up after someone claimed it and say, "Nuh, uh, that's my ship."

As for the backround, I have two comments. My first is this: though clones do take growth enhancers/stimulators early in life, we don't know if they would still have an effect even when intake is stopped. For all we know, you might have to consistantly take them to age more quickly.

My second is that there are, indeed, a lot of charactors with somewhat poor backrounds. Mine particularily. For those of you with good memories, I used/continue to play Yomin Carr, who died early on in the NJO. This charactor, Domini, has as of yet absolutly no backround to show how he got the position he has. For this I have received no criticism.

May 24th, 2002, 07:11:05 PM
I get a fairly large list of results when I click search for posts by Boba Fett (nearly as large as your own list). They date back to when this board first opened on vBulletin.

Domini Leveresk
May 24th, 2002, 08:19:05 PM

May 24th, 2002, 08:20:05 PM
The little search buttons under user's names in posts can be handy. :)

Domini Leveresk
May 24th, 2002, 08:42:08 PM
New-fangled buttons. What next, smilies?


May 24th, 2002, 08:44:44 PM
Little buttons that let us see you through your monitor I suspect.

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
May 24th, 2002, 08:48:04 PM
I see people aren't reading.Midi-Chlorians block the growth enhancers.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 24th, 2002, 09:02:23 PM
Seeing me through my moniter? Believe me, you don't want to do that. I'm not a pretty sight when I get home from work.

Bloodshot eyes, sore feet, sometime nasty attitude, the whole nine yards

Mhalbrecht Dalarsco
May 25th, 2002, 07:04:14 AM
Believe me, if I realy could see through monitors, I would avoid yours like the plague!
j/k:D :p :lol

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2002, 02:39:40 PM
hehe; that's only on bad days, though.

Today was a good day; in fact, today was really really cool.

So Christopher Lee came into my bar today.............

Actually he didn't, but his twin did. I swear, this guy looked exactly like Lee; I wanted to call him Count Dooku so bad.