View Full Version : All Padawans: Contemplations of the Force

Sage Hazzard
May 23rd, 2002, 12:20:36 AM
Sage sat crosslegged at the end of double rows of Padawans. They had been going through simple sabre practices for under thirty minutes, but only to loosen their mind. After tapping into the Force through swordplay, Sage found it easier to have insight on it. He'd ordered them now to sit on the ground in front of him, facing each other but with space between. Uttering words now for the first time in quite a while, he closed his eyes.

"What is the Force?"

Sage opened one eye as he heard slight chuckling.

"Easy question. You all should know what it is by now. Correct?"

The class erupted in an unanimous "Yes, master!", as per the code of Master/Padawan relationship. They didn't truely have weight to their words. Sage closed his eyes as they spoke in unison, then, he cut them off.

"No, you don't," he growled out. "Not yet. To know what the Force is, is to know how it is to be used. Not to know what the origin or nature of it is. Do you know how it should be used?"

The class erupted again in "Yes, Master!", but with less eagerly delivered impact. Sage again growled.

"No, you don't."

The class could have murmered, if they felt they were allowed to question their Master. But their feelings were felt by Sage, and he knew their confusion. Opening his eyes now, he spoke in a easy tone.

"I shall tell you a story."

The Jedi Master now closed his eyes again. He often did so when deep in thought. Although strain didn't show on his face, his mind churned deep.

"You are being sent to your death by vile Huttese. They wish to hover you over a Sarlacc pit and send you to your death. However, the merceneries on the hoverboat taking you, are the only ones beside yourself. A sudden change happens as the boat approaches. It hits some unknown obstace and goes out of control. Your captures are sent to their death in the Sarlacc pit and you are sent over the side as well. Your hands and legs are bound, and unbreakable. You have no Lightsabre or weapon. As you fall, you see your salvation. You clamp your teeth on the bottom landing strut. There you are, hovering over a sarlacc pit, the hoverboat half over the edge."

Sage smiles as he reaches the end of his story.

"Travelers arrive. They say they are soon to die of hunger. They ask you where food is. To answer you must release your clamp on the strut, sending you to your death. However, if you do not speak, these people may die. What do you do?"

Sage opened his eyes, looking over the class.

OOC - All Padawans may join. However, only Padawans with a good knowledge of the Force. Someone that has been around long enough to know the basics. Maybe a Padawan who's Master has gone AWOL. A Padawan who has a Master, but wants to learn as much as possible. Or a Masterless Padawan that has completed Xazor's basic training thread.

Oh, and for this thread, I'm assuming you're here. Just post saying you've been there. Easier and we can move along. If you join up, but the thread has moved along before you can join in, just play catch-up. Write what you said and did in the past, and follow it to the present. :)

Azhure Darkstone
May 23rd, 2002, 01:39:05 AM
::Azhure listened to the story, it was about jedi values as well, and mostly about making choices, to save yourself or the others. Her mind was sharp but she was still unsure. Either way she knew she should speak up, right or wrong. THis lesson went against all the earlier values but new once were replacing old and she looked at Sage, catching his attention. Though unsure, she still spoke with complete assurance by habit::

The jedi must save the others, and sacrifice him/herself. It is putting yourself before others, doing good with your power.

Sage Hazzard
May 24th, 2002, 12:34:18 AM
Sage didn't say a word or show expression in return. He simply waited for any other input.

"Do not hold your tounge. All views can be expressed here without judgement."

May 24th, 2002, 02:24:16 AM
OOC: Can you join the class if your taking part in Xazors too?

D'Mourning Orb
May 24th, 2002, 10:21:01 PM
D'Mourning sat close to Sage. He decided to "speak up".

I would tell them telepathically through the force where the food was, and then try to save myself--later, in due time, so to speak.

He paused for a split second and added, But, being myself.. not knowing the ways of the force very well--not enough to
tell them where the food was telepathically, anyway... I would..

He took a moment to think about it and signed as though thoughts were literally escaping his mind.

