View Full Version : World Stopped Cold At Dawn (open spar)
D'Mourning Orb
May 22nd, 2002, 11:08:01 PM
It was five o'clock in the morning. A shapeless figure moved
in perpetual darkness.
White light swept through the training ground. A coffee found it's place in the corner, half full, cooling to meet room temperature.
Thirty minutes passed. The coffee cup was empty. The robes
had come off of D'Mourning's back. His white undershirt was
dripping with sweat. A V-line of moisture was appearant.
Abruptly, he broke from his still state. A lightsaber, already fixed
in his grip, ignited. For the next fifteen minutes, D'Mourning acted out a sort of self simulated training.
Bendng over to his knees, he gasped for air. His lungs were burning. His heart was pounding. The last hour of mediocre lightsabre play had exhausted him.
It was six o'clock. The sun broke over the horizon; and a slowly
rejuvenating D'Mourning Orb eyed the door, hoping for another Jedi to enter. Competition.
Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 10:36:05 PM
Xazor stepped through the doorway of the Academy. Her red robes flowed like ocean waves behind her, and with each step, her Garou Warrior braids swayed, the golden coins claning together gently. She did not look up, but kept her eyes on the ground as she walked until she suddenly stopped about ten feet from D'Mourning.
We never finished our last spar.....actually....we never began....
She spoke in his mind, smiling warmly as she anticipated giving him a challenge. She removed her cloak and threw it across the room to land by the wall, revealing her black pants and white halter top....and a full regime of weapons. A sword was strapped to her back and on her belt was her duel-phased lightsaber, three throwing knives, two daggers, and a rail gun. On each thigh were her prized blasters in their leather holsters. Smiling to herself, she removed the weapons belt and unclipped the saber from it.....she then removed the sword and the blasters. She lifted the stack of weapons with her mind and gently laid them next to her cloak with the Force. Her finger then slipped over the ignition button on her saber, and two blue beams shot forth from each end.
Are you ready?
She spoke in his mind once again as she moved into a defensive stance. Her saber was at waist level and parallel to the ground....and she was prepared.
D'Mourning Orb
May 24th, 2002, 11:51:41 PM
D'Mourning's jaw dropped. He re-attached his LS to his belt.
I cannot fight you.
He shook his head.
No--disrespect intended... I cannot.... I do not fight women. I know you are a Jedi, and you are a Jedi Knight... You are mightier than me... but... I just--could never touch a woman in a harmful manner.... I could not live with myself... and especially not you....
I could not bare--to ever cause you a single ounce of pain.
His head swam for he did not know what else to say.
OOC: No disrepect to you or your character. D'Mourning could just never hit a woman.
Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 12:00:49 AM
Xazor lofted a brow and walked up to him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and forced his eyes to her own.
Really....what's going on, because.....nobody else has a problem with this. Trust me, you cannot cause me pain. Not only am I good at blocking it out, I am Garou...I heal quickly...this is only practice...and besides...I'm better than you, lighten up a bit....
She said the last part jokingly, knowing that he coud pose a good challenge for her. She was tough and did not understand why this was so difficult for him.
ooc: None taken...but Xaz is the type to press an issue so you won't get away so quickly. :lol And in her eyes...she isn't just a woman, she's a tough as nails warrior who'll take anything. :D
D'Mourning Orb
May 25th, 2002, 07:40:54 PM
D'Mourning shook his head.
No. I am sorry. I will not under any circumstances fight you... You have to understand that.... I cannot make you.
D'Mourning paused, searching for the right words to say.
I am sorry to sound so brash, but..... I could never fight a woman.... That is who I am..... Please--respect that... Raising
a hand to a lady-- ould put a severe scar upon my conscious for the rest of my days..... It is not so much a matter of hurting you, but it is the intent involved.
Nyth Galanos
May 25th, 2002, 08:04:37 PM
A new trainee of the Force, Nyth Galanos, walked into a room to find a peculiar situation. Master Dawnstrider wished to engage another Jedi in a spar. The Jedi declined repeatedly, he wouldn't fight Master Xazor because she was female. Nyth supressed his amusement and walked towards the two.
"Master Xazor...he shot a look of inquiry at the other Jedi"
"D'Mourning Orb"
Nyth bowed and then turned to Xazor again.
"Since (Master, Padawan?) wishes not to fight you, may I train with you?"
Nyth reached out with the Force and gave a message to Xazor
"Master Xazor, I know that I am not your Padawan, but I would be very grateful for a training session"
Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 08:23:30 PM
Xazor was shocked when Nyth came into the Academy. She was just about to say something to D'Mourning, but the Padawan spoke first. She turned to him and bowed in respect.
"Greetings my may train with me."
She said with a gentle smile. She then turned to D'Mourning and forced a smile.
"I'm sorry you don't wish to fight me...that's fine. I respect your wishes, but I don't see why you're using every chance to push me away....I'm sorry. Let's go Nyth...."
She said and turned from D'Mourning. With a sigh, she walked over to the wall and put her cloak back on, as well as the rest of her weapons. It was odd to her....he was willing to fight her a while back, but now it was different.....and so was everything else. She smiled at Nyth's Force message and nodded his way. can train with me anytime. I only have a few Padawans now....I guess a few have lost interest in training and have left...leaving me with...about four. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt if I took you too. You show great interest and it does my heart good to see that.
She spoke in his mind. She motioned for him to follow her then.
"Let's go somewhere else..."
She said softly. Perhaps the jungle would be their best bet.....away from the noise of the Academy, just away from.....everything. She did not wish to be around people who pushed her away constantly. It seemed the only ones who wished to be with her lately were her students. They brought her much joy, she couldn't complain.
Nyth Galanos
May 25th, 2002, 09:09:16 PM
Nyth faltered for a moment. Had he heard correctly? Was Master Xazor really considering him for a Padawan? He did not know for sure but regained his stature. And followed her
"Thank you..."
Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 09:17:28 PM
Xazor looked back at him and smiled.
"You're quite welcome..."
She said as they left the Academy....and headed for the best training spot: the jungle.
ooc:perhaps we should start a new thread? :)
D'Mourning Orb
May 25th, 2002, 11:19:30 PM
Her words cut like a knife. D'Mourning's heart has filled with distain. He was not pushing her away. He was never pushing her away. If anything he wanted Xazor closer to him. The situation began to move him to tears. But he fought them, deciding instead to swallow the lump in his throat.
After several moments of reflection, D'Mourning unclipped the hilt of his LS from his belt and threw it on the floor of the dojo. As he approached the exit, D'Mourning picked up his coffee cup in exaggerated fashion. His shoulders flinched to hurl it at the dojo wall at first, but he digressed, deciding against it. He would shatter the mug in his own kitchen sink instead.
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