.. I would hang on. Because... if I die--although this might sound selfish... I am actually neglecting my duties as a Jedi--am I not? I mean to help people is part of being a Jedi.. the benevolence (credit: Sage) of the heart--and.. mind is important.
I am not trying to discount that for a moment.. nor would I ever attempt to, but... for me to commit--suicide in order to help.. a few people... doesn't that make me guilty hubris, to a certain extent. Must not we all swallow our pride, from time to time--when it matters the very most.

He shook his head.

If I help those people.. I die... that is a great sacrifice... But, would not a sacrifice of dedicating my life to... not just all others, but a greater good entirely... is not that the best way to approach... our lives, entirely?

He put his hands on his knees, beside himself in thought.

If I help them, the starving individuals... I am, in affect--only adding to their eventual demise, am I not?

He shook his head.

I am but--one man, I know... But, we all--together. We are
the means with which will fed all others.. desire to live. As Jedi, must not we strive for excellence, and in the process, from time to time--be forced to sacrifice even.. lives... in order to obtain the greatest good? Peace... freedom--throughout the universe?

Sage Hazzard
May 25th, 2002, 12:58:48 AM
D'Mourning had a somewhat controversal view. However, Sage was of like mind. Not wanting to alienate other Padawans, who had views he respected, he kept his smile inward.

No one spoke, so he looked to a Padawan. It was a forced volunteering act.

"Oriadin? Any thoughts?"

OOC - Sure. Left it open for you, Oriadin.

Anyone with enough Force knowledge to be able to formulate views on Jedihood, can post. However, if you've just joined, it's likely your character shouldn't post because he/she wouldn't know enough to partake in a "expanding" class like this. Oriadin, I believe follows under the accepted requirements. But, to others, try and use common sense. If you've been here a day, you shouldn't join in. If you've been here a week, it should be okay if you've recieved some form of formal training.

Also, Xazor's and mine are partner or "sister" course so to speak. She gets you going, and I mold you where you can think as a Jedi. Of course, freedom of thought should be expressed. This is just a guidance tour, not how you "have" to behave. Right now, I'm going to pose multiple riddles.

May 26th, 2002, 07:32:30 AM
Oriadin was contemplating the answer when he heard his name called out. Master Hazzard asked him what his thoughts were. Oriadin began to feel warm and slightly embarased. He didnt feel as if he was anywhere near the abilities of the others in the room but being one who didnt shy away from responsibility he gave it a shot.

--Its a touch choice. On the one hand you have to do your duty as a Jedi to protect the innocent. These travelers are in need of your help. On the other hand, as D'Mourning said it may be for the greater good that you live. I personally belive there has to be another way out of this situation without giving yourself up and without putting the travelers lives in jeprody. I really dont know what though.--

Oriadin seemed a little disapointed in his answer. He looked forward to what others had to say though as Oriadin realised he has much to learn.

Sage Hazzard
May 26th, 2002, 04:33:03 PM
Sage smiled and nodded.

"Ah, you all have much to learn. You overlooked common sense."

The Jedi Master hopped to a stance. He began pacing up and down the row as he spoke.

"The sarlacc pic symbolises the Dark Side, the hover boat is the Light Side. The travelers are distractions, trying to stray you from the path, into danger. Think, my young Padawans, what are these travelers doing? Who in their right mind asks a man, handing from his teeth, where food is? A little more than inconsiderate, if you ask me. Also, they do not offer to help you.... You must consider what their intentions are before acting. Then, you will find you must fight for your survival."

The Jedi Master smiled. "Think outside the box, my budding Jedi. Each circumstance will pose different questions to be answered. You must look at each in it's own light. For what it truely is."

He then sat, now at the other end of the row.


May 26th, 2002, 04:44:11 PM
Oriadin had a bigger look of disapointment on his face than he did a second ago. Oriadin did think it was strange that they would ask him to speak, knowing that it would send him to death. He felt stupid for not thinking that they themsleves were trying to lead you to danger. Oriadin looked up to sage

--It was too obvious I guess. If my mind was clear I think I would have got it. you can think about something to much. Sometimes the answer is stareing you right in the face. .--

May 29th, 2002, 09:43:11 AM
Oriadin sat still then took a look to his left, then a look to his right. Would anyone else have something to say?

Jun 7th, 2002, 02:57:13 AM
ooc: Is this going any further?